
Summary: Bleach Naruto crossover. Warning! Possible spoilers for some who haven't watched ahead in Bleach and Naruto. When Byakuya can't be healed by the 4th squad, the 4th squad leader, Retsu Unohana, has an idea and leaves to the real world in Japan. There, she kidnaps Sakura and brings her back to the Soul Society to heal Byakuya. From there, things only get weirder. With Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Lee, Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Gaara and Temari all there, the Soul Society might never recover, especially when crushes develop that might crush the crushers and enrage the crushees and yes, that was confusing.

Disclaimer: I don't on Naruto or Bleach, but I do own the plot so HA!!





Soul Society, Sōkyoku Hill


"His wounds aren't healing!"

"He's losing too much blood!!" Rukia watched the 4th squad rush to her brother in an attempt to make his severe bleeding stop. She felt an over-whelming guilt that this was all her fault. If she hadn't given her powers to Ichigo, he would be living a normal life, she wouldn't have been almost executed, therefore putting Ichigo and Renji in danger when they tried to save her and Byakuya wouldn't have been wounded deeply to the heart and would not be drowning in his own blood.

"Unit Four, we need more assistance! Go recruit units 2, 6 and 7." Captain Unohana stood by, watching, knowing it was useless. Even she could not help Kuchiki Byakuya now. She had tried, and then had handed over the job after having been exhausted. Her eyes narrowed at the slowly dying figure of Byakuya. He was strong, and struggling for more time. They had to work fast. She had heard of a place called Konoha, and residing in it a very skilled medic. It was in the living world but she had to try.

"Isane, I'm leaving for a while." Unohana said calmly as she turned and started to leave.

"B-but taijou (captain), we might need-"

"No Isane, you can help them. I will return shortly with help." Isane hesitated then nodded, turning back to help the 4th division. Unohana opened the gate to the living world with her zanpaktou and walked through.


Sakura laughed as Naruto tripped over nothing, again and sneezed.

"Ah, Sakura-chan! Someone must be talking about you!"

"Please Naruto, that's just a saying." she said, laughing. Naruto pouted jokingly and continued walking with his pink haired teammate. She laughed again at his childish behaviour and licked her ice cream cone. She and Naruto were walking to the Hokage tower since Tsunade had wanted her and Sakura had met Naruto along the way. Suddenly, Sakura tensed. She had felt a strange presence behind her but she shook it off. She kept walking but stopped and turned when she felt it again. Naruto stopped and looked at her, then around them.

"What is it Sakura-chan?"

"Nothing. I just thought I felt a presence, but it must have been my imagina-" Sakura began but stopped when her eyes dulled and she fell to the ground.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto yelled and ran forward to catch her, only to have her body disappear into thin air. He thought he vaguely saw a figure of someone but shook it off and ran to the Hokage tower.

With Sakura

Sakura groaned and opened her eyes, putting a hand to her head. She checked her body for any damages with her chakra and slowly sat up. She looked around and noticed she was riding on a manta ray which was flying, and slightly in front of her was a woman in a white robe. Sakura silently took out a kunai and crawled forward, ready to defend or attack. Once she was beside the woman, she spoke.

"What do you want with me?" the woman slightly jerked like she was surprised before turning her head back and smiling at Sakura.

"No need to be hostile. I will not harm you, I only require your assistance." Sakura hesitated before sitting next to the woman. She had a calm, gentle aura about her.

"I am Captain Unohana Retsu of the 4th squad division in the Soul Society." Sakura absorbed this information and spoke.

"I am Sakura Haruno, apprentice of the 5th Hokage in Konoha." Unohana nodded.

"I have also heard you are a great medic, and it is for this I need you." Sakura was now interested. "One of my comrades, another captain, has been gravely wounded, and although a healer myself and my division, we could not help him. I had heard of Konoha and of you, so I went to the living world for you." Sakura nodded.

"I understand. I have heard of the Soul Society as well. I read about it in one of my shishou's books. You are a shinigami, or soul reaper, and you help the spirits of those who died pass over. Those with spirit energy are able to become soul reapers, and in some cases of the strong, captains like you. In all, there are 13 captains and the 13 squad's captain commander. You carry swords called zanpaktous and they have names to call them to stage 2 or 'initial release' and then stage 3 or 'final release' also known as bankai." Sakura concluded. Unohana was astounded at how much this girl knew about them and was about to respond until she noticed they were right over top of Sōkyoku Hill.

"We are here." she said calmly and got off of her giant manta ray. It became mist and flowed back into Unohana's hilt before she started walking quickly to where the 4th division surrounded Byakuya.

