I'd to thank everyone who left a review, I read each and every one of them and they all made me smile when I realized that so many still kept their interest in this story despite my lack of consistent updates. Also huge thanks to everyone who put me on a Favorite list or Alert, those also make me smile. You guys are all AWESOME!

AN: Just as an FYI, I've fixed the mistake to Elladora's name in Chapter 10, her middle name has been corrected so that it says Lillian instead of Bellatrix. Just thought I'd let all of you know.

So now that I'm done with that, here is the next chapter. Enjoy.

Malfoy Manor, August 27

"You look lovely in that Dora."

Elladora turned away from her full length mirror when she heard her Aunt Sarah speak up from behind her. She looked down at her chosen outfit. It was a beautifully tailored set of robes. The dark royal purple complimented her complexion and made her blue eyes stand out. It had been an early birthday gift from her parents and she thought they'd like the chance to see her in it.

"Thank you Aunt Sarah." she said softly, as she turned back around and smoothed out wrinkles only she could see.

Sarah walked further into the room and grabbed her nieces hands, halting her movements. "You look perfect Elladora, now come downstairs and have some breakfast. I don't need your parents upset at me because I let you skip a meal."

Sarah led her out of the room and allowed herself a small smile, as her niece laughed softly at her statement. Maybe this day wouldn't be as bad as she thought.

Grimmauld Place, August 27

Harry took one last look at himself before leaving his room and walking downstairs for a quick breakfast. He entered the dining room and saw that the table was already occupied. Sirius sat at the head of the table and was holding a quiet conversation with Remus and Arthur Weasley. Molly Weasley was at the stove cooking breakfast. Near the middle of the table, Tonks sat with her head being propped up by her hand. When he walked in the three men stopped talking and Mrs. Weasley turned and gave a warm smile. Harry smiled stiffly back and took a seat.

"Are you excited for today?" Molly asked him, as she filled his plate up.

Harry smiled slightly at her, "I am. It will be nice to see my parents again."

Breakfast was a quiet affair, Harry was anxiously waiting for the time when they could leave. Finally Sirius stood up and Harry was quick to follow him. They walked up into the main hallway and Sirius motioned for Harry to stand at his side.

"We'll be Apparating directly into the Atrium. Have you ever Side-Long Apparated before?" Sirius asked.

Harry nodded, "My parents used to do it all the time."

"Alright. Lets go before we're late meeting Madame Greene." Sirius put an arm around Harry and they disappeared from the house with a loud crack.

Harry and Sirius appeared in a corner of the Ministry of Magic set aside for Apparition. Harry allowed Sirius to guide him to along as he got his first look at the Ministry. He saw the gilded fireplaces that lined either side of the large room. The large room was filled with people and he was suddenly glad that Sirius had kept him close to his side. They were jostled around a lot but they eventually reached the Security Desk.

Sirius held out his wand for the wizard sitting behind it and Harry watched as it was placed on an odd looking brass scale. A few moments later a slip of parchment came out and the man read it out loud.

"Ebony, twelve inches long with a dragon heartstring core. Been in use since 1971, correct?"

"That's right Munch." Sirius said as he accepted his wand back.

Harry pulled his wand out of it's holster and handed it over to Munch.

The second strip of parchment came out, "Pine, eleven inches with phoenix feather core. Been in use since 1991?"

Harry nodded and took his wand back, sliding it back into his arm holster. Sirius led Harry and the two began looking around for either Madam Greene, Elladora or Sarah. It was Harry who first spotted his aunt and sister, who were both standing next to Madam Greene. Harry led Sirius over to the group.

Elladora spotted Harry first and greeted him with a tight hug. Harry was quick to respond and squeezed her back just as hard. They released each other and Harry quickly found himself swept into a hug by Sarah.

"I didn't get to give you one yesterday. The kids told me to tell you they miss you and hope to see you again soon." Sarah said quietly in his ear.

Harry buried his face into the her shoulder, "I've missed them too. Tell them I'll send them an owl this afternoon once we're done here."

Sarah pulled back and gave him a small nod to show she'd heard.

Madam Greene stepped forward and cleared her throat to gain all of their attention. "I hate to interrupt but we should make our way towards DMLE, the Lestrange's have been moved up their for this meeting. I didn't feel the holding cells down level ten were an appropriate place to be."

The large group made their way to a lift and it quickly shot back and down. Soon enough they were stepping out of the lifts. As they walked, Harry caught a glimpse of rows and rows of desks. People were milling about, talking and a few were probably doing what they were supposed to do. Doors lined the wall they were following and Harry figured they were for the more important members of the department. Finally Madame Greene led them down a small side corridor and into a small waiting area. There were about a dozen or so chairs against the walls and a small table sat in the middle, with various magazines and the last few days additions of the Daily Prophet. There was only one other door in the room and it sat opposite the one they'd just entered.

