A/N; Alright. I'm revising this- I'm starting over. Completely. I won't update every day, but I will not abandon this again. I didn't know where I was going with this before, but now I have an idea. Slade won't be in character, simply because he is such a complex character that astounds me… leaves me thinking much too hard. Robin is also a character that people have different versions of. Either he is still a teenaged boy or he wants to grow. I have the latter.

This is also AU, it doesn't follow any strict path, it will not necessarily follow DC or anything of the sort...its just my drabble with Slade and Robin. And no, there is no slash or romantic pairs.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summary: What if your worst enemy offered you something you could never refuse? What if he had a way to bring back the only thing you desired? Would you accept their transaction? But at what terms?

Chapter One; Prologue

Deathstroke made his way over to the running helicopter on the bare black top. The night helped to cover his departure as he climbed gracefully in the seat. He didn't have to look back in order to see one of his men following behind him. William Wintergreen, an old friend of his, agreed to come along with him as he initiated his mission. A mission that was an absolute waste of time. But alas, time wasn't something he measured quite frequently but the past year seemed to drag on.

He had spent that year traveling around the world; North America, Japan, China, South America, Australia, and even the damned Netherlands. His hunt was to narrow his sights on someone; a worthy pupil that would learn from him and stand by his side faithfully. An apprentice who would be loyal to his commands and orders- that's what he searched for. And true, he was successful, countless of times. He had found someone, a young boy around eighteen. But nonetheless, he wasn't dedicated to his arts.

After going through countless of young men and women, both with superpowers and just plain humans, he was able to pick up even the slightest fault to their character, from being a pessimist to a nail biter. No one was good enough for him. No one but that boy- the same one he had compared every young adult to.


The boy had so much determination and drive for being just a small, mortal, human. The similarities between Robin and Slade were remarkable; it was something fate intended- to have Robin at his side. The overwhelming urge to have Robin in his possession sent anticipation through Deathstroke. Here he was, finally looking forward to his next project. He would have Robin on his own terms. Before, when he tried to make Robin his apprentice, he had thought he was dealing with a young boy, but this time around he knew Robin was far older than his intended age. He would have to deal with Robin as an adult… his way.

Nodding toward the pilot, Deathstroke watched as Wintergreen slammed the door shut behind him. The man was old, but he clearly moved as if he were younger. They were on their way toward Gotham City. His first plan of action was to get to know his apprentice inside and out. He knew a few hazy details of Robin's past but he was going to his bird's old city to clear them up.

Not even the Bat would stand in the way of his apprentice.

--Paralysis Apprentice--

Beast Boy and Cyborg were fighting again- over breakfast and what to have, meat or tofu? Robin frowned as he listened to the argument from the wooden stool in the kitchen. Beast Boy and Cyborg had been going at it for over ten minutes, the same argument ever since the Titians had gotten together. They were his friends, but they needed to grow up someday and compromise together without someone having to treat them like children.

Standing up, Robin went to the refrigerator and opened the orange juice carton and swallowed the cold liquid. "Dude, that's sick, haven't you heard of a glass?" Robin ignored the green boy and shut the carton, placing it back in the refrigerator. He swept past them and made his way to the workout room.

"Where are you going? I was just going to make breakfast!" Cyborg shouted at the leader's retreating back.

Robin shut the door to the workout room and started on the punching bag, his thoughts were clouding his head, making it difficult to concentrate on the motions.


My teammates need to grow up sometime and realize there are bigger things in life than what we're having for breakfast.


We haven't seen Slade in a whole year. After he helped us with Trigon he vanished without even a trail to where he went… why would I even care? His mind probably isn't centered on me all the time, so why do I think about him all the time?

Scissor Kick

Raven is off in her own mind again, and Starfire is still naive, I really thought she would get past this stage. No one trains or works around the tower, and when I set up a date for a team workout they all…



Right hook


After another couple of minutes of aggressive moves and twists, Robin put his hands on his waist and breathed in deeply. It seemed no matter how much he tried, how much he practiced, it was if he wasn't getting any better. Something was missing, and he hated not knowing what it was. Even trying new moves seemed like he was doing them all wrong. And Jump City was winding down in the crime rate. That was a good thing, but he wasn't getting any practice with fighting Control Freak all the time.

What he needed was a real opponent.

What he needed was Slade. Where was he? What was he up to?

Robin growled and punched the bag, making it swing ruthlessly back in forth. A knock at the door made Robin put out a hand to stop the rocking bag. Just as he got it and himself under control, the door opened revealing a smiling Starfire.

