Well what has it been, years? I am currently going through files on my laptop and well, stumbled upon this. I miss Harry Potter, I really do. I'm no longer in college. I'm a practicing doctor actually but I miss this world I've created. So here you go I want to share it with you

"What seems to be happening here?" Fabian Prewett asks, strolling into the living room of a sparsely furnished Black house. Fabian is referring to Gwen in the back garden running after her sons, gleefully.

Sirius, with Gemma in a baby bjorn, is in the middle of transfiguring the coffee table into something lighter and more compact. There is an odd assortment of things in the corner of the room, each with tags on them. "Oh, Fabian, great you're here. James and Remus are working on the kids rooms upstairs, if you could just finish up this room and I can help Gwen get the boys ready to go to your place?"

Fabian is unaccustomed to this Sirius, having never seen Sirius on a mission. Gwen comes back into the living room with her sons, both of whom have decided to use their mother's legs as the mode of transportation. "Here's mum of the year now!" Fabian grins, giving his sister a hug. "Oh, don't tell Sandra I said that."

"Uncle Fabian!" The boys chorus, releasing their mother from their grasp and Fabian eagerly picks them up.

"How's the whole moving process?" Fabian asks, hoisting Finneas over his shoulder whilst picking up Gideon by his leg. Gwen is attempting to remove Gemma from the baby bjorn.

"Sirius is doing wonderfully. I handled all the fun paperwork and finances. Moving furniture is his domain." Gwen answers. "And thanks again for letting us stay with you for the night. Gideon was supposed to but he's off doing whatever he's doing. Mission, right?"

Fabian nods absently. From what he knew, there were no missions currently active, but Gideon told him to give his regrets to Gwen that he wasn't able to help with her move. "Right. Must be highly sensitive if we're separated, or Sandra's request that we not get sent on dangerous missions all the time went through." He grins a little at this. He follows his sister up the stairs, now carrying both boys normally.

"That's quite sweet." Gwen laughs. "Can I put in a request like that as well?"

Her brother laughs and says "Oh Sirius can handle himself, and he's not as high ranked as we are so he doesn't get to brush with danger as frequently." He snickers when Gwen rolls her eyes as she lays Gemma on the bed in the master bedroom.

Eventually Gwen readies herself and her children. Almost all the rooms are finished but there is still at least several more hours of work to be done before the move can begin. "I think we'll be done 'round nine tonight and then tomorrow morning we'll move everything in, get everything to where it should be in time for dinner." Sirius says, clapping his hands together.

"It's quite remarkable, Gwen." Remus grins, patting Sirius on the back. "How you've got this one so house broken."

Sirius straightens up and answers "I am not housebroken."

"Fraid you are, mate." James says after taking a swig from his complimentary beer courtesy of Chez Black. "Look at you, getting your mates over to help you move into a bigger family friendly home."

"I like to think of it, Sirius, as an additional quality for Sandra to regale her mates with. It's a bit of fun to walk into a room during one of Sandra's girls nights and hear all her friends tittering when I have Evey and Ella say goodnight to their mum." Fabian smirks. "Fabian Prewett still has The Charm."

"Oh god. It is time for us to leave." Gwen rolls her eyes, though she's laughing too. "Go on, reinflate his ego. Go give daddy a hug, boys we're going to stay with Auntie Sandra and Uncle Fabian tonight."

Once at her brother's, Gwen finds herself issuing a hailstorm of apologies for her sons who have not been at Fabian and Sandra's since they were infants. When they are finally asleep, Gwen pours Sandra a very large glass of wine. "A few more months and I can enjoy a glass of wine again, but for now, I just have to make sure I can feed this little one." She says patting little Gemma's bum.

"What, you and Sirius aren't planning on having another?" Sandra says with a small grin.

"Not for a while." Gwen answers. "I mean, I suppose I don't realize how tired I actually am, but I would like to enjoy the children now, you know? I already feel awful that I don't get to spend time with Gid and Finn because this little girl decided to take after her father and be the fussiest baby in all of Wales."

"She's not fussy now." Sandra replies, nursing her glass.

"She definitely did not get that from you." A third voice interjects and Gwen nearly falls out of her chair when she hears it. The portrait in the family room has always been empty when Gwen was at Fabian's, though she was hardly there to begin with because of Fabian being busy with work and his own children.

