Hurky: Hi everyone! Guess what time it is?

Riku: Time for you to shut up?

Hurky: (bops Riku on head) No. It's time for my annual Christmas story!

Sora and Kairi: YAY!

Hurky: Every year since 2005, I've written a Christmas fic, starting with 3 Holiday Wishes, How Riku Saved Christmas in 2006, and now It's a Blunderful Life fo 2007! I plan to write a Christmas fic until I stop writing fanfics.

Riku: And please don't complain to Hurky that there is no such word as 'blunderful,' There are people in the fanfiction world who probably make up words all the time.

Sora: Shut up, Riku. And now, here's the disclaimer!

Disclaimer: Hurky doesn't own Kingdom Hearts, Disney, Ryo, Alexa, Jal, Jean, or Nic. She does own Hurky, Balamb Express peacocks (but not Balamb or Balamb Garden), Burrito Eating Owl, all her original characters. Now have a happy holiday and enjoy this fic.

It was Christmas Eve on the community of Destiny Islands. It was a bright and sunny day on the peaceful islands. A gentle island breeze blew in the coconut trees. Seagulls cawed and made messes everywhere. A lot of the shops were closed or closing early for the holiday season. Some residents of the islands left in gummi ships to go to other worlds for the holidays. The ones who didn't leave stayed home and either threw Christmas parties or spent time with their families.

Anyway, we're going to focus on three particular people throughout the story. Sora, Riku, and Kairi. The holiday story plots have always been focused on one of the people in this group. Well, all three of them are going to be in a dilly of a pickle this holiday season! Let's read on!

Sora, Riku, and Kairi all went over to a friend's house together to help organize her Christmas party for the next day. Ryo, a girl with long blonde hair, wearing jeans and a red and green sweater, was the friend who was throwing the Christmas party. Their friend, Hurky, normally threw the parties every year, but this year, she was spending most of Christmas with her family in Wonderland. Her mother passed away earlier this year, so it was very important for Hurky to be home for the holidays. She would be on the islands in time for the party, but she has no time to plan a party.

"First order of business!" Ryo began in an official sounding voice. "What kind of food should we have at the party tomorrow?"

"Burritos!" Riku blurted out.

"No way!" cried Sora, disgusted with burritos. "I've eaten too many burritos recently. I think I may need a day off from them."

Riku gasped in shock. "You can never have too many burritos!" he cried.

"If you're Riku," muttered Kairi. "Sora and I are kind of tired of burritos."

"This is an outrage!" Riku yelled.

"Calm down!" yelled Alexa, a girl with brown hair with pink streaks. "We can settle this if-"

"Aw, can the settling crap!" Riku cried.

"Riku!" Ryo yelled, shocked that the guy she loved yelled at one of her best friends.

"Sorry." Riku said, sheepish.

Ryo sighed. "Another subject. Sora, did you find some music to play?" she asked.

"I have some music. Do you think these bands are good?" Sora said.

"List them." said Alexa.

Sora took out a piece of paper from the pocket of his shorts and read from it. "The traditional Christmas songs like Jingle Bell Rock, Silent Night, and Silver Bells, plus Linkin Park, Angels and Airwaves, Feist, Bad Religion, Weird Al Yanchovic, Foo Fighters, Serj Ta-..."

"Those are crappy bands!" Riku scoffed. "Most of them are rock bands!"

"For your information, Riku, Serj Tankian is not a band!" corrected Sora. "He was in System of a Down, but he's now doing solo!"

"I want Natasha Beddingfield!" cried Kairi. "Or Gwen Stefani!"

"Family Guy: Live in Vegas!!" yelled Riku.

Ryo sighed in frustration and turned to Alexa while Sora, Riku, and Kairi argued with each other. "You know, we don't have this problem when Hurky plans the parties." she said.

"Well, Hurky isn't here." Alexa pointed out. "She won't be back until late tomorrow."

Meanwhile, back in Wonderland, a girl with brown hair past her shoulders wearing a black HIM sweatshirt that belonged to her younger brother Louie, (who didn't want it anymore and gave it to Hurky), jeans, and black slip on Vans shoes with pink frogs on them, was sitting on a leather couch in the living room of her dad's house. A Christmas tree decorated with ornaments stood next to the couch she was sitting on.

"I'm bored." she whined.

"Go clean the kitchen!" yelled her brother.

Suddenly, there was a grinning smile in front of Hurky's face and a little girl with brown hair wearing a blue shirt and a skort (skirt and short combination) appeared. It turned out to be her 5-year-old niece, who was very tricky with the Cheshire Cat disappearing act.

