Made In Suna

Made In Suna

Chapter 3: Showing Up and Showing Out

I have to say I expected at least a few more reviews but hey I'm not complaining I 'm happy 4 those who have reviewed though. This is the part that many people have been waiting for The Chuunin Exams!! Anyway this chapter will be filled with a lot more intense action and more information on Naruto's bloodline and the Tenshigan. Also I didn't leave Gaara out here comes some Gaara time and a bloodline for the Panda-man. There is a lot coming in this chapter so enjoy!!

Orochimaru and the Tsuichikage were sitting in his office stewing over the past few hours. Someone had actually broken into their hidden vault and stolen the Scroll of Light. The scroll was invaluable and once they got the Tenshi Heir they would have to send a search out immediately. The Tsuichikage was fuming on the inside; someone was going to pay for this strike. Suddenly the door flew open and in stepped a jounin.

"Tsuichikage-sama, the men have woken up and two of them are spouting what has to be nonsense!" He exclaimed while the Tsuichikage nodded. The man disappeared as the Kage and Snake Sannin teleported to the hospital.

The Tsuichikage stood in front of Kai and Shota who immediately stood up and bowed to him. The Tsuichikage nodded as both men rose from the floor and he looked them in their eyes.

"What happened?!" he demanded choking them a bit with his killer intent. Shota hadn't recovered completely and laid on the floor twitching from the sheer power the Tsuichikage put out. Kai was the better of the two as he leaned on his bed for support. The Tsuichikage reeled his power back allowing them to breathe and Kai to help Shota back up.

"We were guarding the Eastern Sector of the Vault when suddenly there in front of us stood two legendary shinobi!" Kai said his voice cracking from the memory. The Tsuichikage and Orochimaru both immediately thought of Jiraiya and Tsunade. Those two could certainly pull something like this off with ease and it unnerved them.

"Who were they?" The Kage said while hoping it wasn't them. Kai seemed to fidget under the intense stare and didn't want to say. He had already been called crazy and he wanted his superior to believe him because it was the truth.

"I know this sound crazy my lord but it was Kentaro Kaguya and Gogyo Imishhin! I swear my Lord it was them!!" he said while bowing low to the ground. The Tsuichikage was about to yell but Orochimaru stopped him.

It makes sense since the last Kaguya is Kimmimaro whom is under my control. He isn't even here and wouldn't dare betray me. It could have been Sasori, he is known for making remarkable human puppets!" he said while growling in anger. If it was the Akatsuki things were going to get worse quick.

"I'm sorry Lord Orochimaru but it couldn't have been him. We fought the legendary puppeteer and none of his puppets looked that realistic! They all looked as if they had rose from the grave, got washed up, and came to fight us. Their movements didn't make that clicking sound and they moved with a flare of life and they SPOKE!! They spoke in their own voices!!" he yelled while shaking in fear of what had happened.

Orochimaru was in shock, the man was telling the truth he could sense it. Someone had to have been behind it, not a puppeteer since the only other one of such caliber was Chiyo and she wouldn't leave her home to partake in shinobi duties. Someone must have created a technique similar to his resurrection jutsu but without the burnout he used. His summoning required sacrifices and large amounts of chakra that would get catch even a genin's senses.

"What of the other two, that have taken place in the caverns?" he said to the ANBU whom had entered the room.

"Well sir as you know one is dead and there is absolutely no trace of what or who killed him. He obviously had seen his attacker or had found a way of finding out whom it was and therefore killed unlike the other three. The last Shinto won't be in any form to tell is in about the next two months, he had sustained numerous injuries from a high speed crash to the ground." He said finishing his report to the fuming Kage. The Tsuichikage was pissed but he rest assured that with the Tenshi Heir at their disposal they could retrieve the scroll after they got him.

Orochimaru and the Tsuichikage both made their way back to his office to think more on their plans and were surprised to see their top shinobi back. Orochimaru was smiling evilly knowing they had captured the three boys.

"Where are they, I need to brand them soon then began their conversion to our side!" he said darkly watching as his faithful servants faces dropped. The Tsuichikage himself was surprised to see the Vice-Captains head down in shame.

"Forgive us Orochimaru-sama, but the information someone had given you was false my Lord. Suna treats the boys with the respect and love that they seemed to have found. This forced us to fight them but we underestimated their powers as one called the others to him and launched themselves at the Sand wielder who formed a sand barrier around them and shot off with unsurpassed speed into the desert where they have the home field advantage." Kimmimaro said bowing low to the ground in front of his Lord. He hoped the man would punish him for his failure; he couldn't finish the wish of his master. Tayuya stared down at Kimmimaro before bowing down herself not seeing why Kimmimaro had to be such a fanatic.

Orochimaru and the Tsuichikage were livid and shocked. The Jinchuuriki seemed to have settled nicely into Sand. This was their one shot at getting the boys in one fell swoop without having to forcefully invade the territory. He needed to get to those boys and turn them into his weapons. He knew with them by his side he would be unstoppable. He only needed to figure a way…..

"The Chuunin Exams!" he exclaimed getting a look from his partner. The Tsuichikage turned to him and lifted his brow and Orochimaru began to explain.

"During the Chuunin Exams I was going to mark the Uchiha. Since we've missed them this time we can try there. There's no way for them to escape when I'm in there. There I can mark them during the second stage of the exam and then like Sasuke they would come to me willingly for more power. Its brilliant isn't it?!" he cackled as the Tsuichikage couldn't help but agree. This time those boys weren't going to escape them.

Team Oni had arrived in Suna in record time and wasted no time to burst into the Kazekage's room. The council shot out of their seats preparing to defend their Kage with the ANBU popping out of the shadows, weapons drawn. They all relaxed as their favorite genin team revealed themselves from the ball of Sand.

"Kazekage-sama we have some quite disturbing news!!" Baki said while looking up at his leader. The Kazekage nodded as Baki nodded to his students who left and begin to make their way to Hatoru's house while Baki explained everything to the council.

Team Oni arrived at Hatoru's house and wasted no time in getting to work. Hatoru led the way deep into the basement of him and his grandmother's home and into his work lab. Gaara and Naruto gasped at the many things hidden down below their home. It was truly a lab of science where Hatoru worked on his medicine techniques and his puppetry.

Hatoru led them to a large table in which he placed the scroll and laid it out carefully and slid some glass over it while whispering and letting loose a stream of blue energy which sealed the glass and protected the scroll from everyone except himself. He then activated his eyes and begins to look at the scroll. Naruto and Gaara stayed silent not wanting to disturb their friend.

Hatoru watched in fascination as that which was locked inside of the scroll. It told the beginning of the Light Village itself and its ancient protectors and such.

"There was once an Angel that had fallen to earth weak and vulnerable. The Angel himself knew he was close to death. He had transformed himself into a human for the time seeking aid from them. He found himself in a village filled with kind-hearted souls but none more than the Kyouji Clan. They were the most fearsome warriors of their small village and looked after everyone. The female heir to the Clan Rei had found the man and begins to bring him back to health. In the end they ended up falling in love and having a child. It was then that the Angel knew he had to return to Heaven. Regretfully he did leave but not without blessing the Clan he had come from and the Village that helped him.

To the people of the village he left them with lush gardens, pure waters, and massive knowledge. The Clan itself received a major gift of the Tenshigan through his son. He also left that family with the Divine Nine Summoning. The village itself prospered in all ways until the First Shinobi War which rocked their home. Many things were destroyed and most of their precious home was gone. A handful of people escaped to the Hidden Moon Village but were never able to come back to their former glory. The people of the light were prepared for such and had built a secret place deep under the ruins of their 'real' village that contained their knowledge, weapons, and summoning. This place could only be unlocked and entered by a Tenshigan heir." He spoke as he and his teammates just gaped. The scroll had given them the instruction and history of the prestigious village and he was the key to unlocking it.

