Being the sixth part of THE NEW COMET-- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz
This Act is being completed with the Cooperation and Assistance of Derek A.C. Wakefield (as usual)--Freddo
Planet Earth
The Denver Megalopolis
Staveler Airport
Thursday: April 30, 2207
1130 Hours: Local Time
Karl Forrester was back in the Denver area now with his wife Teri, since he had taken a red-eye out of the Tokyo Megalopolis in the early morning of the 29th.
He and Teri and their youngest children were waiting for two passengers to debark from a plane at Gate Number 25.
Finally, after the jetway from the sub-orbital jumpjet transport was opened, Teri's eyes lit up as she saw a young couple emerging from the crowd.
The young man had a tangled mop of dark brown hair, and he wore an EDF flight jacket, white pullover sweatshirt, jeans, and boots. The young, pregnant woman whom he was holding hands with wore a cute, short maternity minidress, white straw hat, and matching woven straw sandals.
"Nova!" cried Teri as she ran up to her oldest daughter and hugged her. She gave her a kiss, and then kissed Commodore Derek Wildstar on the cheek, making him blush. Karl came up, gave his eldest daughter a kiss, and then shook hands with Derek as David and Aurora ran up to their sister and hugged her.
"Nova, are the babies ready to come out yet?" said Aurora.
"No, honey, they aren't," laughed Nova as she tousled her young sister's hair.
Aurora had on a little yellow sundress and white sandals of her own. She stood up on tiptoe and said, "Pllleeeaaase have those babies now, sis?"
"Not now and not here!" laughed Nova as she accepted another hug from her little brother, who had on a little-boy style suit with shorts.
"Are we all here yet?" said Karl.
"Not yet," said another somewhat older boy in a suit as he came off the plane.
Teri's eyebrows went up as she said, "Nova, who's this?"
"Oh, yes…he came to stay with us last night, and his mother, a friend of ours from the Iscandarian Embassy staff, gave him permission to travel with us for a few days," said Nova. "Mom, Dad, this is Johanthan Hartnell-Iiyama….a very dear friend of ours. He just turned fourteen. His birthday was January the 11th… off when we were in space."
"My mom and dad had a nice birthday for me, nothing like my ninth birthday, thank heavens," said Jonathan.
"Why?" asked Teri.
Jonathan began to sniff and said, "Around the time of my ninth birthday, my parents took my sister and I with them on a cruise on the spaceliner Westhampton Beach. It was one of the first ships attacked in the Rikasha Incident. The Rikashans attacked the ship, killed my parents, and killed my sister and took me prisoner. I….celebrated my ninth birthday in a cell on a Rikashan ship wearing just a dirty rag…"
"That's terrible!" cried Teri as she hugged him.
"I was eventually rescued, and I ended up on Iscandar. There, Conor and Astra…Astra is the Crown Princess and now the Earth Ambassador to Iscandar…they became my parents. Mister and Mrs. Wildstar are my godparents."
"You sound like you've been through a lot," said Karl as they walked along.
"Believe me, I have been," said Jonathan. "I have been…"
At the same time, in the Tokyo Megalopolis (where it was the First of May already thanks to the International Date Line), Conor of Iscandar was sitting on the bridge of a spacecraft carrier in an underground dock.. He had, as a symbol of Pellian-Iscandarian unity, been "adopted" by Astrena recently, and he thus now had the "surname" of D'Shal.
The carrier was the former EDF Yorktown-class spacecraft carrier Implacable. She had taken heavy damage in a battle near Pluto with the R'Khells in February of this year, and her place in Fifth Fleet was already taken by the new spacecraft carrier Ranger, which had gone on station in late March. She had been under consideration for repair as a training ship when the Earth Defense Council had offered her to Alex Wildstar and the Iscandarian Government in April. Queen Starsha had not wanted to accept a wave-motion gun equipped large capital ship like this until Alex had convinced her it was for the good of Iscandar.
Now, the newly-promoted Fleet Captain Conor D'Shal of Iscandar was watching as work continued on "his" carrier, which would leave Earth in a few weeks for Iscandar escorted by two EDF fleet cruisers and some newly built Iscandarian Corvettes to be the nucleus of the new Royal Iscandarian Defense Fleet. While Conor was the Captain of the new ship, it would eventually be Prince Consort Alex Wilsdtar's flagship when the entire RIDF was in action. The ship already had a new name; the Princess Astra, and a new pennant number; ISCV-1. Its gold EDF markings and anchor marks were being painted out and replaced with the purple markings and eight-pointed star of Iscandar.
Conor sat in thought behind the Captain's station on the carrier, pulling up status screens on the computer, He was lost in thought until he felt a strong hand coming down on his shoulder. He looked over and smiled as he said, "Alex!"
"How's work going on our flagship, Conor?"
"They just finished repairing her main guns today, and they're still working on her wave engine. They've been switching people back and forth between this ship and that new Earth space battlship they're building…what is she called?"
"The Nagato, Conor. She's due to be launched in a public ceremony in just a few days. I don't think we'll have the same opportunity here on Earth. We're supposed to get this ship home and get ready for wargames with the Gamilons in a few weeks."
"So you think you'll be taking her home?"
Alex nodded. "We're supposed to have a full crew by then; roughly one-third Iscandarians, one-third Terrans, and one-third Pellians. Everyone's being issued EDF Standard Duty Blues with different recognition markers; anchors for the Earth people, stars for our own, and the emblem of the dagger for the Pellians."
"I've been working with the Pellians," said Conor as he got up, brushing his beard. "They're really tough, a really mean bunch. They're even impressing the EDF officers and men assigned to this command."
"Good," said Alex. "Starsha and Astra won't agree, but the tougher, the better. I have the feeling this war is not going to end up in a pretty fashion…"
"I have the same feeling," said Conor.
Planet Earth
The Space Fighters' Training School
Friday: May 1, 2207
1530 Hours: Local Time
Later that day, Sasha was back at the Space Fighters' Training School in a very melancholy mood. She had been back to class, but wasn't showing much interest in anything.
She had talked with her roommate for a while, but they hadn't made good conversation, so she sat alone in her blue and white Midshipman's uniform for a while before deciding to get something out of her locker.
She finally opened the window, letting the warm spring breeze blow her hair around before she began to concentrate and thought of herself in some neverland, a time and space where, to her, her room was a vast space filled with stars, nebulae, and the blackness of space. The furniture of her room was still there, but the bulkheads, deck, hatch that led to the passage, and windows had disappeared.
Sasha continued to look in her locker as the space she was in, half in, and half out of This World, continued to blow with a lonely breeze. She was looking in her locker for something. She had a bit of a time finding it, and she hoped she had remembered to bring it from Derek and Nova's, where she had had it sitting in a closet, but she finally dragged out a blue and white gig bag with a shoulder strap on it.
Sasha opened the bag, and she then opened the inner case; a case that held an alto saxophone in brass.
Sasha sat on her bunk, put a fresh reed in the instrument, and got it nice and wet.
She hadn't played for several months, but she was glad that Aunt Nova had taught her how to play when she had been younger. Her Aunt wasn't a virtuoso with the sax, but their joint playing sessions had always brought a smile to her face, especially at times when her growing pains had given her bad fevers and had kept her in bed. There were times Sasha thought she might have lost her mind if Auntie hadn't been around to help her by getting her to come out of her shell by playing a duet.
Sasha got the new reed in successfully and blew a honk or two on the mouthpiece. Then, she cleaned the cork at the top of her instrument and set everything up, putting the cord around her neck as she took a few breaths, getting her fingers on the proper keys.
At first, Sasha just played a few scales, wincing a little at her sour notes, that made weird honking noises (similar to the sort her Auntie made on her sax or clarinet when she hadn't played in several weeks.) Then, Sasha began to tap her foot and play a slow blues piece as she ignored the tears running down her cheeks.
She stopped as a few weird notes that she didn't play came out of the sax.
I didn't play those, she thought. Who did?
