AN: So I read Forever princess!! I was so good. If you haven't, get on it. I was so great that I finished it in one day. Can Michael get any sexier? Apparently yes!!!
Sorry for not updating.
First day of school is finally over. Not to say it was boring. It was quite fun. I eat lunch with Lilly and her friends then Michael joined us with his girlfriend. I am not a very mean person. My family says I am too nice. But I am not fond of this girl at all.
After coming home, the first thing I did was take a shower. A nice, hot shower always makes me feel relaxed. After the shower I went to lilies room to work on my school work, In Genovia, Grandmere always said, if a princess is educated then she will not be rule by other but will rule.
It's been two days and I ready miss my family. I wonder what Andrew, my step-brother, is doing, what mom is up too. Dad said that email is the best way for us to communicate, that way we can web chat and email, but I don't have a computer yet. My friend David will be bringing that and my phone soon.
Mmmm. I wonder if the Moscovitz have a computer that I can use. I went looking for them in the Kitchen, thinking I will find Mrs. Moscovitz cooking dinner. Nope, Lilly is not here, working for some show. I went and knocked on Michael's door, since I know he is here (we walked home together) unless he left without informing me.
I have been knocking for ever. What taking him so long? I know he is in there; I can here the music coming from the room. Maybe he was working and did here, I opened I door.
There he was. Without his shirt. OMG!!! I have never seen a guy without his shirt unless we are close, then it doesn't count because they are family. But WOW!!
I wonder if everyone is like that. His arms are big, but no too bog. His chest, you can tell he works out. I am not such a prude that I don't know what a guy should look like. And let me tell you, the guy in front of me laying down with his eyes closed listen to music, and a six pack abs is Hot!!. Thank god his eyes are closed because I probably look like a idiot staring at him.
What?? Ohh someone said my name. When did Michael get up?
"Mia. Do you need something??"
"Yes" I gulped "I was wondering if I could use the computer"
"Of course, Mia. You don't need to be scared" he laughed. Wow. His laughed is sexy, just like him.
Ok. That all for now let me know what you think by reviewing.