"We have to tell father of this immediately, we could help you to recover what's your by right Hatoru." Gaara spoke while looking at his friend.

"Yeah Hatoru, this is your legacy and people we're talking about you deserve to have this ya know." Naruto spoke in his cheerful tone while giving one of his fox smiles.

"Yeah that's right but you know that library of jutsu probably contain more than just light techniques. This might be my heritage but I will share this with the village. In order for us to grow stronger we have to give all we can to the village but of course you know the best stuff will be staying between us!" he said as him and his friends laughed. Hatoru picked up the glass casing with the scroll and headed back out to the Kazekage's office with his teammates in tow. It was time to share this with their council.


The council sat in shock. First with the information that Baki had relayed from him and his team and then the contents of the scroll itself. The Kazekage was disturbed deeply. The council was in agreement with this one. They knew that the Otokage had to have been Orochimaru and obviously the Tsuichikage was planning something with him. It was obvious that Iwa was trying to get more manpower with the attempts on the three Jinchuuriki that Sand held within their home. Then there was the whole thing with Sasori and the demon that did not add up at all.

"Dark times are coming and I sense that Oto and Iwa will be headlining this. Something is stirring outside of these walls but we must make sure that we will stand strong in this time of trouble. I want everyone here to be vigilant and be alert. Suna will not fall to any attacks, we will stand strong, and we will survive whatever comes our way!" the Kazekage spoke in a strong and firm way. Everyone in the room nodded as he called the meeting off. Team Oni and Baki stayed behind for their newest mission debriefing.

"I am granting you all an A-rank mission of going to the ruins of the Light Village and recovering all that you can. Be careful, now that we know people are after you all its imperative that you are on your guard I expect you all back within three days. Don't forget two weeks from now Suna will be sending you all to the Chuunin Exams. Its up to you though, you can go to Konoha first or wait till the break during the Chuunin Exams to do the mission?" he asked eyeing the team.

"We'll be going to the Leaf first then." Hatoru spoke as his two friends just gave him a look.

"Hatoru!! This is your heritage we're talking about here!! The Chuunin Exams can wait a bit till we figure everything there is to know about your people!!" Naruto shouted at his friend.

"Its all right Naruto, we'll have plenty of time. Besides it's not like anyone can get in without me anyway. First let's scope out the Leaf get all the info we need for the Exams so we don't head in their completely blind. We are the pride of Suna and we have to do well in all aspects, isn't that what you always say Naruto?" he asked arching one elegant eyebrow to his comrade and brother.

Naruto huffed and nodded while Gaara smirked at the actions of his two teammates. Baki smiled at the maturity and dedication of his students to further the cause of their home village.

"Well since that's been decided, pack up tomorrow you will be leaving for Konoha." The Kazekage said while going back to his evil mountain of paperwork. Team Oni walked out to leave their leader to his mountain of paperwork and get practicing.

Naruto was waiting for his team to arrive and stood up when he felt the approaching chakra signals. He arched one golden eyebrow on the two recognizable chakra signatures that weren't apart of his team. Temari and Kankuro appeared right next to the rest of his team in a swirl of Sand. He didn't know his grilfreind was coming, she was already a Chuunin.

"Our father wants us to go just in case something bad happens and we need to leave quickly." She said to the blonde as if reading his thoughts. She had known him all his life and was his girlfriend of two years so she could tell with every expression what her man was thinking. Naruto only smiled and pulled her close when a cough interrupted the moment.

"Naruto, as delighted as you are to see my sister I'd rather not see you PDA right here. Then I'd have to hurt you in front of her." Gaara said while walking with his sensei. Naruto chuckled nervously and settled for holding her hand on the way to the Leaf. Hatoru and Kankuro smirked at the couple and left the two lovebirds to bring up the rear and have some time together.

It didn't take them that long to reach the Leaf figuring Gaara got tired of walking and they rode a sand wave to the end of the desert to the beginning of the forest of Konoha. They came up to the gates and was preparing to head up to the post where two Chuunin were when another team teleported in front of them. Hatoru's eyes narrowed as a Team from Iwa appeared on the scene. Iwa as far as he knew wasn't welcome in Konoha but that old man Sarutobi wanted to keep peace and let them in. Hatoru personally thought that had they been in Suna the team would have been sent home in small jars with whatever remains they had left. A look and nod from Gaara just relayed the other red head felt the same.

Naruto sighed at his bloodthirsty teammates and linked his arm with Temari's and began to approach the gates. Gaara noticed how tight Naruto's grip had gotten and actually wondered if the boy had gotten over what the village had put him through. Hatoru and Gaara came closer to their teammate for support with Kankuro and Baki making up the outer shell. Hatoru vowed they wouldn't hurt his brother again. Leaf beware that was their only warning. Gaara smirked basically knowing what was running through his fellow red-head's mind. They wouldn't allow Naruto to be hurt again.

As they entered the gates Gaara could say he was mildly impressed with what was behind the giant walls. It was nothing compared to what Suna had renovated to their village. Hatoru was already scanning for escape routes; weaknesses in its defenses basically being his usually battle ready self. Naruto glanced around at what he use to call home. Being here only set his stomach on edge. He didn't want to come back; it held too many painful memories. The people there would barely recognize him from the weak kid he had been to the buffed out teen he was now. Then again his whisker marks were gone but still. If someone did recognize him and wanted to give him trouble he was more than willing to pay back the whole damn village. He wouldn't be there punching bag this time around. Temari gave his hand a light squeeze and he immediately relaxed. He loved her so much, she was the light to his darkness, the calm to his storm and he couldn't imagine what it would be like without her.

She gave him a bright smile and he sighed as he raised his head in pride. Hatoru smirked while Gaara merely nodded his consent. Baki was leading them toward the Hokage tower and Naruto immediately remembered every vivid memory of what happened to him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and grit his teeth. He wouldn't allow them to see how bad they had affected him, he wouldn't show weakness, he would be strong. Gaara placed and understanding hand on his shoulder and Naruto breathed. He smiled to himself, knowing he had support, it would be different now.

"We have to go to the Hokage tower to formally get registered for the exams and then get to the inn. You did make the reservations Hatoru?" Baki asked while looking at the redhead.

"Yes Baki-sensei, we are staying at a very private inn deep on the end of Konohoa's boundaries. It's a very exclusive place that only caters to those that were previously invited. I went with Chiyo-baasama before. They always treat us like royalty. You're in for a treat, so let's hurry and register and leave this despicable place and get to the inn." He said while walking ahead despite having some villagers glaring at him for what was said about their village.

Naruto smirked; Hatoru really would go through hell and back for him. Even going so far to take attention away form him and towards himself. The boy was really a good friend. Everyone began to follow behind the puppet user; Naruto could only hope that he didn't have to see Old Man Sarutobi. He still loved and missed the old man but he wouldn't return ever.


The Sandaime was a very wise and great shinobi, ruler, and father. He had done a lot of great things in his life but he also had many regrets. He regretted ever letting Orochimaru escape, he regretted not being there all the time for his family, he regretted letting Minato's son escape into death and letting the man down. It had been damn near 7 years since the bright eyed blonde had been reported as dead. He only hoped that the boy was with his family.