Sasha got the urge to play again. To her horror and surprise, her fingers were playing a melody she didn't recognize…playing in a weird blues fashion. She realized after a few notes that something…or someone…was leading her to play a Bach fugue on the sax.
Why the hell am I suddenly playing the Passicaglia and Fugue in C Minor? Sasha thought. I don't even like the damn song!
Then, something that looked like a ghost with red eyes showed up in this strange Neverland as the stars began to fade and everything went almost black.
"Welcome to my Neverland, Little Princess," said a deep, mocking voice from beneath the black cowl the ghost was wearing. "Do you like it here?"
Sasha pulled her lips away from the sax and glared at the weird spectre. "No, I don't like it here. I was trying to make this astral space nice when you had to show up. Who are you, anyway? Something left over from last Halloween?"
The Entity laughed. "We have not been properly introduced, Midshipman Second Class Sasha Wakefield."
"How did you know that? It's a secret!"
"I was there when you married him, there when your aunt and uncle rutted like animals in the shower that evening, and there to watch you and him rutting, screwing, and doing bizarre things like animals that night as the Dawn came on little claw-like cat's feet. You were very entertaining, Sasha."
"I take it I know your name, you sick piece of filth?"
"Say it," chuckled the Ghost.
"You're the legendary Ekogaru, aren't you? I will not do you any sort of honor by giving you any of your so-called titles," snapped Sasha. "By all that is right and true, you should be dead and in some dark dimension someplace eating at yourself alone like a virus."
Ekogaru laughed. "I have learned how to transcend Death, Sasha. I will live forever. You and Deke will not. Unless you join Me."
"If you think I'll join you like Yvona Josiah, you need your head examined. Or whatever is left of it," snapped Sasha. "You look like something that should have been decently buried in a grave about fifty years ago. You're dead!"
Ekogaru laughed and said, "Join me, my dear, or you might just die in childbirth. Along with your Auntie Nova. I intend to be there the night her children are born to take her life. You will be the next to go."
Sasha just glared at him and screamed into his face in rage. She wanted to strike him, but he disappeared with an acid laugh as everything went black.
Suddenly, the whole strange astral landscape vanished, and Sasha was back in her room. Did I really experience that? Did I really see himSasha thought in despair.
He lives, unfortunately, came the voice of her mother in her mind. Forgive me. I have been trying to protect you from him over the past few weeks. This time, it did not work…
"Why are you hiding him from us?" screamed Sasha.
"What he is is a dark spirit of hatred trying to take shape again in the body of an unfortunate petty-minded Earthling he has possessed," said Starsha as everything went dim and her spirit appeared before her daughter before the sunset that had suddenly appeared in a new, much more tranquil, astral space where Starsha had transported Sasha to so they could talk in peace. "He is causing much hatred and trouble. His greatest power is in terror and phantasms. He has other powers I don't even care to think of because they are so twisted and morbid…"
"What is his thing with twisting life, Mother?"
"He, Sasha, has fathered a boy, a twisted version of you, that he created by twisting the genetic structure of a human child conceived by a clone of Yvona Josiah and the body he has possessed."
"Who has he possessed?"
"Why, Sasha?"
"I'd love to find him and break his neck. That would solve a lot of problems."
"I wish I knew," said Starsha sadly. "He does a very good job of keeping the face of the Earthling he has possessed obscured. Also, the Earthling is slowly dying as Ekogaru grows stronger. Eventually, given enough years, there will be nothing left of the poor Earthling but a husk. Even I pity him. And Ekogaru will again possess a body to do his sick work."
"We have to find him, Mother! He threatened me and Aunt Nova with…."
"The loss of your children?"
Sasha nodded. "Am I carrying Deke's child yet?"
"No, but you will…when the right time comes. Do not forbid him his martial perogatives when you two are reunited. It would be interference with Destiny."
"When will Destiny quit screwing around with me and my head and my LIFE, Mother? When will I live a normal life someplace?"
"Much has to happen," said Starsha. "Oh, you are so much like my late sister at times…and there is so much I wish I could show you…"
"Then why don't you reveal it and save us all a metric shitload of trouble?" snapped Sasha.
"I dare not. The future is not clear to see at all times. You know that. Even as I slowly increase my powers by way of my greater practice and meditation, I see how much I do NOT know and cannot control. The wiser I grow, I find that I know less. I don't even know if I have interfered enough…or too much for everyone's good, Sasha."
"Mother, one can't help interfereing. It's part of living. And if you had interfered sooner, Desslok would have been defeated earlier than he was. Deke would still have his family. Uncle would still have his parents. And maybe Aunt Nova's Aunt Yvona would have remained sane and been able to live out her life as a normal person."
"If only you knew, Child," sighed Starsha. "Rest in peace tonight. You will be troubled no more. I can at least tell you that…"
"Thanks," said Sasha as she shut her eyes and turned away from her Mother.
Sasha came out of her astral landscape and began to play her saxophone again. This time, she consoled herself by playing Moonlight Serenade. It sounded beautiful, and it calmed her mind a great deal.
Sasha was beginning to play a second time as she began to get a major headache. It was something that occassionally happened when she stretched her powers too far. She realized then that she had been stretching her powers to their limit to keep her sanity in the sick astral presence of Ekogaru a few minutes ago…or was it a few hours ago?
She looked at the chrono on her desk. The time was now 1630. I was only floating around in and out for an hour? Sasha thought. It felt like years? Gets like that when I leave this plane…gets weird…
Then, a moment later, a knock came at the door.
Sasha came to attention and yelled "Officer on the deck! ATTENTION!"
Instead, someone opened the door, and a young woman in a black dress and unusual anklewrap sandals came in.
"Nova?" she said as she looked at the young face. "I thought you were in Denver?"
"I'm not Nova," the woman replied in a lilting, strangely-accented voice that sounded a little like her mother's. "For one thing, the hair is a bit longer," she said as she did a pirouette on her toes that made her hip-length honey-blonde hair whip around. "For another thing, I wasn't even born on Earth."
"Who are you?"
"Think of your Recent Military History course, Sasha of Iscandar," she whispered. As Sasha's eyes went wide, the young woman shut the door and said, "I know they call you "Petrovsky", but I know you are someone else. I can see things that no one else can. And your mother just asked me to stop in and comfort you. I was watching my husband do some guest-lecturing today in a Gunnery Class, so I've been walking around the campus all day. My name is Aliscea Rosstowski, late of Pellias. I can teach you things your mother wouldn't want you to know. Like this," said Aliscea as she looked around. Then, she opened her purse and pulled out a small ashtray and pack of cigarettes. Aliscea said, "Pardon me. Filthy habit I picked up from Paul. Good old Reom 120's. Nothing to relax you like tobacco when you need it."
Aliscea then put a cigarette in her mouth, puffed, and, to Sasha's surprise, Aliscea put up an index finger, shut her eyes, and made fire wink from the tip of her finger. She used it to light the cigarette, and took a deep drag. "Want some? It is relaxing."
"You will give yourself cancer with that dried weed. I've talked with Deke about that habit to no avail, so I live with it," snapped Sasha. "And if the tac officer smells that smoke in here, I'll be marching with a rifle again this weekend."
"We all have vices, dear. And I will make sure no one smells a thing. I have that power. What about you and your candy?"
"Oh, that…why are you here?"
"To show you how to keep Ekogaru out of your head…with some rather unorthodox methods. And to tell you how to let us know if he shows up again. We have to find where he is so we can kill his host dead, dead, DEAD."
"Amen to that," said Sasha as she smiled at Aliscea. "You don't take any crap from anyone, do you?"
"Hell no," said the Pellian.
"Good, I like that," said Sasha. "Teach me."
Aliscea nodded. "It goes like this, Sasha…shut your eyes…"
And, at that, Aliscea began to teach Sasha the rudiments of mental disciplines she had never even dreamed of. Disciplines that were definitely not the current pacifistic disciplines of the Iscandarians…
The Vicinity of Tethys
The Moons of Saturn
Friday: May 1, 2207
1615 Hours: Local Time
"People, that last run wasn't anywhere near good enough!" yelled Deke Wakefield irritably into his lip mike as the Trojans flew manuevers off the Wasp over the frozen surface of Tethys near Saturn. "We're doing it again! NOW!"
