Disclaimer: Uhmm, no. (sulks)

A few days ago.

Ino's POV

We all thought that she was the smart one.

Yep, that big forehead of hers had us all fooled.

It was quite clear that the boy reeked 'prince charming'.

I mean, the face, the body, the saving-hopeless-forehead-girl.

He just screams prince charming damn it!

And the fact that they had a chance meeting before the rescuing just adds to his charm.

But no, forehead wasn't able to put two and two together and just had to go all 'It's just a coincidence, Ino.' (in that i-know-what-you're-thinking-and-you-better-stop-right-now voice of hers.)

Really now, the guy she sat with on the plane ride here just happens to be the guy who saved her? This, a coincidence?

I think not!

If there's one thing I learned from the Hyuuga boy after stalking him for a few months (not that he'll ever know that) is that there is no such thing as coincidences!

It's fate damn it! FATE!

But alas, I fear that that big forehead of hers is actually blocking her vision. I mean how could she not see this?!

It's a good thing for her though that she has me. Her head turning, curvaceous, golden-hearted, and ever humble best friend.

The same best friend who shall lead her to the path of Loooooove!

And all this, I shall accomplish with this ye mighty pen!

Oh how this fills me with glee. And-- Oh hello, what's this?

I grin maliciously.

...I hope he likes acting.


He can't believe that he's here right now.

Being forced to interact with all these insignificant, talent less people.

Enduring every girl, and sometimes guy who fawns over him and his works.

Holding his tongue about every flaw he sees in them.

And having to fake a smile, so that he could be 'friends' with everyone.

And all this, because of one girl. The girl who is currently sitting beside him, with a panicked look on her face.

The girl who he sat with on his plane ride to Japan.

The girl who he 'rescued' from rabid fan girls and boys.

The very same girl who refused his marriage proposal.

He sighed.

It was supposed to be a quick deal. Really, it was.

They get married, he gets her fortune.

They become insanely rich together, and live unhappily ever after.

But no, that's just not how their story goes.

Because her and her father just had to refuse the ever appealing offer. With her not even bothering to find out who exactly was proposing.

And now, he gets stuck with this ridiculous plan.

But being raised as he was, he does not question it, nor does he complain.

But, he just wishes that the situation wasn't this--weird.

Or the plan, just be in the lines of 'let's-kidnap-her-and-die-insanely-rich-and-happy-in-fiji-with-her-ransom-money'

But nooooo, it just had to be: '...make her fall in love with you.'

Because the universe just loves to make his life complicated.

That, or his father just wasn't that creative.

But either way, he complies.

And like an obedient little boy he nods in agreement and smiles.

'Do I have to love her back?'


As long as he didn't have to do something he doesn't want..

'True love, after all, is only true in fairytales.'

..it's fine.


Sakura was stumped. No matter how hard she tries to remember, the memory of her signing up for art class just never seems to come up.

She was sure she wrote 'theater arts' in that blasted application form. She even re-read it thrice!

How could this have happened?

It was highly unlikely that the teachers misread her form. Her penmanship was quite legible.

She was sure it wasn't because theater arts was already full when she signed up. She asked beforehand if there were still slots available, and the guy said 'yes'.

That guy couldn't have lied, he had no reason to. So why then was she here??

It's not that she hates art or anything, it's just that for one thing, she absolutely has no talent for this!

And she was pretty damn sure that smiley faces and stick figures just aren't enough to pass this class.

She asked Hyuuga Neji, the Student Council President if there was any way to switch electives. But he just ran off, muttering something about it being destiny or something.

So simply put, she was doomed.

And what's worse was they already had an art plate, and everyone was diligently working except her.

"Hey, what are you drawing?" she asked her seatmate.

"Ugly, stop bothering me. And who do you think I'm drawing?" Mr. seatmate asked, slightly annoyed.

"Well, judging from the length of the hair, the facial features, and that awesome chibi smile, I'd say you're drawing me."

"And here I thought you were just another girl with a mismatched face." he answered dryly. "Now leave me alone."

"Sai, the theme was 'you as a superhero' not draw your seatmate" Sakura said as-a-matter-of-factly. "Though I'm quite flattered that you're drawing me." she finished with a smile.

"Ugly, I am doing this art plate based on the theme." Sai answered confidently "And you misunderstand, you're not me as a superhero, that would just be distasteful"

Sakura snorted. "Oh yeah? then why are you drawing me then?"