The Chuunin Exams were here on his doorstep and the damned council had actually let Iwa participate this year in favor of getting some deals out of their merchants. He didn't trust those bastards as far as he could throw him. He knew this wasn't going to go well but what he could do his hands were tied. The only thing he could do was step up security.

Things in the village itself were not going well. It hadn't been since the Uchiha Massacre and Naruto's murder. Sasuke Uchiha was quickly becoming a nuisance. Kakashi was favoring the boy in turn of his other students. Everyone wanted the boy to participate in the Chuunin Exams when he couldn't even complete a C-rank mission.

That mission itself was the cause of lots of headaches. The Wave mission itself was a bunch of paperwork that pissed him off. Kakashi had given in to his favorite's whining and pestered him for a mission which he wouldn't give. The council in all there wonder gave them the mission and it was a disaster. Kakashi was bested by Zabuza during their second encounter. Sakura was useless after being hit with one jutsu, Sasuke was shown up by a fake hunter nin that left him in a catatonic state, his pride smashed, the Sharingan was useless in that battle. Sai had been forced to reveal his ANBU status to grab everyone and retreat.

Then when Team 7 was all healed and left to go back to Wave they found out that Zabuza and his accomplice had taken off, the bridge was built, and Wave saved from Gato. Supposedly some Team from Suna had been on another mission and ended up stopping to help. Zabuza and the hunter-nin had supposedly been given sanctuary in some far off country through the Sand's connections. It baffled him and enraged Kakashi, Sasuke, and the council that they had been shown up.

Oh well right now he really didn't care he just had to make it through these exams and then get Jiraiya to go find Tsunade and take over and he could finally rest easy because this job had been in his hands for far too long. He sat in his seat taking a puff of his pipe when the door was opened by his ANBU. It seemed the first of the Jounin sensei had finally come to the meeting he called.


Konohamaru had been running from the pink haired beast thing that wanted to call himself a girl when suddenly he crashed into something beefy and solid. He fell on his ass while rubbing his sore head after the impact.

"What the hell was that a living wall?!" he cried rubbing his sore head till a hand reached down to pull him up off his butt. He looked up only to stare into the most amazing pair of sapphire blue eyes he had ever seen.

"Watch out there kiddo, next time you might run into my friend Gaara and he doesn't take to kindly to kids ya know?" Naruto said while smiling down at the boy unknowingly easing the boy's tension. Konohamaru grinned as he stared at the boy in front of him. He was unlike any he had seen around him. He was tall, well tall to him anyway. The boy had a very defined layer of muscle and you could actually count all eight of his abs from looking and his chest was very built for someone his age. Unlike the boys around in Konoha whom usually had a very wiry build.

Naruto watched as the boy sized him up. He couldn't help but like the kid, he reminded Naruto of himself. Finally it seemed the boy was finished seeing if Naruto was real or not.

"Wow, you're really beefy!! You must work out a lot!! How old are you like 16 or something, you're tall, is that your girlfriend?! She's hot!! Do you know lots of jutsu cause you look like you do, are you from another village, what's your name, I'm Konohamaru!!" he said all in one breath causing everyone to look at him weird.

Naruto couldn't help but smile with Temari on how the boy acted. Gaara was developing a very serious tick in his eye, Hatoru backed away from the hyper kid scared the boy would pounce on him next. Kankuro shook his head at the boy while Baki walked off to go register them, Kankuro decided to go to, the kid was scary.

"Yes I do work out a lot; I do loads of physical training. Actually I'm twelve, I know hard to believe. I'll be thirteen soon though!! Yeah I'm really tall for my age, its cause I eat right. Yes this is my girlfriend and yes she's hot but she's MINE. I know a few jutsu, I'm from Sand. My name is…….Naruto Uzumaki and its nice to meet you." He said smiling at the boy.

Konohomaru was about to say something when a wave of killer intent washed over him. He turned around slowly to see an enraged Sakura standing there in all his, I mean her fury. Konohomaru paled as he jumped into Naruto's arms and buried his face in the boy's neck.

"What did you do to make her so angry?" he asked while looking at the girl in front of him.

"She ran over me trying to get to that jerk Sasuke so I told her to watch her steps next time, then I called her an ugly she male faggot liking ho!!" he cried out in pride. "She already hit me for that; I swear she has serious anger issues, stupid fan-girl. If Sasuke is running from the fan girls doesn't that mean he's gay, no offense to gay people love me but she can't see that Sasuke doesn't like what she has? Then again maybe she does have it and is trying to show Sasuke so they could be together!!" he rambled on as the pink monster came closer to him hands outstretched.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!! I'M GOING TO RIP YOU TO SHREDS AND FEED YOU TO THE FISHES!! HOW DARE YOU CALL MY SASUKE GAY!!" the beast roared making a mad grab at him. Naruto merely side-stepped her and held his hands out in front of her.

"Please stop, from what I've heard you've already hurt him for saying those things so please could you stop chasing him. He's paid his dues for what he said so how about we drop it." he said smiling at the girl.

"Forget that, that little brat has got to learn to respect his better and not talk about Sasuke like that. I'm not done with him by a long shot so give him to me before I get the ANBU to escort you out of our village!!" she yelled at Naruto while grabbing onto his arm and yanking.


Sakura stumbled back from the hit from Temari whose look of rage in her eyes could burn fire onto anything. She was livid the little bitch had the gall to touch Naruto who was being a perfect gentleman to her flat chested ass.

"You really are stupid, don't you know anything going on here. Why else would we be here if we didn't have proper business!! Oh and one more thing, you touch my boyfriend like that again after he tried to solve this peacefully and I'll be shoving wind jutsu down your throat." She said smirking evilly at the frightened girl.

In a flash Naruto had put Konohomaru in Gaara's arms and stood in front of Temari. His hand was outstretched with a small rock in it. He glanced up at the tree and let loose a wave of pure loathing causing Sasuke to stiffen and struggle to breathe. The Uchiha didn't show it but he was struggling for air.

"DON'T. YOU. EVER. ATTACK. MY GIRLFRIEND. LIKE. THAT. AGAIN!!" he hissed to the boy who merely jumped out of the tree and began walking up to them. Hatoru began to make his way forward when a look from Naruto stopped him in his tracks.

"Then you shouldn't attack my teammate." He hissed back. Naruto had half a mind to let Hatoru have his way with the boy but shook his head at such a cruel fate.

"Then teach your teammate some manners. She shouldn't go around picking on kids in the Academy when she's a full ninja. That is really what's pathetic. Besides its dumb to pick on the 3rd's grandson isn't it" he said watching the color drain out of Sakura's face.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry honorable grandson. I didn't mean to be so rude to you well I gotta get going goodbye!!" she said in a rush while running off far away leaving Sasuke there by himself.

The Sand kids began to move away when Sasuke called back out to Naruto.

"You, what is your name?!" he demanded while looking smug at Naruto who merely shrugged his shoulders before moving off with his family, leaving Sasuke standing there feeling miffed for being ignored. He walked off to the training ground to meet his sensei and ask about the foreigners in the village.


Baki stood in front of the old Hokage while signing the papers for his team to participate in the exams. The Hokage himself looked worse for the wear.

"And what are the names of the kids I've been hearing so much about?" the old man said while looking at Baki. Baki stopped momentarily while finishing his papers debating on rather he wanted to say.

"Oh no one special Lord Hokage just a fox, a raccoon, and a dragon." He replied while watching the Hokage's face screw up in confusion.

"Ahh some sort of code names huh. Well I hope you all the best of luck in the upcoming exams. Konoha will have many clan heirs and talented kids coming in this time. I do hope your boys/girls are up for the challenge." He said smiling as Baki got up to leave.