"Gotcha," said Brew irritably. "Second squadron, let's do that again."
"Is he getting better or worse?" asked "Bangs" Capistrano.
"Worse," said Brew.
"He needs something," said Capistrano.
"I'm tracking the radio traffic!" snapped Deke. "Cut the chatter, squadron! We're flying that again until we get that right! Got it?"
"Roger," said Brew, all procedure now.
"Roger that, sir," said Capistrano.
At that, they flew their manuevers again.
An hour later, the exhausted Trojans landed on the aft deck of the spacecraft carrier Wasp (SCV-4) as she took on the Trojans and one of her other Flight Groups, a Group called the Blue Devils. A few minutes later, Deke came out of his plane and went to his office to begin furiously writing up a report while someone banged at the hatch.
Finally, Deke thumbed the control and let the hatch slide open and snapped, "YES?"
A large, tall, hefty man in a Space Marine uniform was looking at him. "Mister Wakefield, I'm Master Sergeant Bianca, Chief Master of Arms on this vessel. I see you have an unauthorized weapon on this command?"
"Oh, this," said Wakefield as he picked up DJ and began to fish for his letter of dispensation. "I can explain this…."
"I haven't been able to find you for the past two damn days and had to report it to the Skipper," snapped Bianca. "And now you owe him one hell of an explanation. Take that thing and get your ass out of this office NOW, Mister. You're coming with me to see the Captain."
"I'm busy, Sergeant, and I need a damn cup of coffee," snapped Deke. "MAKE me…"
Bianca grabbed up DJ with one hand and gave Wakefield a good shove with the other. Wakefield glared at Bianca, but Bianca said, "Are you gonna come along willingly, or do I have to put you under formal arrest, Mister Navy Cross Star Force hero?"
Deke snarled at Bianca, but he thought, I have Sasha to think about. I can't screw my career up now, as much as I want to have this jackass run his face into my fist. Deke sighed and said, "Let's go up to Officers' Country and work this out with the Skipper, Sergeant. I have a damn good explanation for carrying that weapon."
Bianca nodded. "I thought you'd see reason sooner or later, sir. I know this cruise began to suck from Day One. Follow me…"
A while later, Wakefield was standing at attention before the XO of the Wasp, the Mechanical Group Leader, a nasty-looking man with a sharp nose named Commander Max Dettweiler, and the ship's skipper, a shorter African-American man with dark hair in a short natural cut named Captain Jacob Jackson.
Bianca finished reporting to the XO, stating, "And, to sum it up, I've seen this new officer carrying that old Shetland relic everywhere. It looks like he has ammo for it, and he never checked it into the armory or filled out a 6-295 Form for it as we require in the few cases when we have officers bringing non-standard personal sidearms with them aboard a command, like, as the scuttlebutt says, Commodore Wildstar does with his brother's old Astro-Automatic. His only explanation is this letter, which he neglected to show us when he piped on…"
"Let me look at zat," said Dettweiler, who grabbed the letter from Deke's hand. "He forged this, sir," said the nasty Mechanical Group Leader a moment later. "My recommendation is; let's dismiss him and leave him at the brig at Saturn-Titan for a special court-martial…there is no excuse for this sort of flagrant breach of…"
"Wait, Commander," snapped Captain Jackson in a deep, but almost good-natured voice. "Wakefield has a damn good record. I was one of those who asked for the man. Let me at least see that letter."
"But…?" said Dettweiler.
"Let me at least see the letter," said Jackson as he grabbed it from Dettweiler. He scanned it and said. "Hmmm…this is unusual, but it is authentic. That is, indeed, the signature of Hiram Charles Singleton. We're taking no further action, but I want to speak to the Lieutenant here before he is released. He is giving me a full statement of explanation as to why we should disregard the fact that he didn't show us this when he piped on board."
"Shall I record it?" said Dettweiler as Deke gave him a black look.
"You will do no such thing, Mister," snapped Jackson. "Dettweiler, you and Master Sergeant Bianca are dismissed. This will be between Mister Wakefield and myself."
Both men saluted and left Deke alone with the Captain.
A moment later, Jackson took off his naval cap, and then looked over the letter and said, "At ease, Wakefield. Sit down over there in that chair. I know why you need confidentiality and why your head isn't quite screwed on straight, young man. I would advise you to try to fly right before anyone notices it again on this ship."
"Sir?" said Deke.
Jackson laughed and opened a small fridge. He got out a bottle of club soda, followed by a bottle of cola, rum, and a bottle of vodka. "Name your poison, Wakefield. Captains have certain privileges on board ship, and I keep a little bit of private stock on board that the doctor gave me. Comes in nicely for talks like these."
Wakefield then said, "Rum and Cola, sir. Not too much rum. I may have to fly again later."
"You are dedicated, son," said Jackson as he poured Deke his drink. "Now, I know something about you. The Commander briefed me on you, Wakefield."
"I know that you are a newlywed, I know who the girl is, and I know the circumstances. I know you cannot discuss them, and that those circumstanves will never leave this office. Given what has happened, and given how you were torn away from her, I can understand how you may have forgotten to check in your weapon. Is that the reason?"
"Yessir," said Deke as he morosely sipped at his drink. "Sasha…I wish I could have smuggled her aboard this ship in a seabag, sir. Or something. I finally get married to her, and they rip me away from her the next morning after we consumate our marriage, and…"
"Say no more," said Jackson. "I have a wife and kids, too, Wakefield. I miss the hell out of them, too."
Deke nodded.
Jackson reached over and patted Wakefield's hands. "Son. Just try to keep your mind in your work and not forget details like this. The laws of physics are not as forgiving as men are, Wakefield. Drink up. You're dismissed and this matter is dropped. Won't even go in your record."
"Yessir," said Wakefield as he finished his rum and cola.
"Good luck to you," said Jackson as they exchanged salutes and left.
"Thanks, sir," said Deke. "I'll need it…"
Jackson nodded.
San Diego: The Rio Amarillo Apartments
Lynn Westland's Apartment
Saturday: May 2, 2207
1416 Hours: Local Time
To say that Lynn Westland was shocked when Dawn brought Jefferson Hardy into their apartment and introduced him to her mother as her "husband" was a major understatement.
"What?" said Lynn.
"Mom, I said, this is Lieutenant Commander Jefferson Hardy, my new husband…"
Hardy said, "Pleased to make your acquaintaince, Mrs. Westland…"
"I'm not!" snapped Lynn as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" said Hardy.
"It's not you, Jefferson," said Lynn as she turned her eyes upon Dawn. Dawn had on a halter, shorts, thongs, and her star pendant. Hardy had on a shirt, tie, and chino pants with boots. Lynn glared at her daughter as tears began to form in the older woman's eyes. "What in Heaven's name have I done to you that you neglected to invite me to your own wedding? Me, your own mother?"
"I had a good reason, Mom," said Dawn as tears formed in her eyes. "We came home together from a long mission, and you know the way this war has been going…I had no idea when we'd be together again, so I thought we'd elope…"
"And hide it from the whole world? That was a class act, Dawn! Okay. How did you meet this young man? How and where?"
"Ma'am, I've known yoah daughter for quite a while. I met her at a World Services Organization canteen some years back before she graduated from college. We started talking there, and swore to keep in touch. We wrote, and then we met up again on the Argo last year…"
"The Argo?" cried Lynn. "What were you two doing on that ship?"
"Special mission we couldn't and still can't discuss," interjected Dawn. "We met again on that mission and gradually decided we had to get married…we just had to…"
Dawn and Lynn looked at each other for a long while. Finally, Lynn said, "Okay, Dawn…Jeff…if I may call you that…we'll go out to eat later on tonight…after you put on a longer skirt, that is, Dawn…"
"Why?" said Dawn.
"We're going to Campobello's, that's why. My treat," said Lynn.
