Summary: Kai and Tyson had a fight…A songfic and oneshot. Written in Kais POV.

Warning: Yaoi (TyKa). Don't like it don't read it!

Disclaimer//sighs// NO! I don't own… //gives glares//

The song is Hoobastank: The reason it's kind of sad but I like it…enjoy.

I'm not a perfect person,
there's many things I wish I didn't do

Kai was sitting in his room. ˝I did it again…˝

˝Why am I always such a jerk to him…˝ He hugged his knees.

but I continue learning,
I never meant to do those things to you

˝I don't want for him to be hurt because of me…But why do I have this feelings…I never noticed it before…Is it? No it couldn't be…˝ He started to sob.

and so I have to say before I go
that I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you.

˝I can't understand my feelings but I can feel he is the one that I could trust with my life…my heart…he probably won't accept my feelings…but I have to tell him at least… ˝

I'm sorry that I hurt you,
it's something I must live with everyday
and all the pain I put you through,
I wish that I could take it all away
and be the one who catches all your tears
that's why I need you to hear

˝I can't believe how can I hurt him so much…He has done so much for me…He is always willing to forget all my mistake and what do I do…I hurt him…˝ Tears started to flow.

I've found a reason for me
to change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

˝Maybe I should help him…I can see that he is in pain sometimes…But how…He's not the type of person to cry in front of everyone…I wish I would knew him better…˝

'm not a perfect person,
I never meant to do those things to you
and so I have to say before I go
that I just want you to know

˝I could knew him better…If I would try…But I never did…I always screw things…The best to do is that I leave him…He will go better on without me…˝ He started packing.

've found a reason for me,
to change who I used to be,
a reason to start over new
and the reason is you

˝But at least now I know that I love him…I love everything about him…his forgiveness, his beautiful emotional eyes…˝

˝Kai…I…I'm…˝ Kai turned around.

˝Its him…˝

˝I'm really sorry Kai…I…I…Please don't leave me.˝ The other person also started crying quietly.

˝I can't stand him hurt I…must help...You didn't do anything… I'm the one who should be sorry…˝ They were both crying silently avoiding each others gaze.

˝NO…he won't be hurt anymore, I have to end this…˝ Kai went to the other boy and hugged him.


˝Shhhh…˝ he was holding the other boy in embrace. He suddenly felt very happy although his angel was still sobbing.

˝I can't leave him after all…˝

Kai looked down in the boys eyes, they were full of emotion. He bent down and caught the boy's lips. It was a small, chaste kiss, telling them their never ending love.

The other boy was now looking deep in Kais crimson eyes ˝I…I love you Kai…˝

˝I love you too… Tyson.˝ Kai whispered back. They both give a small smile, and then they stood there in each other embrace not wanting for the moment to end.

˝So this is love…˝ thought Kai while watching his angel giving a small happy sigh.

I've found a reason to show,
a side of me you didn't know,
a reason for all that I do
and the reason is you.

˝I've found it…Tyson…You are my light, an escape from my darkness and that's why I need you, I need you to forgive me…and I also need your love…˝


Wohooo I have finally changed a thing or two and repaired some minor mistakes although I want to kill the bastard flagging this fic for I dunno what stupid thing… //gets out a chainsaw// care to raise your hand?! Anyway //gives puppy eyes// review please. Oh and flamers will be used to torture small babies (so don't flame :3).