AN: Hi again people! I finally got time to type a chapter because I had a field trip today which meant no homework! YAY! Anyways… I'll shut up so that you can read. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the hot chocolate that I'm drinking. But it's almost gone, so I don't own it anymore… dang it.
Chapter 1: Alone
(Insert from New Moon)
Finally, I tripped over something- it was black now. I had no idea what caught on my foot- and I stayed down. I rolled onto my side, so that I could breath, and curled up on the wet bracken.
As I lay there, I had a felling more time was passing than I realized. I couldn't remember how long it had been since nightfall.
(End insert)
Eventually, I heard some leaves rustling, and twigs snapping. I lifted my head slightly, and I turned towards the stand. There was a quick flash of white before it disappeared once again.
"Edward?" I called out, hoping that he had come back. Had he really changed his mind? Instead of his voice, I heard a short, bitter laugh. I shrunk away from the sound. This was NOT good.
Then, the vampire stepped out of the woods, almost making me gasp. It was Victoria.
"Oh, I'm sorry Bella," she spat my name, as if it burned her tongue. "Am I not your precious Edward?"
I chose not to reply. What did she want with me anymore? Edward didn't love me. Why couldn't she just leave me alone? I looked down, away from her crimson eyes.
"Oh, what's wrong? Did Eddie leave you?" She said it sarcastically, as if she wasn't sure it was true. That hit a nerve. I winced and curled back up on the bracken. Why couldn't she just leave? I meant nothing to Edward anymore.
I heard her laugh. "I knew it," she said. "No vampire could love a human," she scoffed. "Oh shoot, there goes my fun. Now what should I do with you?"
She was silent for a minute as she debated. Then, she snapped her fingers, having decided. "I've got it. You are the next best thing to get my revenge on. And a few minutes of pain is not nearly enough. Eternity is a much better punishment.
Then, I felt her grab my arm and yank, pulling me out of my ball. "No," I whispered. "Just kill me, please." She didn't even hesitate as she brought her head to my exposed neck, ignoring my pleas.
Then she bit down. After a few seconds, the fire began. I thrashed around, but Victoria held me tightly as she kept her girp on my neck. My vision began to blur, then became dotted with black spots.
The last thing I was aware of was Victoria pulling back and then dropping me. I blacked out as I hit the ground.
For three days I suffered. The fire consumed me, with no sign of letting up. Suddenly, the pain flared sickeningly before stopping altogether. For the first time in three days I opened my eyes and sat up. Everything was magnified now. I saw every vein on every leaf.
Every speck of dirt. But there was one thing that I could have seen even without my enhanced vision. I was alone.
I looked down at the puddle that my hand was sitting in. Looking back at me were 2 topaz eyes, set on a sad face. It didn't even occur to me that my eyes should be either ruby, crimson, or black.
There was a small pool of my blood. I quickly dipped my hand in it and smeared it on a nearby tree, trailing my hand down it and along the bracken. Then I put scrath marks like that of a bear. I was faking my own death.
Soon, it looked like it actually had been a bear attack. Then I turned and ran. Away from Charlie, away from everything I had ever known.
And most importantly; Away from my life.
AN: so there is the first chapter of Hear Me. This is pretty much setting up for the story so that you know what happened. I will try to update ASAP. The more reviews, the faster I update!