"Oh rest assured Lord Hokage these boys are more than enough for anything this exam can throw their way." He said smirking as he left out of the office.


Hatoru stared out toward the majestic forest that surrounded the village his friend once called home. Temari and Naruto were asleep, taking an early nap. Gaara had gone off with Kankuro to go do whatever it was they did. Ever since Gaara had become more of an extrovert him and Kankuro hung out a lot. Hatoru could only deduce one thing Kankuro was introducing his younger brother to sex or something of the sort. Kankuro was nothing but a pervert anyway.

Hatoru shook his head as he sat down in the posh chair and crossed his legs. He brought the soothing tea to his lips and took a drink. His favorite pastime drinking tea and watching nature. Hatoru picked up a vanilla cake and bit into it.

'Wonder if I can get some training done out there in the forest, maybe I should just go gather some herbs and samples of the plants around here. That's what I'll do'

Hatoru quickly finished his cake and tea and jumped over the rooftops and heading towards the forest. IT wasn't long before he found himself deep into the forest. The young medic couldn't contain his excitement as he found loads of helpful herbs and toxins that would help in his fields of study.


It was near nightfall when Hatoru decided he spent enough times trying to find all the herbs that were rumored to appear around these parts. He found more toxins then anything which would help in him making an even more deadly form of his puppetry poisons. Right when he was beginning to make his way out of the forest a buzzing caught his ear. He turned immediately while his eyes darted around the clearing. No one ever knew, but Hatoru had a fascination with bug. Mainly because the enzymes bugs leave behind can be used for poisons, medicines, and makeup (for Kankuro).

Hatoru turned his head and caught a glimpse of silver wings and a golden body. His eyes lit up as he watched the 'Goddess Butterfly' take off. Hatoru bounded after the unnatural beauty intent on catching her. He loved running through the forest as he chased the beauty, it seemed she knew he was after her and fluttered around him as he laughed and danced with her.

The 'Goddess Butterfly' was no natural butterfly. It was rare to see one; it was unheard of to dance with one. Then again Hatoru had always seen one at least once every year he could remember. They always fascinated him mainly because not even a full trained shinobi could catch one that didn't want to be caught. It was then something finally clicked in Hatoru's head, the 9 Divine Summonings of the Celestial Animals.

It is about time you figured it out young one. Didn't you ever think it weird you have seen me once every year?" a soft voice filtered through his head.

'Lady Butterfly?!'

'Yes Hatoru it is me, I am the very first of the Divine Summonings and I have watched you for so long. I am your primary, your guide. I am Princess Alora; my mother is Queen Evadira of the Royal Butterfly. We have given you our blessing for doing so much for others and actually viewing us as more than beautiful creature but ones of power and grace.'

'I am honored to receive the blessings of the Royal Butterfly Clan and graciously accept you gifts. I Hatoru, last of the summoners pledge to forever fulfill the vow of the Summoner, to protect those of the clan and of those I love.'

A searing heat flared across his back as he took off his top to look at what was there. He could make out the butterfly wings on his back in a very elegant design. He smiled while bringing his top back on his body. He needed to read up more on the scroll. It wouldn't do if he forgot anything. He was glad he read the scroll right before leaving. He turned to see the small butterfly princess still lingering there beside him.

'What are you still doing here Princess Alora?'

'Oh please drop the formalities cause if the original village was still up I'd be calling you Prince. Its just Alora for you, since the butterflies are you primary I will be with you at all times in case you need immediate assistance and cannot summon. The same goes with the secondary summon. You know you are the only Summoner to have the butterflies as a primary or even reach us for that matter. Anyway I'm here to guide you along with your secondary which I'm scared to find out who that could be.'

'This will be interesting I've never seen how butterflies could be used in battle.'

'Don't worry we might not look like much but we are quite ferocious in battle, after all we are the second highest Summonings, we're not anywhere near as fragile as our earthly counterparts.'

Hatoru could hear her laughter in his head and he couldn't help but laugh with her. They danced throughout the forest bringing all the wildlife eyes to them. The butterflies sensing their princess among them flew upward and out making Hatoru and Alora look like they were dancing in a multitude of colorful tornadoes. It was enchanting, mystifying, and downright alluring.

This was the sight Shino and his father were treated with while they had been chasing the elusive 'Goddess Butterfly'. Shibi was amazed that the young girl was dancing with the legendary butterfly and the butterfly actually stayed with the child. The butterfly never took to any of their clan and they were bug users, it didn't even take to Shino who by far had the most connection with them. He gazed over to find his son in what seemed to be a trance.

Shino had never seen something in his life so amazing. The girl, no boy flowed so easily with the butterflies. The butterflies were so bright they lit up the area with luminescence and accented the boy and the legendary butterflies dance. Even the moths, the night's butterflies with their dull colors were fluttering in the myriad of colors. The sight it amazed him and shook something deep inside of him. Shino for the first time was feeling the emotion of attraction to someone. He blushed beneath his high collar as the boy's laughter filled the air coaxing more reddening of Shino's cheeks.

Hatoru began to slow down as he brushed his chakra along all the insects flying around them giving them comfort as he came to a stop. They fluttered around him still leading him out of the forest. Hatoru never had seen the eyes watching him but he felt so much better after dancing with his new friends.

Shino shook himself out of his stupor and began to follow as quietly as possible. His insects were buzzing in excitement. He slowed his pace a bit at that. No matter how much someone liked bugs it took a lot for someone to even considering going out with an Aburame whose bugs lived inside of them. He followed anyway just to satiate his curiosity. Shibi could only smile at his son; he could only hope the boy wouldn't hurt his son.

All eyes were on Hatoru when he walked back into the village. Everyone was amazed to see the hordes of butterflies that followed him everywhere. Hatoru could only scowl as he tried to tell his friends he didn't need to be walked back but they ignored that and kept going along with him.

'Darn it now everyone in this hell-hole is looking at me weirdly or like I'm some kind of piper leading the army of butterflies!!' he wailed to his primary.

'Hahahahaha it's not my fault that all the butterflies think of you as one of their very own and want to make sure you get home safely!!'

More laughter filtered in his head as he scowled. He quickly mad his way over to the private inn in the most posh area of the village and as soon as he entered the butterflies and moths dispersed in the most amazing display of color and flight anyone had seen. Hatoru could only smile as he turned to only come face to face with his team, who looked absolutely ragged.

"What happened to you guys?" he asked as Alora came and rest on the top of his head right where his ponytail tie was, making the butterfly look like some extravagant and beautiful hair ornament. Naruto's cheeks puffed out as he stepped closer to his brother.

"You little loser you!! We've been all over this village breaking our necks trying to find you!! Baki-sensei was worried because no one had heard from you so he went to go check and see if you were having your usual peace time, but no you were gone!! There was no note, no nothing, we thought for a minute you had been captured by someone whom had been after us. Where in the blue blazes were you?!" he wailed for dramatic effect till Gaara kicked him in the arse.

"I was out in the forest, boy do I have something to tell you guys!!" he said excitedly scaring his teammates who only saw that joy when he got a new puppet.

"Not another puppet huh?" Gaara said while pushing Naruto in the front of him just in case. "Or is it about the horde of butterfly that escorted you back here?"

"Lets go back to the room and I can tell everyone about it!!" he squealed running up the stairs with frightened family making their way very slowly behind him.

Shino watched the group in amazement. As much as he wanted to be there and hear the explanation he knew it was near impossible with the power he sensed coming off of their group. He sent one of his females to spy on them for him. He felt her fly off before he made his way back home.