"Daddy?" Gwen asks, white as a sheet. "Sandra when did you get this portrait?"

"They brought me from the house just last year. No one lives there, but Gideon likes to drop by from time to time, updates your mother and I. Your mother's currently visiting a painting of Mallorca in case you were wondering."

"I didn't even know you had a portrait." Gwen says, still staring. "Was it in your study?"

"Your brothers and sister had one done for us for our anniversary. You may have been too young to remember it, sweetheart." His voice is just as calming as Gwen remembered. "Now is this Gemma? Gideon's told me she's a ginger and your spitting image."

"He has?" Gwen asks, moderately shocked as well as touched that her brother even considered updating their father. "Er, yes. This is Gemma. The boys are asleep though."

Gwen continues to converse with her father and Sandra manages to slip out of the room just in time to meet Sirius, who has Apparated with Fabian, in the kitchen. "Gwen's in there... Caspian has arrived as well."

Sirius turns sharply. "What?"

Fabian makes a face. "Oh, bugger, I should have prepared her. Oh god, I hope she doesn't- She might not take this well." They all hear her laugh.

"I think she's alright." Sirius replies. "I'm... I'm going in." He enters the room to see Gwen relaxed on the sofa with Gemma on her chest.

"Sirius!" Gwen says brightly. "Daddy, this is my husband. Sirius Black."

"Lucretia's nephew?" He asks. Sirius notes that the elder Prewett really did have a commanding presence. Even though he was in portrait, Sirius found himself wishing that he had at least looked in the mirror to look less disheveled.

"Yes." Sirius answers. "Sir." He adds hastily.

"Now, Gideon's told me all about your story, how you two got together." Caspian says, crossing his arms. "Princess, is your brother telling the truth about you not having had any other boyfriends?"

Gwen eyes her father oddly, "Er, yes. Partially because they told me to have high standards and also because they scared boys off by being... them."

"You are your mother's daughter." Caspian chuckles. "Sweetheart, I am going to have a bit of a chat with your husband. I do say it's time you put your little one to bed. Your mother will be back tomorrow morning and we can have a nice talk then."

Gwen finally tears her eyes away from the portrait. "Right, sleep it is, Gem." Gwen says kissing her daughter's forehead as she finally rises from the sofa. "Relax, Sirius, it's just my dad, not the Spanish Inquisition." She leans forward to try and kiss him, but Sirius opts for her cheek.

"Honestly do you love her or are you trying to be polite?" Caspian asks with feigned annoyance. "Please, be convincing at least, Black. I heard you were a Gryffindor."

Sirius turns his back to the portrait and in a hushed voice says "Gwen, honestly, I have never been this terrified of a portrait."

"Shut up and kiss me, Sirius Black." Gwen grins. She slips out of the room, shutting the door behind her. "He's getting subjected to the Prewett Inquisition."

"Lucky for him dad's just a portrait." Fabian grins. "Though I think we gave him a rather good grilling, if I don't say so myself."

"Yes, you did, Fabian." Sandra laughs. "And if you are that difficult on your daughters, I may tell them all your dirty laundry."

"Me? Dirty laundry?" Fabian asks, feigning offense.

Gwen decides to leave the two lovebirds to finally get to bed. "Goodnight, Prewetts. Well suppose you're not officially one, Sandra. But you're practically one anyway. Thanks for letting us stay."

"Oh, don't worry about it. It just means that you're going to have to let us and the girls come to your castle in Wales." Sandra chuckles as Gwen goes up the stairs.

Meanwhile Sirius is sitting, rather stiffly on the edge of the sofa. "Now how long have you and my daughter been a couple? There's an odd sense of time when you're a portrait."

Sirius, without hesitation, replies "Five years. We were together for two years before we got married and then the boys showed up within a year. Then Gemma."

Caspian reaches for something out of frame and reappears with a glass of what looks like scotch. "Was Gwen rather stubborn when you first started courting her?"

Sirius didn't quite know how to respond. "She actually loathed me. Though I do suppose I wasn't going for long term, initially."

"If Gemma is anything like her mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother, Bowen women do not believe in wasting their time with multiple suitors. Gwen's mother? Refused to acknowledge my existence because I apparently was too good looking, and knew it. She finally came around during Quidditch at the end of fifth year when some Beater on Slytherin thought it would be funny to fling bludgers post-game. Took one to the clavicle and Ginevra fixed it... after setting a Stinging Hex on the Beater."