"His name is Kuchiki Byakuya and has a deep wound to the heart. My division has done everything they can and you are his last hope. Please, try for his sister's sake." Unohana quickly explained as Sakura pulled off her gloves, getting into medic mode. She pushed everyone to the side and strode up to the dying man, kneeling down. She put her hands on her chest and sent her chakra into his body, where it examined the wound before retreating. Everyone was staring at her. Some in fear, others in anger, and one person in hope.

'That must be his sister.' Sakura got up and walked over to her, everyone backing away. She touched the girls shoulder lightly.

"It's ok, I'll be able to heal him." she said gently. The girl's eyes lit up. Sakura smiled and walked back to Byakuya.

"Everyone is to either leave or stay completely still and silent. This will be a delicate operation and I must not be distracted or disturbed while I am healing him." Unohana nodded and gave the order for everyone but herself and Rukia to leave. They hesitated but left. Sakura nodded. She turned to Byakuya and leaned over him, hands on his chest. She poured her chakra into him, letting it surround the wound and stitch the tissue together. She reconnected the veins and stitched the muscles and skin back together. Everything was silent as she worked. A little while later she leaned back and wiped her forehead with her arm.

"He'll live. He'll have to take it easy for awhile, but he'll live." Rukia ran over to her and hugged her (ooc).

"Thank you!" Sakura smiled gently and patted the girls back.

"It's my job. I'm Sakura."


"Well Rukia, I think he's waking up." Rukia looked over and sure enough, Byakuya opened his eyes and slowly turned his head to look at the three. His eyes focused on Sakura.

"Who are you?" he asked in a weak voice. Sakura walked over to him.

"Sakura Haruno. I healed you. You should be able to move you body in a few minutes." he nodded and closed his eyes. Sakura's eyebrow twitched.

'Not even a thank you! That bastard! He's exactly like Sasuke!' Inner Sakura shouted. Sakura sighed and got up, walking to Unohana.

"I would like a tour before I go back, but I want to invite some people over, if that's ok." Unohana looked at her and slowly nodded her head, unsure. Sakura smiled at her.

"Arigato." Unohana smiled and led her to the stairs, taking her down to a place that would land them in the Hokage tower. At the bottom of the stairs, the 4th squad had gathered and now looked angrily at Sakura.

"Taijou, how could you let that, that...thing, heal Captain Kuchiki?" one snarled as he pointed at Sakura, who clenched her fists. Unohana frowned.

"She is not a thing. She may have strange hair, but so does that Kurosaki child. Where is he?"

"In the rehabilitation center, still being healed." Unohana nodded.

"Sakura, I would like you to do one last thing for me." Sakura smiled, already knowing. Unohana led her to the rehabilitation center, then to the 4th door on the left. Inside were Ichigo on a table and Orihime healing him. Chad and Ishida stood nearby, watching. When they entered, Chad and Ishida looked up to see who it was.

"4th squad captain, who is this?" Ishida asked.

"I am Sakura Haruno. I am here to help!" she said cheerfully before walking over to Orihime who glanced up when she touched her shoulder, looking very tired.

"You can rest now, I'll take care of it from here." Orihime nodded, thankful for some rest. Sakura walked over to Ichigo and for the second time, threaded her chakra into his body, healing the torn tissue on his shoulder, his side and even the small cuts on his face. He was more wounded so it took about half an hour, everyone holding their breath except for Unohana who was confident in Sakura. Once she was finished, she sat back and smiled.

"Done. He should wake up soon." they nodded and Orihime curled up for a sort nap while Unohana got Sakura some water(don't ask). Soon, Ichigo groaned and sat up, rubbing his head.

"W-what happened?"

"After you were attacked by Aizen, Orihime started healing you. Byakuya got hit and almost died if it wasn't for the 4th squad." Ishida gave a brief outline to which Ichigo nodded until someone cut in.

"4th squad? Please. They're a bunch of wimps. I healed Mr. I-don't-even-give-thanks-to-the-one-who-saved-me." Sakura growled. Ichigo turned his head towards her.

"Who are you?"

"Sakura Haruno! I saved Byakuya and you since she was so tired." she explained as she pointed at Orihime. Ichigo nodded again.

"Thanks. I'm Ichigo. This is Chad, Ishida, and the sleeping one is Orihime." Sakura nodded at all of them in turn, gulping down her water and standing up.

"Well, I better find Unohana if I want to get my friends here. They won't believe this place and Naruto will flip at there being no ramen. Hmm...I think I'll invite Naruto, Sasuke, Neji...HAHAHA!!!(I'll explain later), Tenten, Lee, Ino, Hinata, Gaara, and Temari! They'll all be really interested and I want to see Naruto's and Gaara's reaction when people call them demons considering they called me a thing because of my pink hair..." Sakura kept rambling on with the gang watching her until Chad spoke.

