Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Kingdom Hearts, the characters are not mine either.. Except for Cassia, Dorian, Erela and Valene.

This is a Murder Mystery so in your review say who you think it's gonna be.

Warning this is not for people who like kikyo, but if you hate her go right ahead!!

Now on with the story!

It's a really rainy night and a few weeks before halloween. Lonely travelers traverse the dirt road . Many see the old inn but none stop for rest there. All of them know the story of the death that haunted those walls. I remember that day well...

Thirteen years ago... I was sixteen I think; yeah that's about right. Let's see, I was on my way to a killer haloween party when my car broke down. In the middle of the road. Looking back on it, I never really realized that I had broken down on 13th road right in front of an inn called the Six Hundred and Sixty Sixth Pentacle of Heaven. Yeah I know, weird name but I am used to weird things. Besides I was more preoccupied with the fact that I was gonna miss my party. Hey what can you expect from a sixteen year old boy?

Anyways I stopped at the inn and ran into a girl with perfictaly straight metallic blue hair with siver streaks. It went down to the middle of her back, sky blue pierced dog ears, dark blue angel wings folded behind her back, and silver eyes. Well actually, I kind of crashed into her.

"Hey Dorian!" She greeted. I knew her from my high school. We were good friends although she's a whole year younger than me. Well not a whole year, more like a couple of months.

" 'Sup Cas!" I replied. I looked around the room.

The place was filled. People who reminded me of dogs, people who had giant weapons and people who looked normal. Like me. Well, in a way. You see, I have black wings, red eyes and long black hair. I'm not evil. Besides even if I was, you wouldn't know a truly evil person would too smart for you to figure it out. Villains, people who tease you and act evil and even math teachers (or any teachers) are only pretending, or trying to be evil. So where was I? Oh yeah, I don't look all that normal but hey, there are some people here who look completely weird.

Cassia's wings quickly turned invisible, just one of her attemps to fit in better. Although she goes to school with a bumch of worse off people so I don't know what she is hoping to do.

"Oh god." Cassia said while hiding behind me. "My cousins Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are here. and they brought their friends today's gona be hell!" She wined as she tried her best to hide behind me but it didn't work out that well. You see, when I stepped into the room most of the people had turned towards me and with all that attention, she was bound to be noticed. I tried to unfurl my wings to hide her but to no avail.

"What are you doing here shrimp-o!" A guy in a red shirt, jeans, and silver long hair said,well... more like shouted. He was a dog demon. "and who's the punk?"

"I'm Dorian..." I said suspiciously. He didn't look like one of the nicest guys on the planet now I knew why Cassia and her sister didn't really like him.

"The name's Inuyasha.This," He pointed to a guy who looked even more like a dog demon. "is my half -brother, Sesshomaru."

"Hi..." I would shake his hand but I could tell he was somewhat evil. Only somewhat though as I've probably stated before: those who are evil are to smart to let it show.

I looked around at the others in the room. I knew most of them from my high school. It was a special gifted high school. There was Riku, Sora, Leon, Cloud, Tifa, Demyx and Axel. One of the other guys was Sephiroth. The rest I didn't recognize.

"Uhh Dorian, this is Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kilala, Kaugra, Kikyo and Rin." Cassia pointed to each of the others in turn.

"Hi." I said quietly. Then I heard Cassia squeal. "SIS!!!" She then ran up to a girl who had metallic pink hair and dog ears also. She was standing behind the front desk and she looked extremely bored. Definetly Erela.

"Cassia!" The girl immediately looked up and smiled at her sister. "What are you doing here? Are you ok? It's Haloween! You should be out at those partys you told me about."

"I know but I had to pass by this way and check out a new store here." Cassia waved out the door. "But then the bus I was on broke down. Along with Riku, Sora, Demyx, Axel, and Sephiroth, I was stuck here."

Then the door opened. When I turned to see who it was. A girl who had long brown hair with blue eyes similar to Sora's actually now that I think about this, she looked a lot like Sora.

"Hi the names Valene and you are?" She said moving her hand in a circle.

"Umm...Dorian." I replied using my normall quiet voice. I was only normally loud (or somewhat loud) around my close friends. Around everyone else I was a completely different person.

"So guys are you all gonna stay here tonight?" Erela asked eyeing the guests.

"Yeah I guess so." Sora said speaking for everyone but from the looks of it he was right.

"Hey how'd you guys end up here?" Cassia asked the others.

"Well me, Tifa and Cloud were driving by to the halloween party when our car broke down here. Guess we weren't the only ones." Leon explained.