Sirius found himself laughing. "She sounds a lot like Gwen."

"Gwendolyn's mother will tell you, though I think otherwise, that she is her father's daughter." Caspian answers with a slight smile. After a brief pause, he then asks "Did my sons interrogate you?"

"They still do." Sirius answers. "Though it's slightly less terrifying. I think they Veritaserumed me, actually. First Christmas at Molly's. They'll never say outright whether they did or didn't, and I have gotten very close."

Caspian chuckles. "Well, to be quite honest with you, Sirius. I think I would have left the interrogating to them anyway. I do wish I got to know Arthur before Molly decided to elope, though I think she wouldn't have eloped if I wasn't- anyway less about me, how are your parents, Walburga and Orion?"

"Er..." Sirius starts. "I sort of left home when I was sixteen."

Caspian, well, portrait Caspian, looks at Sirius curiously. "Really? Well... thank Merlin you did. I met you, you know. At your horrifyingly overboard birth celebration. I do think Ignatius extended us an invitation so Ginevra and I would have something to laugh at, at least that's what I like to think. When your mother Walburga met Ginevra at your brother's, Ginevra was about six months pregnant or so and we knew we were having a girl."

"She didn't do what I think she did, did she?" Sirius asks, weakly.

"She brought out her grandmother's wedding ring and asked Ginevra and myself to meet with a lawyer to draft a marriage contract for our yet unnamed daughter. And then Ginevra nearly got arrested, bless her." Caspian laughs. "So I do find this somewhat humorous."

"Destiny's a bit of a funny thing." Sirius muses. "It may have made it harder to court her as it was, so maybe it's good that Ginevra, erm... banned herself permanently from my parent's company."

There is a knock at the door and Fabian soon enters. "Hey, dad. Sirius. I hate to break up this... well it's not much of an interrogation, Sirius looks too happy."

"I am a nice understanding father, Fabian. Whatever gave you the impression that I wasn't?" Caspian chuckles.

"We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, moving the Blacks to the Gower because apparently they need bigger space for their not-yet-done-growing-family." Fabian says.

Sirius puts two hands up defensively, "Hey, I could easily go for beating Molly and Arthur's brood, but Gwen's stopping it at four. Shame really because our children are really quite good looking. It's mostly Gwen." Sirius adds, looking at Caspian. Fabian rolls his eyes. "Erm, right, so... I suppose I'll see you again?"

"If you have any portraits in your house, just let us know. We'll find our way there, but yes, we will meet again, Sirius Black." Caspian says, sitting back into his chair.

Fabian nods to his father and walks out of the room with Sirius. "I've got a bit of Firewhisky left, shall we finish a bottle?" Sirius agrees and the two go into the kitchen. "So... you've finally met the paterfamilias."

Sirius nods. "I did... Nice man, likes me, I think. Though I suppose it's not, you know, the real thing, but it's the closest I'll get."

"To be fair," Fabian says, handing Sirius his glass, "Dad would've liked you for Gwen. She can be a bit high maintenance and the way things were carrying on when she was little, if... if Mum and Dad were still alive? You would've had a rather large problem on your hands. Gwen would have been a right nightmare."

Sirius laughs into his glass. "How do you mean, moreso than usual?"

"Gwen?" Fabian grins. "Mum and Dad really coddled her and Gwen was little. Very used to things going her way-"

"-And that's different from Gwen now, how, exactly?" Sirius laughs.

"Oh I think it would have taken a little longer for you to tame that shrew." Fabian nods. "But I'm glad you did or else we would've had a spinster of a sister with five cats and honestly how would that have gone for Gideon and me?"

Sirius lets out a rather barklike laugh. "Speaking of big Gid, where is he? He used to drop by rather frequently, almost every day, which... no matter, now he drops in once a week. Last I checked there aren't any new missions, either."

"Oh, Gideon has a lot of holidays that he's stored up." Fabian answers, not as convincingly as he thinks, because he sees Sirius's inquisitive face. "And sometimes, he likes a holiday that isn't the Black residence."

"Fair enough." Sirius answers. "Things with you and Sandra and the girls going swimmingly?"