Jeff smiled at Dawn, and she smiled at her mother. "Sounds like a plan…"
That afternoon, the three of them took a nice walk on the nearby beach, watching the surf, the gulls, a few surfers, kids flying kites, and smiling at a few sunbathers in passing, some of whom were topless or in nothing at all (the beach was clothes-optional starting around the apartment complex).
Later, at dinner, (during which Dawn had changed into a long skirt she had in her bags along with a pair of open springtime heels), Lynn was quite impressed at Jeff's gallantry as he pulled out chairs for both Lynn and Dawn and made sure they were both comfortable.
At dinner, Lynn was very impressed by Hardy's southern charm and gentlemanly demeanor, and started to understand how he managed to steal away her daughter's heart.
After dinner, they returned to Lynn's apartment, where they were invited to spend the night. Hardy and Dawn were a bit unsure about this, but at Lynn's insistence they finally agreed to stay over in Dawn's old bedroom.
Before they turned in, Lynn noticed that Dawn was still wearing Deke's pendant, on her bare shoulders over her halter, and she asked to speak to her alone for a few minutes. Hardy thus retired to Dawn's old bedroom, while Lynn and Dawn sat on the balcony alone with drinks in their hands.
Lynn looked at her daughter and said, "Dawn, I have no problem with Jeff. He's charming, he's kind, he's wonderful…"
"Thanks, Mother," said Dawn.
"But, I wonder," said Lynn as she tapped her sandal against the cement surface of the balcony. "Why are you still wearing Deke's star pendant? You know, the one he gave you?"
Dawn fiddled with the small star, but remained silent.
Lynn cleared her throat and asked, "Dawn, does Jeff know about Deke?"
Dawn shook her head no.
"You never told him?"
"Mom, Jeff has been through some painful times, and so have I…" Dawn then traced a crack in the cement nervously with the open toe of her pump, with the bit of light visible that night glinting off her mother-of-pearl polished toenails as she did so. "We..Jeff and I….agreed it was best to leave the past in the past…"
Lynn crossed and uncrossed her legs, her skirt rustling as she did so. She sucked in a deep breath as she adjusted her vest and then exhaled it.
"I'm not happy, Dawn," said Lynn as she stirred her drink before setting it back down on a small table.
"I'm confused, Mother…"
"So am I," said Lynn. "I'm very confused. Who do you love? Jeff? Or Deke?"
"It's not quite that…it's…Well, Mother….every time that we…Jeff and I…started to discuss our past relationships, we realized they were just too painful to recall…."
"I can't understand that…"
"It's us…you don't have to understand, Mom…"
"Okay…I won't," sighed Lynn Westland. "However, I do not think it's right for you, Dawn to continue wearing Deke's pendant now you are married to Jeff. That star belonged to Jess, Deke's mother, and Deke gave it to you as a symbol of his love for you. To continue wearing it now that you are married to another man is a slap in Deke's face."
"No it's not!"
Lynn grimaced. "Yes, it is….and you know it. Besides, you know Deke has never stopped loving you. So far as I know, he hasn't been truly serious with anyone since you broke up with him out of the hope that you two would get back together…it's like…"
Dawn banged down her drink angrily. "Mom….Well…that's obviously not going to happen now, is it? I can't help what Deke's been hoping for. He blew it when he left for the space school. It is his own damned fault!"
Lynn snapped, "Okay, Dawn! So why are you still wearing Deke's star? This makes no sense to me!"
Dawn kicked a small pebble off the balcony as she said "Mom, it is because a little part of me still loves Deke, okay, and that part of me still needs and wants to remember him, okay? Jeff knows it was given to me by an ex, and he's accepted my need to continue wearing it in spite of the fact we're now married. Maybe you don't approve, but please, don't ask me to give this up, okay?"
Lynn glared at her daughter, but stopped when their reverie was broken by the sudden ringing of the visiphone.
"I'll get that," said Lynn as she kicked off her thongs and ran off. "It's nearly eleven at night…who could be calling now?"
"I'd better go see if it woke up Jeff…"
"Good idea," said Lynn tartly as she ran into the kitchen of her apartment.
At his end, from the Saturn-Titan space station (where he had liberty) Deke Wakefield was about to give up in his attempt to call Lynn to apologize for not being able to stop by earlier that week when she picked up. To his shock, she looked a bit put out.
"Lynn?" said Deke. In the meantime, in the apartment, Dawn stepped out of her slingbacks and tiptoed into the bedroom to see if the noise had awakened Hardy. On the phone, Deke said, "You look mad. Is this a bad time?"
"No, not at all," said Lynn softly. In her bedroom, in the meantime, Dawn bent over Hardy in their wide bed and smiled as she watched Jeff sleeping in peace. He's sleeping like a baby, thought Dawn. Better than I'll probably sleep tonight thanks to Mother. I wonder who Mom is talking to out there…?
"That's good," said Deke. "I owe you an apology, Lynn…I knew I said I'd be by San Diego for a visit? I can't come now…"
"Why not?" said Lynn.
Deke sighed, "Lynn, I'm sorry, I was reassigned. I was given the chance to command a Flight Group, so I was on Earth for maybe a day. I'm now the commanding officer of a Group called the Trojans. I'm on Saturn-Titan now on a carrier, outbound…"
"That sounds great? Where are you going?"
"I can't say; except that it's somewhere outside of the solar system…"
Dawn tiptoed out of the bedroom on bare feet after kissing Jeff softly. She shut the bedroom door and tiptoed down the hall, with her heart nearly kicking its way out of her chest when she recognized the voice at the other end of the visiphone. Deke? Dawn thought. Why the hell are you calling up?
Dawn came into the kitchen and spotted her mother on the visiphone. Lynn turned around and shushed her with a finger to her lips before she could say anything. However, as Lynn turned, it exposed the screen to Dawn, and it also exposed Dawn to Deke.
Dawn gasped, and had just enough presence of mind to get her hands behind her back (explaining her new wedding band now might be awkward), but she could not hide the incriminating star pendant, nice and exposed above her bare collarbone.
"Dawn?" said Deke.
"Yes," she said uncomfortably with a dry throat. "It's me."
"Funny, there's someone in our squadron who looks just like you…she's named Capistrano…she has hair like yours…we call her "Bangs" but her first name is Gabrielle. She made me think it was you when I piped aboard…my new command."
"Were you disappointed that it wasn't?"
"No," said Deke after a long moment. "I wasn't."
"Why not?" challenged Dawn with a flutter of her eyelids that almost made her mother want to slap her across the face.
"You were haunting my dreams, Dawn."
"No more," said Deke in a dry voice. "Dawn, Lynn…the best way I can say this…" he said slowly as he realized he could not spill the beans about Sasha and his recent secret marriage. "Is…that I am involved with someone. This girl…"
"I hope it's a girl, Deke," snapped Dawn as Lynn glared at her.
"Lynn…Dawn…I'll write both of you a letter. To explain. I've changed a lot…in the past few years. You know that, Lynn. Dawn, you probably don't…"
"Dawn, I'm sorry…but life goes on," sighed Deke. "Why are you still wearing my star pendant?" he asked in a quiet voice.
"I…I can't explain it…but, Deke," said Dawn. "You are not the only one that life has 'gone on' for. It's 'gone on' for me, too. Good night, Deke."
Before Wakefield could say anything else, Dawn turned her back on Deke and the conversation while Lynn said good night to Deke. Lynn noticed that she had left the room as she turned the visiphone off.
Lynn made herself another drink and waited angrily for her daughter as Dawn tiptoed back in. Dawn said, "Jeff is still asleep, thank Heavens."
"Good," said Lynn. "It's a good thing he didn't hear this farce of a conversation. You could have at least have been civil to your former fiancee', Mrs. Dawn Hardy."
"You don't approve of me? Good. I've grown up, Mother. And I won't stop wearing this pendant. It reminds me of good times…good memories. Okay?"
