AN: So I read Forever princess!! I was so good. If you haven't, get on it. I was so great that I finished it in one day. Can Michael get any sexier? Apparently yes!!!

Sorry for not updating.


First day of school is finally over. Not to say it was boring. It was quite fun. I eat lunch with Lilly and her friends then Michael joined us with his girlfriend. I am not a very mean person. My family says I am too nice. But I am not fond of this girl at all.

After coming home, the first thing I did was take a shower. A nice, hot shower always makes me feel relaxed. After the shower I went to lilies room to work on my school work, In Genovia, Grandmere always said, if a princess is educated then she will not be rule by other but will rule.

It's been two days and I ready miss my family. I wonder what Andrew, my step-brother, is doing, what mom is up too. Dad said that email is the best way for us to communicate, that way we can web chat and email, but I don't have a computer yet. My friend David will be bringing that and my phone soon.

Mmmm. I wonder if the Moscovitz have a computer that I can use. I went looking for them in the Kitchen, thinking I will find Mrs. Moscovitz cooking dinner. Nope, Lilly is not here, working for some show. I went and knocked on Michael's door, since I know he is here (we walked home together) unless he left without informing me.

I have been knocking for ever. What taking him so long? I know he is in there; I can here the music coming from the room. Maybe he was working and did here, I opened I door.

There he was. Without his shirt. OMG!!! I have never seen a guy without his shirt unless we are close, then it doesn't count because they are family. But WOW!!

I wonder if everyone is like that. His arms are big, but no too bog. His chest, you can tell he works out. I am not such a prude that I don't know what a guy should look like. And let me tell you, the guy in front of me laying down with his eyes closed listen to music, and a six pack abs is Hot!!. Thank god his eyes are closed because I probably look like a idiot staring at him.


What?? Ohh someone said my name. When did Michael get up?

"Mia. Do you need something??"

"Yes" I gulped "I was wondering if I could use the computer"

"Of course, Mia. You don't need to be scared" he laughed. Wow. His laughed is sexy, just like him.

Ok. That all for now  let me know what you think by reviewing.