this isnt my first fanficcy...but i still want good reviews pwease!
think about it this way, you be nice, and i'll continue. - and if you dont like yaoi between these two characters, then why the hell're you here anyway?

▒Damnit! I▓m late again!▓ gaara thought as he ran out the door of his apartment. This was the second year gaara had been living in konoha, but his first going to Konoha high. He was a transfer student from suna, ofcourse. Temari thought it would be a good learning experience for gaara if he were to live in other villages. Gaara didn▓t know what his elder sister wanted him to learn by staying here, it wouldn▓t teach him anything he didn▓t already know.

Gaara may have been in a rush, but he▓s never too busy to listen to his ipod. (lol, sounds like me! -) He switched it on and turned the song to Remedy by Seether. He paced himself as he walked out the door, then ran down the street towards the school. "Damnit! My teacher is gonna kill me!" he said to himself as he ran down the main entrance of the school.

There were kids walking around the campus, that had signified that second period had already started. "Damnit!" he cursed himself. There were only four classes to go to every day, which pleased gaara to no end. He always had better things to do than worry about troublesome teachers. He bit into his jacket's sleeve, cursing himself for not waking up on time. This wasnt exactly the first time he was late, infact, he skipped school nearly every day.

He skidded to a sharp halt when he saw his teacher come around the corner of his next class. He panicked and ran into a nearby classroom, only to bump into Sasuke Uchiha. 'O-oh god...' he thought as he looked into sasuke's eyes. "Why werent you in first period, dobe." he said irritatedly. Gaara pulled the headphones from his ears. "Dont call me a dobe, baka." gaara threw back at him. Sasuke's eye twitched, and he grabbed gaara's shirt, pulling him forward. "Why do you care so much?! You know that I'm at the top of the class, so you dont need to worry about it!" gaara said, grabbing sasuke's hand. "I-I dont know! I just..." sasuke stopped and looked off to the side. For the longest time, gaara had been hiding his true feelings for sasuke. He was always afraid of his feelings getting in the way of their friendship, so he always hid how he felt.

Naruto had ran into them, and just stared for a moment, then grabbed sasuke's hand. "What the hell sasuke?! Quit messing with gaara!" he said, making sasuke release his shirt collar. Naruto pulled Gaara away to their next class, leaving a very confuzzled sasuke. (i like that word! lol)

"What the hell were you thinking, gaara? Aren't you supposed to love that guy? And there you go, picking fights with him." Naruto scolded him. Gaara payed no attention, he looked back at sasuke and whimpered silently. 'I kinda wanted to stay with him...' he thought.

As they reached their destination, they went to their seats and sat down. Naruto turned his attention to gaara and poked him on the shoulder. "w-what?" gaara answered nervously. "Whats with you today? Did you tell him about how you feel?" naruto asked quietly. Apparently it wasnt quiet enough. Ino and Sakura came up behind them and got in Gaara's face. This irritated gaara more than anything. "What's this i hear about you liking a boy, gaara?" Ino said, getting too close to gaara's face. He tried as hard as he could to ignore her, so gaara pulled out his sketchbook and began to draw. She took the pencil from his hand and threw his sketchbook from his desk.

Gaara stood up and looked at her with the lust for blood in his eyes. "Dont think I cant kill you."The sand in gaara's gourd shook in excitement.

Naruto looked over at them, but sakura blocked his view. "Oh you'll kill me will you? I doubt that you even have the guts to do it." she said mockingly. "Oh, I think I'd rather enjoy it." he said in a deep voice. Her eye's showed that she was about to faulter, but decided to take him down with her. "Well atleast I'm not a fucking emo bitch! You god damned cutter." she threw at him. Naruto's eye's widened and he stood up, pushing sakura out of his way. "Damnit Ino! If you dont stop-" "Stay out of it Naruto! This bitch needs to learn her place!" he said staring her down. Gaara usually put up with annoying people, but no one called him a cutter, and lived to the next day. Gaara crossed his arms and the cork came out of the gourds mouth.

The teacher walked into the classroom and looked over to Ino and Gaara's little scurmish. He sat down and let his head rest on his hand, in a bored motion. "Sensei! Gaara has been threatening to kill all the girls in the class!" sakura yelled in his direction. "Sakura, calm down... i heard the whole thing, so quit telling lies."said the lazy teacher.

Gaara held the right side of his face and screwed his eyes shut. "Damnit... stop...!" he cursed at himself. He gathered his things and ran out of the classroom. Naruto ran after him, but ended up not going very far. Gaara halted at the sight of his raven-haired crush. Sasuke walked up to him and leaned up against the lockers. "Why're you skipping class?" he asked sadistically. Gaara hesitated to move yet shook like a leaf. He wasnt afraid of him or anything, but he hadnt anything to say back to him.

Naruto halted and hid behind the next corner, and peeked just enough to see, but not enough to be seen. "Why does this keep happening?! Damnit to hell!" he cursed to himself. Sasuke beant forward and pushed gaara against the lockers, making a loud annoying clang. He rested his hand next to gaara's head on the wall. "Sasuke..." he managed to say, trying to hold back his blush. 'Why is this happening... what does he want from me...' gaara thought. "I'm going to have to punish you if you skip school again." he said. The blush covered gaara's face completely. "I dare you..." gaara spat at him.

Hokay then! thats my first chappie! go me! lol review please! i dont like dont even try it. -