Disclaimer: Animorphs in owned by K.A. Applegate. Power Rangers is owned (last time I checked) by Disney.
POV: Zedd
You'd think I'd be used to loss by now. I have a lot of experience.
As Lord Zedd, I usually got my way. But I still faced loss--especially around a certain planet called Earth. That was twoplanetary solar years of pure frustration. Then there was being driven out of my own castle and forced to take refuge with myfather-in-law, who was quite frankly the biggest bastard who ever lived (and considering that we were all villians, that's saying something). There was the excruciating moment of pain when Zordon burned the evil out of me. I don't miss being evil, but it was still a sense of loss, going from one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy to an early-middle-aged human. Don't get me wrong;
I'm grateful. Still...it took a long time to adjust.
But I did. And I was rewarded with a real relationship with Rita, untainted by evil. It was wonderful.
Until she died.
It was so incredibly STUPID. A simple mechanical failure in our airspeeder. Literally a one-in-ten-million chance. She survives tens of millennia in the cutthroat enviroment of the UAE; she achieves the ONLY thing that could be remotely called a victory against Zordon of Eltar; she spends the better part of three years fighting one of the most successful Ranger teams in galactic history...and she dies in a FUCKING ACCIDENT!!??
Hmmm. I DID spend too much time around Earth. I'm swearing in English.
So here I am, standing at her grave in a quiet cemetery, the tears steaming down my face as I desperately try to find a reason to go on living. I'm not having much luck. Finally I slump down on the ground, leaning against the headstone. Even though I was exhausted from grief, I had no intention of falling asleep -- the nightmares were horrible. But I guess I did.
"Zedd," a commanding voice said.
Startled, I opened my eyes and stood up, only to freeze in shock. All I could see was white light in all directions, even down. I was apparently standing on nothing.
Was this death?
"No, Zedd," the voice spoke again. "Your time is not yet over."
I still couldn't see anyone, but I knew that voice. "ZORDON!!"
"Yes, Zedd, it's me." The voice turned wry. "Or at least, what's left of me."
"But, aren't you dead??"
"Death is not an end, Zedd. It is simply another beginning."
"Tell that to Rita," I said bitterly.
"She is in a better place. You will see her again some day, I promise."
"And what am I supposed to do until then? Suffer?"
"I've felt your pain, Zedd, and I will do what I can to help -- by giving you a chance to make a difference."
"What do you mean?"
"I want you to mentor a team of Rangers."
It's times like this when I wonder if keeping my brain exposed to the elements for so many years in my sorcerer form was such a good idea. Either that, or Zordon spent a little too much time in that tube. "I see death granted you a sense of humor."
"I'm quite serious, Zedd."
I resisted the urge to laugh insanely. "I don't think I'm qualified, to put it mildly. And besides, everyone in the galaxy knows who I was, WHAT I was. They would never trust me."
"Who said anything about this galaxy? This team will be in another dimension entirely. A fresh start, as it were. As for qualifications, who better to defend a planet from evil than someone who's been on that side of the fence?"
I had to admit, put that way, it made sense. And I could leave my pain behind, and even make amends for a lifetime of darkness. Rita wouldn't want me to be miserable for the rest of my life. A fresh start...
"And I suppose you have some Ranger morphers lying around?" I asked dryly, knowing he would sense my capitulation.
"As a matter of fact..." six glowing lights appeared in front of me. Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Black, and Green. Given those colors, I wasn't surprised when the light faded and the Power Coins floated in front of me.
"Those will do," I admitted.
"Also..." Zordon continued. Another flash of light, and a datapad floated in front of me. "This contains all pertinent information of the other Earth, the aliens attacking it, and the six young beings defending it. They call themselves the Animorphs."
"Finally..Zedd, hold out your hands." Confused, I did so..and in a final flash, my old Z-staff appeared. I almost dropped it in shock, vaguely noting that it was now pure white instead of silver. "I know this brings back bad memories, Zedd, but I must grant you a small measure of your old power so you can protect yourself and your young charges. This is the easiest way to do so."
"I never thought I'd see this again," I admitted. I took a few practice swings. The staff felt like it had never left my hands.
"I thank you for this," Zordon spoke again. "The whole multiverse thanks you."
"I just hope I won't let you down."
"I have faith in you. You were a formidable foe, and you will make a formidable hero. Goodbye, Zedd, and good luck."
I woke up then, my body stiff and sore from laying on the ground. For a moment I thought it had merely been a dream, but then I realized I could feel some of my old power inside of me. I concentrated, and my staff appeared, followed by the datapad and the Coins. It had been real.
I made them disappear, then looked upon my beloved's grave. "I'll make you proud," I said softly.
Two weeks later, I was ready. The datapad contained a wealth of information; not just on the Rangers-to-be, but on their enemies (the Yeerks) and on the state of the world in general. I noticed, with gratitude, that Zordon had somehow set up a false identity for me in that world (Zedd Oliver; he really had gained a sense of humor) that was independently wealthy. That was a relief. Though I was no longer evil, I really couldn't picture myself working in a fast-food restaurant.
I had little to take with me, since Zordon had provided virtually everything for me in the new dimension. Something I WAS taking with me were pictures of Rita and each of the Ranger teams I had fought. I wanted them both as I reminder of what I was fighting for, and to help inspire the new Rangers. I wanted them to realize they were carrying on a legacy.
I stood in my humble home and send out a thought. I'm ready.
A swirling blue wormhole appeared in front of me. Without hesitation, I stepped into it, and into my destiny.