Hot Fuzz

Brass/Sofia and the prompt of Hot Fuzz for bunchofgrapes.

"What are we drinking again?"

"A new drink called a Hot Fuzz," Brass said as he poured two more shots. Equal parts Cinnamon Schnapps & Peach Schnapps. "Apparently it's inspired by some British cop movie. They supposedly spend a lot of time in the pub."

"It's pretty good," Sofia said sipping on her third serving of the drink in question. "Maybe we should go see this movie. Is it funny?"

"Supposed to be," Brass said. "Sanders recommended it to me when he was talking about the drink, so you have to consider the source."

"Come on," Sofia said pulling out her cellphone and requesting a cab. "After the last few weeks we could use some fun."

She pecked him on the lips and he grabbed the bottles sticking them in her bag as they closed the door. Hopefully Sanders had given him as good of advice on the movie as he had on the drink.