Last Chapter - Prepare for agnst.

Shino was behind a tree, at the spot he had told both Hinata and Naruto to meet. He attempts to remain hidden from the roads sight as he watches the spot with more intensity then is necessary.

He was filled with the fear the Hinata would not come. Last nights actions lay in his head like an anchor, the nightmare never-ending its repetitive cycle, sucking him dry and making him flinch.

What on earth had he been thinking!?

Shino had no idea. He could not even rationalise what he had done with logic. He could not even place it with a theory he had created. Shino had simply acted on impulse.

And Shino never acts on impulse.

So the question is…why had he done that? What had made him?

Shino refused to believe it was that thing which he was feeling, that cursed emotion that was known to detroy as much as it healed. It seems absurd. He was Shino, not Lee, not Kiba, not Shikamaru, and defiantly not Naruto. He was not like any other boy. He could not possibly be hit with the disease; he could not be caught in its trap.

Shino was too young to die; and too smart to fall.

"Oi! Shino!"

He flinches at the familiar voice and prays it is his subconscious being cruel to him. He prays he is insane and hallucinating. He turns around from his position to find his eyes meeting the familiar blue, a shock of blonde hair just above.

"Shino, why are you behind a tree? I thought we were supposed to meet in front of it." Says the ever to familiar Uzumaki Naruto. For the first time in his life, Shino understands why people call him the knucklehead ninja.

Shino stares, trying to hold back the intense frustration he is feeling at this time. Only Naruto could ruin his perfect plan. Only Naruto could actually come early to a 'meeting' with Shino for the first time in his life, and cause the entire operation to crumble. He was supposed to come the same time as Hinata, Naruto was supposed to have a reunion with her in which he realised his feelings and she told him hers.

Shino cursed. Could nothing go right anymore!?

"Ma! Now we're both here, what did you want to talk to me about, Shino?" Naruto grins.

Normally, Shino would have remained silent. Normally, Shino would have said something confusing, something difficult, something Naruto would have to unravel slowly…like a spiders web.

But lately, Shino hadn't been acting like he was supposed to. Lately, Shino was acting strange...random. He was not following his pattern at all, and so it was no surprise to him when he asked Naruto, plainly and simply, "How do you feel about Hinata?"

Naruto blushed, "Hinata-chan? I…well…since yesterday…"

"Do you like her?" Shino asks, turning around fully to face him.

"I…I don't…know…"

Shino frowned, "What do you mean 'you don't know?'"

"I don't…I don't know if I like her…um…like that."

Shino stared at him. He did not understand. Shino had thought that when he knew of her feelings for him, Naruto would fall for Hinata. Shinocould not understand anyone not loving Hinata (apart from him, of course). She was kind, she was modest, she was beautiful, to Shino…well…well, it just made sense to love her.

And Naruto wasn't sure. And he should be.

Shino felt himself becoming angry…no, furious. It was not fair that he was 'not sure' if he loved her. She had loved him forever. She had people who cared for her more then he did, who could love her better than him. It was not fair she was saving herself for a boy who…who…who was not sure!

Naruto was keeping her to himself, and that was not fair.

"What?" Shino's voice shakes.

"Well I mean…I don't…feel the way I do about Sakura…" Naruto continues, "But…I…there's sort of something else…" he looks at him and gives a nervous laugh, "I don't…know what though."

"Hinata deserves more then that." Says Shino.

"I know."

"Can you give it to her?" Asks Shino, who is getting more and more frustrated at Naruto's attitude.

"I…I…I don't know."

And at that, Shino snaps. Naruto should know. Naruto has her, she is his, and he doesn't know. What gave him that right? What gave him the right to not be sure? What gave him the right to have Hinata? What? What? What?

He can't help it. He raises his fist, his knuckles crack, and with all his power he propels his arm.

And smacks it into the tree behind him.

Shino was losing it. Shino was going insane. Shino did not punch people. Shino did not act like this. He was acting strange...and he knew why.


"Shi – Shino!" says Naruto.

"You don't deserve her." The words are out before he can think.

"I…I…" Naruto looks away, "No…I don't."

This was not the answer he was expecting. Shino feels himself loosen, the tension falling from between his shoulders. He turns around, and he looks Naruto in the eye.

He is about to speak again, but a noise from the road causes both to stop and turn around. Shinolooks on the road and sees a figure walking down it. She is wearing a dress that is lilac that just brushes her knees. Shino notes that Kiba made a good choice. Well, there's a first time for everything.

Her hair is down. She walks carefully and slowly and gracefully. She is nervous. She is beautiful. She is Hinata.

"Hinata…" Naruto whispers, and as Shino looks at him through his glasses, his eyes land on Naruto's face, and Shino feels his stomach form a ball of black, and his heart almost cease to beat.

Naruto loves her.

Shino can see it.

Even if the blonde boy does not see it yet, Shino does. Shino can see it clearer than anything he has ever seen in his life. Shino knows(though he wishes he doesn't) that Naruto likes…no, Naruto loves her.

"Yes, you do." Says Shino. Naruto looks at him, puzzled, but Shino speaks again before he can question him, "You should go and talk to her."

