I enjoyed my first Kingdom Hearts fic, a Simple Request, so much that I decided to write a spin off story based off that slave/master relationship that Xemnas and Saix have in a Simple Request.
Summary: Xaldin, envious of Saix and Xemnas' relationship, decides to try and part them by having an affair with Xemnas. Will Xemnas find Xaldin to be the better partner, or is Xaldin in for a rude awakening?
I can sense it… feel it in my gut. Like a dog anxious to look back on his turf, I know something's just not right. Why is this feeling coming forth?
Is it from the suspicion of where Xaldin is?
I haven't seen him at his usual spots as of late. Library, balcony, Deep Dive: not even in the kitchen where the dragoon is most likely to be found. Normally, this would not bother me in the least; I "care" nothing for the well-being of a Nobody whom can take care of himself.
That is part of my plight. The second part rests in the fact that my beloved Superior has not called me in a week. That's three days of no requests. Has my master forsaken me? Has he found another? Is that nobody within Xaldin, no III?
I growl in frustration as I stalk through the streak white hallways, frantically searching for my master's where abouts. All the while my mind goes a mile a minute –thinking and worrying- hysterical thoughts of betrayal beatings and rattling in my skull.
But, at last, I spot my love moving down the hall. I slink back around the ben upon realizing he was not alone. My suspicions grows… more severe.
It's been a glorious week with Xemnas. We've done more research on the heartless and found new ways of controlling the lot of them. All experiments have been fruitful, physically and emotionally, for myself at least.
Being near Xemnas has caused a certain someone to be absent; the "lapdog" of the Organization, as many called him behind his back. And when I mean 'many', I only mean Axel and Luxord. Me, personally, care not what the others call him… but I envy what he has:
Xemnas' attention.
It's been no secret –at least not to myself- that I've held Xemnas –both Nobody and Somebody- in my mind's eyes, but never enough to truly approach him. Not… until now. The "lapdog" has stolen Xemnas' steady eye and a lower rank has managed to capture his attentions for every other night. (Their romps at night have not gone unnoticed by me and No II.)
It sickens me, more overly aggravates me. Xemnas should not be wasting his time on someone –some mutt- of the Organization when someone –preferably me- is much better suited.
Thus, my newly born thesis on the heartless…
Xemnas is a scientist first, Nobody second and a lover third. I knew he wouldn't be able to resist studying up on more ways to control the pitiful heartless for our goal. This week of study has also been on of bonding with my Superior, despite having the inability to "bond".
There were a couple of times our hands have wandered "accidentally" on each others' and out eyes have acted equally elusive on our bodies. The sexual tension has thickened and was now coming to a boiling point this evening. I can't lie and say that I don't feel as if I've been playing a mating dance with Xemnas. However, the foreplay has done nothing but sweeten the fruits of my labor that I sense coming.
But wait…? What is this…? I hold back a smirk, spotting coming revelations.
"Good day to you, no. VII." I comment politely.
My suspicions have been confirmed. My beloved master has been with Xaldin this week; all week long! I feel… deprived of my favorite toy, as if it were stolen from me in the dead of night. I'm that lost child, wandering for his toy… until he finds out that the dog has had it.
Despite the anger welling up in the bowls of my stomach—ready to either attack...or throw up- I stand composed, but with the shock still evident in my eyes.
"Yes, hello Saix. Haven't seen you in awhile." Xemnas said in his regular monotone.
"Yes; it has been a while." I force through gritted teeth.
My master shared a few words with Xaldin, hovering over his pointed ears to whisper so sensually. It's as if I'm not even here. My blood boils in jealousy until Xemnas walks off, bidding us both adieu. I wasted no time in growling at the dragoon, my pupils dilating quickly. However, Xaldin didn't seem phased. In fact it looked like he'd expected my reaction.
"Typical mutt behavior. Not suitable for the Superior." smirked the bastard dragoon, causing me to instantly regain composer. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset.
"The Superior has the authority to choose whom he pleases." I retorted, Xaldin striking a smug grin.
"I think he's made it quite clear who he now fancies."
"If Xemnas got rid of me" I bark, some what startling him, "then sooner or later, he'll get tired of you as well."
"I doubt it. I'm much better suited to Xemnas' needs, where you have failed."
"You. Are not. More a beast. Than I." I hiss, Xaldin glaring with equal intensity.
I could feel the static sparking between our stiff exchange. Never have I felt such spite and ferocity towards anyone, even in my past life. Ironic that –as an emotionless being- I'm experiencing the most extreme of simple moods.
I'm pleased by Saix's strong will to fight for what he wants… but his resistance is futile; it's up to Xemnas to whom shall share his bed, and I'm sure I've past his test.
"I surly don't know what you mean by that, no. VII, but I must be going," I recall, passing by him casually. "I have other, more pressing, matters to attend to."
"Xaldin," calls the mutt. I humor him and stop, but merely that; I won't turn around.
"Xaldin… you won't survive Xemnas' real test. You're not a beast enough; the Superior only takes interest in what can put up the longest fight. I doubt you can out last me… or him for that matter."
And off, Saix walked.
Does that bastard dare challenge my stamina? I quickly dart around, but he'd disappeared in a void of darkness.
"A better beast than I? I think not." I murmur before stalking off through my own void. Saix's useless metaphor will not distract me; I must ready myself for tonight.
"Tonight, I shall reclaim territory."
I actually feel… sorry for Xaldin's stubborn behavior. My warning was literal; Xemnas wants it rough or nothing at all. Xaldin… is in for a very rude awakening tonight.
I chuckle under my breath of this silent revenge.