Lynn said, "Dawn, you're right, I don't approve, but you're an adult, and I can't make you do anything you don't want to anymore. But, if you and Deke should ever cross paths again, you'd better be ready and willing to explain to him why you're still wearing that pendant…and give the man a full explanation, and be civil to him. Got it?"
"Okay," said Dawn as she looked at her feet. "I'm going to bed, Mother. Good night."
"Good night, Dawn," said Lynn as she stirred her drink. "Oh?"
"I think it'd be better if you and Jeff left in the morning. You can come by another time."
Dawn nodded.
Lynn then said, "I'm making some more phone calls. I'll try not to disturb you and Jeff."
Dawn nodded, tiptoeing back to the bedroom.
Dawn changed into her nightclothes (she was not going to sleep in her skin with Jeff tonight in her own old house) but found she couldn't sleep.
She threw on a robe and tiptoed out into the hall, peeking around the corner as her mother sat talking to some unaccountably young woman on the visiphone.
Dawn couldn't hear that well, but a sight of the girl's face made her blood run cold for some reason.
The young woman had long blond hair, an innocent face, beautiful burgundy-brown eyes, and she wore a set of striped pajamas that somehow looked strangely familiar to Dawn. It looked as if she was sitting inside a very elegant, expensive-looking house with simulated walnut-panelled walls.
Something about her face made Dawn almost instinctively jump up to try to scratch the girl's eyes out.
"It's a little surprising that I got you, Miss," said Lynn. "Who are you, and what are you doing in that house?"
"My name…is Miss Petrovsky," said the young woman. "I'm on leave from the Academy this weekend. I'm sorry, ma'am. Mrs. Wildstar isn't home right now. I'm house-sitting for her and Commodore Wildstar. I'm a student they taught at the Space Fighters' Training School. We have one other house guest, but he's not home right now."
"If I may ask, where is Nova staying?"
"In the Denver Megalopolis at her parents' house with the Commodore, Ma'am," said Sasha in a perfectly charming voice that somehow made Dawn look as if she wanted to climb the walls. Dawn kept her face hidden in her hands, somehow dreading the sight of the girl catcing a glimpse of her face.
Somehow…Dawn both feared and hated the girl on sight, and she barely knew who she was! She couldn't figure out what was going on.
Nor did she want to.
Dawn was relieved when her mother terminated the call and called Nova at the Forresters' house. She went back to bed while Lynn and Nova spoke.
In Boulder, before going to church the next morning, indeed, before breakfast, a happier scene was taking place while Derek stood holding Nova, who wore pajamas in the spare bedroom as her mother Teri took some tender pictures of her young pregnant daughter and her stomach as Derek protectively stood with his hands around his wife's bared stomach as she stood in her shorty pajamas with her top half-open.
Then, as Derek kissed the back of her head, Nova asked, "Mother, are we done yet?"
"Almost, dear," said Teri. "I'd like to photograph you in a little surprise outfit I prepared," said Teri as she opened a box.
Nova blushed. "Isn't that what you wore after you had David and Aurora and Dad took those pictures of you feeding them? There's hardly anything there to wear!"
"Yes, dear, I was hoping you'd wear this in the delivery room in the hospital…"
Nova smiled and blushed as she slipped out of her pajamas and slipped into what was basicially a filmy, very short blouse-like nightie in translucent white that left her bottomless. As her mother began to photograph her again in Derek's arms, she put a leg out and stood on tiptoe so not too much of her lower form would be showing. Then, at Teri's direction, Derek gradually untied the gown, exposing a little more of Nova's stomach and then breasts with each shot until she stood almost naked in her open nightie. Then, as he held her close, Derek tenderly stripped her of the nightie, where the last few shots of her now healthy pregnant form were taken of her in the nude in shots that made her look almost angelic. Teri almost cried when she took the last picture, which was a spontaneous shot of Derek gently kissing Nova's naked tummy.
Then, a blushing Nova threw on a robe and said, "Okay if I take a shower now, Mom?"
Teri nodded as Derek and Nova left the room.
Then, Teri sat down on the bed and began to cry. "Oh, God, my baby's grown up! Please, Heavens, let her have a safe delivery and give me grandchildren!"
In the shower, as she showered, Nova herself wept as she washed her stomach and felt her children waking up and kicking playfully within her. Her emotions were like a rollercoaster as Derek came in afterwards with a towel to dry her.
"Look at me," said Nova. "One minute, I think I'm gorgeous, next minute, I realize how damn fat I am. This is driving me crazy. My back hurts, my feet are swelling up so much today I can barely even get my shoes on, and I don't know how I'm going to feel on that plane flight back home…"
Derek knew better than to say she soon wouldn't be able to fly on a commercial aircraft once she reached her third trimester after their trip to Europe soon (although she could, of course, travel on a large spacecraft). Instead, he just held Nova and said, "I don't find you ugly. Your parents don't. No one does. You're worth protecting right now…"
"I must sound really stupid," sniffed Nova as she wiped her nose on her forearm. Then, she got some bath tissue and blew her nose. Derek smiled at her and continued holding her.
At roughly the same time elsewhere in Boulder, two men who appeared to be bums were sitting on a park bench in the sun.
One of them was an old man with dirty, matted greyish-white long hair and a matted beard in a battered, torn, and dirty ancient Naval enlisted men's peacoat in dark blue. The old man also wore fingerless gloves, filthy sneakers, a torn scarf, and a black derby. He was snarling and humming to himself as he sat drinking some booze from a dirty, chipped bottle.
The other man looked even more eccentric. He was clothed in what looked like a very dirty monk's cowl in brown, and sat leaning on a rough staff. Dusty, sandalled feet showed beneath the hem of his cowl, and a little of his sharp, pointed nose and a forked beard showed from beneath his hood; which hid the rest of his face. Police looked at him suspiciously because he looked a little like some mad Josiahite, but he had none of the aggressiveness of one. In fact, in his quiet, unostentatious way, he was known for doing kindnesses here and there for people, and inexplicable things seemed to happen in his wake. Yet, he gave off a definite, strange aura as someone who had a background deeper than that of a mere wandering monk. He seemed to have an aura of being without father or mother, and of being very mysterious. No one knew who he was, or where he came from or dwelt.
"You know, Boss," said the old man in his weird, growling voice. "We're gonna get rousted from this spot sooner or later by the cops. Why are we hangin' out here, anyway?"
"Relax, Seadragon," said the younger man. "We have our purposes. You get around. So do I."
"Sayin' you've been around the block, Buddy, is a major friggin' understatement."
The man in the monk's cowl nodded and he said, "You need to keep watch. There is more going on here than even you are aware of."
"Like what?"
"Threads upon threads are tying together, even now. Earth is going to be going through a tough time soon, so do what you can, Melvin, to be able to help if you have to. Of course, I have my own business. You know what it is and where it is."
At that, the two wanderers left.
The next day, on Monday, May 3rd, back at the Space Fighters' Training School, Sasha prepared for the approximately two-week period of Exam Break, where her class and the graduating Class of 2207 had two weeks' worth of leave, during which they would study for their exams at the end of the month.
Sasha looked over her course schedule, making sure she had her books and notes ready since she would soon be heading back to the Wildstar residence the next day to begin a vacation with the family in Europe.
Sasha looked at her Academy schedule again, which read as follows:
Recent Military History 355 (3 credits)
Advanced Wave Motion Physics 360 (4 credits)
Intermediate Vector Analysis 375 (3 credits)
Intermediate Survey Methods and Pattern Analysis 380 (3 credits)
Advanced Military Leadership 342 (2 credits)
Total Course Load: 15 Credits
I have a lot of books to take, thought Sasha. Well, at least many of these courses will have practical exams on the simulators here at the Academy. I wonder what ship I'm going to take my summer cruise on?
Sasha was also reading over her latest letter from Deke, which had just arrived. Part of it read as follows:
Well, Sasha, we've just arrived at Alpha Centauri today. Tomorrow, we'll be warping on to the area around the Voton Stars. You know, the places where the Argo made history eight years ago now? It's hard to beleve that those events are so far in the past now.
