I don't own Tokyo Mew Mew, and I never will.
My FIRST attempt at fluff. OK? So I don't want any REALLY mean flames.
This is a Kish x Ichigo fic. I also don't own the song "I'll be Home For Christmas"
Home for Christmas
Kish flew around Tokyo, looking at all the decorations, lights, and festivities. It was Evening of the 24th of December and it had just stopped snowing. He wondered just what
all this fuss was really about. Some human holiday, probably.. He thought. Humans have holidays for just about everything, even TREES, and they think WE are weird.
Then, he passed over a group of people, all bundled up in toques, scarves, coats, boots, and gloves. They were singing a song…. what was it? He flew closer, to hear the words.
I'm dreaming tonight
Of a place I love
Even more than I usually do.
And although I know
It's a long road back
I promise you
I'll be home for Christmas.
You can count on me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree.
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love-light gleams.
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.
Oh oh ah I'll be home for Christmas.
You can count on me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree.
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love-light gleams.
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.
Kish suddenly felt depressed and alone. He wouldn't get to be 'home for Christmas' as the song said. Heck, he didn't even know if he would EVER get home. Or if his family
was still alive, for that matter. He just felt so alone. He floated around, not really noticing where he was headed. He only glanced up when he flew into a tree. He was by Ichigo's
house. This was the tree in her yard. He sighed. She'll be home for Christmas. Why can't I go, just for the day? He sat on a branch, near
Ichigo's window, and sighed again.
It just so happened that Ichigo had herd him run into the tree branch, and had herd him sigh twice in the same 5 minuets.
"Kish?" She asked, looking out the window.
"Eh?" He asked, but his voice sounded sad.
"What's wrong?" She asked, but she had intended to ask 'What do you want?'
"Nothing." He grunted, but his depressed expression gave him away.
"Tell me" Ichigo coaxed, wondering what in the world could make Kish act so different, and depressed. Kish didn't know why, but he told her.
"I herd a song about being 'home for Christmas' and I can't go home. I can't go make sure my family is still living, not even just for one day." He looked away, now,
feeling tears in his eyes, lonely ones, and didn't want her to see.
"Oh…" Ichigo suddenly felt sorry of the alien; he just looked so lonely. She felt like she
should cheer him up, but how? Then, she knew. There was only one sure-fire way to cheer the alien up.
"Kish…" He was on the branch right outside the window. He looked up at her. Ichigo
swallowed any doubt, knowing this was the only way to cheer up Kish. She leaned out her window, and pressed her lips to his. Kish's eyes widened in shock. His Koneko-chan
had just kissed him. He began kissing back, his eyes slowly closing in contentment. Finally, because she needed to breathe, Ichigo pulled back. Kish stared into her eyes, now smiling.
"Thank you, Koneko-chan."
For some reason, Ichigo wasn't totally embarrassed by what had just happened. She also felt no regret. It was the magic of Christmas that had changed her mind, she guessed, and smiled back, replying
"Merry Christmas, Kish."
My first one-shot, and also first try at fluff. AND my first Christmas-inspired fic!!
Review and tell me what you think. XD