You're My Dragon

I have no idea where this came from.

Poor Jounouchi!

The wet and slimy thing slithered around the spot under his ear. He shuddered.

"I know you've been wanting this just as much as I have," he purred. Jounouchi tensed. He did not want it. He did not want anything to do with this man.

"N-no," he choked out. But the man trailed his fingers down his arms, lightly, and nipped at his neck. Jounouchi gasped at the odd sensation, not liking it in the least bit. He tried to squirm out of the other's arms, but found he couldn't—the man had a bruising grip around his hips.

"Katsuya…" the breathy moan sent Jounouchi's stomach tumbling over itself. He trembled, and clenched his fists at his sides. The man's breath over took him; his scent overpowered him; he felt completely useless.


Jounouchi slid his eyes shut, letting the tears slip down his pale cheeks.

"You're mine…" Jounouchi shivered. He couldn't stop shaking. His knees threatened to buckle underneath him any second now. The other man chuckled at Jounouchi's response. "You'll learn to like it…"

Jounouchi shook his head wildly, trying to dispel the other's horrid voice from his ears. His heart pounded painfully in his ears. He had become supersensitive to every touch. No.

But he felt his head yanked backwards by the hair. He winced as pain shot up his scalp.

"I said, you'll learn to like it," the other man snarled. Jounouchi's breath hitched painfully in his throat. He could feel the other man press against his back insistently.

Jounouchi whimpered.

"Are you scared, Katsuya?" the voice whispered breathily into his ear. His breath landed on Jounouchi's face, making him flinch. Jounouchi felt the man's hands roam around his backside.

"Stop that," the voice hissed, digging his hands into Jounouchi's soft stomach. Jounouchi did not even open his eyes. His mind was filled with blind panic. "I said stop it," the other man stated, and roughly bit down on Jounouchi's ear, making it bleed. The other man watched the blood well, and drip down the curve of Jounouchi's ears. "Dammit, stop shaking," he roared, and threw Jounouchi to the floor. He jumped atop the smaller boy, and straddled him. "I'm going to show you what it means—"

Jounouchi whimpered again. The man slapped him, leaving a dark red mark to mar his perfect features.

Beautiful, the man thought. Katsuya Jounouchi. Right where he wanted him. He examined the younger boy carefully, noting the soft, innocent yet stubborn features adorning his face. He slid a finger down Jounouchi's cheek, marveling at how soft it was. He slid his other hand in Jounouchi's hair, which shone brightly in the light like spun gold.

Jounouchi shivered, and tried hugging his body to himself. But couldn't.

"Open your eyes," the man ordered. He wanted to see those enticing chocolate orbs for himself.

If anything, Jounouchi squeezed his eyes shut tighter. He heard his head snap against the floor before he felt it. Crack. Jounouchi moaned as pain drove all thoughts away from his current situation. He clutched his head in both hands, not understanding the compromising situation he put himself in.

"Thank you for being so cooperative, Katsuya…" the man purred, tugging Jounouchi's hands away from his hair, and into his grip.

Jounouchi flinched.

The man smiled at the nigh-ruined beauty under him. Mine, he thought insanely. He cupped Jounouchi's cheek, and tilted it towards him.

"Open your eyes," he whispered, leaning down to speak into Jounouchi's ear again. He smirked when Jounouchi shivered, and grinned when the young blond opened his eyes to reveal dazed yet utterly breathtaking eyes. The chocolate orbs radiated intoxicating fear and panic.

Jounouchi's eyes focused on the figure above him, and he tried to let forth a piercing shriek. The man above him clamped a hand over his mouth tightly, and leaned down to bite Jounouchi's neck—hard.

The hand on his mouth muffled the desperate cries from Jounouchi's lips.

"Where were we?" Jounouchi felt hot breath slither across his skin. He whimpered in fear and confusion.

Rough lips with bruising force descended on his own. He bit down in retaliation.

"You bitch!" Jounouchi saw stars explode in his eyes.

Jounouchi couldn't think. All he wanted to do was focus on breathing. Yes, that was easy enough. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

He was dizzy, and his head was pounding, and he couldn't breathe, and now he thought he was hearing voices.

They sounded oddly like one of his friends, but he didn't know which one. There were two voices, Jounouchi concluded, before he squeezed his eyes shut against the bright light of the classroom.

Voices. He could get out!

