C.Y-K: Sequel. :3 I was listening to What The Hell Is Contempt by Reggie And The Full Effect. Before Itachi and Kisame went looking for Naruto or even entered Konoha for that matter. Before the third part of the Chuunin exams.
Disclaimer: I only own the story and plot, not Naruto and Inuyasha.
Ages: Itachi – 17 ½, Kagome – 16 ½, Kisame – 23 ½
'They actually let me enter Konoha on my own. At least I can buy some new clothes,' thought Kagome as she walked under the gate to Konoha.
Clink. Clink.
The noise from the chains on her ankles was subtle, but there.
Clink. Clink.
Her sneakers have long been gone and black ninja open-toed-open-heel sandals have replaced them.
The priestess had no kunai pouch and was deemed a citizen to the shinobi at the watch post. A wanderer wandering from town to town.
Clink. Clink.
Kagome huffed, now where was the clothes shop? Her pacific eyes roamed the area and streets around her. Perhaps she should ask someone.
Clink. Clink.
Letting her eyes roam once again, they came upon a blonde-haired boy with blue eyes, orange clothing, three whisker marks on each cheek, and a kunai pouch on his right thigh.
He looked native to this town, seeing how he had the same symbol on his headband as above the gate.
Clink. Clink.
"Excuse me." Stated Kagome catching the blonde's attention as well as a pink-haired girl and raven-haired boy.
"Hm?" his cerulean orbs blinked innocently at her.
"I am, well, lost and was wondering where there might be a clothes shop. I'm new to this place." Kagome asked, not paying attention to the girl and other boy.
"Sure!" the boy was energetic to help. A smile can across his tan face and his eyes lit up. He pointed in one direction and walked that way.
Kagome got the hint and followed.
Clink. Clink.
And she finally noticed the other two with the blonde. Merely looking at them curiously, she turned back to the blonde.
He was happy. His hands behind his head in a comfortable position.
Clink. Clink.
"Who are you? I didn't ask your name." Kagome asked.
"Hm?" he looked at her curiously, "Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto. You?"
Kagome smiled, "Kagome. Higurashi Kagome."
Clink. Clink.
Naruto let his smile widen, she was nice. Unlike how the people in Konoha were to him. He blinked.
"Oh! The two behind you are Sakura-chan and Sasuke-teme."
Kagome stopped with Naruto. She looked back at them to find one indifferent and the other annoyed.
"Naruto! Quit calling Sasuke-kun 'teme'." Annoyance was heavily in the girl's –Sakura- tone as she spoke.
She suddenly smiled up at the confused miko, I'm Haruno Sakura and this is Uchiha Sasuke."
Kagome smiled a small smile, "Nice to meet you."
In her mind, she noticed something, 'His last name is Uchiha. Like Itachi-san's. wonder how they are related…'
"Come on." Urged Naruto. He wanted to show Kagome where the shop she was looking for was.
Kagome turned back around, and followed Naruto. He was nice, to take the time to show her where the clothes shop was.
Clink. Clink.
She felt two pairs of eyes on her back, Sasuke and Sakura's. Though one seemed to bore more into her back than the other.
Naruto still had a small smile on his face.
Clink. Clink.
'Itachi-san still has yet to tell me who healed my wounds. I know they have blue-ish hair, but a name would be nice.' Kagome was in her mind and didn't notice Naruto stop until he spoke.
"We're here." He said, a broad grin on his face.
Kagome returned it, and also gave him a hug, "Thanks."
Naruto blinked and blushed, he returned the hug, "No problem."
The priestess broke away from Naruto and entered the clothing store.
'What to buy. So many choices. But, I'm on a limit. An outfit or two is probably all I can buy,' Kagome said in her mind.
Sasuke watched through the glass of the store as she flicked through the shirts and pants. Something about her was off. She wasn't the run-of-the-mill civilian.
Onyx eyes narrowed at her even more. When she looked back at them, recognition entered her eyes at his last name.
'She must know where he is. I still have to kill him and avenge the clan,' thought Sasuke.
Disdain entered his eyes.
He will find out what she is hiding.
Including why her right arm doesn't move, and was in a sling.
Itachi let his eyes look around the forest he and Kisame were in. they were right outside Konoha's gate.
How easy it would be to enter, but the guards would be suspicious with their cloaks.
Kisame kept fingering the gold-colored hilt of his Samehada, he wanted to swing it and hear the sound it made. But now was not the time.
What was keeping Kagome?