"Swimmingly." Fabian smiles. "The girls are great. Sandra loves that Evey can do a bit of magic. Evey loves having her cousins over and ever since Ella came along, haven't had to buy Evey a single doll."

"Molly still badgering you to make an honest woman out of Sandra?"

"Only every family gathering." Fabian smirks. "Maybe one of these days, maybe not. But we're happy, that's all that matters, eh?"

"I'll drink to that." Sirius answers, sitting back in his chair as Gwen comes down the stairs with Finneas in her arms. "Is he alright?"

"A little fever. I just took him out of the bed he's got with Gideon. Can't have both of our boys sick." Gwen answers, absently brushing Finneas's tousled dark hair. "Actually, Fabian, can I have a cold damp towel for Finn?"

"Yeah, Gwen, anything." Fabian says, and soon procures the towel. "I'm heading to bed, Gwen, so if you need anything, just help yourself." He gives his sister a reassuring pat on the back. "Don't worry about the move at all, we're highly qualified professionals."

Gwen sits next to Sirius, who puts his arm around her. "How was being interrogated by my dad's portrait?"

Sirius chuckles, kissing Gwen's hair. "Good. He actually likes me, I think. Told me that once upon a time, you were almost officially betrothed to me."

Gwen stares. "Excuse me?"

"Well, naturally that didn't happen, and your mother almost got arrested for hexing my mother. I think I love your mother." Sirius grins from ear to ear.

"She was quite opinionated." Gwen answers. "Molly told me that Mum gave her a rather candid and explicit talk about...sex. Which is something I am slightly glad to have escaped."

"Candid and explicit?" Sirius chuckles. "What were there demos?" The rather horrified look on Gwen's face tells him there was.

"On bananas." Gwen sighs, shaking her head. "I honestly preferred the 'learn on your feet' method."

"Did we ever do that on our feet?" Sirius asks, slightly joking.

Gwen rolls her eyes and goes back to rubbing Finneas's back. After a considerable silence, she says "Well, you know, I think that's how we got Gemma."

"Sirius?" Gwen calls. Sirius appears out from a door behind her. "Oh god."

"Sorry." Sirius grins, pulling her into his arms. "You rang? Are we going to christen the drawing room?"

"We have a drawing room." Gwen answers. "And yes, that actually sounds like a good idea. I didn't have anything in mind for the children's naptime except to maybe do some cleaning-"

"Oh but this is so much better than cleaning." Sirius grins, pulling her into the nearby drawing room. "How many more rooms do we have on the list?"

"Hmm, let me see..." Gwen says as Sirius starts to kiss her neck. "The two spare bedrooms, their bathrooms, the breakfast nook, oh we've almost got all of them haven't we?"

Sirius pulls away and sighs. "Although the dining room-kitchen-living room-entry way and laundry room night was really some of our best work." Gwen, with a mischievous look in her eye, pulls him close just as they hear the crack of Apparition.

"Of course." Gwen sighs. "I'll go see who it is-"

"-we don't have time for a quick one?" Sirius asks with slight hope.

Gwen just raises an eyebrow "Sirius, you know how loud those get." She kisses his cheek and heads out into the entryway. Sirius slowly follows, adjusting his shirt.

"Oh god, I haven't interrupted-" The voice is unmistakably Regulus's.

"-a very healthy and beautiful act between two consenting adults? Yes, Reg, you have." Sirius answers, grinning. Gwen sends him a look.

"Can I get you anything, Regulus? We've got tea, wine." Gwen offers, brightly. "Whisky?"

"Whisky would be wonderful." Regulus answers as he sits down. "Thank you, Gwen."

Sirius, still eyeing Gwen as she putters about the kitchen, still trying to get her bearings in the new space, says to Regulus "Welcome to the new place, Reg. Eventually, baby Black number four's little feet will pitter patter down these halls- hang on, how's your Baby Black To Be?"

Regulus sighs. "Lucy's doing fine, as fine as can be in terms of being sick all over the place. Does that ever end?"

"How far along is she?" Gwen asks, setting down two glasses.

"Three months... barely?" Regulus ventures a guess. "I have to warn her every time I'm about to eat because she will vomit and then ruin my appetite."