"I was chasing Inuyasha and his friends when he decided to take shelter here." Sesshomaru growled.

"You two are still trying to kill each other?" Erela and Cassia asked raising their eyebrows.

"I saw everyone and decided to stop by."

"Hey, Ere do you still have your cellphone?" Cassia asked obviously wanting to get another bus out here. 'Ere' was Cassia's nickname for Erela. She had a nickname for almost everyone. Almost.

"Sorry sis' but someone decided that they liked it too and took it right out of my bag." Erela told us her narrowing her eyes and clenching her fist. Erela is usually a really sweet person but she had anger issues, she still does.

"Great, I'm stuck at a shitty hotel, with my half-breed brother, his stupid friends, some retards i dont know, my physic half-breed cousins who by the way don't have their most prized posesion, my adopted human sister and there's a huge storm outside. The only good part of this is: you're here." Sesshomaru announced wrapping his arm around Kaugra.

"Cas' are they going out?" I whispered, not too sure. Of course now, I know that they are a disgustingly mushy couple.

"Yeah they have been for almost too years. Want me to tell ya 'bout the rest of them?" Cassia whispered back.

"Umm 'kay?" I blinked not really wanting to know.

"Ok. Inuyasha and Kagome have been going out for 6 years so, so far he is really protective of her emphasis on 'really' which is why Kikyo is glaring so furiously at Kagome..." Cassia started pointing at them. Inuyasha was sitting on a couch with Kagome in his lap trying to go to sleep. Sango and Miroku were sitting together on the other side of the couch, Kikyo was glaring furiously at Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Sango and Miroku just got together last week..." Cassia continued; "As for the type of person they are... Kikyo is a: prostitute, hore, slut, hoe, bitch, home-wrecker, basically anything that describes total slut."

You're nice. I thought.

"Kagome is super nice, shy, kind, smart, and she is also a priestess and I think she has some angel blood in her too. Sango is pretty much the same as Kagome only instead of shy she is outspoken, she also has a bit of a temper, although she isn't a priestess; she is a demon slayer and I dont think she has angel blood in her. Miroku, for lack of a better word is a perv. End of story. I think you got an idea about the type of person my cousins are but just to clear things up: Inuyasha has a good side; it doesn't show very much but its there. He is also one of the stupidest people I've ever met. Sesshomaru is stone cold most of the time but he has a heart although it only warms up for Kaugra and Rin. Kaugra is pretty much goth and lil' Rin is the sweetest lil' girl you will ever meet guaranteed!" Cassia finished "By the way I've had to share a room with all them girls before. I gave Kikyo her nickname after that. Her nickname is kinky-ho! it suits her perfectly!"

"Well, we've seen a side of you that's mean, gossipy and that doesn't know the meaning of too much information." I commented not trying to be rude. I was mostly joking aside from the 'too much information' thing.

Suddenly I heard a loud punch. Riku had just decked out Sesshomaru. Yeah I know what you're thinking. Impossible but that dude's strong! Did I mention that if he didn't get all wound up in darkness he would have been the keyblade wielder? Yeah, cool.

Erela looked at everyone. "SO you guys gonna sleep or what?"

Eventually as the night wore on everyone decided to go to bed. But not before Kikyo said something mean causing Riku to slap her accross the face. Soon Cloud and Leon got into the argument. Along with Roxas and Axel they all were yelling at her. Apparently she had insulted Final Fantasy, the Keyblade, fire, guns and Fenrirs. Eventually Riku just whacked her over the head with his keyblade.

"Stupid bitch." He grumbled.

I was starting to learn the root of Cassia's hate the hard way.

Kikyo liked to fight back with words because she was as weak as a damp sheet of paper so that whack managed to put her out for a good two minutes but then she was back to insulting every one in sight.

"You fight with keys?! How pathetic are you?" Her rampage had started "Oh, and by the way ladies, every single one of you is so ugly you should'nt show your face in public. I mean we've got angry, angryer, my horribly made clone, the ugly goth, the brat, the freak/reject, and miss 'too quiet to even talk' !!!..." now she insulted in exact order: Sango, Erela, Kagome, Kaugra, Rin, Cassia, and Valene. She wasn't smart then, still isn't now.

"Wha'd she call me!" All the girls exept Cassia (she looked pretty pissed though), Valene (she was too far off in her own little world to notice) and Rin (Rin was too young to understand) shouted. I started to wonder why Cassia hadn't said anything but then she spoke.

