Back again!!! Hello! This is apparently renji's girl. And this is not my first fan fiction. It is however my first InuYasha fic. Give me some slack. (wink)

My Gokusen fic will have an update in the next two weeks. Thanks for your reviews and your patience.

Now on with the story.

Lesson #1: NEVER go through Kagome's stuff without consent.

"Keh, I don't see why you needed to come back here anyways!" InuYasha snapped. He and Kagome were having another argument. One of many they had been through that day. "InuYasha, I don't know how much clearer I have to be. I NEED clothes! AND SUPPLIES!" Kagome retorted.

"Not to mention a bath, you reek," InuYasha said as he sniffed the air above her head.

"I KNOW THAT I NEED TO BATHE, INUYAHSA, NOW WOULD YOU KINDLY SIT ON THE COUCH WHILE I TAKE A BATH AND GET OUT SUPPLIES?!" Kagome huffed. She swiftly turned around and walked into the house, knowing that there would be an InuYasha-shaped crater outside her house, and a very pissy hanyou inside. She didn't know which sounded worse. 'Ugh, always speaking before he thinks,' she thought. 'One of these days, it'll get the better of him.'

When he could finally move, InuYasha leapt out of the hole, and walked into the house. 'Stupid wench,' he thought as he plopped onto the couch. "I wonder where everyone is." Inuyasha murmured. Walking into the place Kagome called the kid-chin, he saw a piece of paper with something written on it. 'They must be gone,' he thought. Since he couldn't read, he'd have to tell Kagome about it when she finished bathing. 'She's been in there for a while.'

He slowly walked up the steps leading to the upper part of the house. Hearing the water still running, he figured she was still in the bathroom. 'Man, she sure does take her sweet-ass time.' InuYasha thought. He peered around the corner to make sure she wasn't anywhere close, just in case, knowing that NOT being on the couch would earn him atleast twenty-five sits. He tiptoes quietly into her room. He'd never been in Kagome's room by himself, so now was his chance to "snoop" as Kagome called it. "Where should I start?" InuYasha said quirking a brow and scratching his head.

"I'll start with this table thing," he said, walking over to Kagome's desk. He looked at what Kagome called a foto-graff of her and her friends from the modern era. 'She looks so happy,' he thought. He then found a few more photos lying on the desk. It was from when Kagome had brought the camera to his time. He smiled softly as he looked through the pictures. The first one was of Sango, Miroku, and Sango's neko-youkai, Kirara. The demon cat sat in Sango's lap, and the houshi had his arm around Sango's shoulder. The one time his "cursed hand" had NOT traveled to her backside. "Keh," he said flipping through various pictures of the group. All of a sudden he stopped and looked at two different pictures. One was of him and Kagome, sitting by the God Tree. He blushed, remembering she had kissed him on the cheer right before she had taken it, capturing the same blush forever, along with the kiss. He touched his cheek as if the kiss had just happened.

The other was one he hadn't even known she'd taken. It looked like some sort of surreal painting, like something you'd see in a museum. He had never seen himself look like that. The picture was of InuYasha, on a grassy hill, looking out onto the sunset. He was standing with his back to Kagome, (a good reason as to how she's gotten it), his hands by his sides. A light breeze blew his hair to one side, making him look somewhat feminine. But he couldn't complain, the way Kagome had captured him in this moment was truly amazing. He set the pictures back where he'd found them, and walked over to Kagome's chest of drawers.

He opened a random drawer, and found it had Kagome's shirts in it. Picking one up, he thought to himself, 'I wonder why Kagome never wears this stuff?' He set it back in there, and opened another drawer. This one held Kagome's pants. They were all folded so neatly; he didn't bother taking them out. Onto another drawer he went. This one held Kagome's nightclothes. These were folded as well, so to keep from being caught, he closed the drawer with a soft creek.

