Zexion walked into the kitchen, extremely thirsty after a long day of helping Vexen with another one of his experiments. "Oh man, I'm beat." Zexion complained as he opened the refrigerator, searching for something to drink. "Ah-ha!" he exclaimed, grabbing what looked like a Pepsi. Zexion chugged the whole can of liquid down before he had noticed that then label on the can had fallen off. Zexion turned the can around and almost fainted right there. Another label on the can read 'DO NOT DRINK. INDUCES PREGNANCY keep refrigerated.'

Zexion began to panic. "This is probably all Vexen's doing!" he thought. "Vexen! Vexen!" Zexion shouted down the hallways. He put his hand on his stomach and thought that he might faint again, but not before throwing up. Vexen heard Zexion calling his name and stuck his head out of his lab. "What is it Zex-" Vexen was cut off by Zexion shoving the labeled can into his face. Vexen slowly took the can into his own hands and examined it. "Um, Zexion… did you drink this?" Vexen asked in an icy voice. Zexion nodded his head, as a tear began to run down his cheek. "W-what's going to happen to me?" Zexion stuttered. Vexen put down the can and took Zexion in his arms. "I'm sorry Zexion, but it's just like the label said. You're, well, going to be pregnant…" "Is that even possible?!? Why would you invent something like that?!?" Zexion was in a panic. Vexen could hear the fear in Zexion's voice. "Yes, it is possible with my experiments, and I made that particular concoction as a simple test… I hadn't intended on anyone actually drinking it." Vexen answered calmly. "Then why was there a friggin Pepsi label on it???" Zexion stared evilly back at Vexen. "What?" Vexen was at a loss. "I didn't put any other labels on that can. Just the warning." Zexion quickly remembered the Organization's only red-head going into the kitchen earlier that day with a devious smile on his face. "Stupid Axel…" Zexion thought to himself.

Vexen picked Zexion up in his arms again and carried him over to a tan couch located in the corner of the lab. Was Zexion actually crying? "Are you afraid?" Vexen asked, placing one hand around Zexion's waist. The other on his stomach. "Please try not to be afraid Zexion. I didn't mean for you to be affected by this, but just maybe this could be something of a good thing." Zexion looked up a Vexen, tears still streaming down his cheeks. "And how, may I ask, is this in anyway a good thing?" He asked, disbelieving. "Well, in order for my experiment to work I had to use someone's blood to create a reaction with the drinker's blood." Vexen stated. Zexion nodded. "Vexen leaned over and kissed Zexion on the cheek. "It's my blood." Zexion blushed bright red and placed his hands on his stomach. "You mean, this is like… our… child?" Zexion questioned, quietly. Vexen nodded.

"Oh boy, I had better get prepared then." Zexion said as he stood up. "And where are you going?" Vexen asked. "To my room to pack, of course!" Zexion replied. "Pack? But where are you going?" Vexen was a little confused. "Here, or in your room…" Vexen was now thoroughly confused. Zexion sat down in Vexen's lap and wrapped his arms around Vexen's neck. "Now, do you really expect me to go through this whole ordeal all by myself?" Zexion asked, smiling. Vexen smirked back. "I suppose that you're right." And Vexen cuddled Zexion in his arms.