Jounouchi renewed his struggles, but in his weakened state, could barely do anything to harm the other, who was leering predatorily at him.

"Do that again, and I swear I'll—"

But Jounouchi didn't let him finish his sentence. When the other man widened his stance, Jounouchi drove a kick right to his groin. The other toppled off of Jounouchi, and curled up on the floor.

"You bitch!" The man hissed from the floor.

Jounouchi stood immediately on shaking limbs. He raced to the other side of the classroom, and wrenched the doorknob open. He stumbled out of the classroom, and ran into the throng of ceaselessly moving students.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. It was all a dream. A very, very evil and bad dream, and he would wake up any second now…any second now…

He bumped into people, not watching where he went. He never wanted to stop. He wanted to get away from that filth.

He wanted to find someone. Just someone he knew. He was just so scared and confused and he didn't know what to do. He wanted to see a familiar face. Anyone would do. Just somebody, somebody he could hold onto for just a moment. Somebody he could trust.

He suddenly bumped into something hard, yet yielding. It refused to let him through, even though he had sidestepped it, and nearly tripped in the process. Looking up, he saw cold cerulean eyes pierce his soul.

"Mutt," Kaiba sneered instantly. He opened his mouth to roll off a string of insults. The blond idiot always irritated him, especially with his half-witted retorts and inane challenges to duel him. But it wasn't irritating in a necessarily bad way…

Jounouchi interrupted him.

"S-sorry," he muttered in his confused state. He backed away, flustered.

The tall brunet took a step forward, not liking how his former rival was backing away from him, shooting frenzied, wild eyed glances around him. The taller teen narrowed his eyes shrewdly, trying to assess Jounouchi's disheveled state and odd behavior.

The other had backed into a wall, clutching his stomach with both hands, and was gasping as though he would start hyperventilating. His cheeks glistened with tears the CEO concluded, utterly shocked. He stood for a moment observing the boy in front of him, his mouth agape. Was that blood trailing down the curve of his ears? And why was his hair such a horrible matted mess?

He reached out a hand to shake Jounouchi out of his stupor, but Jounouchi flinched violently, and tears poured down his cheeks. The CEO's eyes widened perceptibly in worry. Jounouchi was standing here and crying in front of him? Hell, he never even showed any trace of a defeated attitude even after he'd beat him at duels. What was going on?

Jounouchi's red-rimmed eyes widened. Kaiba. His trembling surged. His heart pounded. He couldn't take it; he wouldn't be able to take it if Kaiba started something now. He clenched his teeth, and waited for nausea to pass, before looking back at the predictably irate CEO.

"Hey," Kaiba began, in a soothing tone. He stepped forward slowly, so as not to frighten Jounouchi even more than he already seemed to be. He held his arms out in a gesture of peace.

Jounouchi whimpered in surprise, and stepped away from the brunet until he felt the cold wall at his back. He couldn't take it. Kami-sama, not now, please not now...

Jounouchi looked up through his bangs, waiting for Kaiba to land his first blow. But his eyes widened in surprise and bewilderment. Kaiba didn't look angry. Kaiba was standing a few feet away from him, with his palms held out. Jounouchi looked from his outstretched arms to his face. He couldn't read the emotions that had emerged from the other's cold depths. Kaiba wasn't glaring, Jounouchi realized. He had a small frown on his face, but that was it. Confusion and fear contorted Jounouchi's features, but a spark of hope shone in his eyes.

A split second later, he launched himself at Kaiba, and collapsed as Kaiba wrapped his arms around his shoulders in a failed attempt to straighten him.

Only a few things penetrated Jounouchi's numb mind as he buried his head into Kaiba's shoulder.

Seto Kaiba. Classmate. Safety.

"Jounouchi," the other murmured quietly. Jounouchi's dazed mind couldn't process that the CEO had even said his name, let alone spoke to him as though he cared. Jounouchi was too tired to think. He sagged in the other's strong embrace. Tears slipped down his cheeks faster and faster as he thought about what could have happened. He couldn't fight back the frightened whimper that tore itself from his raw throat.

"That's it," the CEO declared as he held his one-time enemy up by the shoulders. He tried to move Jounouchi's head from his shoulder, but found that the golden-haired boy refused to move.

