AN: Not my characters, but you know that.

It's impossible to get a moment's peace around here. Ron and Harry are loudly "debating" the finer points (so-called) of various quidditch teams, the Weasley twins are over in one corner testing their latest product (Skiving Snackboxes) on unsuspecting first years, and everybody else is just constantly talking. I don't know how I managed to actually work in here before this year, really I don't. I'd go to the library, but after what happened in there last time, I think I'd be too distracted in there as well. Maybe I'd be better off in an empty classroom. Yes, that sounds like a plan.


Stuffing all her books and parchment back into her bag, Hermione Granger pushed open the portrait hole and walked out of the Gryffindor common room. Thankfully, she didn't have prefect rounds that night, so she'd be able to work in peace, not have to worry about the time, and get all of her essays done. Or so she thought, anyway. She'd been there about an hour when the door creaked open, and someone she definitely didn't want to see appeared.

"Well, well, Granger. Out after curfew without your little friends? I am surprised."

"Go away, Malfoy. I'm busy."

"That's not what you told me the other day – quite the opposite in fact."

"And that was a mistake. It is not going to happen again, are we clear on that?"

"Granger, you wound me."

She looked up from her Charms essay to glare at him. "Don't make me laugh, Malfoy."

"I'm serious."

She might have believed him, if it wasn't for the fact that he was Draco Malfoy and she was Hermione Granger – complete opposites in every way. She'd confided in Ginny when the incident in the library had happened, and Ginny's response came to mind now.

"You know what they say about opposites, Hermione. They attract."

She pushed the thought out of her mind. It had just been a kiss, albeit a heated one, and he'd probably only done it for a bet or a dare.

"I'm not your plaything, Malfoy. I'm not going to let you do anything like that ever again."

"You can't even say it, can you, Granger? You're too embarrassed."

She stood up, angrily, her chair falling over backwards as she did so. Throwing down her quill, she stormed over to him.

"We kissed, ok? And it was a mistake and it won't ever be happening…"

Her voice was cut off as he pressed his lips to hers. She knew she was losing herself in his kiss, again, and it was so unbelievably wrong, but it didn't feel that way right now.

"Damn it, Granger, you talk too much. You think too much, come to that."

"Just because you don't actually use that thing called a brain, doesn't mean nobody else can."

He groaned as he pulled her close again. "Just shut up and enjoy it. I'm sure you can manage that."


I couldn't help feeling as though I was betraying myself, my friends, and Gryffindor. After all, I was consorting with the enemy, and they'd all have something to say about it if they knew. Still, for now I can just forget about it and lose myself in him like I so desperately want to. I'll deal with the repercussions some other time. They're not important right now.

AN: The author lives on reviews, so feed the starving author, please.