Trinity Blood Christmas from A to Z
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the ideas in the following fanfic; they are property of Sunao Yoshida and assorted other sources.
This whole series is my attempt at associating each letter of the alphabet with Christmas in some way. I'm hoping to get at least a chapter a day up during the month of December. Each chapter will deal with a range of genres, chapter lengths, and characters from Trinity Blood.
An RCO Christmas Carol
The leader of the RCO was not inclined to be nice; the holidays were no exception. The black-haired Magician showed no surprise as yet another bumbling newbie met his end at the hands of his leader. He sat quietly reading his novel, ignoring the screams from his master's chamber. Dietrich also took no notice as he moved another chess piece in a game he played against himself.
Moments later a blood-spattered Cain opened the door. With impressive height, blonde hair, and captivating blue eyes, he looked nothing like the bloodthirsty monster he actually was.
"How many people insist on ignoring my 'no time off' policy, especially when it comes to Christmas?"
Both the Magician and the Puppet Master understood their leader's hatred towards the Christian holiday. The Catholic Church behind the holiday was one of the main forces that opposed him and his organization, and also the one his traitorous brother had decided to ally himself with.
"It is perhaps the most useless time of the year." The blonde commented before turning to leave. "Let no more of them in." He of course referred to the ones who continued to ask for time off.
Dietrich noticed Kampfer's shaking form in the corner of his eye and regarded the other RCO member cautiously. The Puppet Master looked at the title of the novel as the raven-haired man burst out laughing. What was thought of as a novel was actually a small book titled "A Christmas Carol", and was also the reason the older man was laughing.
Cain shifted in his bed hours later, finding no rest. He had no explanation for this, as he was neither hungry nor needful of anything else. He finally decided to pull out a book and read until he felt tired.
The book was, of course "A Christmas Carol", which had been set upon the night table by Kampfer, though Cain didn't realize this.
He hated the book. He threw it at the wall and delighted in the sound of the pages ripping from the spine. He was tired but couldn't fall asleep, and the fact that his insomnia had no cause further irked the RCO's leader. Not to mention the feeling of another presence in the room made his skin crawl…
He was startled to find a ghostly but familiar image standing right behind his chair, where he had sat to read.
"You!" He exclaimed, his face flushing in anger.
The redheaded Lilith, albeit as a ghost, looked at him with the same passive look she always had, even when he killed her. She looked translucent as a typical ghost would, and ghostly blood stained her dress from beneath the clean cut in her neck
"I came to warn you…" she started to say, but he cut her off.
"Go back to being dead, you witch!" He growled out. She paused, and he assumed that she was planning her next words.
"If you do not change your ways, your end will be horrible." She finally said. "I have seen the terrible punishments which await people like you. If you do not heed my warnings, perhaps you will heed those of the ones to follow me."
Cain snarled as he swiped at her with a clawed hand, meeting nothing but emptiness. The specter from his past had left.
"Good riddance…" he muttered, approaching his bed and ignoring the voice that cautioned him again.
Cain threw the covers over his head and growled loudly in the darkness of his room. Sleep still eluded him, and Lilith's appearance had done nothing to help.
Once again he felt like he was being watched, and pulled down the covers to see another translucent figure. If Kampfer was behind this, he would be punished…
A young ghostly Seth stood on the edge of the bed, a small smile playing at her lips. "Hi Cain!" she squealed out, tiny pigtails bobbing a bit as she moved.
"Let me guess…" Cain prodded, "You're the ghost of Christmas past." The little black-haired girl laughed. "No, I'm the ghost of your past."
She pointed a finger at Cain, and the blonde found himself standing within the familiar corridors of the sterile space station. Two figures caught his attention as they ran past: one he recognized as himself as a teenager, and the other was…
"Abel!" his teenage self called out to the silver-haired boy. His brother turned on his heels, a fresh bruise blossoming around his right eye.
"Why should I do anything you say? You're their little lapdog anyway!"
Cain watched the young Cain hold out a bag of ice to the other. The other boy swatted the hand away, his youthful face twisting in rage. "Don't touch me!"
"You get hurt because you ask for it," the young Cain scolded Abel, "They hit you because you hit them first. Just because you hate them and their dumb traditions doesn't give you any right to attack them for it."
Abel didn't respond, though his face and eyes reflected it all. His expression was angry but his eyes sparkled with hurt. "You don't care about me, do you?"
"I do!"
"Then why don't you ever take my side?" With a last look, Abel slunk off to his room. Cain looked on with confusion as well as his own hurt.
"Was this why you decided to destroy the world?"
Cain turned his attention from the past to his ghostly sister. Seth gazed at the young teenager with a questioning look, and then directed another question his way. "Would you like to see more?"
Cain didn't answer her; he knew that she wouldn't take it into consideration anyway. He watched as the scene shifted to another where he and his brother sat within a living room. He held a glass of a thick red liquid in his hand, extending another towards the silver-haired man. They were both past their teenage years and, as Cain remembered, way past the infusion of their Crusniks and the Mars Colonization Project.
"Are you really going to have Christmas with her?" Cain asked as his brother finally decided to take the glass from him.
"Yes, I am. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and trying out this Christmas thing." Abel was refusing to look him in the eye, and had not yet had any of the blood in his glass.
"I thought we'd agreed on an attack on Rome that evening? We said it would be the perfect opportunity while they wasted time celebrating."
Abel didn't respond.
Cain watched as the conversation between the two ended when the memory shifted into oblivion. He found himself back in bed, his little sister fading away in the dark. He sat back against his pillow. He tried to tell himself that what he had seen was due to his sleep-deprived mind…
When Cain finally awoke, he convinced himself that the later appearance of his teenage brother showing him Christmas at present was due to whatever the unfortunate vampire he fed from had in his system. His brother had apparently been celebrating the Christmas evening at a gathering of AX agents and friends. His brother had been happy and laughing as Cain had never seen him before.
Yes, the vampire had consumed some sort of hallucinogen before Cain had sucked him dry. Nevertheless, upon seeing that Christmas was still not over with for another twenty hours, Cain sat down and began to make out a Christmas card.
Abel might like a Christmas card from his brother after nine hundred years.