He opened the top drawer, and his cheeks turned a red that would put a ripe tomato to shame. He'd found Kagome's underwear drawer. He poked and prodded through her undergarments, looking at the various colors, and styles. Her bras were also in this drawer, something he wanted to know why she wore. There were also different colors and styles in her bras as well. Then he stumbled upon something that got his attention. He wasn't quite sure what this undergarment's purpose was. It looked a lot like Kagome's underwear, but had smaller sides and there was hardly any cloth on the back. He blushed at the thought of her wearing them. He had seen her naked on accident twice, but had never actually gotten a chance to see her undress. His member twitched with excitement at the chance to see what lie underneath her school uniform. 'We should take her now, while she is bathing,' InuYasha's beast said. But his human side strongly disagreed. 'We love her right? I agree that Kagome should be our mate, but shouldn't we tell her how we feel first; then ASK her to mate with us?' Having agreed on all parts, InuYasha decided it was time to go back to the couch before Kagome walked in and caught him. 'Too late.' His beast said as he turned to walk out.

There, standing in front of him, was Kagome, shocked at what she was seeing. InuYasha couldn't move. He'd been caught in her room, and with her undergarment in his hand, no less.

She was in a towel; her hair was still somewhat wet. InuYasha blushed as she just stood there. "What are you doing in here InuYasha? I thought I asked you to stay downstairs while I took a bath?" Kagome asked. And without thinking, InuYasha did what he does best. "Kagome, what's this?" he asked. He'd never seen Kagome turn so red. "W-W-where did you get those?" Kagome asked through clenched teeth. "In here," he said, pointing to the drawer they belonged in.

"PUT THEM BACK!!" Kagome yelled launching herself at InuYasha to grab them from him.

But being hanyou, he was too quick. He moved back and quirked a brow at her. "Tell me what it is, and I might." He watched her grab for them continuously, and fail. He held them up in the air above his head, knowing she would more than likely jump for them. He loved to tease her. And she did.

"INUYA-," was all she got out, because as she reached for the undergarment, she let go of the towel.

It now lay in a pile on her floor. InuYasha looked down at her and blushed a bright cherry red. Kagome's whole face looked like it was on fire. "K-k-kagome…?" She looked up at him and blushed even more. He went into protective mode. "Kagome, are you okay, you don't look so good." InuYasha's ears flattened on his head. He knew what was coming. Not only had he been in Kagome's room without her permission; he had been digging in her stuff, and had now seen her naked for a third time. There were a million sits coming. He closed his eyes and waited for her to start yelling. But it never came.

"I-I-InuYasha?" Kagome stuttered. The only hint she had that he'd heard her was a flick of his ears. "I-InuYasha, would you please turn around?" Kagome said in a hushed whisper. He did what he was told; he turned around and walked to the window. As he did, Kagome got dressed.

'Well, he doesn't know any better, I'll be easy on him this time.' She thought. 'I'll try to help him understand things from my world.' She put on her bra and underwear, and a dress to show off her curves. 'I hope InuYasha likes it.' "Okay, you can turn around now." She said. He turned around; ears still flattened to his head, and looked at her. His eyes widened a bit. 'She looks beautiful.' He thought.

"Helloooooooooooo, is a hanyou named InuYasha somewhere in there?" Kagome was yelling. She had been trying to get his attention for a while it seemed. Coming out of his trance, he stared at Kagome. "What's going on in that head of yours?" Kagome asked, putting her hands on her hips. "Ummm, I-I-I-I was just,-um, keh, are you ready yet wench?" InuYasha asked turned around so Kagome wouldn't see him blush, and folded his arms. "Yes, I'm ready." Kagome said with a soft smile. She knew somewhere deep down; InuYasha cared about her, even if Kikyo was always on his mind. He maybe even liked her, somewhere deep down. Ri-ight.

He turned around and yelled, "Good, NOW START TALKING!!"

InuYasha lifted the garment with two clawed fingers, effectively replenishing the blush on Kagome's face. "Umm-, Inu-, InuYasha, do you have to know?" she stuttered out. "Of course! I wouldn't be asking if I didn't want to know!" InuYasha yelled, flailing the garment around. 'Okay, well, there's no use, he won't give up until he knows; and I did say I would help him understand things,' she thought.