'She should be out soon. Kisame gave her enough to buy two shirts and two pairs of pants. No more, no less,' thought Itachi to himself.
If she didn't come out soon, he would find a way to go in and get her.
Kagome had a large smile on her face as she came out with a bag.
In said bag was a black Chinese tee shirt with red designs; a light brown tee shirt with a periwinkle stripe across the chest, bottom of the shirt, and ends of the sleeves; a pair of baggy brown shorts, and another pair of black shorts.
"You find what you wanted all right?" Naruto asked.
"Un." Kagome said a small smile on her face. It was hard to believe this was the Kyuubi no Youko's vessel. As much as she wanted to tell him to stay on guard, Kagome knew she couldn't betray Itachi-san.
"Why is your arm in a sling, Kagome-chan?" Sakura eyed said arm curiously.
"I got into a fight and the tendon was severed." The priestess rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.
'That's one answer down. More to go,' thought Itachi's younger brother.
"Whoa…" said Sakura, 'How'd she survive though?'
"But-… Did you manage to beat them?" asked Naruto.
"Yeah. A friend found me and his friend went to get another friend to heal my wounds with medic jutsus." Answered Kagome, 'Not exactly a lie.'
'She didn't fully answer the question,' obsidian eyes narrowed further at the sixteen-and-a-half-year-old.
That was when a person interrupted their conversation.
Itachi's eyebrow twitched. She was taking too long. Where was she?!
Standing, and gaining Kisame's attention, Itachi did a few hand signs.
Henge no Jutsu.
In his place was a brunette -same length and in a braid, green eyes, no headband, and his clothes were about the same –except the shirt was a deep green and the pants/capris were a deep brown.
Even the lines on his face weren't there. The cloak and kunai pouch were gone.
Kisame was impressed. Itachi never really failed to not impress him, whether with ninjutsu, genjutsu, or taijutsu.
'Itachi-san's impatient. Don't really blame him. So am I,' commented Kisame, mentally.
His eyes watched as his partner stepped out of the woods and onto the path outside of the gate.
Itachi momentarily looked up, the guards were wary of him. But that vanished when they noticed he was looking for someone. They figured out he was with Kagome.
Letting his senses spread, Itachi quickly found the priestess with three other people. Chatting no doubt, or they were bugging her.
Walking down the street her energy was, his eyes were greeted with the sight of three genin with her.
His younger brother, a pink-haired girl, and the Kyuubi jinchuuriki.
Pacific eyes –with a bit of brown- looked to the left. It was Itachi in a henge. Though it somewhat looked like him, the name she picked out was a bit obvious more than the looks were.
"You're late. I gave you a specific amount of time to get clothes, not dilly-dally," comment Itachi.
"Gomen nasai, Hitachi-san," answered Kagome.
"Who is this?" asked Naruto, eyes wide at the sight of 'Hitachi'. Sakura was curious as well, and Sasuke, though he hid his.
"Uchida Hitachi-san," Kagome supplied. She didn't notice the slight twitch in Itachi's eyebrow.
'That name of all the names she knows. And she chooses the most obvious one,' Hitachi mentally commented.
"We're leaving, Kagome," said Hitachi. The lack of keigo didn't escape Sasuke's mind.
'He's familiar with her. Or else he wouldn't have came to get her,' thought Sasuke.
"Aw. I wanted to chat a bit more Hitachi-san," whined Kagome. She purposely dragged the 'san' to emphasize her point.
"No." said Hitachi in his flattest voice. He grabbed Kagome's left wrist and pulled her after him.
"Bye Naruto-san, Sakura-chan, Sasuke-san! See you around!" shouted Kagome as she and Itachi left. Though she couldn't wave goodbye.
Sasuke's eyes were black slits by now. He watched as Sakura and Naruto waved bye to Kagome.
Itachi and Kagome entered the forest where Kisame was. Itachi dropped the henge, looking like his normal self.
Standing, Kisame looked between the two, "I take it we will be traveling again, Itachi-san?"
Blood red looked to Kisame's eyes; a brief nod answered his question.
"At least I got new clothes, so I don't care. Arigatou, Kisame-san for the money," said Kagome sheepishly.
"Think nothing of it," replied Kisame.
"So, there is a girl traveling with Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame?" commented Orochimaru.
"Yeah. Quite unusual for a daimyo killer and murderer of his own clan," replied a jounin Sound shinobi. He couldn't help but give a bit of a shudder as a mile wormed its way onto the hebi sannin's face.
His stomach tightened, but it was ignored.