"You know Kinky-hoe, as much as I'd love to hurt you or see you get hurt, I have a very guilty conscience so I'm going to warn you now. Shut the hell up you stupid street hoe or you'll end up dead one way or another." Cassia said as calmly as possible.

"Oh?! And what are you going to do about it? Kill me in my sleep?" Kikyo asked as sarcastically as possible.

"No, my conscience is too guilty to do that." Cassia informed. "But," she continued "Karma's a bitch. When she hits, she hits hard."

"Whatever!! Halfbreed!!!!" Kikyo practicaly shouted that.

"Do you have somthing against halfdemons?" Cassia asked. Again she was dead calm.

"WHO DOES'NT?! YOU STINKING HALFBREEDS ARE ALL THE SAME!!! YOU DONT FIT IN WITH ANYBODY!! YOUR ALL AS TAINTED AS THE DEVIL!!" Kikyo was screaming now and she didn't notice the angry growl that erupted from all 3 halfdemons.

"Oh... And I suppose you're the purest thing to set foot in this planet?" Barked Inuyasha. He was slightly changing into a full demon until Kagome put a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh no Inubaby! Dont worry I still love you!" Kikyo just went from flaming mad to squealy happy.

This time a louder growl erupted from Inuyasha. If Kagome hadn't been there holding him back, he would have killed Kikyo by now.

"Now do you see why I hate her ?!" Cassia whispered to me.

In three hours she had managed to be beaten up by five guys and three girls. I decided not to get into it. That is, until she notcied me staring at her.

"Aww look an evil fairy!!!" She mocked. Although she was probably trying to get me angry it wasn't working.

"Whatever." I just said.

"Ugh." She flipped her hair and stalked away. I thought she was done with... That is until she grabbed onto a small table, that held a few glass tea cups and a phone, and yanked it down to the ground. Everyone gasped at the bitch but I just walked over and began to pick up the mess.

"Dude, it's not worth it... Let the skank do it." Cloud's voice cut through the silence and earned a small gasp from Leon, Sora and Riku.

"Naw it's ok." I glared up at the triumphant girl and she pretended to feel guilty for a second before laughing and walking into the lounge.

By then, Erela was worried because there were many valuable items in there for Kikyo to break. As if to make matters worse there was a shattering noise from the lounge. As everyone ran through the beautifully carved doors, which looking back on it showed two angels, they gasped. The huge chandelier had fallen and torn the table and chairs under it to shreds. The couch had also been affected by the shattered glass and there were shards all over the floor.

"Eep." Valene said quietly. I just shook my head. I could tell that Cassia was pretty ticked off now.

"She better pay for that!!" Erela said angrily.

"Where'd the bitch go? I'll kick her ass!" Cassia hissed.

I was about to tell my friends to calm down but my cellphone rang. I had to leave the room to answer it. "Hi... dad?" I asked while leaving the room.

Once I walked back into the lounge, Inuyasha growled and left with Kagome following to calm him down. "What's up?" I asked.

"Kikyo was flirting with Inuyasha via text message. He got upset and went to meet/beat her. Kagome doesn't want Inuyasha to be alone with Kikyo or too hurt her, and in about five seconds the rest of the gang will leave to eavesdrop." Cassia explained.

"Five, four, three, two one..." Riku counted.

"Pizza!" Shouted Valene happily.

"Are you related to Sora?" Riku asked sarcastically as the rest of Inuyasha's gang walked out the door.

"Yupperoonie-zippity-doo-dah!" Valene said. Yup, one minute she won't speak the next she won't shut up at all. That's Valene. Of course, I don't know her as well as Cassia does since they hang out alot. apperantly, lots of people at our schoolthought her randomness was funny.

Suddenly the phone rang. At Erela's annoyed face Cassia decided to answer it. I rolled my eyes and made myself comfortable on the only unharmed section of the couch. Valene left to go to the washroom when Demyx chased her saying: "Hey I need to go!"

Axel shook his head and walked after him. "Hey dude, it's ladies first!" He called out. Roxas suddenly squeaked and chased him.

"Axel!"He whined."Wait for me!" He chased Axel out the door. Sora ran after Roxas forcing Riku to follow him half-heartedly.

"Sora get back here or I will make you spend the entire spa weekend with Kairi and Naminé!"

Leon turned to the rest of us. "Kairi and Naminé have a week for spa treatment every month."

A few minutes later Sephiroth's face lit up.He exited the room quickly. "Damn it." Cloud hissed while going after him.

Tifa sighed. "Let's go Leon." The two of them followed Cloud out the door. I just smiled and walked out the door.I had my own agenda... Possibly involving a bitch.