"I-It-It's a t-t-t-th-thong InuYasha," she spit out really fast. "A thong?" he questioned, staring at the strange piece of cloth. "And just how do you wear this damned thing Kagome?" he asked, turning it certain ways, and quirking a brow before returning his gaze to Kagome. 'She's blushing AGAIN? It's some sort of undergarment, I know that much. But how come she's so reluctant to talk about it?' he thought still looking at her. 'Ugh, he's staring at me again, why does he have to question me about THIS ONE THING from my world?' Kagome pondered. 'Okay, you can do this, Kagome. It's just underwear.' 'Sexy underwear, mind you, the ones you were trying to hide from him.' Kagome's inner sexy side said. 'Okay shut up, and just tell him!' "Well Kagome?" he asked. "Okay, okay!" Kagome whined.

She walked over to her bed, and sat down. She needed to sit down for this. She patted the place next to her for InuYasha to come sit down by her. He plopped down next to her, causing his haori to puff out. This earned a small giggle from Kagome. InuYasha growled, but not to truly scare her; just a warning that he did not like being laughed at.

They sat there in a very uncomfortable silence for what seemed like forever. The tension was so thick; you could have cut it with a knife. She really didn't know how to explain something so simple to him. Kagome inhaled deeply and sighed. "It's a thong, Inuyasha. Only girls wear them. It's what we call lingerie." Kagome spoke slowly so InuYasha would understand. "A girl wears it only when she wishes to surprise someone special, like a boyfriend, or lover, or someone she likes." InuYasha watched her as she spoke taking in every word. "So you're saying this thing, this thong thingy, is only for special purposes? Like for mates?" InuYasha questioned. "Yes, sort of like that." Kagome answered. "Though some girls wear them when their jeans, or pants, sit too low on their hips." She stared ahead of her at the wall, not wanting to meet InuYasha's gaze. "Okay." InuYasha said, standing up. He padded over to the drawers, and placed it back from whence it came.

He turned around and look at Kagome, full on. He noticed she had put on a dress. (A/N: Like the one in the soul piper episode. The plaid one..) "You look nice, Kagome." He said as he held out a hand for her. "T-thanks," was all Kagome could muster. She took his hand and stood up. "Let's go get those supplies." He said walking towards the door. He stopped in the doorway, and turned towards Kagome, " I'm sorry for going through your things." And with that, he was gone. Kagome smiled. She knew how much it bruised his ego to apologize. It meant so much to her when he did, though. It just proved he was…. well, half human, anyway. She walked downstairs and grabbed her bag. She set in on the kitchen counter, and began loading it up. She noticed a piece of paper sitting on the counter. It was a note from Kagome's mom.

Dear Kagome,

We went to visit a friend of the family, sorry you couldn't make it.

We'll be back in a week. You and InuYasha try not to ruin the house.


Your mother, Souta, and grandpa.

When she was done, she walked outside, dragging her bag. She knew where InuYasha would be. She left the bag on the porch, and walked over to the God Tree. Looking up she hollered, "Ready to go?" All she got was a grunt and InuYasha leapt from the tree. He landed next to her and walked over to the porch. She smiled when he grabbed the yellow bag, and swung it over his shoulders. 'Yeah, big ego.' She thought, 'wouldn't want him to know we've noticed his change in attitude.' She walked over to him and looked up at him. "Ready?" he asked. "Yep." She grinned. They walked together towards the well house, silence sliding over them. He opened the sliding door, and let her pass.

'Oh!' InuYasha gasped, remembering the note. "Kagome, you're mom, -" he started. "I know InuYasha, I saw the note," Kagome said, interrupting him. He sighed; relieved she had seen it before they left. Then he had an idea, an epiphany if you will. "Kagome, would you like to stay here, while you're family is out?" he asked quietly. She turned around and looked at him. 'He's being serious.' "Sure." Kagome beamed at him. 'Wow,' he thought. He walked past her, and jumped onto the edge of the Bone Eater's Well. "I'll bring this to the monk and the others, and be right back." And with that he leapt into the well, blue light surrounding him.

'Hope this works,' he thought as he jumped out of the well, and into the feudal era.

'Alone with Inuyasha for a full week? What am I getting myself into?' Kagome thought as she walked back into the house.

What Indeed??

What do you think so far?? Next update will be before Christmas, hopefully. Read and review.