"Hello, Robin! The breakfast is ready." Robin gave an attempted smile, but the corners of his mouth refused to lift on their own accord. He watched as the alien's eyes shined in bemusement, but within seconds they were shining truly.

"Thanks, Star, but I won't be eating; I have to work on this move that I can't get right." Starfire gave a smile and put a hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Maybe I can help you with it?" Their eyes were locked, hers full of trust and hope, his- masked and tired. She was someone who would do anything for the people she loved. All the Titians were like Starfire, so why did Robin feel so alone? Simply because he was growing up while they still wanted to be children. Robin shook his head and brushed off the hand on his shoulder.

"No thanks Starfire, you go ahead." He started on the punching bag again and only when he heard the door shut once more did he allow himself to place his sweaty forehead against the bag and sigh in defeat.

--Paralysis Apprentice--

Adrenaline seeped its way through Robin as he looked at the scene. It was his first real fight. Of course, it wasn't any Slade, but this was as close as it could get. It would be a challenge, something that he found thrill of doing.

A larger version of Cinderblock was marching down the street. It didn't seem in the least bit caring as he stepped on the bystanders running away from him. The monster was making its way toward the city, where most the civilians were. The inhabitants of Jump were screaming as the cement streets and paved sidewalks split open under the force of the monster's weight. Stores that lined the streets were trembling and glass windows shattered nosily in the monster's wake.

"Titans, Go!" He couldn't help as a silly grin spread wide on his face as he charged along with the rest of his team.

But the monster would prove to be a bigger threat than he had originally thought.

Starfire's starbolts hardly made any effect on the monster and Cyborg's sonic cannon never even made the giant flinch. Raven was trying her best, launching objects toward it with black magic surrounding it, and Beast Boy changed into multiple animals, trying to get the best of him near its feet.

As one of Raven's objects hit the monster in the neck, it faltered if it was affected. A weak spot in such a giant was normal; it was just a matter of time finding it. Everything was built with a flaw.

"Starfire! Lift me up. Raven, hold your fire!" The red haired alien flew over to her leader and hooked her hands around his arms. They flew through the air and she dropped him on the giant's shoulder while he retracted his Bo staff. If he could strike it in the neck he could weaken the giant considerably, which would make it more tolerant to the attacks. He brought down his staff, but before he could connect it at the monster's neck, Raven took that moment to toss a streetlamp at the giant. It hit the stone monster, but it also clipped Robin across the head- sending his vision black for a moment's time.

He dropped his Bo staff and tried to grip onto something that would keep him upon the giant, but his fingers connected with only air. His vision was still blurry as he fell off the giant and grabbed for his grappling hook. He squinted as he tried to make out one of the building, not three. His vision was swimming as he shot his grappling hook. Alas, it never hit its target.

Flashes from the past appeared to the front of his vision. Both his parent's frightening faces… were it to be his same fate?

No, Starfire would help him. She would come flying down within seconds like she usually does- and if not her, than Raven or Beast Boy. His body twisted in an awkward position, and his stomach gave a heave as he saw the ground coming up faster.

Where were they?

Fear and confusion swamped his thoughts. This was it. The same way his parents died. He wondered briefly if Slade would mourn for his lost enemy. Would Batman even care? Would his friends argue over his death? Who would help them decide tofu or bacon?

Robin attempted to twist his body in a more manageable fall, but the velocity in which he fell was too great and the fear suffocated his mind.

His eyes slammed shut and his arms outstretched as he landed profoundly on the cement street. The wind knocked the breath out of him and for a moment all he could think about was his breathing. Not only that, but he was actually… in pain. He wasn't dead. How could he be alive?

His eyes cracked open to see Starfire whirl toward him from across the street, her mouth open in horror and tears pooled in her green eyes as they widened comically. He seethed with anger as he placed his cheek on the rough, sandy, ground. He was alive now, but broken. More ways than one.

But a brief moment went by and he realized that Starfire froze not from his fall, but from the dark shadow growing closer to Robin. His eyes looked upward and witnessed the giant's foot coming closer to his body. Robin rolled aside as fast as his broken body would allow him. He was sure that he got his whole body out of the way, but it was a lost cause when he felt the heavy weight push down on his body. Never before had he felt this pain before.

The stone giant's heel came down on his lower back and he could feel his spinal cord shatter like broken glass and his lungs were flattened to the ground. Now he couldn't breathe...

Throughout Jump City, a cold, penetrating, scream filled everyone's ears.