Hatoru waited till everyone was seated before he begin his story. He started with how bored he had gotten, to finding more powerful herbs and toxins for his poisons and medicines, then on to how he was dancing with Alora, the talk and purpose behind Alora and the Summoning, and finally on to the big butterfly parade incident.

"Wow Toru, you really do have some powerful lineage!! Where is this Ms. Alora?" Naruto asked beautiful blue eyes darting left and right. He watched as Hatoru smirked and his new hair pin fluttered up and above to rest in front of everyone's faces. Naruto stared like everyone else she really was pretty.

"From what she's said she can changer her size to match that of a true summon about the size of Gamabunta or she could shrink to the size of a fly. She has great shielding abilities, powerful chakra blasts and a multitude of attacks, she's telepathic like me, and of course she can fly at unnatural speeds." Hatoru said smirking at his friends faces. Alora settled back onto his head and said she was going to sleep.

"No fair, you get nine Summonings, cool bloodlines, and great pets, and you have a dragon inside you!! Why does Kami hate me so much!!" Naruto wailed while crying on his girlfriend who shook her head. Gaara rolled his eyes at the boy while swapping him on the back of his head one good time.

"You have the most powerful sword in existence, a living powerful fan from your father, two of the most powerful DEMONIC summons, an ice and water bloodline, the most powerful demon in you, the most powerful wind user in Suna, and the fact that you probably have another hidden bloodline from your father!! What more could you want, and that's just the gifts given to you at birth, lets not talk about the skills you have on your own development." Gaara said while looking at the now innocent looking blonde.

"Who me?" he asked while Temari just gave him a slap on the ass.

"Yes you" she said while getting tackled to the ground by her over affectionate boyfriend. Gaara and Kankuro left again before things got too graphic for their taste, that was their sister. Baki excused himself to go get a drink, Hatoru on the other hand close the door behind him went and got some cake and tea and went back outside. Temari and Naruto were making out quite heavily when they heard Hatoru's scream.

Most people would come rushing out to see what was wrong with their friend but everyone knew Hatoru's screams meant one thing, someone was going to die. Naruto shot off out the building and ran for his life, Kankuro and Gaara not too far behind him.


The powerful very demon like roar was heard all over the village as the three culprits sprinted off in the forest while wishing that Hatoru had stuck to his usual schedule and eating one piece of cake a day. Gaara and Naruto came prepared to spend the night out there while Kankuro said he was going back home. It was going to be one rough day for them tomorrow and they knew it.

The next day Temari was seen sitting in a chair beside three beds with both of her brothers and her boyfriend in each one of them heavily bandaged from their beating earlier this morning. She could only laugh at the three of them. She knew better to ever touch Hatoru's cakes. The boy had a monster sweet tooth and didn't share…..ever. They just had to eat the cake that Chiyo made, how foolish.

"Man, Naruto that's the last time I listen to your crazy ass, damn near got us killed!!" Kankuro wailed.

Naruto could only snort at Kankuro's actions. "Yeah uh-huh you sure wasn't complaining when you stuffing piece after piece of it down your throat!! Be a man like Gaara and me and take your punishment, it was worth it though granny Chiyo makes the best cakes ever. The only thing is that stubborn old bat only makes them on a regular basis for Hatoru."

"You're not being a man about it, I am!!" Gaara said next to Naruto through his muffling bandages across his face. "You were whining to Temari all night and Kankuro was too, I'm the only one who had to endure Hatoru's brutal bandage wrapping!!" he growled to the two crybabies in the other beds.

"Aww be quiet, you and Naruto should be healed within a few hours with your demons help, and I'll heal Kankuro myself at a later date of course." Hatoru said as he stepped into the room. He had a package under his arm as he stepped back into the room. Hatoru smirked knowing full well the effect of what he was about to do.

"Granny Chiyo sent me another cake, cause of you three greedy boys!!" he said smirking evilly as he sat the large box on the table in front of them. He slowly opened the box as the cake appeared. It was a five layered cake made with vanilla and strawberry icing. It was layered just like a wedding cake with strawberries and raspberries decorating the outer layering, powdered sugar and berry drizzling ran over the entire glazed cake. All in all it was one hell of a cake.

Naruto tried his best to move his body protesting every movement. He stuck his tongue out trying to get to the cake in desperation. It was his FAVORITE of all time. He had the same cake on his birthday every year. Hatoru smirked as he cut one large piece of the cake and walked over to sit right out of Naruto's reach and took one large bite. He put the plate right there next to Naruto and Naruto was about to dive in when a long butterfly tongue came out and sucked the cake up. Alora flitted around happily at the taste of the sweet cake.

Hatoru heard Naruto's wail of displeasure and he melted. He cut the three bandits each a large piece of the cake and gave it to them. He hated being sweet deep down in his cold little shell. Naruto chomped happily on the cake as did the other two. It was rare that Hatoru would break but when Naruto wails it's hard to remain mad at him.


Hatoru watched the streets below him as Naruto, who was finally backed to form, came on the side of him. Naruto glanced outwards smiling. This was the calmest section of the village where city met forest and blended in the best of ways.

"Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara are going to do a sibling thing right now. Wanna go get some lunch?" he said as Hatoru nodded. Alora came flying back in and landing back in his head.

"You know the first time I saw her in your hair I swore she was just another hair ornament you put in your head because all you can see is her gold and silver wings sticking out where your ponytail tie is suppose to be." He said as they entered into the streets.

"Yeah I know she says she like my hair its like silken honey to her. So are you sure you want to go out here and be around these people?" he asked in concern for his teammate. Naruto tensed a small bit before nodding his head firmly. He knew it was time to face his demons and they would face his and his friends if they angered him.

"We're going to the only place I could eat at when I lived here. Hopefully they're still around; it's the only place I actually feel safe to eat without getting poisoned." He spoke as the finally entered into the village square. Hatoru saw as some people looked at his friend trying to figure where they had seen him before. Some people cried out in shock thinking they had seen their beloved 4th Hokage again. Naruto quickly found the place he was looking for a let a sigh of relief seeing no one there.

Hatoru and him quickly sat down as Hatoru read the sign and smacked his head on his palm. Just typical of Naruto to lead them to a ramen shop for lunch. Hopefully they served something more than that, since Hatoru was currently the only one Naruto couldn't get addicted to the stuff.

"Welcome to the shop……..Naruto? No, it can't be but you look so much……." Teuchi said while looking so utterly lost. Ayame came to the front to see what was wrong when her eyes landed on Naruto she dropped everything in her hands. She begin to stutter thinking she was seeing a ghost of her little friend or the ghost of her former Hokage.

"Its good to see that all the years I've been away you two can still spot me out of anywhere." He said smiling at them when Teuchi surprised the hell out of them by yanking him up pulling him across the counter and putting a knife to his throat.

"Don't play with me kid; no one should ever disrespect that kid!! A lot of these impersonations had stopped once I threatened the last kid with his balls getting chopped off! You bastards come in here mocking the boy, the hero of this stupid village! This is your last warning get out of here before I kill you and feed you to your parents as the noodles they eat!!" he roared while Naruto simply laughed. Teuchi was about to gut him when Naruto got up and hugged the man leaning down to his ear.

Its me Old man, your favorite customer, the one who had to clean the kitchen when he didn't have enough money, the one who spent nights at your house when my apartment was raided, the one who cried on your shoulder, the one who called you his family, his grandfather." He whispered as Teuchi went stiff in his arms before latching on and hugging back just as strong with tears.