"OMG!" cried Hurky. "Stop pulling the Cheshire Cat thing on me!"

"Hee hee!" giggled the little girl. "Louie taught me it!" and she skipped off as her aunt rolled her eyes.

Back on Destiny Islands...

"ATTENTION!" Ryo yelled at the top of her lungs.

Sora, Riku, and Kairi looked up to look at Ryo.

"I'm going to try to change the subject once again!" Ryo spoke up. "People to invite! Who do you guys think should come to the party?"

"Roxas, Namine, Hayner, Pence, and Olette for a fact!" Sora said, crossing his arms.

"Nic Kinari and Jean Lee!" said Kairi. "And also, don't forget Jal!"

"I don't even hear from that guy anymore!" Riku said. "Does he even live on the islands anymore? What's the point of inviting someone if-"

"He happens to be a good friend of mine!" Sora snapped.

"Well, I sure as hell don't want to invite that fat ass Pence!" Riku shot back. "He eats everything!"

"Excuse Pence if he's lived more of a life than you have, pretty boy!" Kairi retorted. "Eating is a part of living. All you do is-"

"Make mehself sexsay?" Riku joked, tossing some of his long, silver hair to his back.

"You're not sexy, Riku!" Sora said in a nasty voice. "I think you're the most self-centered guy I know!"


"JEALOUS?" Sora cried, appalled. "I would NEVER want to be like you! I would never be an egotistical jerk like you are!"

"Yeah? Well, at least I'm not a cocky, pineapple headed loser like you!" Riku yelled.

"You leave Sora alone!" Kairi cried in defense for Sora/

"Shut your trap, Kairi!" Sora yelled. "Don't butt in!"

Kairi gasped. She felt like she had been slapped in the face. Sora had never, EVER screamed at her before. At least not in anger.


Sora, Riku, and Kairi stared at Ryo in surprise. They slowly stood up and walked out of the house. Then, they continued walking until they reached the sidewalk.

"At least I'm not a whiny red-head who always needs someone to save her all the time!" Riku spat at Kairi.

"You know what?" screamed Kairi. "Screw you! If you expect to see me at the Christmas party tomorrow, forget it!"

"Same here!" Sora chimed in.

"Fine!" Riku said. "I'm sure the burritos will taste better when I'm at the party!"

Ryo drew the curtains and opened the window. "AND RIKU, THERE WILL BE NO BURRITOS AT THE PARTY!" she called.

Riku grunted and walked off. Sora put his hands in his pockets and walked away, as well. Kairi stomped off, with tears in her eyes.

Riku and Kairi immediately went to their houses, which were right next to each other. Sora walked about three streets over and then turned onto another street. He walked into his house, where his mother was making Christmas cookies.

"Sora, is that you?" she called from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" yelled Sora. His throat was hurting a tiny bit from all the yelling he was doing. "I'm going upstairs."

"Sorry, Sora, but I have a lit of things for you to do!" Sora's mother called. "You have to go to the store and get more butter! Maybe Riku could give you a ride!"

"Riku and I just had a fight." Sora said, walking into the entirely blue and white kitchen. The walls were blue, the floor was a blue and white checkered pattern, the counters were blue, and so was the mixer that sat on it. The counters were messy with flour. On the white stove were cookie sheets loaded with sugar cookies shaped like Christmas trees, hearts, stars, and wreaths.

"Oh, well maybe Kairi could take a walk with you?" Sora's mom suggested.

"I also had a fight with her." Sora said, opening the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.

"Oh dear, that can't be good." said Mrs. Hart. "Well, maybe-"

"Look, I don't even want to go at all!" Sora burst out. "Ethan lives here. He can drive! You and Dad were so eager to teach him how to drive, and now he has a license, so HE can take the car and go to the store."

"But Ethan's at a friend's house." Sora's mother said.

"Well, call him and tell him to get his ass over here!" Sora snapped.

"Sora Christopher Hart!" cried Mrs. Hart. "I didn't raise you to talk to me like that!"

Sora didn't say anything. He just stormed out of the kitchen. "I wish I was never born!" he cried.

He ran all the way upstairs and into his room. He knew it was stupid to fight with his mom, but his family was always making things worse for him just to make things more convenient for his older brother. And Sora felt even worse now that Riku and Kairi were mad at him. Sora sighed and plopped onto his bed. He closed his eyes, and fell asleep...

urky: I know it's not much of a beginning, but it's a start. Hope you enjoyed it!