Sometimes even the heroes lose.
Even if they've already won.
Sometimes even the heroes lose sleep.
He once said that, even above Voldemort, slumber was his enemy.
Sometimes even the heroes lose hope.
The thing is, when they have it, their hope shines brighter.
Sometimes even the heroes lose blood.
He's lost enough to last us all a lifetime.
Sometimes even the heroes lose sight of their goal.
That's why the rest of us are here: to remind them.
Sometimes even the heroes lose themselves.
But when they find themselves, they're all the better for it.
Sometimes even the heroes lose their grasp on reality.
I know I would, if I were a hero. I know he has, and he is one.
Sometimes even the heroes lose confidence.
No. Especially the heroes lose confidence.
Sometimes even the heroes lose control.
I've sometimes wondered: if they never did, would they even be human?
Sometimes even the heroes lose battles.
His stand out starkly in contrast to his victories, because so much more was lost.
Sometimes even the heroes lose love.
He's certainly known love lost.
Sometimes even the heroes can't save the world.
The world? No. Not always. But my world? Yes--he saves that every day.