"It really is you kid!! I thought that you were dead; they told me you were dead. There was a celebration just cause of your death and the Hokage couldn't stop it even though he tried. I thought we had lost you kid but I can tell you've grown beautifully in a true home. It's so great to have you back here. Ayame could tell by the way her father was holding on to the boy and crying that it was her little 'brother'.

She wasted no time in going over and latching herself to the two men and sobbing to. Hatoru could only smile as he took a few pictures; it was such a touching moment he just thought he should share with the rest of their family. After a much needed moment between the three Naruto was back in his seat eating his 35th bowl.

"So Naruto this here your girlfriend?" Teuchi said wiggling his eyebrows as Ayame complemented him for picking a girl of such beauty. Naruto swallowed his noodles and laughed so hard he thought his side was going to split.

"No….HAHAHA….this is ….HAHAHAHA….my friend Hatoru…..HAHA…He's just like…..HA….just like MEEE!! HAHAHAHA" he cried falling out of his chair laughing like crazy. Teuchi and Ayame blushed at their obvious misconception of the boy's gender. Ayame walked up to the boy and examined his face.

"Are you sure Naruto, he's really, really, really, pretty!" she said as she poked and prodded the boy who started to develop the Gaara tick in his eye. Naruto had finally stopped laughing and sat back down reaching over to try and grab one of Hatoru's ribs only to get slapped in the hand.

"No, I'm pretty sure he's a boy we've all went swimming before and he does surprisingly have a penis down there. Gaara used a tendril of Sand and poked it to see if it was real and it stayed there so it's real." He said smirking at a now flustered Hatoru and a blushing Chef and Daughter.

The night went on as Naruto talked more and more about his life in Suna and what had happened to him that night. By the end of the night Naruto had eaten 56 bowls of ramen and the rest of Hatoru's ribs when the boy wasn't looking. Hatoru didn't mind because he said just for that Naruto got no cake. This resulted in Naruto trying to get Hatoru to take the ribs back. How that was going to happen Hatoru didn't want to know. Teuchi had said he had been looking at leaving for Suna and now his decision was final.

Naruto and Hatoru was on their way back to the inn when a shadow passed in front of them. Naruto tensed and placed his hand on his back right on the hilt of his sword. Shiva pulsed in his hand ready for action. Hatoru could feel Alora powering up to shield them in case while he himself had seven poison needles in his hand. Their grips only tightened when the silver haired jounin appeared in front of them. Naruto's fury reached new heights at the sight of the bastard who used the electric attack on him before. Hatoru caught the signal and stepped forward to shield his brother from recognition.

"Umm well don't you two seem ready for a fight? I was just dropping by to tell you to leave my students alone. You'd be picking a fight you'd be sure to lose against Sasuke." He said as he gave them a small glare.

Hatoru snorted wanting to show this man that an Uchiha was as weak as their cheap ass eye. He wanted to pound the arrogant fool into the dust but he knew Naruto should handle this. Naruto stepped forward, eyes like frozen lakes of Snow. He gave Kakashi a blast of his killer intent imbued with a fraction of his wind power to knock the jounin back a bit.

"Don't presume to know Sand's power. WE don't coddle our children and teach them useless things like who was the First Kazekage and his power. We learn to kill two weeks before graduation, we learn teamwork from the start and we have real sensei. Your students attacked us first and the first one was attacking the 3rd's grandson. So next time get your facts straight before you speak to us because next time we won't be so nice to you, or them. We are shinobi tell them to conduct themselves as such and not as spoiled brats." He said coldly sending shivers down Kakashi's s spine. Before the jounin could say another word Alora warped them back to their inn.

"He was one of them wasn't he?" Hatoru asked Naruto who nodded his head. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Hatoru there smiling.

"You handled yourself with the utmost dignity and grace. You handle him like a shinobi and not some enraged teenager who had been hurt. You acted your age bro, so I guess you can have a piece of cake after all!" he said as Naruto yelled already forgetting about his run-in with the bastard. After all he was going to tell Temari and he knew how she was going to get his mind off of it.


Naruto awoke early the next morning and untangled himself from Temari. He gazed down at her sleeping form in awe. She was just so beautiful to him. Last night had been so hard on him and her. They had wanted to give in to their bodies last night but they had made a vow when they started to really get serious about each other to wait to they were at least 15 and deeply rooted in their love for each other. He could deal with it as long as their make-out sessions were like last night with lots of grinding.

He quickly showered and got dressed and it was no surprise to him to find Gaara and Hatoru already sitting down and having breakfast. It was rare that Hatoru would ever cook and people usually killed each other to get to his cooking. Naruto happily piled his plate with pancakes and bacon and begin to eat.

"Next time could the both of you not be so loud there are other people living in these close quarters with you?" Gaara asked while looking at his blonde brother-in-law to be. Naruto merely grinned and went back to stuffing his face, sucking it up like a vacuum. It was hard to believe that this boy could actually have table manners.

"Baki-sensei this is no time for us to get lazy. So we're going to the clearing I went to when I was with Alora. It's far away and hidden deep within the so-called in accessible parts of the forest. So yeah we're to be there in the next hour while he goes around the village looking for a good weapons shop. Most of their shops here don't really carry the high end stuff we use back at home." He said while going back to get dressed.

Gaara debated to himself what he should wear, knowing Baki-sensei and his cruel torture or what he called training he should wear something he wasn't attached to. Hatoru no doubt wouldn't think about it since the boy loved all his clothes.

"Hatoru you might want to go wear something you're not going to miss since you're always complaining how sensei always rips your outfits!" he yelled while going into his room. Naruto snickered if that was one thing girly Hatoru did do was his dedication to fashion even the shinobi style. The boy was the epitome of looking good on a battle field and Temari was just as bad. Going shopping with these two made you want to never go again.

In no time Team Oni was dressed in their training clothes and shot off towards the forest. Hatoru pulled out a leaf and placed it to his lips and used his chakra to whistle a sweet tune. Hordes of butterflies flew up and around them and led them to the clearing. Gaara and Naruto were amazed.

"Alora told me how to do it. I don't need it to call them per say but it helps to bring them to me faster instead of them having to find out my chakra and follow the path. Butterflies are very sensitive to chakra and can find just about anyone with their antennae and their memories and navigation abilities are astounding." He said to his brothers as they walked into the clearing to see Baki standing there waiting for them.

"Okay it's good to see you all here so early. Just because we are in foreign territory does not mean that we cannot practice and sharpen your skills. I don't want you to work on anything new unless you can have it done and perfected by the end of this week. We're going to be doing some heavy taijutsu training, a lot of chakra control practice, and some serious recon and intelligence gathering exercises. So let's get started. Hatoru and Naruto start sparring, no enhanced strength Hatoru, no wind speed Naruto. Gaara you and I will be working on recon right now so lets get moving!!" he barked out as the boys went to doing their task.


It had been a whole week since their arrival in the Hidden Leaf and no one had been remotely mean to Naruto or recognized him for who he was. Although he knew it was only a matter of time before they found out who he was and those old glares came back at him. Not like it mattered, he wasn't theirs anymore.

Naruto currently was standing in the middle of another clearing way off near the very edge of the forest. He drew Shiva from her sheath in her Shikai form. He moved fluidly while stabbing, thrusting, and slashing at imaginary opponents. His foot work was flawless as was his stance. He could feel eyes on him. He turned to see his girlfriend smiling down at him while she flew on her fan. She waved and took off. He could only smile as he went back to practice. He swung downward and up with his eyes close imagining his opponent. He waved the sword as a frozen blade of ice sharp as the sword itself flew form the sword and sliced a few trees cleanly through.