"An Auror will come get us once your mother and father have been brought up and put into visiting rooms." Madame Greene said. "Hopefully they should be ready for us in the next few minutes."

They all took seats around the room. Madame Greene sat down and immediately pulled out a folder full of parchment and a quill and started writing. Sirius seemed to realize that now was probably not the best time to crowd Harry and instead sat down across the room. Sarah sat down with Harry and Elladora on either side of her. She gripped one of their hands in each of her own, offering them much needed support.

It seemed to take hours, Harry was sure it was barely ten minutes or so, but the door finally opened and an Auror walked in. Madame Greene immediately put her work back into her satchel and stood up to greet him. They shook hands before the Auror addressed them.

"You'll each get a thirty minute visit. There will be in Auror in the room with you at all times." he informed them. He pointed to Sarah and Sirius. "You'll have to wait out here."

Both adults nodded and Sarah gave each teenager a hug and a promise to tell their parents she said hello and to tell Rabastan the same. The three followed the Auror into a plain looking hallway. Doors lined both sides of the hallway and Harry wondered which ones held his parents. Finally they stopped in front of two doors.

"Mr. Lestange is in this room and his wife is in here," he pointed to the appropriate doors. "You can choose who visits who first. There are only a few rules. You must leave your wands with me while visiting the prisoners. You will each have thirty minutes to visit. After those thirty minutes are over, you'll be allowed another thirty to visit the other. Please hand over your wands."

Harry and Elladora removed their wands and held them out for the Auror to take. He put them safely into his robe and stepped back allowing the two teens and their lawyer to talk amongst themselves.

"You go and see mum first Harry," said Elladora. "I know how much you've missed her."

Harry smiled at his sister, "Are you sure? I know you've missed her as much, if not more than I have."

Elladora nodded, "I'm sure. Good luck Harry."

Harry smiled at her and walked towards the door that the Auror had indicated his mum was behind. He took a slow breath and opened the door, allowing him the first look at his mum in nearly a month. Bellatrix was dressed in standard grey prison robes. Her hair was dull and pulled back into a single braid, which fell down her back. A few loose curls had escaped and fell around her face. Despite her drab clothing and dull hair, she still had an air around her that screamed she was still a force to be reckoned with. She was staring at the table but looked up when Harry entered. Her eyes brightened and a smile lit up her face as she set her sights on him. She stood up from the table and Harry practically ran to her, wrapping his arms around her.

"I've missed you mum, so much." Harry whispered, voice thick with tears he refused to shed.

Bellatrix tightened her hold on him, "I've missed you too Harry. More than you can even imagine."

She pulled back and looked at him closely, she wiped away at a few of the tears that had managed to fall despite Harry's fight against them. She led him back to the table and they both took seats on opposite sides.

"How's dad and Uncle Rabastan?" Harry asked.

"They're both doing as well as can be expected. I'm sure you'll be seeing your father as soon as you're done in here, so I'll let him tell you." she answered. "You're uncle asked me to tell you he says hello and that he misses you, Dora and the others."

"How're they treating you?"

"As well as can be expected, I suppose. It could be worse. At least we weren't shipped off to Azkaban. Though I suppose we have you to thank for some of this." she gave Harry a hard look. "What were you thinking Harry?"

"I didn't want Michael, Kara and Isla to grow up without their parents. I want to make sure you and dad are here to watch Elladora and I finish growing up. Making the deal with Sirius was the only way to make sure that we all get out of this relatively unscathed." Harry fought back tears, as his emotions began to take control. "I can't stand to see you, dad and Uncle Rabastan get the Kiss. I wasn't going to let the them be put through something like that. At least now, you're guaranteed a trial."

Bellatrix stood up and pulled Harry into an embrace. As soon as her arms wrapped around Harry, he lost it. Tears flowed out of his eyes, and small sobs sounded through the room. Bellatrix simply tightened her hold on him, allowing Harry to cry into her shoulder. She started humming a simple tune that she had made up before Elladora had been born. It took a few minutes but Harry was finally able to pull himself together and stepped back from his mum.

Bellatrix used the sleeve of her robe to wipe away his tears, "We're going to be fine Harry. We'll be out of here before you know and we'll be able to be a family again. Maybe spend sometime down in Australia again. You kids loved it when we were lived down there, maybe it's time to go back."

Harry smiled weakly, "I'd like that. I think everyone would like that."

They sat back down at the table and Bellatrix began asking Harry about his stay at Grimmauld Place. Harry answered all of her questions, elaborated on his budding friendship with the Weasley Twins and his interactions with the other's his age. When she asked about Sirius, he explained the few conversations they'd had. Bellatrix looked contemplatively at him but otherwise allowed the subject to drop when she saw that Harry non longer wanted to talk about it.

