Nikki: Here is chapter 15! Just like a promised you guys.
Hinamori: Yeah your right!
Nikki: Last chapter was interesting, wasn't it hina-chan?
Hinamori: Yes it was. I really hope shiro-chan is okay…
Nikki: Don't worry I'm sure he'll be fine. Now where is he now?
Hitsugaya: -sigh- what do you want?
Nikki: Gasp! You showed yourself! I didn't have to threaten you or anything!
Hitsugaya: Yea well I just wanted you to stop with that stupid command
Nikki: You mean si –hitsugaya covers my mouth-
Hitsugaya: Don't even think about it saying it.
Nikki: -nods-
Hitsugaya: Good –remove hand-
Nikki: Um okay then. Uh hina-chan please do the disclaimer.
Hinamori: Sure! Nikki-chan does not own us!
Hitsugaya: And it will stay that way for the rest of her life
Nikki: Your so cruel you know that –cries-
Hitsugaya: -rolls eyes- whatever
Nikki: SIT!
Hitsugaya: -gets slam down to the ground- OWWWWWWWWW!
Nikki: That's what you get for being cruel! XP
Hitsugaya: You bit-
Nikki: SIT!
Hitsugaya: OUCH!
Hinamori: -.-'
On the news, the camera was facing Aizen as he said, "I hope the two forgive me for what I did and that I hope I can make it up to them the best way I can."
Hitsugaya slowly opened his eyes and looked around to only see darkness.
"W-Where am I?" he looked around but there was darkness everywhere he turned.
"Hello? Hello? Is there anyone here?" he called out but got no reply. Then a light in front of him started to shine and it got bigger and brighter. Hitsugaya turned his head and covered his face from the light.
When the light went away, he turned back around and put his hands down. He stood in front of a house that looked a little bit familiar. It was a light blue two floor house with a porch.
"Where am I?" He looked around and then the front door open and two little kids came running out with a ball in their hands. They went to the left side of the front yard. One was a girl and the other was a boy. The girl had two brown ponytails and was wearing a peach colored shirt and a light blue knee length skirt. Her shoes were white sandals The boy had white spiky hair and wore a t-shirt with a snowman on it and under it said 'Let it snow!' He had on short blue jeans with white sneakers.
'That boy has the same hair as me.' Hitsugaya thought but then shook his head.
"Hey you kids, do you know where I am right now?" But they didn't answer him. Instead, they started to play their game of catch.
"So when is your dad coming home?" the boy asked the girl as he threw the ball at her. She shrugged and caught it.
"I don't know but I hope he comes home soon! I made him this cute little necklace in art class." She said with a smile and threw the ball back.
"So that's what you were doing." The girl nodded.
"Hey!" hitsugaya shouted but they still didn't notice them. He got irritated so he walked over to them. He stood right next to the boy but, surprisingly, they didn't notice him.
"Okay, its either you're ignoring me or you are being very rude." The kids continue to talk and play. Hitsugaya reached out for the ball when the boy threw it but it went right through his hands.
Hitsugaya gasped and backed up a few steps and looked at his hands.
'What the hell just happened?' he thought, freaking out as he looked at his hands still. Then he heard a car pulling up. He turned around and his eyes went wide.
The person who step out of the car the man on the news. The man who made hitsugaya's scar ache.
Aizen closed the car door and walked towards the house. He was wearing a navy blue business suit and black sunglasses. He took them off and hitsugaya got shivers looking into his eyes. They seem peaceful but there was something else in those eyes but he couldn't place it.
The little girl ran towards him with wide open arms.
"Daddy, your home!" she said and jumped into his arms. Aizen lifted her off the ground and gave her a big hug.
"Yes sweetie, I'm home and I see we have company." He looked over at the boy who was frowning a little bit.
"Its nice to see you again." Aizen said and the boy just crossed his arms.
Aizen chuckled and put the girl down and she ran towards and hit the boy on his arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" he asked, rubbing his arm.
"Stop being so rude to my daddy! He didn't do anything to you!" she said, glaring. The boy just turned his head and crossed his arms again. Aizen put his hand on top of her head and she looked up at him.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it." He said with a smile. The girl looked at him for a few seconds before smiling.
"Okay daddy!" Aizen smiled.
"That's my girl." He turned around and went towards the front door but just as his hand touched the handle, he turned around and looked in hitsugaya's direction.
Not just looked in his direction, more like looked right at him.