I've also been having bad dreams again. Horrible nightmares, really…I don't know if I can talk about them. Part of them are about Sasha Morningstar, that innocent woman I told you about…the one I killed by mistake years ago in a food riot in the underground city near San Diego? These dreams are horrible. They include Nova and they include you, too. Just..awful…
Sasha's eyes begaqn to mist over as she skipped on and read; I miss you worse than ever. One night was't enough for us. Damnit, we should have had an entire month together, or two months…or more.
I also want to confess to you that when I called up my old "foster mother" Lynn Westland the other day, I got to talk to my old fiancee' for a moment. Dawn. I told you about her earlier in the letter and told you how we were friends in school and how we split up. I was hoping maybe Dawn and I could at least be friends. Just friends. Not bloody likely now. We had words on the visiphone, and not nice ones. I would rather have been talking to you…
Sasha smiled a little through her tears as she scribbled a note on the letter that would go into her reply. Okay, funny, Deke. Lynn called me the other night, wanting to talk with Nova. She got me instead because Derek and Nova, are, as we speak, on their fight back from Boulder. I referred her to Nova's parents in Boulder, but before I hung up, I noticed this girl in the background that looked like your picture of Dawn…she had this funny-looking Star Pendant on. Was that Dawn? I didn't talk to her or tell her who I was, but she didn't look like as she liked me much. Looking daggers at me through the screen, she was….what did you do with her picture, Deke?
Sasha smiled again as she read Deke's unwitting reply a few lines down. It read: Sasha, I didn't destroy Dawn's picture, but after that, I shoved it way down in my seabag. I don't want to destroy it, but I want her out of sight and out of mind….
Good Deekee, thought Sasha with a smile.
I've got a lot to do now, Sasha, said Deke in conclusion. So much with this squadron, so many flights and patrols. I'm almost beginning to f'ing hate the cockpit of my plane now. Take care, and I love you and miss you, and…
Deeekkeee, thought Sasha as she hugged the letter and began to cry. Damn, I have to attend this live-fire demonstration later on near the firing range. We're supposed to be seeing this bunch of Marines that just came back from China fighting the Josiahites blowing things up. What fun, huh?
The Tokyo Megalopolis
Yokosuka Space Marine Base
Monday: May 4, 2207
1126 Hours: Local Time
Just off the plane from China and a bloody but sucessful battle with the Josiahite separatists that had destroyed a major base in Southern China, the remnants of the 255th Space Marine Platoon had just gotten back from Yunnan Province. There, along with four or five other platoons, they had done heavy battle with and had surrounded and destroyed a major Josiahite base there and a nearby village. Thanks to their efforts, a major Josiahite base that was being set up for missile launches was no more, and the few survivors had been driven off over the border into the jungles of nearby Vietnam.
The base and villages no longer existed. The 255th, in particular, had done a very effective job of decimating the village (after losing more than half of its men) under the twisted leadership of Lieutenant Gary Maples and Sergeant Mick Stovall (Stovall had become the XO of what remained of the bitter platoon). They claimed the village was a nest of Josiahites and that even the sackcloth-clad dead women and the raggedly clad or naked children found dead in the village were all Josiahites. Maples and Stovall had done a great job covering up the fact that they had attacked first after a few women and children had thrown grenades at them while they were pillaging the village and the hooches for evidence and weapons after the battle.
"Good job, guys," said Maples as he addressed the eleven remaining survivors of the 255th as they stood at attention in their dirty uniforms before the Company Area in front of their barracks. "We all got friggin' decorated, and we all got friggin' leave…"
"We're gonna be back together again at the end of the month," said Stovall as he strutted around with a heavy Laser AK-160 Automatic Gun on his shoulders. "We have this bullshit duty later today, assholes, before we get leave, though! We have to go to the firing range at the Space Fighters' Training School and do a fuckin' live fire demonstration so we can make the midshipmen in their pretty colorful little Goddamn uniforms piss their pants! You guys salty enough to make the cadets afraid of us?"
"YESSIR!" yelled the 255th.
"I can't hear YOU!" yelled Stovall.
The platoon again screamed, "YESSIR!" as some anonymous Marine from Headquarters Company ran by in a clean uniform. He stopped and stared at the dirty combat veterans as if he was looking at some new kind of bacteria.
"What the Christ on a Crutch are you lookin' at?" sneered Maples as Stovall grinned and fingered the Sphere in his pocket. Stovall felt the familiar presence of his Dark Lord as he whispered in his mind, "Feel no guilt, Stovall. Those were unworthy and usless servants of Mine you greased in China. Useless assholes. Universe is better off without those losers. Thank you for purging my ranks, friend…"
"Uh…nothing, sir," said the HQ kid.
"You queer for us?" said Stovall as he undid his heavy weapon. "We killed three hundred Josiahites in China, jackoff. Does blood and guts give ya a hard-on?"
"THEM GET THE HELL OUTTA MY SIGHT!" roared Stovall as the others clapped and jeered. The HQ kid saluted and ran off.
"Scared of us," said one Private.
"He thinks we be fucked up," said another one.
"He right, bro," said a third one as they laughed and clapped.
"Guys, there's only one thing sweeter than the smell of bodies burning at night," sneered Stovall.
"What, Sarge?" said another Marine.
"The smell of pussy, Masterson. Let's see if we can get some pussy at the Academy today!"
The platoon then began to whoop and chant, "KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL!"
And, not far away, Ekogaru was pleased. Nice job, Stovall, he thought. Lurking in the shadows was great for a time. Now, we will start forming our "new breed"—in the ranks of the Earth Defense Forces ourselves! Give us time, and we can make a fit new seat of my Empire out of this stinking little planet. The Cometines are failing me. Invidia is losing. We need new blood. Yes, new…blood….
A Far Edge of the Great Magellenic Cloud
The Geratz System
The Vicinity of Planet Geratz VIII
Monday: May 4, 2207
1300 Hours: Standard Earth Space-Time
Garuman-Gamilon General Dagon's forces were in heavy battle with a large Cometine fleet that was trying to penetrate through to a Gamilon base world called Geratz VII that guarded the approaches to the Gamilon factory planet and commercial center of Peralta, a major planet in this part of the Great Magellenic Cloud. Dagon had drawn up his lines near Geratz VIII, a world that Desslok and Talan had told him was expendable, so far as they were now concerned. The eighth planet was worthless. They wanted to keep the seventh.
On the bridge of his new flagship, the Garuman-designed space battleship Vatranka, Dagon was in a good mood.
We are not doing too badly, so far, thought Dagon. We have defeated them at Pogi. Of course, they regrouped and came here. Today, they shall truly feel Gamilon's wrath yet again as we prepare a second test of Desslok's great new weapons…a test that Desslok says must not fail, this time…
"Sir!" said an officer on Dagon's flagship as he stood near the General's command seat. "Enemy Fleet approaching at full battle speed! Twenty space destroyers, ten space battleships, ten missile ships, and five spacecraft carriers. Fleet identified as Cometine, sir."
"Course of action, General?" said a staff officer in grey who snapped a salute.
"Order the cruisers and destroyers to throw up a screen; prepare carriers to launch fighters to intercept any planes from the enemy fleet. Lure them into orbit of Geratz VIII. Keep back our second element until we are sure they have taken our bait," said Dagon with a smile.
"Yessir!" snapped the Gamilon staff officer with a hearty salute.
"General, enemy fleet commander is calling us," said Dagon's comm officer.
"Put the idiot on the screen and let's see what he wants," yawned Dagon.
The comm officer nodded.
Five of the space battleships with the Cometine fleet were black, shiny, and nasty-looking. The fleet commander was a Black Nebulan commander named Admiral Vilzer, a bald, scornful sort whom Invidia had talked into service as Gernitz's right-hand man and hatchet man. His flagship, the Black Nebulan space battleship Helandes, was the largest ship in the squadron. It was from his bridge that he sent a scornful message to Dagon's flagship.