Finally the Auror who was stationed in the room informed them that their time was up. Bellatrix and Harry both stood up before they said goodbye.

Harry wrapped his arms around her and she hugged him back tightly.

"I want you to take care of yourself Harry. We'll be fine, just keep yourself healthy. Also I want to tell you this now, no matter what House you get into at Hogwarts your father and I will be proud of you."

"Even if I'm a Gryffindor?" Harry said, in a weak attempt at humor.

"Even than. Lily and James were both Gryffindor's and I'm sure they would be happy with whatever House you got in. Just like we will."

The Auror ushered Harry out of the room at that point and Harry looked back one last time before the door closed and saw Bellatrix trying, and failing, to hold back tears. He passed his sister and shot her a small smile before the Auror in his dad's room ushered him inside.

Rodolphus Lestrange was sitting at a similar table as his wife was. He was wearing the same kind of prison issued grey robes and just like his wife, he sat tall and straight backed in his chair. When he saw Harry enter the room, he stood up and engulfed Harry in his arms.

"It's so good to see you kiddo." Rodolphus whispered, as he tightened his hold on Harry.

Harry smiled into his dad's shoulder, "It's good to see you too Dad. It hasn't been the same without you and mum."

Rodolphus led Harry to the table and they sat down. It was only when Harry was fully seated that Rodolphus started in on him.

"Of all the stupid things you've done over the years Harry, what you did, it's probably the dumbest." said Rodolphus. "You should have never agreed to stay with Black, we would've been fine."

Harry glared at him, "There was no guarantee that you wouldn't have been shipped straight to Azkaban, the minute you were captured. I did everything the way I did to ensure that, hopefully this family comes out mostly whole after all of this. That's what you told me to do that night. You told me to protect Dora and everyone else. This is how I could protect them. I don't regret it, not one bit."

Rodolphus was quiet as he let what Harry said sink in, "We'll talk more about this once we've been let go. How's like with Black?"

Harry shrugged, "It's not horrible. We're living at his childhood home, Grimmauld Place. The Weasley family is staying there, as is Aunt Andromeda's daughter Nymphadora along with Remus Lupin. There's also a family friend of Ron's staying with them, Hermione Granger. Most everyone is sharing but I at least get a room to myself. The Weasley's have a son my age and a daughter a year younger. Their twin sons, Fred and George, I get along with best. They're out of Hogwarts and apparently own a joke shop in Diagon Alley. I want to be with you and mum though, I want to be home."

"I know you do Imp and it'll happen soon enough." Rodolphus said reassuringly. "I've heard of most of the people you mentioned. The Weasley family was a big supporter of Dumbledore's in the First War, as were Black and Lupin. I'm going to assume that this Granger girl is Muggleborn?"

"Yeah, She and the Weasley kids are all in Gryffindor. I think she could have been a Ravenclaw, at least from what others have said about her." said Harry.

"Speaking of Houses, what do you think about finally being able to go to Hogwarts?" Rodolphus asked. Ever since Harry was little and they'd told him about Hogwarts and how Lily and James had been students there, Harry had wished he'd get the chance to go.

Harry shrugged, "I don't know. We'll find out soon though."

They spent the rest of their visit talking about non important topics. They kept their discussion as lighthearted as possible and when the Auror informed them that their time was up. They hugged each other once again before Harry left the room. He found Madame Greene and Elladora already standing in the corridor. He walked right up to his sister and put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side, offering her what comfort he could. Madame Green led them back out to where Sarah and Sirius were waiting for them.

Sarah was immediately up from her seat and had both Harry and Elladora in a hug.

"It's going to be alright," Sarah whispered. "It's just going to take time but it's going to happen."

Finally Sarah released them but Harry refused to let go of his sister and kept his arm around her shoulders.

"We're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow. We need to get everyone's school supplies. Narcissa and Draco are going as well. I've already spoken to Mr. Black and he's agreed to allow you to join us. We'll be meeting on the front steps of Gringotts at eleven o'clock." Sarah informed Harry.

Harry looked at Sirius in disbelief, "You're really going to let me go?"

"There's no reason not to, we need to get your school supplies and tomorrow is as good a day as any. Though the Weasley's and Hermione will be joining us as well." said Sirius, he smiled warmly at Harry and was stunned when Harry jumped at him and gave him a strong, though brief, hug.

"Thank you Sirius." Harry said sincerely. He pulled back and returned to Elladora and Sarah, giving them each a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Harry followed Sirius out the door, his steps a bit lighter. Maybe fore the first time since he'd come to stay with Sirius, he actually believed that everything would be able to work out in the end.

I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. This is a fairly short chapter but I really wanted to get something out as a gift for all of my wonderful, fantastic readers. The next one is already in the works and I hope to have out in January.

UP NEXT: Shopping trip in Diagon Alley and then it's off to Hogwarts! The story will start picking up pace from here soon.