"Hey. So you're from the real world too?"

"Huh? Oh ya! I live in Japan in a village called Konoha." Chad stared at her blankly.

"Ok." just then, Unohana came back.

"Sakura, I found the place. Let us go if you want your friends." Sakura nodded and waved to the others before following after Unohana out of the room. Silence followed.

"She is very strange. I think we should keep an eye on that one." Ishida said. Ichigo glared at him.

"She healed me! Doesn't seem that bad."

"I'm just saying we should keep our guard up." and it went on like this for awhile.

With Naruto in the Hokages office


"Do you even know where they went Naruto?"


"SHUT UP NARUTO!!!" Naruto whimpered and stopped yelling as Tsunade sighed and rubbed her temples. Sakura had been missing for a few days but to Naruto it seemed like months. Tsunade still didn't believe his story of 'she disappeared into thin air' but she wasn't around anywhere so Tsunade had sent out a search. Tsunade was about to speak but right when she opened her mouth, a door appeared beside her desk that opened into a shining light and out of it stepped their very own cherry blossom and a woman with long black hair braided in front of her neck in a white robe. Naruto's jaw dropped as he stared at the pair while Tsunade looked at them suspiciously.

"Who are you?"

"Aww, I'm sad. I'm gone for a few days and you forget about me shishou."

"It's not you Sakura, it's her. Who is she?"

"Huh? Oh! This is Captain Unohana Retsu of the 4th division in the Soul Society. She took me there so I could heal someone, and since I wanted to stay longer, she said I could invite a few friends." Tsunade nodded.

"Ok, who do you wish to invite?" Sakura thought for a moment.

"Well, defiantly Naruto, Sasuke I guess as well as Neji, Lee, Tenten, Ino, Hinata, Gaara, and Temari!"

"T-that's a lot of people Sakura." Tsunade said hesitantly. Sakura ran up to her and gave Tsunade her cutest puppy eyes.

"Pwease Tsunade? PWETTY PWEASE!!!!" Tsuande sighed.

"Ok. SHIZUNE!" Shizune rushed through the doors, nearly breaking them.

"Yes Tsunade-sama?"

"Bring me Neji, Lee, Tenten, Ino, Hinata, Gaara, Temari and Sasuke." Shizune nodded and ran out to gather the people requested. While she was gone, Tsunade and Naruto bombarded Sakura with questions about where she went, what she had done, and if there was ramen (made by guess who). Soon though, Shizune returned with all the people requested. Tsunade smiled as they entered.

"Welcome, I have something to tell you all. To the Konoha ninja here, I am giving you all..." Tsunade paused and leaned over to Sakura.

"How long will this tour take?" Sakura repeated the question to Unohana who whispered something back. Sakura relayed it to Tsunade.

"About a week."

"Wha? Ok." Tsunade leaned back up.

"To continue, I'm giving you all the week off to go with Sakura to the Soul Society for a tour. To Gaara and Temari, I am inviting you." Temari stepped forward.

"We accept." Tsunade nodded to them and told them and anyone who would go with Sakura to stand by her and Unohana. Slowly, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Lee, Naruto, and eventually Neji went over. Sasuke stayed put.

"Pft. Why would I want to go to some Soul Society? It sounds weak. Not to mention I would be going there with total morons. Please, don't waste my time." a vein pulsed in Tsunade's forehead.

"Ok then, I ORDER you to go. If you don't I will revoke your license as a ninja, you will be locked up for the rest of your days with chakra completely sealed with about 10 fan girls visiting you everyday doing whatever they want to you with no resistance." Sasuke froze and huffed.

"Fine." Tsunade smirked and bid them farewell as they all walked, or in Sasuke's case dragged, through the doors until they shut with a clack and faded out.

With Group

Sakura smiled back at her friends at they passed through the blinding white light and came out in the Soul Society. Everyone looked around, astonished, except for Neji and Gaara, who hid it, and Sasuke, who was just being an asshole and pretended not to care. They glided low over the ground and landed in a clear patch of land. They all jumped off and Sakura and Unohana turned to face them.

"Firstly, I would like to welcome you all to the Soul Society. I myself cannot guide you, but I have arranged for Byakuya and Rukia to guide you, and Kurosaki-san and his group will also be accompanying you. I must go now but they will arrive here shortly. Ja ne." Unohana explained before vanishing(with the help of flash steps). Everyone just blinked until Sakura sighed and explained what just happened. Soon, Byakuya, Rukia, and the Bleach Gang(which is how I'm going to refer to the group of them as) were there and started leading them through the Soul Society, which was quite peaceful, until Naruto just had to say something.