Naruto looks at him, his eyes are nervous, "Are…are you sure?"


Naruto gulps and steps out from where they were hiding. Shino hears Hinata give a gasp of surprise. He watches from his position as Naruto comes close to her, a nervous hand behind his head.

Part of him wants to go out there and grab Naruto. Part of him wants to punch him in the face. Part of him wants to ruin the moment by jumping out of his position and destroying the reunion. Part of him wants to see the happily ever after not happen.

But another part, a bigger part, wants to see Hinata give that smile she only gives when she is around Naruto. Part of him wants to see her laugh that way she only laughs when she is around him. Part of him wants…no, needs to see her happy.

No matter the consequence.

And so, ignoring the pain in his chest, Shino makes himself comfortable and leans against the tree and watches the two lovers talk, as two tales unfold right in front of him.

A romance, and a tragedy.

"Shino!" says a loud whisper by his ear. A wet nose pushes itself into his hand.

Shino flinches and glances at the infuriating dog-boy, "you're late."

"No, they're early" Says Kiba. Shino cannot argue with that.

He takes position at Shino's side, "Ma, has Hinatatold him her feelings yet?" Shino looks at him, and can see the poorly hidden pain in his eyes.

Make that two tragedies.

"No." says Shino, watching the two as they laugh absently together. He can see the blush on Naruto's cheeks, as well as Hinata's. His heart tweaks painfully.

"Oh…when will she, do you think?"

"She doesn't have to, he already knows," says Shino, who cannot be bothered keeping it from Kiba any longer, "I told Naruto she loves him."

"you WHAT?!" Kiba's yell caused Shino to jump. He looked at the two lovers – they had not noticed anything.

Shino lowered his voice further, "I told Naruto about Hinata's feelings…"

Kiba sat back, "and…and what did he say?"

"He loves her too." Shinosays, and he can't help it – he speaks with venom. He sighs and whipes his forehead, "though he doesn't deserve her," he says, in almost a whisper.

Kiba stares at him, mouth open.


"You love her."

Shino turned away, "don't be ridiculous."

"You love her!" Kiba grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, his face right in front of Shino's, "You do, don't you?"

Shino opened his mouth, but did not reply. He told himself that it was because he was above such things, that he did not need to deny it.

The truth, though, was different, completely different.

"If you love her, then why don't you stop her? Tell her, Shino, for God's sake!" Kiba heaved him up, "You have to tell her, Shino, go out there, now, before Naruto says anything to her, tell her, do something!"

Shino did nothing.

Kiba swore, but removed his hand from Shino's collar. "You love her!"

"So do you." Shino replied, because he can not bear to say anything else, no, not just yet. He turns away again, taking position by the tree.

"You love her." Kiba said, and there was no anger, no happiness, no reproach. It was a statement, a fact, the truth.

Shino could not repute facts. He spent his life proving them, creating theories. To deny one was unspeakable.

"Hai." He replied.

Kiba smiled that ever to familar broken smile, "me too."

Shino is glad he is wearing glasses. The two watched as Naruto and Hinata stood together under the tree.

Shino watched as Naruto said something, and she gave a laugh. Naruto laughed himself, and the two fell into silence.

Shino watched as Naruto held out his hand.

Shino watched as she blushed.

Shino watched, and Shino knew, most truly, that Hinata was in completely and utterly in love, and he knew that, also, Naruto loved her back.

Shino could not help but smile.

The rule was not right, and, Shino realised, no rule would ever be right. Love was too unpredictable, love had no rule, no trend, love just happened. Hinata had gotten her happy ending. Naruto had gotten his.

All people who fall truly in love with someone end up with them eventually, and when they do, it will be a fairytale ending for them both.

Sakura had Sasuke. TenTen had Neji. Ino had Shikamaru, and now, Hinata had Naruto.

Everyone had their happy endings, but, for some reason, there was still an exception.



Author Ending Note

You hate me, don't you? I'm sorry, really, I KNOW so many of you wanted a kibahina, or a shinohina, but...I always had it planned out to end like this. That's why it was under agnst, people! I'm so sorry. I hope you liked it, regardless...I myself like this ending, because I'm not a romantic and don't believe in happy endings.

At least...not for everyone. Besides! Shino is a player! He can't be tied down to one girl, right? Right? Okay...that was low, but the point remains!! I am currently taking pairingsfrom people for other if you want to get me back you can, if you want. No pairing is too strange.(seriously, it isn't - I sort of ship Hinata/Gai, so...well, you get the idea)

To all who reviewed: Thanks so much, you all made me really happy, you know that, don't you? This was a make or break fanfiction story for me, and thanks to you all I really want to continue with writing it. I usually cannot commit at all, and here I am with a story that has plot, finished! Maybe I can make it in this buisness!

I'd really like to thank the following people, because they've really made me want to continue this story (I wanted to quit after 3rd chapter xD!) so BIG thanks to PersianLady, Shloop! dark-emo-gal, causeiambetter, Kinkatia and HinataMorningStar- you guys really made me smile, and you made me happy, so THANKS! -lovelovelove-

I hope you liked it, love forever

Chickenwire (who has just finished her first ever chapter story!!)