Hitsugaya stiffed up as he watched aizen look right at him as if he could see him. Then he smiled a little before going inside. Hitsugaya relaxed a bit.
'Did he…really see me or was he looking at something behind me.' He thought and then turned around to see nothing but other houses. Then he slowly turned back around and stared at his feet.
'But that's impossible. There is no way he could have seen me. The kids didn't even notice me so how could he?' He looked at the kids and saw that they disappeared. He turned to his left and then right but did not see them. Then he looked at the house but it was gone as well! Hitsugaya started to freak out as everything disappeared and he was once again surrounded by darkness.
"Oh no, not again!" Hitsugaya kept looking around, trying to find out what just happen. Then all of a sudden he heard screams.
"What the hell…?" No matter where he turned, he could not find the source of the scream. Soon there were more screams and then more.
"What are you doing?" said a voice
"Please no don't do this!" said another
"Stop it your hurting him!" said another.
All the sounds and voices kept coming then he heard noises that sounded like slashing. Something slashing through something.
Then he heard something he never thought he would hear in this darkness.
Hitsugaya eyes open wide and then shot up straight. He was breathing heavily and was sweating almost everywhere. When he managed to control his breathing, he looked around and noticed he was no longer in his living room.
The walls were all white, there was a small t.v. in the upper right corner, an I.V. machine was next to him and he was sitting in a white covered bed wearing a white gown.
He was in a hospital.
Hitsugaya put his left hand to his forehead and closed his eyes.
'What the hell was that? Was that some kind of dream or something?' he thought but before he could think about it more, the door open and a nurse with amber hair and brown eyes entered the room. Her eyes got wide when she noticed hitsugaya sitting up straight.
"Oh you're awake!" she said, "That's good. We were wondering when you would wake up."
"What happen?" he asked and notice that his voice sounded weird and his mouth felt dry.
"You must be thirsty. Here." She poured a glass of water from the pitcher a few feet away from the bed. She handed him the drink and when the water touched his tongue, he guzzled it all down. The water felt amazing running down his dried up throat The nurse giggled.
"You must have been really thirsty." She said as she got him glass water which he guzzled it again. "You've been out for quite awhile now."
"How long have I've been out for?" he asked as he drank his third cup of water. This time he took his time drinking it.
"Oh about 6 or 7 hours" Hitsugaya eyes got wide.
"7 hours!" he shouted, not being able to believe he has been out that long.
The nurse nodded. "Yeah and you just would not wake up. Your friends were worried about you. They stayed by you for 2 or 3 hours before we sent them home."
Hitsugaya looked down and smiled a bit. 'Those idiots…'
"Well anyway, I'll get the doctor so he can check out if you have fully recovered." The nurse went to the door but then stopped and turn to look at hitsugaya.
"I know this isn't any of my business but were you having a bad dream or something?" she asked and he gave her a confused look.
"Kind of, why do you ask?" The nurse shrugged.
"Well it was cause you kept tossing and turning with a painful look on your face. We had to give you some stuff that would help with the pain. It kind of worked. You stilled tossed and turn but instead of a painful look, you had a confused look."
Hitsugaya was shocked. He had no idea he was doing that. He would usually be able to tell if he was tossing and turning but not this time.
He shook his head. "I'm not quite sure. I don't remember it." He lied. He remembered every detail, to the little kids, to Aizen, and then to the screaming.
Especially when someone screamed out his name.
The nurse looked a little disappointed. "Oh okay then, let me go get the doctor." She open the door and left, leaving hitsugaya by himself again.
"What was up with that dream? I don't even know what it means." He touched his back where the scar is. "Whatever it was it had something to do with that strange man aizen and my aching scar."
Hitsugaya laid back down and stared up at the ceiling. He must have dosed off because he woke up from the sound of the door being knocked on. When the door opened, a man wearing glasses and a white coat walked in. He smiled at hitsugaya.
"Well hello there sleepy head. Had a nice nap?" he asked and hitsugaya shrugged.
"I guess." The doctor nodded and took the clip board from the front of the bed and looked at it.
"Well it seems like everything is okay. The scar on your back seems old. When did you get it?" The doctor looked at him
"I don't know. I had it since I could remember. No one ever told me where it came from." The doctor nodded again and looked at the board again.
"Well all the tests came back negative. You just might have passed out due to over-stress or not eating right. Is everything okay at home. I read in the report that you live by yourself."
"I eat fine and I'm not stressed out at all. Yes, I live alone but I take care good care of myself." He said, closing his eyes.