"Ahhhh!" A scream rang through the inn. "Holy Shit!!!!!" Cassia ran out of the lounge as me and Erela ran in.

What we saw was a gruesome sight. Kikyo had been burned until her skin was burnt but she was still slightly alive. Then she had been hung so the skinn on her neck slowly peeled off until she strangld to death. Then, her arms were slashed to peices that hung to her shoulders by severed stirngs of flesh and muscle. Her face was covered in scars and she had the word 'bitch' carved into her torso. Her lgs were chopped off and thrown around the room. Well, this is what I knew... Some of the others couldn't evenbegin to suspect what had happened to her insides but, that's something to be revealed later... Where was I?

Slowly everyone (exept Rin who ran after Cassia to see what was wrong) gathered into the room to see why Cassia ran out of the lounge and into the washroom and saw the horrific site before us all.

"It was probaly Cassia, she was the first one in here and she was the one that predicted Kikyo would get what was coming to her." Sephiroth assumed.

"And how did you know this is what was coming to her?!" Erela half yelled half cried. "And asuming it was my baby sister too!!! I should kick you out for even suggesting that!!!" Erela said scowling at Sephiroth.

"Well excuse me princess but I was just givig a suggestion. No one's purely good and light." Sephiroth said returning the scowl but in a more menacing way that made Erela back away slightly. "Right Cloud?" He added with a smirk.

Cloud just glared.

Ever since Erela and Cassia's parents were murdered right infront of Cassia when she was 5 years old, Erela took over the role of the parent by vowing never to let her baby siser ever see somthing like that again, but today, someone broke that promise. Erela would make that someone would pay. Even if it cost her her life. unfortuiatley that was going to be the case.

"I go with Sephiroth, it was definately Cassia." Riku announced.

"Cassia's terrified of blood you moron!!" Inuyasha shouted. He may not act like it but he cared for his little cousin.

"Shut it asshole. If I knew that I wouldn't have said I agreed with Sephiroth! Don't fucking call me a moron!" Riku hissed angrily.

"She's so afraid of anything with a blade, including needles and Epi pens." Sesshomaru said. No one was sure if he just dissed her or defended her.

"We get it but still, that doesn't mean that she couldn't have told someone to do this. Maybe it's her big sis." Sephiroth said nodding his head towards Erela.

"How do you expect someone who watched their parents die a gruesome death at the age of 5 to do something like this?!" Kagome cried then clamped her hands over her mouth. "Oh my god... Erela, I'm sorry..."

"It's ok," Erela said with her eyes watering. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to make sure my little sister is ok." And with that Erela walked out of the room. Anyone with a sensitive nose could tell both sisters were crying

"That's really creative; I wonder who did that." Came Valene's voice. Sora turned around to scold his cousin, but it turned out Valene was talking about the door paying no attention to what happened to Kikyo.

Now that I got a good look at it; I noticed that the angels on the door. In a way, they slightly resembled the twins. Both angles had small triangles carved on their heads, as if to resemble the ears both twins had. And they both looked extremely sad. I made a menta note to ask someone about it... Right after I took care of this small problem that was overly-sensiive women. Well, actually, girls. Overly-senstive girls. Damn... I never undersood what to do with them. Well, until ten years ago when I had got into a very long-term relationship but, that's beside the point.

Riku sighed and shook his head. "Well, whoever did this is in the inn... And for all we know, it's one of us. Well, unless little miss innocent has anything to say about it. Doesn't she know that we have bad pasts too? Honestly I think everyone here has seen more death in a year than she had in a lifetime." He was still bitter about Erela and Inuyasha's statements.

Well, for all you guys out there who don't kno Cassia and Erela like we do, yup they've only seen their parents die (not that it's not horrid) and Kikyo. Riku and the others have been in battles with many people. So have Inuyasha and his gang. Me? Well, I'm the son of he greatest fallen angel in the wold and my mother is half fallen angel half vampire. I've seen a lot of death... I've caused more though...

"God! Give it a rest Riku!" Sango growled.

"Just saying..." Riku turned to discuss the murderer with his friends. Inuyasha followed suit. Sesshomaru Went to get Rin then they also discussed he ossible suspects. I could see people accusing others whie me and Valee also talked about it. Among various other subjects. As I caught the eyes of a few people who were whispering about me I tried to stifle laughter. People even bamed their frends huh? This was getting dramatic I guess. Oh well. There as only one thought running through my mind.

Let the games begin.

Well, that's our first chapter... Try guessing who it's gonna be... If you're close, we might give you hints.