Okay I'm pretty neutral when it comes to any shippers in Avatar: the last airbender. Except incest ones. Eww. But I have a soft spot for Zutara. With Kataang I can see it happening if Aang was a bit older. Sorry, I just feel that true love does not start at a very young age, crushes do.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything but my original character. What sucks is that I still don't get paid for this…hence that is why people pay you by reviewing! PLEASE LEAVE ME A REVIEW!

Instead wishing for his father love what if Zuko began hating his father on the night of his banishment?


A storm had past over a lone fire nation ship. The waves had attacked viciously as the men on board tried their best to steady the ship. Even a young seventeen year old boy tried his best in navigating the helmsman as he could while his uncle had been struck against the wall by a sudden. Panic rose amongst the men until finally a powerful wave smashed through the helm, taking the boy with him.

Darkness was welcoming.

Swept away.


Hours slowly sank through the sea while the sky cleared for the full moon.


The cold was seeping in while the stars sparkled.


Then something with a strong grip pulled him out of the water before he smacked against solid ground. Close by there was another thump and very light footstep coming towards him. A warm breath covered his face as two fingers pressed against his weak pulse.

"Lucky boy." A honey silk voice said as the fingers were removed. "Few more minutes and the spirit world would have welcomed you."

It was female but the voice was nothing like that of any he had heard before. He had to be imagining it. Slowly he opened his eyes to meet light grey/blue eyes while the rest of the face was silhouetted by the moon. Very much female.

"Hmm golden dragon eyes. You are of the royal kind" she said.

"Where am I?" he asked, his voice soar from shouting when the wave took him.

"Naibun Island. Who are you?" she curtly said.

"Prince Zuko" he said without thinking.

He cringed when he saw her eyes darkened slightly before they became normal again. He was weak and this person was going to kill him, saved by her and then later killed. How ironic.

"Very well, it is best if I take you to the village, however, you better take this." She said, pulling off her hooded cloak. "Don't want anyone to be recognising you"

He was stunned by the information that she was still helping him. Didn't his nation try to take over all the other nations? But she was standing there waiting for him to get up. Slowly he tried to but he collapses. His whole body ached from all the pain of being smacked around in the sea.

"Brilliant, you can't walk" she sighed "Why do I get myself into these things?"

Sometime later Zuko was placed into a warm hut where a roaring fire was cooking some food. He wrapped up in a very warm blanket and sitting on a mattress near the flames, keeping warm. Now there was light he could see the girl's soft features. Raven hair with widow's peek under her hooded clothing, pale peachy skin, a slightly turned-up nose and cupid lips; thin at the top lip, full at the bottom lip. All went very nicely with her blue/grey eyes. Silm with some muscle tone from what he could see from her green legs and arm wraps, other than that she was wearing a long brown sleeveless kimono dress with splits on the sides and hard brown shoes. She would probably be deemed pretty if it wasn't for the serious scowl on her face.

"Why are you helping me?" Zuko asked.

"Because you needed it. That and because you can not leave unless the Spirit Naibun allows it" the girl said. "He may have let you live out of compassion but if your heart is good and true then he will let you go. If you try to leave and intend to harm his Island and the inhabitants you'll have a string of very bad luck that'll get worse and worse."

"I don't believe in that stuff. I have to get off this island, my uncle will be very worried" Zuko said.

"Have you ever heard of this island?" the girl asked grabbing the ladle in the pot.

"No but my uncle would he knows a lot of things" Zuko said confidently.

"The spiritual magic of this place is made of secrets and forever be a secret. You may remember it if you leave but you'll never be able to say a word of it." The girl said she began to pour some soup into a bowl "Forever remaining a secret. Hungry?" offering him a bowl of hot soup.

"No" Zuko said.

"You've been floating around for Naibun knows how long. You have to eat or you won't have the strength to go home" the girl said.

Zuko looked away.

"I have no home" Zuko said softly.

The girl frowned worriedly placing the bowl down to listen.

"I have to get back to my uncle" Zuko said "He is the only family I have left."

"What about your parents and sister?" the girl asked.

Zuko gave her a cold glare. "My mother is gone and father and sister are dead to me."

"Talk about a killjoy" the girl muttered to herself before looking back at him. "I'd like to help you find your uncle."

"I don't need your help" Zuko growled.

"My goodness you are either one very stubborn boy or the sea salt has gone to your head." The girl said.

"There is nothing wrong with me" Zuko barked.

"Well then, eat" the girl said, thrusting the bowl of soup to him "I don't like seeing wasted food"

"I am not a child!" Zuko said.

"You sure are acting like one" she snapped back.

Zuko snorted and grabbed the bowl from her and sipped the soup. To his surprise the taste seemed to bring back his senses and the full realisation of how hungry and thirsty he was. Within seconds his guzzled it down in minutes, forgetting his table manners, while the girl watched unaffected, sipping her soup quietly. Once he was finished the girl took his bowl and filled it back to the top and gave it back to him. This time he took his time with the soup, admiring how good it is while she finished hers. Once he was finished with his third she took the bowl away from him and was about to fill it again when he stopped her.

"I am full now" he said.

She nodded and took the bowl away along with her, leaving him by the fire. When she returned with an extra blanket for him. She gently placed it on him while he lied down on the mattress.

"Do not mistake my kindness for servitude Prince Zuko I am not of your nation and so I don't give a hoot. I will look after you while you are under my care. The day you become strong again, will be the day I won't be babying you." The girl said "Got it?"

"Got it" Zuko growled, insulted when she mentioned 'babying'.

"Good. Now how on earth did you get you get yourself drifting in the sea" the girl asked.

"Why would you care?" Zuko barked.

"Just want to point you in the right direction to your uncle when you leave that's all" the girl said.

"My Uncle will find this Island" Zuko said with determination.

"Your uncle is probably seeking 'you' not 'safety'. That is part of the magic of the island." The girl said "That is one of the reasons why no one knows it even exists. Your uncle won't find you, you have to find him. How did you come about the drifting?"

Zuko was getting sick and tired of this girl but she was most likely to be a ticket out of there.

"There was a storm and a wave threw me over board" Zuko said, somewhat reluctant.

The girl stared at him for a few moments of thinking before she got up. She began brushing the dirt off her dress as she straightened up.

"I'm going to the village elder, he'll know where the storm was and which way the winds and waves your ship would have taken by accident" the girl said. "If anyone comes in your name is Li, understand?"

"I understand" Zuko said.

"Good" the girl nodded before she turned to head off.

"What is your name" Zuko asked.

"Yochi" the girl said and left.

If you think she's a Mary-Sue you are extremely wrong. I can't stand Mary-Sue's, I don't mind if authors put a little of themselves into some characters when trying to act out a part and it feels right to them or how some/most stories are given life if there are past experiences in them and the stories turns out really good ones. Yochi has a purpose to this story and it isn't for couple shipping. NO MARY SUE! The only character that remotely comes close to me is Toph on cactus juice! ;)

So after my little rant all I can say is please leave me a good honest review that way I can develop this story to your liking.