Chapter 9!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay peoplez, soooooo sorry that I havent updated in like... a century! (sarcasm I hope lol) Anyway... Gaara has a secret... you already have a pretty damn good guesstimation of what it is lol. But you must read on!!!!!!!!!! Okay, okay, okay.... disclaimer.... I don't own Naruto... if I did...... trust me, you'd know.


"What's this about a 'baby' gaara?" itachi said resting his hands on his hips. Sasuke glared at his brother. "Now isnt the time for that, you asshole..." sasuke retorted. Gaara slowly raised his head and slightly pulled away from the comfort of his seme's embrace. "No... there's something inside me... that you need to know about..." gaara said slowly. Itachi's eyes widened but sasuke's eyes were glazed over with confusion. 'Oh my god, it couldn't have happened...' itachi thought as he stared critically at the couple in front of him. "If it's about shukaku, I already know about him... I'm willing to put up with him in the future, I swear..." sasuke said patting gaara's head softly. "No, it's not about shukaku..." gaara slightly pushed the ravens hand from his head.


Gaara swore to himself he would somehow choke on his words in the coming moment of truth...

"S-sasuke... I'm..."

-End flashback-

A long silence illuminated the rapid thumping coming from the redheads chest. A small blush broke out across his face as he prepared to say the words that would change their lives forever. "I... I don't know how to spit this out..." gaara tried to divert the topic onto something else, but sasuke was hell-bent on figuring out exactly what his boyfriend was talking about. "Gaara... it can't be worse than shukaku... just tell me... no matter what it is, I'll still love you." the raven held the redheads hand and smiled at him. "And it's better if you say what you have to say... because you'll end up telling us later anyway..." Itachi pointed out. That truth was painfully obvious... it hurt to almost think about it.

"I'm pregant..." gaara said in a regretful tone. A suprised look crossed both the uchiha's faces. "How in the hell?" itachi blurted out. Gaara shot him a glare, that was the wrong thing to say at that point in time.

'That was WRONG mister!' shukaku laughed.

Gaara's reaction to it was like a child's when they find out there's no santa clause or easter bunny. "Do you really want to know HOW?" gaara didnt wait for the elder uchiha's answer and he gave a visual demonstration by climbing into sasuke's lap and rocking his hips back and forth, moaning loudly. A blush came across the ravens face and he grabbed the redheads hips, forcing him to stop. "I-I don't think the explanation needed to go that far, baby..." sasuke panted. "Well that's just too damn bad, aint it..." the redhead smirked, still thrusting his hips and kissing his seme softly.

"I don't need to see that!" Itachi covered his eyes and gaara laughed. "Why are you so disturbed? You do that practically every day with deidara... don't you? Or... don't tell me you're a virgin..." the redhead teased. "I'm not a virgin..." itachi blushed and looked down. "Then sasuke lost his virginity before you?" gaara's teasing never ceased with his lover's older brother, it had become second nature at this point, even if the elder uchiha told gaara to stop.

'You seem very... normal' shukaku sighed.

Gaara smirked, 'Does that upset you? Why am I even asking... I don't care...'

The demon stirred restlessly, making the redhead go offbalance for a moment. 'You need not say that... I'm the reason that kid is there in the first place you know... you couldn't have gotten pregnant on your own...' Shukaku focused his chakra down towards the redheads abdomen, obviously on the fetus.

Gaara mentally punched shukaku, 'And what the hell are you doing to it?!'

'I was only rebuilding the chakra barrier around it, you spazoid! Chill the fuck out...' shukaku covered his ears in response to the redheads sudden outburst.

"I'll give you 'chill the fuck out' you bastard..." gaara accidentally said out loud. The Uchiha's stared at him for a second, wondering what exactly gaara and shukaku's conversation entailed. The glare on the redheads face would stop them immediately from any questions... good thing too, because gaara was NOT in the mood for anything.

But sasuke just couldn't resist. "Is everything okay...?" the question didn't even go through the redheads train of thought, it just went in one ear, and out the other... and any questions at this point would just set him off.

"Why are you questioning me? Shutup!" gaara's tone wasn't sad or anything, just extremely pissed off...

'Gods, why did I just go off like that?' the redhead felt his forhead and wiped off the non-existent sweat. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to yell at you..." gaara looked up at sasuke, who met his gaze and ran his fingers slowly up his arm. "It's okay..."

The situation at hand reminded the redhead of something that happened between him and the raven a long time ago... It was indeed a fact that sasuke, naruto and gaara had been friends since grade school, but gaara never got close to the raven. Naruto was the only person that understood what it was like to be alone like he was, and on that... Gaara developed an attachment to naruto.

Sasuke was always the irritable one, he never understood why he was friends with naruto, he was just drawn to him.

As for Gaara, he was the quiet one... very reclusive, dark, not always depressed but he had his days when he never wanted to even see naruto.

And the day sasuke and gaara finally met, the two never got along, they clashed together like a bad outfit. Always as long as they were together, they fought... naruto ofcourse got involved, but it didn't end their constant bickering.

A few years after the two first met, both were walking to naruto's house after school. The blonde had missed school that day, and gaara offered to bring him his homework. There were a lot of books, so sasuke decided to be somewhat nice to him, and help carry some.

"My god, why does naruto have to live so far from the school..." sasuke complained. Gaara rolled his eyes and tried to smile atleast a little to bear with the slightly older boy. "Blame Iruka, he's his guardian..." gaara said in a bored manner.

Truth be told, sasuke had forged his attraction to the redhead through the anger they always exchanged. He was actually attracted to gaara. But the redhead had no love to give, or atleast, that's what he said. Gaara ofcourse liked sasuke, but only enough to tolerate him little by little, but that's only because the redhead never acknowledged any likeness between them.

"Why don't you hardly ever talk to me?" sasuke finally asked.

The question caught gaara off-guard and he looked over to the raven questionably. "You never asked the right questions to get a long answer..." the redhead retorted.

"No I mean... we never talk... I want to be good friends with you, I want you and me to be like you and naruto..." the raven tried not to make it sound 'too' friendly... but it struck the redhead like lightning. "What, do you like me or something?" gaara said rather nervously. A small blush broke across his face and he started walking a little faster. "Oh come on! That was uncalled for! All I want to be is friends!" the statement was not entirely true, he wanted to be more than that.

"Then be my friend..." gaara invited sasuke into an irresistable situation. But ofcourse, being friends with someone was something that didn't come off too easily with gaara... he had to share something with that person for a bond to exist between them. Sasuke knew this fortunately.

"I heard you and your bro moved out to your own place..." sasuke began. "Me and my bro live on our own too..." the thought was indeed like his and kankuro's living situation... and this perked gaara's curiosity. "What's your brother like?" the redhead asked slowing down to meet the ravens pace. A smile crossed the ravens face.

Fortunately, that was exactly where the friendship was forged.


M'Kay! That was chapter 9 bizznatchz (lulz) anyway... I'm so fricken sorry I haven't updated the story in like forever... believe me... I think I mentally shot myself... lol jk jk... ANYWHOOZLE!!!! Flamers... review at your own risk... I will send you a virus via rock to your head! lol or I'll just throw another kitten in the river... (nuuu not the kittens!) Think of the kittens! Cuz I really don't want to!