It was two o'clock in the morning, and Angie was up watching her favorite movie, of course, Freddy vs. Jason, and eating popcorn. This would seem like maybe a usual teenager, maybe age 17. The thing is she was not a usual teenager. She had dirty blonde hair. She was, though, very quiet, sometimes even embarrassingly quiet.

Angie was not like her other friends, because she was the only one of them that watched horror movies every Friday night by themselves. She was the only one who knew, and told them, the names of any horror movie that someone would mention, but be stumped by the name of the movie. She was the only one whose favorite three fictional characters were Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, and Jason Voorhees. She was the only one who didn't almost wet herself because someone jumped out of a closet and killed a person in a sick or gruesome way. The reason for this is, she is 12.

Angie also always drew whenever she had the chance, but what she would draw would be pictures of Freddy, Michael, Jason, and any other horror character you could imagine. She would make them in comics, or just draw them, standing there, looking happy. Her friends may have not seen the movies, but they knew who they were because of this. Sometimes, even, at her friend's requests, she would draw them as girls, dogs, cats, and, even once, mice. Her friends also came up with the idea that Angie and they should be put in some of the comics with the three killers. One of her friends, Chloe, in particular, said that Freddy, Michael, and Jason wouldn't kill her, because she made them all the time. All of her friends once mentioned at a party she had at her house that they were "friends", the killers and her, which, whenever Angie thought about it, made her laugh.

Anyways, she sat there watching the movie until it came to an end. She yawned and walked over to the DVD player, took the movie out, and put it in its case. She was really tired because she had seen four other movies that night. Thankfully, that didn't bother her.

Angie was thinking about her friends saying the things about Freddy, Michael, and Jason, also thinking about the comics and everything like that that she had drawn. She was also thinking "What would it really be like if I met them?"

She laid down in her bed, covered herself with the vast comforter she had, and quickly fell asleep.