"So, what's so special about you shinigami guys? All you do is wave around swords and junk-ttebayo." he was addressing them all. Byakuya, Rukia and Ishida ignored him.

"Um, Naruto-san, Chad and I aren't shinigami." Orihime corrected. Naruto stopped and stared at her.

"Who are you again?" Ichigo lost it.


"GOD!! DON'T YELL IN MY EAR!!! AND DEMONIC ARTS AREN'T THAT SPECIAL!!! WE CAN TRANSFORM AND SUMMON THINGS AND MAKE FIRE!!!" Naruto yelled back. This went on for awhile until Sakura became annoyed and tried to interrupt.





"Excuse me-"


"AM NOT!!"


"AM NOT!!"


"AM NO-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ANNOYING HOEBAGS!!" Sakura yelled this time, slamming her chakra enhanced fist into the ground, sending a spider web of cracks reaching across a distance before the surroundings crumbling, forcing everyone to the ground except Sakura and the Naruto characters that had been smart enough to jump. Byakuya, Rukia and the Bleach Gang all stared wide eyed, yes, even Byakuya, at Sakura who had a vein pulsing in her forehead. Slowly, they all returned to their feet. Sakura slowly walked over to Ichigo and Naruto halling them up by their heads and holding them off their feet, glaring at each of them in turn.

"I don't like it when you yell so much. It gives me a headache and annoys me, which cause me to get angry, and you won't like me when I'm angry. Am. I. Clear?" Ichigo and Naruto nodded rapidly, which cause them to be released and dropped upon the ground.

"Dude, she's scary." Ichigo whispered.

"You have no idea. Try hanging around that everyday." Naruto replied. Ichigo shivered and got up, helping Naruto too. Byakuya just got up and started walking again, everyone trailing behind him. First he led them to the Tower of Penitence. Rukia cringed at the sight but held her ground and kept walking.

"This is the Tower of Penitence. It is where we send our most dangerous criminals to face their judgment and wait for execution." Byakuya explained. Sasuke huffed, Naruto stared, Neji closed his eyes in indifference, Ichigo scowled, so on.

"Wow, you sure know how to make a tour cheery." Naruto said after staring at the tower. Byakuya glared at him.

"It is not my job to make your visit nice. I am only to show you around." Naruto huffed and started mumbling but said no more. They stood for a minute longer before leaving. Sasuke was looking at Byakuya strangely.

"Tell me. What is it that makes you qualified to be one of these 'all powerful' captains? You seem weak to me." he said calmly, a hint of challenge in his voice with a dash of pepper. Byakuya stopped and turned to look at him. Rukia tensed up, Ichigo gulped, Sakura sighed, Naruto looked confused.

"Are you challenging me?" Byakuya said lowly, partly drawing his zanpaktou. Sasuke smirked and got into ready position.

"We better get back. My brother won't show mercy to anyone." Rukia whispered to Sakura, who nodded. She relayed the message and soon everyone was a safe distance away. Sasuke and Byakuya stood completely still. Byakuya lifted his foot and Sasuke tensed. Then, Byakuya was gone. Sasuke's eyes widened and he looked around. AT his right was Byakuya. Then he was behind him. In front, left, diagonal right behind. Every time Byakuya moved, Sasuke got a deep gash somewhere on his body. Crimson coated the rock ground, more steadily dripping into the already formed puddles. Sasuke panted. He closed his eyes, opening them to reveal Sharingan. He looked around. He still couldn't see Byakuya. Suddenly, he was in front of him, Byakuyas zanpaktou held up in front of his face.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura." Byakuya whispered. His sword glowed and dissolved into petal-like blades. They swirled around Byakuya, then raced towards Sasuke, who scoffed and jumped back. Again and again he jumped, evading the blades scarcely, getting cut every now and then. Sasuke smirked when Byakuyas sword came back together.

"That all you got?" Rukia gasped and shook her head.

"Not even close. He will kill him now for insulting his strength. Brother does not show mercy." Sakura looked at her before looking back at the battle. Byakuya was glaring at Sasuke.

"You are a somewhat worthy opponent. I will have to use this." Byakuya stated before dropping his word, blade down. It hit the ground and went into it, ripples forming.

"What? Why did he drop his sword?" Naruto asked.

"You will see soon." Rukia whispered. Byakuyas sword was now fully in the ground.


Me: Well, another Fanfic, more work. POLL TIME!!!

Who should Sakura go with?







Review!!! Story might come along slowly.