"I want you to follow them. See if there are any weaknesses among them, especially around Uchiha Itachi," commanded the snake user.
"As you command, sir," the jounin saluted, bowed, and them left Orochimaru's presence.
"Soon. I will be able to have the eyes I have longed for, even if they aren't from Sasuke-kun," Orochimaru's own comment sent him chuckling a bit.
How he desires the Sharingan to be his.
"I take it I might be able to see Naruto-san again?" questioned Kagome by Itachi's right side.
"No." Itachi's answer was short and brief.
He could practically feel her pout.
Kisame was watching this from the other side of Itachi, it amused him as the two tried to have a conversation, per say, Kagome tried to have a conversation.
"Why not?!" Kagome puffed out her cheeks at the older Uchiha.
To this, Itachi gave no response.
"Maybe because he's the jinchuuriki we're after Kagome-san," commented Kisame.
"I don't see why you have to capture them at all."
The shark-like man grinned, "Maybe. The leader wants them captured and we listen to him."
"That's how the organization goes. We don't get caught and in return, we listen to the leader," explained Kisame.
'I doubt it. But that's probably the best explanation I'll get,' Kagome noted to herself.
"You should've met her sensei! She was really nice!" exclaimed Naruto to Kakashi.
"Oh really? I guess I missed out then," commented Kakashi, his eye curving upward with his smile.
"I hope she comes back to visit! Yeah!" shouted Naruto in happiness.
It was a rare moment for Team 7 to get together with the third part of the Chuunin exams about a month away.
Clover eyes looked over at the younger Uchiha. Ever since Kagome left, he had been more quiet than usual.
'What's the matter Sasuke-kun?' thought Sakura to herself. Then there was that older teenager that came and got Kagome. Sasuke looked like he wanted to kill him.
'Who the hell was that? He looked too similar to Itachi for my tastes,' Sasuke noted.
His eyes were narrowed enough and couldn't narrow any further anymore.
"You said your younger brother was still alive, right, Itachi-san?" asked Kagome, though she received no answer.
"I felt something dark on his left shoulder. Like a curse mark. I didn't like it," she continued.
Blood red Sharingan eyes snapped up to her pacific orbs, 'A curse mark..? Orochimaru…'
Itachi had a deep hatred for the snake sannin, 'And he's trying to obtain Sasuke's body as his own.'
Kagome's eyes were locked with Itachi's; it was as if she could feel his feelings. Walking over to Itachi, she wrapped her arm around the older Uchiha. Her head rested on his right shoulder.
Itachi closed his eyes and rested his hands on his priestess' hips.
"Itachi-san," Reopening his eyes greeted him with a pouting Kagome. How he wanted to mark her as his fully; heart, mind, soul, and body. He had yet to dominate her body.
Closing his eyes, Itachi could feel Kagome place a kiss on his lips.
"Could you two do that when I'm either asleep or not around," commented Kisame sourly.
Kagome giggled at the shark-like man's expression, Itachi remained impassive to Kisame's comment.
"All right, all right. You win Kisame-san." Said Kagome.
The sound jounin watched them. They acted so familiarly around the girl. What was so special about her?
It didn't matter. All he needed to do was gather their weaknesses and report back to Orochimaru-sama.
His dark brown eyes widened as pacific eyes –with a bit of brown- locked onto his.
How the hell did she know he was here?!
Two other pairs of eyes followed the girl's gaze. That was when he felt a presence behind him.
A kunai was the last thing he saw as all was dark.
Kisame, Itachi, and Kagome watched as the man fell out of the tree. The clone of Itachi disappeared in a plume of smoke.
"Che. He was easy to take out. Especially if it was by a clone that's 1/6 of the originals strength," Kisame said to the pair.
"Yeah," replied Itachi.
"Can we walk now?" asked Kagome, her eyebrow twitched at the sight of the blood leaking out around the kunai.
Not even replying, the two men walked. Itachi's hands still on Kagome's hips. Though she was facing in front of them, not hugging Itachi.
Orochimaru sighed; it seems the other jounin wasn't able to handle the mission assigned.
"You positive that it was his body and not a henge?" asked the sannin.
"All right then," Orochimaru was developing a grin on his lily white face, "I'll assign you the mission."
"Don't mess this up," warned the hebi sannin to the other sound shinobi. His snake-like gold eyes watched his leave.
Whatever it takes to gain the Sharingan, he'll do.
C.Y-K: ;) The prologue to the sequel of Wavering Winds. Hope you like. Should I up the rating? Wait. Should Itachi act on what he feels or no? R&R