who Disclaimer and Warnings ON First Part Read that before continuing.

Currently Untitled: (Any Suggestions would Really Help)

Chapter Five:

Ash was sitting in the living room looking Miserable when Brock got in. "I take it Misty is still refusing to talk to you?" Brock asked as he glanced at Ash.

"Worse now her sisters have told me not to call again." Ash sighed. "I don't get it Brock why can't she just accept that it won't work and let us go back to being friends?"

Brock shook his head. "Ash, Misty was your first relationship so you don't really realize things can't go back to being how they were before." He noticed as Ash seemed to get a panicked look on his face. "Now that doesn't mean you and Misty can't become friends again it just means things will be different."

"Great just great." Ash said with annoyance and a frown. "Ugh by the way if Gary calls tell him I can't make it to have a match with him today."

Brock frowned. "Why not I thought you were looking forward to it?" He then looked shocked. "Misty was right Gary tried to seduce you didn't he?"

Ash burst out laughing. "No nothing like that I'm just nervous about seeing him." Ash noticed Brock's quizzical expression. "I heard him tell my mom he likes me as more than a friend." He stifled a laugh at Brock's expression. "And I'm kind of nervous that I may feel the same way."

Brock just stared at Ash as if he didn't know him. "You what?" he set down in a chair with a flop. "How long have you been thinking that?"

Ash blushed and said "Since I had a wet dream about him just before I broke up with Misty." Ash watched Brock put his head in his hands and shake it as if he was in shock. "Brock are you okay?"

"I'm just a bit shocked and when did this happen how long before you and Misty broke up?" Brock asked afraid to know the answer.

Ash sighed and said. "I had only just woken up from it when she came in wanting to talk and I broke off our relationship."

Delia returned from grocery shopping to find Brock sitting there nervously. "What's the matter Brock?" She asked concerned As she handed the bags to Mr. Mimie who raced into the kitchen to put them away.

"Ash just told me he might have feelings for Gary." Brock said in shock. Delia stared at Brock in shock and he sighed. "It gets worse he says he's thought this since just before he broke up with Misty."

Delia set down. "Oh my this is not going to make things any easier if Misty finds out." She shook her head. "And where is my son now?"

Brock sighed. "After I got real quiet he seemed to get nervous and then said he was going go for a walk with Pikachu that was about an hour ago." Brock began to get nervous wondering if he had offended Ash with his silence.

Delia noticed his expression. "In all probability Ash is just thinking he never was very good with time or directions." She noticed Brock smile at some memory.

Brock sighed "I mean I thought I'd be able to get back to my shop soon but now I'm not so sure." He glanced at Delia and noticed she wanted him to continue. "I mean I figured Professor Oak would be back on his feet in a week or two and then I could go back." He shook his head in frustration. "And now Ash and Misty aren't speaking and Ash is wondering if he's falling for Gary."

Delia smiled and said "Well at least you'll never forget this reunion." She knew it was a lame joke but they both laughed anyway. "Now as soon as Ash gets here can you take Mimie and Pikachu out into the yard for a while I need to talk to him alone."

Brock nodded "Yeah okay." Brock then went back to his quiet brooding occasionally glancing at Delia Ketchum but her expression remained absolutely neutral. He finally began to hum to pass the time and stopped when he heard the door open.

Ash walked in and Brock noting Ms. Ketchum's nod asked Pikachu and Mimie if they would like to come outside with him to help him with something. Pikachu and Mr. Mimie exchanged glances and followed Brock out.

Ash watched Brock's retreating back and sighed. "He told you didn't he mom?" He turned toward her and could tell by her expression she was deep in thought. "Just go ahead and yell at me."

Delia frowned. "What makes you think I'm going to yell at you?" She asked trying to recover from the loop her son had thrown her for. Seeing no answer was forth coming she sighed and asked what she feared. "Do you think I'd react badly to this?"

"Yes, esp given how close you and Misty were." Ash said a bit guiltily he couldn't bring himself to look his mother in the eye. He heard her sigh and he finally managed to look at her and noticing the expression on her face he quickly looked down again.

"Ash I admit I liked Misty and looked forward to grand children, but I'd rather you be happy than hurting yourself and her in a relationship that wasn't going anywhere." She watched as her son seemed to calm but he still wouldn't meet her eyes. "Are you going to talk to Gary about this?"

Ash looked up horrified. "I can't do that." He said his voice catching in fear and shock that she would even suggest that. "And don't ask me why I just can't." He stammered and then began to back out of the room.

"Ash Ketchum come back here and sit down." She said putting the crack of maternal command she rarely excersized anymore. "You need to talk to him or this will just eat you up inside."