"Oh, poor you." Gwen quips. "Sorry, I forget that not everyone grew up with perpetually pregnant Molly." Sirius snickers as Gwen hands them their glasses. "She should get over it rather soon, Regulus. But be prepared to go out to the store to buy ice cream and corn or something-"

"Gwen, Regulus doesn't know how much a carton of milk costs. They've got house-elves." Sirius says, leaning back in his chair. Gwen sends her husband a look. There is a small crash undoubtedly from the twins and with a small sigh, Gwen Disapparates upstairs. "Gwen hates having to Apparate in the house, but I think she feels like we haven't grown into this house yet."

"You've only been here, what, two weeks?" Regulus asks. Sirius nods and there is an awkward silence between the brothers. "This is going to be a stupid question, but is it absolutely normal to be scared shitless?"

Sirius looks at him and Regulus honestly expected his brother to laugh in his face. "You know, when I found out about the boys, I was excited for about five minutes and spent the rest of the time absolutely terrified. Most terrifying thing, having to be responsible for another human being, making sure they turn out right. It got a little worse with Gemma, knowing that I'll have to protect her from, you know, blokes like me."

"So what I'm trying to say, Reg," Sirius finishes, "is that it's totally normal. But honestly, Lucy's a lovely girl with her head on straight. You'll figure it out-"

"Gwen also had a lot of experience, you know, with kids." Regulus replies.

Sirius thinks for a moment, "She's their aunt, not their mother. That's two entirely different things. But she is a great mum to our kids. I honestly don't know how she does it and still has time for me. But you'll have help, I'm sure Mother will set you up with a proper nanny."

"Lucy doesn't want one." Regulus answers. "Which is why-"

"Ah." Sirius nods and the tension is broken when Gwen comes into the room with two very sorry looking toddlers, both of whom appear to have been crying. Gwen gives Sirius a look that says very simply 'Don't rush to console them.'

"Finneas apparently had Gideon's bear Geoffrey, a name that I like, by the way, and wouldn't give it back." Gwen starts and Sirius raises a brow at his son. "And so Gideon made his bed collapse. By magic. Then Finn was so scared that he did the same to Gideon's."

Sirius doesn't know whether or not he should look pleased or angry. Fortunately, Fabian pops in. "Oh, a family meeting. Regulus, always nice seeing you. Well, what seems to be the problem with my favorite brown haired nephews?"

"Great qualifier, Fabian." Gwen snorts. "They were arguing, as they do, and then used magic on each other."

"Boys." Fabian suddenly gets very stern. "Take it from Uncle Fabian, but you never, never use magic on your twin brother."

"Fabian, I don't think they quite know what that-" Gwen starts, but Fabian continues.

"Uncle Gideon and Uncle Fabian never use magic on each other." Gwen gives a small cough. "Hug each other."

Gwen watches with some amusement as her two boys hug. Then, in their unintelligible language, they run off as though nothing happened. "Boys, honestly." She expects her audience to agree, and then realizes she is the only woman in the room.

"Nicely handled, Uncle Fabian." Sirius says, clapping Fabian on the back.

"Oh, Sirius, sorry. I should've- but, you know- I got carried away." The elder Prewett flusters. "You're the parent-"

"Ah but you're the one with the twin brother." Sirius answers.

"The conspicuously absent one." Gwen adds. "Can you believe it, Regulus? You and Lucy have been here twice as many times as Gideon has."

"We've only been here twice." Regulus answers. "But that's weird considering you have spare bedrooms specifically for him staying here."

Fabian suddenly feels all eyes on him. He has a slight idea of where Gideon has been and why he's been so awful at keeping up appearances, but in keeping with the unwritten twin code, he covers for him. "What? Sirius'll tell you we're on a need to know basis. Gideon's got fewer restrictions on him since he's, you know, a swinging bachelor."

They seem to take the bait and Fabian relaxes. "Ah, I've forgotten Sandra and the girls. I'm going to pop back in a sec."

Regulus looks at Gwen and Sirius, "Is it normal to forget children like that"

"For Fabian?" Sirius asks. "No."

"Well, he was distracted by handing down Twin Advice." Gwen answers. "Uncle Gareth and Uncle Fercos had Twin High Councils to teach Gideon and Fabian everything they knew. Don't know if they started this young, but I always thought they'd start it together."