"Look here." he said pointing to his drawing of an eraser with a cape drawing a sword against the chibified Sakura. "This is me." Sakura nodded. "And this is you, the villain."

"The villain?"

"Well, ugly, If I were to be a superhero, I'd like my powers to eradicate ugliness." He stated "And what better representation than you?"

Sakura smiled. "You know, Mr. Hero, I could give you a better villain."

"Really?" Sai asked, highly skeptical. "Who?"

She then punched him in the face.



"Are you sure this is the right class?" a brown haired male asked, highly skeptical.

"YES. I'm not that stupid, the room number said 203, this is the right class." the blonde male answered.

"I highly doubt that we're in the right class Naruto."

"Just shut it Kiba. For the last time, we are in the right class!!"

"Oh yeah? Then why isn't your hot friend here?!"


"Idiot! The pink haired one! You said that she'd be here!" Kiba answered with obvious irritation "Wait, wait, you think Sasuke's hot?!"

"NO! I mean, teme's in this class!" Naruto answered pointing to a boy being mobbed by tons of girls. "See?"

Now, Kiba grew even more skeptical. "Naruto, I really do think that this isn't the right class. I mean, he's here, that just goes against logic!" Kiba then glanced at Naruto "Oh wait, is logic a big word for you?"

"Shut it dog boy!" Naruto answered defensively. "Everybody knows what logic means! It's the famous game. Duh." he finished rolling his eyes.

"Whatever you say Naruto." Kiba answered sarcastically. "Uhh, don't you think you should be saving your best friend's ass right now? I think half of his shirt's already ripped off." he said pointing to the poor boy being molested. "And, I think Sasuke's no longer going to be pure in a few seconds. Oh wow, is that a stun gun?!"

"What already?! Those fan girls sure are getting faster this days." Naruto answered, astonished "See 'ya later Kiba. I'm off to save the princess."


Now, now, Sasuke was a calm, wise young man.

He thinks things through and weighs every possible option and their respective outcomes. He uses his reasoning, and does not act on impulse alone. He considers the possible consequences of his actions, and acts accordingly.

Resist the urge to kill. They're just girls. Girls with, shit, is that a stun gun?! Need a plan to destroy all of them quick.

"Kyaa! Sasuke-kun's so hot! Though I personally think Itachi-kun may be hotter. Oh well!"

Now, that girl was definitely going to go down first.

"Oh my God! Sasuke-kun in theater arts? Kyaaaa!! He'd look so hot as the prince! Or even the villain!"

God. Here comes the swoons and sighs.

Somebody kill his fan girls now. (no, not him, he's too handsome to kill.)

"Yeah!! I'm so going to be his princess!"

Oh, what is that he hears? Is that, oh my, is it SILENCE?

"Excuse me, but I believe that would be me."

"Nah-uh, it's me bitch."

"Get over yourselves, that role is reserved for me!"

Ding, ding! Idea!

"Ahem. I believe, that girl over there" Sasuke said, pointing to the 'I-think-Itachi-kun's-hotter-girl' "just said she's better than all of you, and will be my princess."

And here comes the silence again.

"What? It's true." said the 'I-think-Itachi-kun's-hotter-girl' "Denial's a bad thing, bitches."

And with that, all the girls present launched themselves onto the 'I-think-Itachi-kun's-hotter-girl', leaving Sasuke free to roll away from the brewing bitch fight.

Now, now, Sasuke was a calm, wise young man.

He thinks things through and weighs every possible option and their respective outcomes. He uses his reasoning, and does not act on impulse alone. He considers the possible consequences of his actions, and acts accordingly.

And because of that, he was a master of manipulating people's weaknesses.

And if he'd ever be in a play, he'd so be the villain.

Because villains are as conniving as he.

And they're always, always hotter than Itachi!

A/N: Uhh, sorry it took so long. I was pretty busy this past two months with you know, the usual 'corrupting-the-little-children' and 'plotting-the-demise-of-my-evil-EVIL-teachers'

As you might've guessed, it took me a while to finish those things, and I wasn't able to update.. -sighs-

Hope you people are still there!

-The last bit was just Sasuke's ego talking.

And, yeah, It was Sai! Why he was wearing that outfit, you shall see in the next chapters! So keep reading and reviewing.


peace, love and cookies to you dudes!