"The report also says your parents mysteriously disappeared and your grandmother has passed away. You're living off her insurance and life savings. Is that correct?" Hitsugaya nodded.
"I see." The doctor pushed up his glassed and then looked him. "I would like to run a few more tests before you leave."
Hitsugaya sighed and looked at the ceiling again. "Fine, do what you have to do."
Once he was done being tested, the doctor released him so he could go home. He took out his phone and called someone he could really trust.
Ri- "Hello, Ichigo speaking" he said in a sleepy tone.
"Hey get your butt over to the hospital and take me home." Hitsugaya said
That woke him up. "Oh man! Toushiro? You're out of the hospital? When did they release you?"
"Its Hitsugaya and a few minutes ago. I need you to pick me up and take me home."
"Hey where is the please?"
Hitsugaya got annoyed. "I don't have time for this. Just pick me up!"
Ichigo sighed. "You don't have to be so rude you know? Fine I'm on my way. Just sit tight." He hung up the phone.
Hitsugaya sighed and put his phone away and sat down on a near by bench. He looked up into the sky and saw that it was dark. He looked at the time on his watch and it said it was 11:39pm. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.
'Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?' he thought and remembered how almost every time Momo and himself touch they each get the same vision.
"I wonder if these visions we are having are connected in some way." He muttered. He heard a honk and lifted his head to see a red 2006 Mustang and Ichigo sticking his head out the window.
"Hey there. Ready to go home?" he said with a smile.
Hitsugaya just 'humph' and got into the car and they drove off.
It was quiet and neither one of them knew what to say. Ichigo cleared his throat.
"So how are you feeling?" he asked.
Hitsugaya shrugged. "Ok I guess." And was all he said.
Ichigo was not going to continue with the silence. "You gave me and Renji a heart attack. We didn't know what to do when you hit the ground. That was some scary stuff right there. What happen?"
Hitsugaya shook his head. "I don't know. All of a sudden I felt dizzy and my back started to ache again."
"You mean the scar on your back?" Ichigo asked and Hitsugaya nodded.
"Wow. Me and Renji thought you had a fever or something. Maybe you don't eat enough."
Hitsugaya glared at him. "I eat plenty thank you very much."
"Hey I'm just saying. It was pretty strange. You were completely fine one moment and then as soon as we turn on the news you passed out."
Hitsugaya didn't say anything. He had this feeling like it was because of that man on t.v. He was the guy in his dream.
Hitsugaya shook his head. 'This is all too much for me right now. I need a good night sleep.' He thought.
Ichigo drove up to the side of Hitsugaya's home. Hitsugaya got out and closed the door. Ichigo rolled down the window.
"You sure you're going to be okay man? He asked, worried. Hitsugaya nodded.
"I'll be fine. Now go home." He said and Ichigo shook his head with a small smile. He waved good bye before he drove off. Once he was gone, Hitsugaya got inside, changed, and got under his covers.
He stared up at the ceiling.
'That man…What is with him and why does he make my scar hurt?' He shook his head and rolled on his side, closing his eyes.
'I'll worry about it tomorrow. Maybe there will be more news about the man and figure out this mystery.' With that final thought he went into a dreamless sleep.
Nikki: OMG I DID IT!
Hinamori: Congratulations!
Nikki: Thank you! Thank you! I hope you can all forgive me. You have no idea how hard it is to get to a computer that doesn't block fanfiction.
Hinamori: It must be very difficult
Nikki: It really is.
Hitsugaya: Whatever. You could have tried harder you know?
Nikki: But I did try! Don't you believe me?
Hitsugaya: If you truly did then it wouldn't have TAKEN SO LONG!
Nikki: You don't have to yell at me…
Hitsugaya: Humph!
Hinamori: Don't worry. That's just his way of saying that he missed you.
Nikki: Awwww really?
Hitsugaya: What! No! Of course I didn't miss you. I just feel sorry for the reviewers that's all.
Nikki: And you missed me!
Hitsugaya: I did not!
Nikki: Its okay you don't have to deny it. Everyone knows that you really care.
Hitsugaya: Grrrr
Nikki: -hugs hitugaya-
Hitsugaya: Let go of me!
Nikki: Not till you admit you missed me.
Hitsugaya: NEVER!
Nikki: Then I wont let go!
Hitsugaya: GRRRR
Hinamori: -giggles- Please review!
Hitsugaya: HELP MEEEEEE!
Nikki: Hehehe!