"So, you are the great General Dagon?" hissed Vilzer in a venomous voice.
"I am," said Dagon. "And what is it to you?"
"Long have I been waiting to speak to you," said Vilzer. "The Princess calls on my people in her hour of need and we gladly answer the call, having signed a treaty of friendship with her race some time ago. I am Admiral Vilzer, late of the Black Nebula. Many of my people suffered genocide in a great accident right before we were able to carry out our long-range plans for Gamilon, Iscandar, and Earth, plans that Zordar and Invidia had approved in conference with our Great Leader; with the plans for Earth to go on only if Zordar's efforts failed. Gamilon was to have been mined. Iscandar was to have been captured and pillaged. And the Terran Race on Earth was to have their brain matter destroyed by a Hyperon Bomb so that we could take over their growing, fecund little bodies. We never got to carry out the Master Plan, sadly. It would have been great. But your death shall serve as a nice consolation prize for the honor of the Black Nebulan People and the Greater Cometine Empire House of Gatlantis and the Greater Empire. How do you want to die, Dagon?"
"I don't intend to die at all," replied Dagon.
"I thought not," sniffed Vilzer. "You look like a very obstinate sort. Well, makes things better when we go to battle, hm? Like right now?"
Dagon's screen went black as the heavy battleship Helandes immediately opened up with all of her turrets.
The fire was heavy and devastating, and it roared into the Gamilon ranks without mercy.
Destroyers and cruisers were hit and blown to bits as the energy ripped through them.
"Fleet hard about!" yelled Dagon. "Return fire in Formation Vaga! Get those heavy enemy units!"
At the same time, the pure Cometine ships opened up with their heavy shock cannons, with their beams surrounding several Gamilon battleships in deadly cyclones, crushing them before they could bring their weapons to bear.
"Launch attack boats from the carriers!" snapped Vilzer. "I want their carriers turned into space trash! And assume orbit about the planet!"
"Yessir," said Vilzer's exec with a snappy salute. "Launching fighter craft! Preparing second salvo at enemy battleships!"
Vilzer nodded as the Helandes fired again.
More Gamilons died.
It did not look good for Dagon.
"The battle is not going well, General!" said one of Dagon's staff officers as his flagship was battered about by near-misses.
Still, the mighty Gamilon space battleship Vetranka cruised on, the ship and crew confident in their ability to take damage and keep on fighting.
"How bad is it?" said Dagon as he finished a drink.
"We have lost about fifty percent of the fleet, sir. It will be hard to take them ship by ship. Hard but not impossible."
"Only if we have to," said Dagon as he lowered his glass.
"So what do we do?" said the XO.
"Well, then," said Dagon. "Strategic retreat, evacuate the area! Order second element to take position and to prepare to fire spread of three proton missiles at my mark in eighty seconds. Have them hold our fourth one in reserve in case we need it."
"Yessir," said Dagon's XO. He stepped away from his command seat, picked up a mike, and said, "All Gamilon-Garuman units, first element, strategic retreat seven hundred gerad distance, ready warp! Second element, bring first three proton missiles to bear, hold fourth for other use. Targets, equator and northern hemisphere of planet. Backlash of planetary destruction should eliminate enemy fleet!"
"Helm, adjusting fifty degrees port!" snapped one officer.
"Locking down main guns and closing offensive systems," said another officer in his helmet.
"Changing energy pathways," said the engineer.
"Send final codes to fleet, intership," snapped Dagon.
"Yessir," said the XO. "Communications, relay orders to the fleet! Send them under ciphers!"
"Orders acknowledged," said the helmeted Garuman officer. "Transmitting codes to all elements of fleet under Cipher V-625!"
"Very well," said another officer.
A moment later, as it was preparing to warp, Dagon's flagship took a direct hit.
"Damnit!" yelled Dagon as fire and arcs blew about his bridge.
"Still able to warp but we took damage, sir!" said his XO.
"Warp us out of here then! NOW!" yelled Dagon.
"It'll look like we're fleeing," said the XO.
"I'm not worried about that now!" snapped Dagon. "I want to be there at the end when we get them! That is the whole damned point of this battle, rubbing my boot in their faces as those inferior green goblins and plastic machine people all die before the might of our Empire!"
"Yessir," said Dagon's XO.
"Admiral! They're warping!" said a staff officer of Vilzer's.
"They're up to some sort of game! Warp us out on the same course, leave the battle to General Haga on the Cometine flagship in second squadron. I want the Gamilon snake to die under my own guns so I can bear the tale to Invidia," said Vilzer. "The reat of them….oh…Gernitz will soon be here with a surprise for them, yes. Ready warp, ten seconds…"
The orders went out to the Cometines, who responded as Vilzer and his staff began to ready their space warps…
A moment later, Vilzer and his group went into warp…
"All surving ships of first element now clear of battle area!" snapped Dagon's XO as his flagship came out of warp behind his proton missile ships.
Dagon nodded. "Proton missiles, fire!"
Soon, the ships of Dagon's fleet fired with a deadly efficiency as three of the massive projectiles roared towards Geratz VIII while Vilzer's group had just gone into hyperspace nearby. The fourth Garuman ship holding a proton missile slowed down and held back, holding its missile for any backup actions that would be needed.
The Cometines looked shocked as their deaths approached in big, black, and deadly fashiom, the missiles squashing some of their ships as they roared relentlessly into the rocky, abandoned planet and impacted into it.
A moment later, space nearby went very bright as the planet blew apart in a wonderfully deadly fashion.
The whole Cometine fleet went with it…except for Vilzer's battleship squadron.
Vilzer and his men gasped as hyperspace, distorted by the sudden loss of the nearby gravity well of Geratz VIII, turned mad and almost sucked his fleet into nothingness before some other force spat his ships out somewhere in some unknown location they couldn't map, with many of the Black Nebulans' computer systems on fire.
One way or another, Vilzer was out of the battle and the war…at least for the time being.
And he was not happy about it.
Gernitz and the Devastation and her fifty escorts warped in to the vicinity of Geratz VII to discover the fading explosion of what had been Geratz VIII.
A moment later, his fleet was surrounded by a bunch of very angry Gamilons over the Garuman-Gamilon base world of Geratz VII as Dagon and the surviving elements of his fleet warped in quite suddenly.
Gernitz laughed. "This is amusing! Comm officer, connect me to their commander!"
"Yessir," said the comm officer.
A moment later, Dagon's XO, who was named Gelantz, said, "General Dagon…sir…they're calling from that…uh…big…black…ugly…thing…"
"Do not worry, Gelantz! I have no fear of them! We fight for Leader Desslok to the end! Open the channel!"
"Opening channel," said the comm officer in a shaking voice.
Gernitz's elegant bald, demonic-looking, bearded visage came on Dagon's main screen a moment later. He was transmitting from the smaller Battle Operations Bridge of his Dreadnought. "I am Cometine Marshal Gernitz. What is your name, Gamilon scum?"
"Dagon, Gernitz. You were at Melezart, I recall. We nearly got you then. You are very persistent. Care to try again?"
"Ahh…you puny idiots. You think you can finish me off with those antiques?"
"I have something left up my sleeve you may not like," said Dagon with a confident smile. "And I am done talking with you."
Dagon made a slashing motion and said, "Gelantz?"
"We need hold the fort for only a short time. Good thing I had foresight. Order our fourth proton missile to come to bear and fire at my mark…target…that thing."
"Yessir," said Gelantz with a salute as his arm came up…"
Then, all around them, space turned into a blasting hell as the Cometine Dreadnought Devastation let loose a deranged salvo into their midst.
"First salvo completed!" barked an officer on his Ops Bridge.
"Second set of turrets on aft portion of ship ready to bear!" snapped another officer.
"Fire!" barked Gernitz.
"Firing!" said another one of his men.
"Damage from first salvo: destroyed eight Gamilon destroyers, four missile cruisers, two heavy cruisers, one battleship."
"Small ship manuvering at rear of fleet," said another officer.
"Get it," said Gernitz with a wicked smile.
