Chapter 1
It was an ordinary day for Ned Bigby. He was sitting at his usual desk next to Cookie in World History, the most boring class on earth. It was Tuesday December 18th, only 3 days more days until winter break, which excited Ned and his friends. He was going to have his annual Christmas party that he knew all his friends were looking forward too. As if reading his mind Cookie quietly spoke:
"So about the Christmas party…" He said stretching out his legs and leaning back in his seat, grinning cockily. "Are you, me and Moze still exchanging gifts?"
Ned looked at him like he was crazy. "Of course!" He whispered back.
"Well I was wondering…" Cookie began again still grinning.
This can't be good. Ned thought.
"What are you getting Moze?"
Ned blushed at the mention of her name.
"I don't know I haven't thought about it yet." He lied.
Truthfully he had been worrying about it for days.
"Liar!" Cookie shot back, amused at the look of terror on Ned's face.
"What makes you think I'm lying?" Ned asked.
"Oh give it up Ned. Everyone knows you like her!" Cookie said trying to break the news to Ned gently; he had to find out sooner or later.
"Who?" Ned asked playing dumb.
"You know who!" Cookie answered.
"Do not."
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
It was very childish he knew, but that didn't stop either of them.
"Fine you win, I do!" Ned whispered loudly, annoyed.
"A-ha I knew it!" Cookie smirked.
"But how did you know?" Ned asked confused, he thought he had been really good at keeping his feelings to himself.
"I figured it out last year when you made her that pot thing." Cookie said laughing quietly.
Ned started laughing too. It was pretty funny he had to admit. The pot was supposed to have been shaped like a heart, but it was more box shaped with a terrible glaze job. In all honesty it was the most horrible looking thing he had ever seen let alone created. He had silently vowed to plan ahead this year, and this time he had actually followed through.
The bell rang and the two of them got up from their seats. Ned slung his backpack over his shoulder and Cookie did the same, as they walked out of the classroom together.
"So what is it that you're going to get her this year?" Cookie asked Ned as they walked down the hallway towards Ned's locker.
"I don't know something special and unique. I've been saving up my money." He said proudly.
Cookie smiled, he knew Ned was terrible with money. He also knew this meant he was really making an effort to get something really amazing for Moze.
"I want to get her the best present ever!" He said unloading some of the books from his bag and putting them in his locker. In return grabbling new books for his afternoon classes.
"Get who the best present ever?" Moze asked, surprising both Ned and Cookie as she stood there leaning up against Ned's locker door.
"Um…Um…uh…" Ned stuttered at a complete loss for words.
"The best present ever for his mom of course!" Cookie said covering for him.
"Right…" Moze responded curiously, wondering who the present was really for.
"What don't you believe us?" Ned asked coyly, his words coming back to him in a complete rush.
He punched her gently in the arm.
She looked from Cookie to Ned who were both smiling stupidly.
"You guys are up to something!" She said.
Ned just smiled, leaving that as his only response.
"Fine. I'll buy it for now, but I'll figure it out eventually. Right now I have to get to woodshop. I'll see you two later." She said now walking off, Leaving Ned watching her go, awed by her beauty.
"We have exactly 2 minutes!" Cookie said looking at his newly synchronized watch.
"Yeah uh-huh" Ned said dreamily.
"2 MINUTES!" Cookie cried loudly, dragging a love struck Ned through the halls.
"I've got it! I know what I'm going to get Moze for Christmas!" He said excitedly just as they entered their geometry class.
Everyone in the classroom was looking at him now.
"Did I say that out loud?" Ned asked Cookie.
"Yup!" Cookie said responding, but not really paying much attention to what Ned was saying.
He followed Cookie's stare to see Lisa waving him over.
"Right! Go sit by her its fine." Ned told him encouragingly, patting him on the back.
Cookie sat down next to Lisa and Ned scanned the room for a seat. The only empty desk was next to Suzie Crabgrass. He sat down hesitantly, knowing this could be uncomfortable territory.
"Hi Ned!" She said perkily. "How has your day been?"
"Just fine!" He responded back in an equally perky voice.
"So I heard about your trouble with finding Moze a present." Suzie said still smiling.
"Oh no I know what I'm going to get her now!" Ned said confused.
"Sorry right that's what I meant, as you so bluntly stated to all of us." She said annoyance in her tone. But she continued smiling none the less.
He blushed slightly.
"Okay so where are you going with this?" Ned asked still confused at Suzie's mentioning Moze and the Christmas gift he was planning for her.
"Well just between you and me." Suzie said leaning in closer to Ned. "I heard that Moze likes Loomer."
"LOOMER?" Ned asked shocked. "Moze would never like Loomer!"
"Well she does!" Suzie responded matter of factly.
"How do you know?" Ned asked.
It's not like Moze and Suzie share there inner most secrets. Ned thought to himself.
"I have my sources." Suzie said confidently.
For the remainder of the period Ned could hardly concentrate as the teacher droned on and on about the different types of angles and their degrees. All Ned could think about was what Suzie had said. There was no way Moze could like Loomer? Could she? He asked himself.
Ned sat across form Moze hardly saying more than one word to her for most of the lunch period. How could she like Loomer? He kept wondering. Cookie sat next to him and Lisa was on his left. Next to Moze was Coconut Head, on her right and Martin, on her left. Cookie and Lisa were chatting pleasantly and so were Martin and Coconut Head. But Ned couldn't bring himself to talk especially to Moze. He was angry as Hell.
He picked at his food for a while, not really in the mood for eating. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Moze watching him.
"So what's the deal?" She finally asked him. "You've barely said one word to me, and you've barely touched you're food."
"What's the deal?" Ned asked standing up from his chair. "The deal is you like Loomer!" He shouted angrily.
Everyone stopped their conversations to look at a now very angry Ned.
"Loomer?" Moze asked baffled.
From behind her Loomer turned around and waved at Moze. A look of longing on his face.
"Are you insane?" Moze asked him after Ned finally sat back down. "Why would you think such a thing?"
"Suzie told me." He replied.
"Suzie? Ha-ha! Wait… you really believed her?" She asked
"Uh-huh," Ned said nodding shamefully.
"Sometimes I wonder about you Ned Bigby!" She said laughing as she reached over and tussled his hair a bit.
"Very funny!" He said Smiling.
Moze smiled back. At that moment Ned forgot about everything and everyone but him and Moze as they stared at each other, their smiles frozen.
A: N I'm back and I'm so excited to continue this new Christmas story! I hope everybody liked the first chapter. There's more to come. So keep reading!! Please review!! I was amazed at all the reviews I got from the Journal! Thanks to all who reviewed! Hope you all enjoy my newest story!