"Ooh wee!!" he called out watching the blade as it kept going then it turned around and went back to his blade. This was something new, he had never seen.

'Its cause you never train with me!! Stubborn boy I know you want to be strong on your own but HELLO!! You have a demon inside of you that knows countless things and I the QUEEN of ICE JUTSU!! You dolt, let me teach you a few jutsu for the rest of this week and I'll have you begging for more!!' she yelled to her wielder.

'Okay okay I'm sorry. I give in lets get some training done cause who would expect someone who lives in the desert to know ice jutsu of all things.' He called back to her.

'Okay the first thing I'm going to teach you is the Flying Ice Blade, The Snake Ice Blade, Diamond Dust, Snowstorm Wraith, and Winter's Wrath. The first two can be done with the blade. You just did the first one. You merely push your chakra into the blade and a large flying crescent blade will fly out and back to you. Now the Snake Ice Blade is tricky. First you have to push you chakra into the blade then cut the chakra into as many pieces as you can and send it out through the sword. The sword will send out many blades like the first one but the will be attached and it attacks like a snake from all angles and very fast. Lets do those two first and see how good you are!" she said airily.

Naruto grinned thinking it was going to be so easy. He pushed his chakra into the sword and swung it only for the blade to come flying towards his head. He heard laughter coming from his sword and scowled at her. He closed his eyes and felt his chakra go into the blade. As he swung his blade forward he pushed his chakra forward and the blade flew like before and came back. He grinned to himself as he got ready for the next attack on the list.

Once again he focused his chakra as he pushed it into the sword. He began to process of cutting the chakra into as many pieces as he could and once he was successful he pushed it out again as he swung. He only had three blades connected to each other before he realized it wasn't as easy as she made it seem. He hoped his brothers were having more luck with their personal training than he was.


Hatoru flipped out of the way as a powerful blast of psychic energy slammed into the ground where he used to be. He was forced to roll off the tree he landed in to avoid a sickle of energy that cut through the tree. He cursed as he was hit with a silver wind embedded with powerful burst of energy that sent him careening towards a boulder. He placed his palm on it twisted around on it and flipped off as a powerful golden and silver wing smashed it to rubble. He sent out powerful blasts of light from his fingertips only for a shield to block it and reflect it back at him.

Alora had changed her size to suit this training. She was about as big as a tree which was still no where near her real size. Hatoru was watching her movements carefully for that was another thing he learned about the seemingly docile butterfly. There wings were enchantingly beautiful but so deceptive. Their wings would tell lies of how they moved and what they did when you never see the real action they were trying to do. It was baffling to say the least. He watched as the butterfly once again shifted forms into her battle form. She was now a beautiful girl with long legs and shinobi style heels on. She wore a black and gold skirt with a silver halter top. Her hair was deep black and her eyes were a dazzling turquoise. Her wings fanned out behind her as she got into a stance.

"Now its time to help you learn how to control your gifts from us. You will incorporate our style into your own style and learn how to call upon your wings which we have given you. I hope you're ready cause right now I'm not your friend, I'm your teacher!" she said as she came at him with a vicious right hook and speed he couldn't imagine. The only thing going through his mind when he had been hit was that he hoped his brothers weren't going through this torture.


Right now Gaara would have to say he hated his siblings and his sensei. He wasn't like his other two teammates blessed with loads of gifts that would make them into effective shinobi of course he had his sand, iron sand(when he chose to), magnetic abilities, and lightning affinity but that was about where his amazing skills came to an end. His father had told him though that they carried a recessive gene for a bloodline and he swore that Gaara was the one of his kids that had it active. If it was he swore it wasn't working right now for him.

He dodged several senbon from his brother's puppets, a vicious blade of wind from his sister, and a fireball from his sensei as he twisted in the air and landed. He pivoted in time to dodge a sword stabbing his gut from his brother's puppet and flipped back to avoid a tornado gale blasting him backwards. He raised his arm in time to catch his sensei's leg and flip him under while using his sand to levitate in mid-air.

He raised his hands as the earth beneath his opponents buckled and sand raised itself in the sky. This shocked them to see that Gaara had been grounding the minerals into Sand form the very beginning to give himself a sort of home field advantage. Gaara watched as all three of them went to different sides of his vision which Gaara hated. He could summon his sand eyes but in that short time they could be upon him. They all charged at once but he could only see Temari and Kankuro, his most dangerous opponent was behind him and yet he couldn't see him. If he turned around he'd eliminate the bigger threat and leave him open from the back. Using his sand wouldn't help if Baki was using his piercing sword technique that would get through, he wanted to see so badly. He was even trying to will himself to see and that's when all hell broke loose.

As Baki neared Gaara's back he wondered what the boy would do when played with his weakness when a chakra wave whipped him and the other two back into trees. Gaara stood in the middle of some blazing black chakra as his eyes shifted to black with a crimson star in the middle. Gaara's hair stood on end as the power finally settled down on him. Gaara had never felt anything like it. He could actually see behind him. Not that far, but he could do it none the less. He felt power that didn't belong to his demon flowing through him.

It was time to see what he could do. Baki and the Sand siblings stood back up and eyed Gaara. It was something new but they knew the best way to try it out would be in combat. Kankuro launched his puppets forward and Gaara raised his hand as a wall of black lightning blocked the puppet from his prey. Gaara could feel the black power of his new ability and quickly thought of ways to use it.

Baki could already see what the boy could do from watching him. He moved faster, quicker reflexes, great power over dark lightning and magnetism. He could even tell the boy's eyes were greatly enhanced. It was like a weak Byakugan with darker Sharingan like abilities. This was something new. Oh well it was time for him to jump into the fray then later he would send a letter to the Kazekage asking about this new development in Gaara.


The Kazekage gazed down at the newer information that was published on Naruto. Yesterday he had gotten word of his son's abilities coming through and couldn't help but smile. Soon Gaara's information would have to be redone also. Team Oni was going to be legends before they made 15. It was quite extraordinary of them to have done what they had and carries such heavy burdens.

Naruto Uzumaki: Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto

Parents: Namikaze Minato & Uzumaki Kushina


Foster Parent: Yashamaru Tachicoma

Age: 12

Home: Sunagakure

Bloodline Profile:Naruto is an amazing boy who has shown his mothers ability of the Hyoton manipulation. He also possesses from this an abnormal affinity for wind never seen before and hydro kinesis. He can wield the Hyoton with much ease now and only has to use hand signs for the most advanced of his jutsu.

Another bloodline rumored to possess is the Devil X-gene which is the counterpart to the Tenshigan. The Namikaze clan was blessed by Shinigami to carry this power which allows the user power over darkness and has a very certain feature. The power like the Tenshigan comes in intervals. 20 which only affects the body by enhancing it, 40 in which the eyes glow red and special abilities come to light, 60 is just an empowerment of 40 level, 80 features become darker, rapid regeneration, hellfire ability, 100 is the final level no data has ever been recorded of such no one has reached that level and survived the insanity. (Information obtained from Namikaze Estates using sample of Naruto's blood to break wards.)

He got up from his desk and looked outside of his window, gazing down at the people he cared so much for. He was happy his son had unlocked their family ability that had skipped 12 generations. The Doshigan was nothing to scoff at. It was on equal power with the Tenshigan, Devil X-gene, and the Rinnegan. This power was a blessing from mother earth. She combined her most destructive elements and darkened them from her very core. Black fire and black lightning the two elements of destruction she bestowed upon his ancestor around the same time as the Six-Realm Sage, The Fallen Angel, and the Shinigami's blessing. The bloodlines that shaped the world had all occurred around the same time.