"Bringing guns to bear…"
"Sir!" said another officer. "Heavy fleet appeared behind Gamilon fleet. Identification, Cometine by their IFF signals!"
Gernitz laughed. "Have them sandwich their fleet, and have them…"
"Yessir," said the comm officer. Then, he began to sweat. "Cometine fleet refusing to acknowledge our hails, sir."
"What?" said Gernitz.
"Refusing all signals, refusing all orders, but, sir, voice message coming in. In code."
"What is it?" said Gernitz in annoyance.
"Decoding now…I…"
"Sir!" said the radar officer. "Fleet identified! Forty space battleships, twenty missile ships, four carriers, one Dreadnought. Color scheme, Blue XP-25. Not vessels from House Gatlantis, sir…"
"Playing message," said the sweating comm officer.
A low, amused laugh filled the bridge. "Gernitz. I am sure you remember me. You spat on me when Zordar expelled me from his ranks?"
"Ra..Radnar?" said Gernitz. "You come to join me?"
"No, heretic," said Radnar as, too late, an image of the main siege cannon on his Dreadnought, the Purification, came on the battle bridge of the Devastation. "I come to bury you, Gernitz. The Grand Emperor has had quite enough of the Leadership of House Gatlantis. He has empowered me to make some changes. Invidia will soon follow you into perdition, Friend Gernitz. I hope you have a wonderfully slow death, heretic and atheist! Good-Bye!"
On the main bridge of his Dreadnought, being careful not to hit a single Gamilon ship, Radnar nodded and whispered "FIRE!"
Flaming death roared out of his siege cannon at only a few megameters' range in just one shot.
Before Gernitz could react, the energy surge blasted efficiently right into the very midsection of the Devastation.
A great flower of energy and fire formed, blasting out of the guts of the dying Dreadnought before a startled Dagon's eyes as the blast roared up into the ship and outwards to Gernitz's fleet.
Desytroyers, mssile ships, battleships, carriers, all of them died as Gernitz trembled as his arrogant black ship began to, at last, come apart.
At last, at long last, this vile servant of Invidia's was finally defeated.
"Hold us together!" Gernitz yelled as he struck one of his officers.
"Nothing we can do, sir, I…AAAAAAAAAAA!" roared an officer as the bridge began to explode.
Radnar's Dreadnought fired again at the dying Gatantean fleet, making sure that nothing was left of it but wreckage as the remaining magna-energy surge blasted into a cold area on Planet Geratz VII. Luckily, for the Gamilons, their base was not affected.
But, Gernitz's ship certainly was.
Gernitz went blind as magna-energy finally filled his bridge, burning him mortally through his uniform as he turned into a human torch.
Not that it mattered much.
Finally, Gernitz screamed and roared helplessly as his ship turned into a boiling hell around him.
Then, he and his ship dissloved into nothing.
Invidia's vile henchman and long-time executioner and mass murderer was finally dead.
"Not bad," said Tendor on the Purifcation.
"All destroyed?" asked Radnar.
"Yessir," said Tendor.
"Perfect hit. Arishna has blessed us! My Dreadnought has finally beaten that atheist's Dreadnought!" Radndar smiled. "Now, open a channel to that Gamilon fleet. I wonder if they have wet themselves in this display of the spirit of Arishna? Well, no problem, I must reassure them I mean them no harm. I want a conference with Desslok, you see."
"Sir," said Gelantz aboard Dagon's flagship. "The Proton Missile ship Harag begs, for the fifth time, permission to fire at that second Cometine Dreadnought!"
Dagon shook his head. "Hard to believe, they got their own ship. But why."
"Then let's finish them, sir!" said Gelantz.
"Not until I figure out what is going on," said Dagon. "Listen. A second fleet emerged from warp-space, we prepared to attack both fleets in what would have been one last glorious fight, but, instead, second fleet fires at Gernitz's fleet and ignores us. They also have a different paint scheme than the others. All those ships are light blue. Why? And why are the Cometines suddenly fighting each other? I'd love to…"
"General," said Dagon's comm officer. "The surviving Dreadnought is hailing us."
"Good. Open the channel," replied Dagon.
A moment later, an old, white-bearded green face came up on the main screen of Dagon's battleship. "Greetings, Gamilon General. Your name, please?"
"Dagon. What is your name and whom do you serve? Explain promptly. We have little time for this. Your gun has set fire to a forest on that world below us."
"Not the atheist Invidia," replied Radnar in his deep voice. "I have been sent by the Cometine Grand Emperor as a result of Desslok's declaration at the Melezart peace conference a few weeks ago. As simply as I can put it in haste, Princess Invidia is no longer in favor in the higher ranks of our people's nation in Andromeda. Desslok unearthed news that Zordar had prounounced him Heir of House Gatlantis before he died? And not Invidia. Invidia was thus ordered to abdicate to allow your Leader Desslok to assume his new station in our ranks as the new Prince of Gatlantis and an allied leader. Invidia refused. We were ordered, this, to go to war with her. You might call it a civil war in our ranks. But we will eventually win. As I have accepted this and have sworn to the Emperor to serve whom we recognize as the new Prince Desslok in the Andromeda regions as his Regent over Gatlantis, we now, basicially, are on the same side and serve the same Leader. I propose a truce and alliance to finish off Invidia. We've a good idea of her plans, you see. I have spies in her ranks under her nose that report to me. As part of my good faith, I have technical readouts of the Eritz Gatlantis to offer to Desslok. When can he and I get together to speak, Dagon?"
"I cannot grant this myself. You will have to speak to Leader Desslok. However, we don't trust you at all after Melezart. Not as far as we could throw you."
"Then, I pray, give me the frequency to contact him on Gamilon, or contact his flagship."
"His flagship is in the general area. I would never tell you where Gamilon is," huffed Dagon. "We will send you the frequency to contact his flagship, if you stand down and remain in orbit here under my guns. Take a single aggressive action and we finish you, green Cometine monster."
Radndar gritted his teeth at the insults, but he said, "As you wish, Dagon, it shall be. Please send us that frequency."
Dagon nodded. "All right…we are sending it…"
"Thank you," said Radnar.
A Far Edge of the Great Magellenic Cloud
The Geratz System
The Vicinity of Planet Geratz VIII
Monday: May 4, 2207
1800 Hours: Standard Earth Space-Time
Leader Desslok was in space, a few hundred lightyears away, conducting trials of his massive new flagship Excelsior with his fleet when the message from Dagon came in.
"Dagon?" said Desslok. "What do you have to report from Geratz?"
"Success, Leader Desslok. Even though I had to destroy Geratz VIII with some proton missiles, at long last, we have won a major victory here. I drove off a Black Nebulan commander named Vilzer in defeat and disgrace and we destroyed most of his fleet. Also, we defeated Gernitz and his Dreadnought at long last, with some…ahh…rather unexpected help."
"Unexpected?" replied Desslok.
"Yes. We received…aid…from another Cometine general. A man with a beard and long hair by the name of Radnar, sir."
"Radnar?" chuckled Desslok. "We have heard rumor that the Cometines have been fighting each other…but Radnar was cast out long ago by Zordar. He must surely be dead."
"I spoke with him, sir," said Dagon. "In fact, his Dreadnought finished off Gernitz's own Dreadnought."
"Why?" said Desslok.
"He said, sir, that Invidia has fallen into disfavor. He said that his superiors in Andromeda have decided to recognize you as the new commander of House Gatlantis. Invidia's own people, it seems, want her to stop her war. They want her dead. Radnar asked for the Command Frequency, and said he will contact you, and…"
Desslok began to laugh. Then, he said, "Dagon, have you been drinking?"
"No, sir…I have not been…"
Desslok raised his hand. "Let us see what Radnar has to say to us. I will await his message."
Dagon saluted, and the transmission ended.
Strange, thought Desslok. Let us see if this will truly lead to anything. I will not meet face-to-face with him, though. Not yet. Not after Melezart.
TO BE CONTINUED WITH BOOK SEVEN: "The Princess And the Surfer"