Ash looked at her in shock. "You almost sound like you want me to talk to him."

She smiled "I do." She chuckled lightly at his slack jawed expression. "Gary is a nice enough boy and if you choose to act on any feelings you may have I'll support you."

"Um I don't know what to say." Ash said staring at his mother in shock. She smiled at him and he said. "I'll think about talking to him but I don't know if I will or not." Delia watched as her son slipped out of the room after that.

When the next three days passed without Ash seeming to take any action Delia decided to take matters into her own hands. She waited until after breakfast when Ash headed up stairs to take a shower before grabbing the phone.

Gary was shocked when Tracy told him Ash's mother was on the phone. "Yes Ms. Ketchum?" He asked he hadn't seen Ash the last few days and he'd been wondering if he did something to give himself away to Ash.

"Gary could you come over here immediately I think you and Ash need to talk." Was all she said and Delia really hoped he could make it over before Ash got out of the shower and disappeared to who knows where to insure he really wouldn't be here if Gary called since he knew his mom wouldn't lie for him.

Gary was taken aback. "Why has something happened?" he asked in shock. 'Oh shit he knows.' He thought miserably he has been avoiding me. 'Great I had to screw up the best friendship I've had in years by falling for the guy.'

"I just think the two of you need to talk and Ash is putting things off again." Delia said calmly guessing at the thoughts running threw his head. "He doesn't hate you just come over please." She said her good-byes and hung up the phone.

Gary didn't know why he had come over as he set waiting for Ash to come downstairs after getting ready. He had arrived and Ash's mother had said her son was still in the shower. She then had left with Mr. Mimie and Pikachu so that they would be alone to talk. "What am I doing here again?" he asked himself out loud. "Just because she says he doesn't hate me doesn't mean it's true."

Ash finished getting ready in his room wondering why the house was so silent. 'I can't keep doing this every morning.' he thought miserably. 'Jerking off thinking about Gary then standing there feeling guilty in the shower has got to stop.' He decided to skip wearing his hat today and headed downstairs. He nearly fell out when he saw who was waiting for him downstairs. "Gary what are you doing here?" Ash asked in shock.

"You mom called and told me we need to talk." Gary said trying to keep the fear out of his voice. "And I agree why have you been avoiding me?" He had to know ever since Ms. Ketchum had called him he'd been wondering what she meant by he doesn't hate you.

"I haven't been avoiding you." He flinched when he saw the anger in Gary's eyes. "Okay maybe I have I'm just confused about things." He said glancing at Gary he saw confusion and just a little fear. "I overheard you tell Mom you had feelings for me."

Gary felt sick. "So you've been avoiding me while trying to come up with how to let the fag down gently." He sounded extremely hurt and Ash was about to say something when Gary started again. "It's okay Ash you don't have to say anymore I'll go back on the road in a few days and you'll never have to see me again."

Ash stared at him in shock and just blurted out. "I want to see you again that's the problem." Ash blushed and turned away. Gary was just standing there in slack jawed shock. "That's just it I think I might be interested in you too and I don't know how to deal with it."

Ash shook his head. "It's not the guy thing that bugs me it's just well I never would have expected to feel this way about you of all people." Ash then shook his head. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded but up until a few weeks ago I couldn't stand you."

Gary nodded. "So what do you want to do?" He asked calmly. "I mean if you want I'll leave or we can start a relationship or we can just be friends." He knew what he wanted but he wanted Ash to want it as well.

Ash closed his eyes and suddenly opened them again. Gary knew that look it meant Ash was going to do something impulsive. Next thing he knew he was being kissed by Ash Ketchum and rather than wonder at what it meant he just leaned into the kiss.

Ash finally pulled back. "I think we should go on a training trip together and see what happens." Ash said with a laugh. "And I can prove I'm not going soft." Ash mentally thought 'I have to thank mom for calling him.'

Gary sobered. "I want you to come with me but you do realize there are going to be problems with some people." He knew how sensitive Ash could be.

"Well anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my ..." Ash quickly cut off what he was going to say when his mother walked in with groceries. "Thanks Mom." Ash called out to her and winked at Gary before going to help her.

Gary shook his head. 'His nervousness seems to have faded.' He shook his head. 'But I know it's not going to be easy we still have allot to talk about.' He smiled though knowing they had plenty of time and he wondered if Ash had meant what he thought he meant by the show you I haven't gone soft remark.

The End.

yes that's right no sex nothing but one measly little kiss. Possible sequel who knows if I get bored enough I might write one or if people actually request one. This began as me boasting to a friend I could write a realistic shishi. this is the result I didn't give it as much attention as I have some of my other fics which is why it's not as good as it could be but I think it turned out rather well.