There were some things that never changed.
Some things were always the same- how blond his hair was, how his blue eyes reflected the very sea. How the occasional smile could slip from his lips, only once more to be replaced with a small scowl. And how cute he thought it always was.
But of course, there were some things that always changed. Like him, for example. Like that same blond with eyes like the sea and skies.
Plenty of things changed with him. How everyday it felt as if more and more of his thoughts were on that brunet that the blond was so curious about and so similar to. That less of those thoughts were on himself and more on that brunet, that kid who was just so infatuating, wasn't he? And how he seemed to get more and more confused, more and more lost…
More and more gone.
Needless to say, Axel hated changes, and hated time for passing to allow more.
And Roxas was just a change that he probably shouldn't have let in.