"You're coming home," he simply stated, not waiting for any response from Jounouchi. His worry mounted until he saw the hair fall back from the other's forehead, revealing impossibly pale cheeks streaked with fresh tears. He gasped in surprise when Jounouchi turned those frightened, tear filled eyes towards him—it felt as though somebody had punched him in the gut and left him winded.

Raw pain and fear radiated from the trembling boy's normally warm chocolate eyes. Broken. His eyes sent him messages that shocked him to his very core. Kaiba had only seen that much pain and helplessness in another's eyes. His own.

"You can rest at the mansion," the taller teen stated softly. Inwardly, he felt as though he had been submerged in an ice bath. What could have reduced his puppy to such a state? He stared at the mop of blond hair underneath his chin. He could feel a violent shudder ripple through the other. He clenched his jaw tightly. Whatever had happened, he would get to the bottom of it.

Jounouchi couldn't believe his ears. It was a dream. It was all a dream …

But the shoulder his head was nestled against wasn't a dream. But the strong arms around his waist weren't a dream. Wait a second…Jounouchi began panicking. He tried to push away from the CEO in fear, and shuddered when he found he was too weak to do so. He didn't like the helpless situation he was in, once again.

Seto looked down at the violently shivering teen in his arms. "I swear I am not going to hurt you." But Jounouchi still struggled in his arms.

"Jounouchi," he whispered, trying to get the other teen to look him in the eye. Jounouchi instantly met his gaze. Confusion, pain, and terror danced across his honey colored irises. Kaiba bit his lower lip, and allowed emotion to suffuse through his normally icy exterior.

"I am not going to hurt you, alright?" Jounouchi continued to stare at him, with a glazed over look in his eyes. "Katsuya," Kaiba stated a bit louder. Jounouchi met his gaze again, this time a bit cleared, as though the mud had been cleared away.

"K-Kaiba?" Jounouchi stuttered, blinking. "What are you doing here?" Jounouchi raised his head from where it had rested against his chest, and looked up questioningly at the CEO.

"We're going home," Kaiba stated simply, lifting the other teen into his arms. He strode over to the exit, kicking open the doors of the school, letting sunlight illuminate the two.

"Home," Jounouchi nodded, bone weary, letting the other carry him, feeling the relief of not having to bear his weight. He felt so light-headed. He was just so tired…so drained…he wanted to sleep.

All of a sudden, the immensity of the situation rushed up to him. He was in Kaiba's arms, after he had been in his teacher's—

Jounouchi twisted out of Kaiba's hold, and fell to the ground. He wheezed, uncomfortably aware of the students outside staring oddly at him now. He held himself up on shaking elbows, and heaved.

He couldn't hold the filth in.

It could have been moments later, or an eternity later, Jounouchi didn't know, but he felt warm hands massage his back soothingly. He sighed. Cool fingers brushed his damp hair off his temples, and massaged his scalp. He opened his eyes to find cerulean eyes once more, peering down at him anxiously.

"I'll be alright," he groaned, sitting up, clutching his stomach.

"Come on Jounouchi," Kaiba rubbed Jounouchi's back, before standing and holding out his hand.

He tried to stand on his trembling legs, but somehow they couldn't hold his weight up. He stumbled.

Kaiba caught him by the shoulder, and pulled Joey's weight onto him.

"Just lean on me," Kaiba said into the other's ears. "I won't let you fall," he whispered quietly, unaware that Joey heard.

Joey finally relented, letting Seto support his weight.

His dazed mind reaffirmed what it had concluded before: Kaiba meant safety. Kaiba wouldn't let him fall.

Both teens made their way to the limo parked at the curb. The driver leapt to open the door. Kaiba gently set Joey inside, and slid in himself.

Joey couldn't stop the shivers that wracked his body, although Kaiba had turned up the heat and although it was sixty degrees outside.

Kaiba sat at the other side of the limo, unsure of what he should do. All he wanted was to scoop up his pup and hold him close. But with his reaction before, he didn't want to mess things up. But he was surprised when Jounouchi crawled over to him sleepily, and lay his head down on his knee. Startled, Kaiba brushed the hair out of Jounouchi's eyes so that he could see them. What was Jounouchi doing?

"Kaiba, you're dragon, alright? You're my dragon…" Jounouchi murmured, exhaustion overtaking him. Kaiba smoothed Jounouchi's hair down, and continued massaging his scalp, inwardly seething and plotting bloody revenge against whoever hurt his puppy.