He could feel the approaching storm that was coming and he knew those three would be at the very front of it shaping the world like their ancestors before them. He sighed as he leaned his forehead to the glass. He had to remain vigilant, he knew something was going to happen soon but didn't know what. Yesterday he had been approached by Orochimaru's servant Kabuto about something and if they could meet. He was no fool; he wasn't going to leave his village and meet that snake anywhere he could have a disadvantage. Maybe he should wait till Team Oni came back and have them escort him. He smiled thinking how mad the snake would be that he would have to wait.


Orochimaru hissed in anger as the Tsuichikage looked at him strangely. The Kage looked at the snake and stopped writing cause he knew the snake was going to say something that would no doubt upset him also.

"That bastard is waiting until after the Exams when the resting month comes to meet me!! He dare makes me wait!! I need to kill him now to get my hands on Sand's army and those three demon vessels!!" he hissed as his anger flared out. The Tsuichikage knew that the boys were needed all because of the power they held, not to mention the fact that the Tenshi Heir was one of them.

"It looks like we'll have to play it his way. For all his faults the Kazekage is no fool and the most strategic Kage of our time. He would expect for us to attack and bolster Sand's defenses so much we'd be wiped out. Lets sit and are patient; just put the marks on them like you planned and we'll take it from there." He said as the snake slid back in his chair.

Orochimaru knew he had to get them during the exams. He wouldn't have another golden opportunity as this and if he was lucky he could mark them and Sasuke all within the time span. He cackled evilly to himself as his plans finally begin to see some shape within the forms of those four.


Team Oni stood in front of the Academy looking at its structure. Naruto led his two teammates into the building and went up towards the stairs. He eyed a group of kids seemingly getting involved with some guards. It was quite a pathetic genjutsu a Sand Academy kid would have seen through it. Not like he cared, it just went to show how much Sand had improved over the time.

They easily walked by the weak Genjutsu never alerting anyone to their presence. They had made it to the classroom and all gave their sensei a very determined look. This was there time to shine and show their stupid Daimyo that Sand might not have the numbers but they had the power. Baki nodded his head as they walked into the room.

Gaara felt the eyes landing on his team as they held their heads high in spite of those who directed their killing intent on them. Hatoru smirked as he saw the teams and their attempts to scare his team. He nodded to Gaara as Naruto rolled his eyes at them. The two red heads blasted the room with their aura suffocating most and making a few young kids piss their pants.

Hatoru gave a more intense smirk when he eyed the kids from Stone who looked at them with venom. Hatoru had half a mind to maim them in front of everybody but Naruto gave him another one of those –I-am-so-not-cleaning-up-the-bloody-mess-you-make looks. He flipped his hair and strolled off with his teammates following him. The Stone kids very seething at the blatant form of dismissal by Hatoru.

It didn't take long for Hatoru to walk over to a corner of the room and give some men a look and they hurried out of the way vacating the only three seats in the waiting room. Hatoru sat upon the seat and raised his head to put on a very innocent looking face and patting the two seats on both sides of him.

"They were so nice to just give us their seats! Thanks ever so much!!" he said waving at the cowering men. Gaara and Naruto just laughed to each other as they sat down. It was near time for the exam to start when they saw the Konoha rookies enter the building and start shouting at one another and boasting. Kabuto snuck up on them and all three demon containers narrowed their eyes smelling the scent of snakes on him. Hatoru turned on his eyes for a second to analyze the boy's power levels and smirked. The boy was truly powerful in his own right but no means on par with him and his teammates. Then again he could hold more power. He knew to watch out for the sneaky little bugger.

Naruto frowned as the boy started to reveal information for the little Uchiha brat. Team Oni didn't even flinch when he looked up and pointed at them and Kabuto placed three cards on the ground and pumped chakra into them. Naruto strengthened his ears with chakra and listened.

"Team Oni said to be the most distinguished team since the Konoha Sannin. It's said that these boys are hailed as the most powerful genin in the world right now. They have completed 64 D-rank missions each in the Academy, 25 C-rank missions, 2 A & B rank missions, and finally 1 S-rank mission. They have the most distinguished record of any genin team to date. Skills and everything else concerning them and their missions have been sealed by Sand." He said while thinking that something was seriously off since their info should have been at his disposal. It seemed any spy in Sand they had must have been eliminated. He knew of their demons but that was it. Ever since 7 years ago Sand had tightened up on their security to the point that a spy was caught the minute they attempted anything.

Gaara smirked his father was ruthless with spies and their punishment the last spy they caught had been reporting to Sasori and he had been dealt with in the harshest of ways. They made sure a statement was made; he was in small enough pieces to send to every country and village that existed. Oh well no one missed him anyway.

They watched as Kabuto made a careful yet true observation about the Sound village and watched as those hot headed fools rushed to incapacitate the young man. Hatoru didn't even want to give the little sneaky bastard a chance to quit in the exam and from his fingertips sprouted three chakra strings that caught the Sound kinds around the ankle and jerked hard sending them crashing to the ground just as Ibiki showed up.

"All right you little shits, go sit down in your seats. This is not a playground. I am Morino Ibiki the first exam proctor and in this room I. AM. GOD!!" he roared letting all of his killer intent wash over the kids scrambling most of their brains already. Hatoru smirked; this guy could hang with him any day.


Hatoru smiled to himself as he filled out the test with ease. Grandma Chiyo drilled him till he could do figures in his head. He knew Gaara could do them no problem and Naruto was no slouch in books, the boy was a literal well of knowledge all thanks to his very brainy father. Team Oni wasn't even worried about this part. They could easily see through the charade going on here. It was then that Hatoru decided to see how others were fairing.

Most people were being quite foolish with their cheating. It was easy to see the eyes of the Uchiha and Hyuuga which at Sand they would have been kicked out. He could only sigh knowing his friends were comparing things with their village just as he was.

Naruto slept, Gaara ran through various scenarios in which involved him using his sand to slowly suffocate the fan girls that had stopped taking their test and staring at him, Hatoru was……….painting his nails. He was quite bored; he had nothing better to do. Ibiki looked at the boy who merely shrugged and decided to annoy the crap out of the kid in front of him by sending telepathic pushes that made the boy forget what he was thinking at that moment.

Soon Ibiki began with the tenth question while applying pressure on the genin. Naruto rolled his eyes, the guy was good but he didn't have anything on Sai'x when the man really wanted to break you. The three brothers-in-arms smiled to each other and allowed the teams to drop out like flies. It was only because of Kiba's big ass mouth that a lot of teams decided to stay behind. Hatoru smiled, a perfect opportunity to collect more puppets legally, Gaara was ready for some blood, and Naruto just shook his head and slapped them upside their heads.

"No puppets and certainly no unnecessary blood you two!! We're going to finish these parts but when it comes to fighting beat em senseless." He said while they all smiled. The window broke apart as Anko announced herself to the startled genin while looking them over.

"Way too many old man, don't worry though I'll have most of them pushing daises by the end of my exam. I am Anko Mitarashi and I'm your second proctor prepare for death kiddies!!" she called gleefully reminding Naruto of Hatoru somewhat. She gave them all an hour resting period which they were grateful for.

Soon they all stood outside of the forest of death waiting for their proctor. Naruto and his team were just itching to fight. It was now or never, time to get in there and show these people what the Sand was made of. He glanced over to his teammates and they nodded smiling, they were ready for this.


And that's it for this chapter. I refuse to write another word on this chapter it's been way too tiring. So yeah as usual leave some reviews, c'mon I get so sad when I look at my stats and see the small number of reviews for this story so feed my muse and review please!!