It was about a month after Zexion had gone through his whole ordeal, and his wounds had healed completely. Except the scar that stretched across his now smooth abs, of course. "So, Zexion." Vexen began. "Are you going to stay here with me? I mean, even though the whole thing's over. I wan-" Vexen decided that his attempt was futile. He never was very good with things like personal conversations… Zexion sensed the worry in Vexen's voice and moved closer on the sofa to him. Vexen had grown accustomed to Zexion and didn't really want to leave now. Not after all this.
"Nonsense, Vexen! It's nowhere near over!" Zexion answered, trying to be quiet, as Vexion was sleeping in the nest room. "We still have to raise him, I suppose." He pointed to the room where Vexion slept. "I mean, you wouldn't want him to fatherless now would you?" Vexen thought about this. "Well then, I guess you WILL be staying then." Vexen tried to keep the excitement out of his voice. He walked over to Zexion and placed a hand under the front of Zexion's shirt, feeling his smooth abs. "I suppose I did a pretty good job with your stitches, don't you think so?" Zexion simply nodded. "You know, now that you can function normally again…" Zexion blushed and quickly looked away.
"Oh, come on Zexy the kid's asleep anyway." Zexion tried to wiggle out of Vexen's grip, but to no avail. He sighed heavily. "Oh alright, but you have to feed him next." Zexion pointed an accusing finger at Vexen. Vexen smiled evilly. "Deal."