A Very Special Christmas

Woo! Hope you all had a great Christmas! Here's my New Years part of this! If I can manage to fit one more in tomorrow then obviously I will but, don't count on it too much!

This one is going to be the first New Year Troyella have as a married couple…so, they've only been married for 7 days!

Hope you like it…

A New Year, A New Start

It was a sunny day with a very cold breeze but, the young couple took no notice of the shivering weather. In fact, they were so blissfully happy to them, it could have been mid-summer and they would have been none the wiser.

Birds were cheeping in the early morning as the sun continued its slow rise into the bright blue sky. As the sun rose on it managed to creep into a small gap in between two closed curtains. Gradually, the sun stream got larger and ended up over the young girls' eyes. She squinted in her sleep before rolling over. The man next to her smiled in his sleep and pulled her closer; the girl sighed content. Gabriella; the girl's name, stretched in her new husbands arms; tickling him ever so slightly as her finger tips brushed his chest.

"Stop moving…too early," the husband whined as she sat up. She lightly whacked him on the chest.

"Troy, stop It." she giggled after she felt his arms wrap around her waist.

"Good morning Mrs Bolton," he whispered in her ear before kissing her bare shoulder. She sighed and giggled once again.

"Good morning to you Mr Bolton," this time he was the one that giggled; well chuckled.

Gabriella fell back into her husband of about 12hours arms. "We're married." He stated. She nodded her head against his chest. "Finally." He said as he stroked her arm up and down.

"Merry Christmas," she said.

"That was yesterday babe."

"Well yeah but, yesterday wasn't just an ordinary Christmas day was it?" he nodded. "So, I didn't get to wish you a merry Christmas yesterday."

Troy shook his head at his wife. "Well, we need to get up and ready because we need to leave for our honeymoon!" with that Gabriella jumped off the bed and ran towards their ensuite bathroom. She came to a halt when she reached the door. She turned and leant against the door frame.

"You're not coming?" she whispered seductively. Troy grinned and began walking towards her.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said. When he reached her, he lifted her off the ground and slammed the door shut; Gabriella giggling the whole time…


"Troy where are we?" Gabriella asked as she peered out of the car window. Troy glanced over at her from the driver's seat and chuckled. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to face the front.

"Can't say but, you'll realize soon enough."

"Oooh, I'm intrigued!" Troy shook his head at her hyper activeness.

"You get more and more like Sharpay everyday," he muttered under his breath.

Half an hour later Gabriella's eyes widened. "No freaking' way!" she exclaimed. Troy chuckled. "Seriously Troy?" Troy grinned hearing her little innocent voice one again.

"Seriously Brie." Gabriella reached over and kissed his cheek.

"There'll be a lot more than that later on for you!" she giggled.

"Now I'm intrigued."


Gabriella looked out of the window admiring the beautiful scenery that surrounded her. She wrapped the sheet that was covering her tighter around her.

"It's beautiful Troy," she sighed as he wrapped his arms around her. She leant against him and he held her securely.

"You're beautiful," he mumbled against her shoulder.

"Why here?"

"Coz, this is the place I first met you, and ever since then I've only had one thing in my head…you." Gabriella blinked back a few tears at this. "It's snowing."

Gabriella's fingers traced the snow droplets on the window. Troy's fingers intertwined with hers; he brought them up to his mouth and kissed them gently.

"There's one more thing," he whispered as Gabriella snuggled closer to him. She nodded her head for him to continue. "For New Years, the guys are coming. Sorry, they couldn't resist." Troy winced as Gabriella whipped around to face him. He began to smile slightly as he saw her smile.

"That's great! It'll be a great New Years Eve with me, you and the guys for the party. Besides, that still gives us a few days to ourselves as honeymooners," she purred as she walked him back to the bed.

"Really?" he smirked. She nodded as she jumped towards his lips and they both fell back on the bed. Gabriella's sheet falling off of her as they fell.


"Gabriella Bolton that dress is far to revealing! You're a married woman!"

Gabriella turned and grinned. She ran forward and wrapped her arms around her friend. "Chad! It's no where near as revealing as…Sharpay's!"

"What about Shar?" Sharpay asked as she stepped forward and pulled Gabriella into a hug.

"Nothing Shar…hey look there's my boy Troy!" Chad quickly walked off to his best friend as Sharpay shook her head.

Eventually the whole gang had arrived at the lodge. Everyone was sitting at a table apart from Troy and Gabriella. They were dancing together.

"I love you," Gabriella whispered into Troy's neck.

"Love you too," he whispered back.

"Thank you for making my life worth something Troy…thank you for loving me." Gabriella raised her head to look directly at him. His eyes showed confusion, worry and love.

"Brie, how could anyone not love you? And thank you for changing my life too. I love you so much Brie…words just can't explain it."

Gabriella leant up and kissed him passionately.

"They are so made for each other," Taylor exclaimed from the table as she watched the two.

"Yeah…they are," Chad replied as he wiped under his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Taylor wrapped her arms around him.

"It's just, look at them! My best friend and my little sister! So, happy…it just makes me feel proud, happy, ecstatic coz I get to call them my family. You know?" Taylor looked at her husband with such a loving look.

"I know," she whispered as she kissed him.



Gabriella looked up at Troy just like she had done all those years ago.


Troy looked down at her and grinned a small grin.


The gang looked on at the happy couple, completely mesmerized at how they acted around each other.


Everyone around Troyella didn't exist. He could only see her. His wife. His beautiful, smart, caring, innocent, loving wife. Her eyes glossed over slightly as she continued her gaze to his.


She could only see him. Her husband. Her gorgeous, hot, smart, clever, caring, loving husband. His eyes glossed over as her brown eyes bore into his blue.


She looked away quickly.


Her eyes soon flashed back to his.


His eyes flashed to her lips that he just wanted to kiss.


She bit her lips slightly as her eyes flashed to his lips.


Everyone around them erupted in cheers.

"Happy New Year!"

Gabriella and Troy continued to stare into each others eyes. Troy eventually broke the silence.

"You're supposed to run off now," he chuckled. Gabriella blushed as she leant towards him.

"Happy New Year Troy," she whispered as he closed the small gap between them. As they kissed fireworks blared behind them and people began singing and dancing once again. But, they didn't see or hear any of those people. All they saw was each other. Gabriella finally pulled back from her husbands lips. She leant her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her as close as possible. They both watched the fireworks in silence.

"Happy New Year Brie, and with this New Year comes a new start; as a married couple. Finally as a family." Troy whispered as he kissed her head. She sighed as she relaxed a bit more in his grasp.

"Happy New Year," she whispered.

And it truly was a great New Year. A New Year to start many New Years together.

With a New Year, comes a New Start.

Happy New Year…

Well? Good or bad? I know it was pretty short but, there wasn't much I could do. There was a little too much talking for my liking but, you're the judges…


Happy New Year…hope yours rocks!

Luv you all lots

Katie xox