When did I start noticing it? A year ago? When did I start hearing it? A day? When did I start sensing it? Fifteen years? I could not remember the exact point in time. All I knew now was that it was there constantly, and I could not get it (whatever it was) to stop.
It is not that I did not mind it; it had helped me many times. It helped me think clearly. When I was frustrated, it soothed me. When I was sad, it brightened my mood. When I was angry, it calmed me. But just the same, when I was proud, it leveled me; and when I was happy, it stilled me.
And it whispered.
It whispered incantations, spells, and enchantments to my magic. It murmured the sciences into my ear. It softly taught mathematics to my brain. It hummed stories and poetry in different tongues when I went to sleep. It discussed logic with my mind.
But it never stopped. It was like time: ever flowing, never turning back. Its lessons were never repeated. It told me everything I learned from it was important. It made me memorize and recite its messages.
All of this knowledge…
And when I finally figured out the truth behind it, it horrified and satisfied me at the same time. I wondered if they remembered, too. I knew that I would meet them soon. That made me almost excited. Throughout history, the people I was closest to were only those two. It was as if I would be reunited with my best friends.
And that was the first time I remembered everything.
And then I saw everything: history, present, and future. I realized that I already knew what was to come, and what the outcome was. I knew the villain remembered his past, too, but I knew both of them did not know who would win this time around.
But I knew the one who would emerge victorious this time.
In the past, many of their battles had been extremely close, and if one added up the wins and loses, they would be tied. In those times they had all been fighting with all of their heart. The battle was true, and who won…well, won. Total and complete victory.
So I became jealous.
My "previous" had developed on their own. They had learned on their own, and with much gusto. They earned their Triforce piece.
…Wait, had they?
Perhaps subconsciously they heard it whisper, too. Or maybe it came naturally.
This…this I did not know.
But then I started to want to forget. I wanted to forget what I knew, what I learned, and what I heard from it. And so I studied, like all the previous before me had done for a problem or other, but unlike them I already knew the answer: there was no way to make me forget.
I was shaken and numb for realizing the fact. At one point I could not bring myself to eat, but it commanded me to keep on going.
When the Twilight came, I did not even try to retaliate. I felt pathetic. All of the foresight went to waste. I knew that if I wanted to, I could have stopped the assault. I could have ended it right there, but I knew it was not to be.
But why not try? Maybe the future I saw was wrong?
There were other possible futures, I decided. And so when the darkness entered the throne room, I went for my own magic.
But right then, it stopped.
And it made restrictions.
It…I…disabled me.
It stopped me.
I cringed. It felt so empty.
I tried again, but only felt weakened. I felt worse...
I had seen it coming, but I knew that I could not stop it. Why did I even try if I already knew the outcome?
The Twili aggressor was at the foot of the stairs. The dark, tribal robes he wore had glowing Twilit magic woven into them. His face was masked with some ornate, iguana-like headdress. That did not matter. I already knew his face. I already knew his name. Why did I have to speak with this Twili? This may have seemed a bit elitist, but I did not want to deal with some outsider. I wanted to speak with him, Ganondorf.
As Zant issued his ultimatum in the throne room, I called upon the Evil King.
Hello again, Ganondorf replied. His voice was sinister. He had not liked how that instead of dieing, he was sealed in the Twilight. I see you remember this time…
Why must I deal with some servant of yours? Why not speak yourself?
Why did you not fight me? his low voice echoed in my mind.
I thought nothing in return.
I heard Ganondorf smirk, Why are you still holding that sword?
That I had not realized. I looked down at the ornate blade. When had I picked it up? My gloved arm holding it was tense. My hand was gripping it tightly.
Perhaps I was supposed to fight back, but I stopped myself?
Perhaps I wanted to fight back, but it stopped me?
This…this, I did not know.
But I did know that I was supposed to surrender, and it made me hand release the blade.
And so the Twili creatures instantly seized me by my arms and dragged me up to the prison.
Did I resist them?
I did not remember.
No—I did remember. There were contusions on my arms from being handled by them, but I had not fought when I forfeited my freedom.
I knew the Twilight was covering my land, but I wanted to see it for myself. Slowly I rose and moved to the sole window that overlooked part of the once beautiful kingdom. I knew the Twilight must be extremely breathtaking in its realm, but it was something that did not suit Hyrule.
Why did the Twilight have to be in Hyrule, anyway?
Having some outside ancient race come into the picture was pointless. In the end, I knew, everything would be settled in a battle between them.
I tried to stop myself from seeing into the future. I was tired of knowing everything. Knowing everything made me feel emotionless—everything was routine and boring.
But it was also comfortable, though. I knew I had nothing to fear, not like the previous times.
Pervious times I was in the same situation: captured or locked away. Those times I had been truly scared: what was going to happen now? What happened to my father? Was I really going to die? Was he going to make it in time? What of my people? What was Ganon plotting to do?
Those times I did not know what would come. Sometimes I had been sacrificed. Sometimes I was never rescued. Surprisingly, sometimes I was released. Another time I was put to sleep for a very long time. Other times I was tortured, turned to stone, raped, killed off, or, like in the current situation, simply held prisoner. But this time I knew what was going to happen, so I had nothing to fear.
And I hated it.
Unconsciously, I conjured up a cloak and scarf, and wrapped it about myself, hiding most of my face. It was like it provided a little bit of security to me. Being able to do such simply sorcery made me feel comfort. I would have tried a higher spell, but I already knew the outcome: restriction.
I sighed. Perhaps I was supposed to know what was going to happen this time.
I felt lonely, and wondered when both of them would hear it. Maybe they would be tired like I was. Tired of listening to its whisper.
But I knew that both of them had their's whispering restrictions, too; they just could not hear it. I knew this because if the Evil King did not have its censorship, he would have taken over the instant he got out of the Twilight, and the hero would have already been brandishing that same sword.
But to them, it was silent.
And to me, it would not stop whispering.
Now, it only spelled out restraints on me. What I was not allowed to do. For example: I could not break out of the prison I was in, nor could I aid in the final battle. And I knew that I could not let anyone know I knew what was going to happen.
I snapped out of my thoughts. The Twilight Princess was arriving.
It was whispering even more feverishly now. It told me everything about the foreign princess. It told the secrets of her strange, Twilit magic to me. It told me about her behavior, her kingdom, her hopes, fears, and dreams. It told me what to say to her once she arrived.
It told me:
Let the game begin.
Um...review, please?
I feel so accomplished now that I completed my second fic.