I don't own Criminal Minds but I wish I did! This is a JJMorgan story. For some reason I just think they have a hot connection and would be a hot couple.

This was going to be a long day. Morgan could sense it. He just had a feeling that they were going to have a case today that would push the team to the limit. Lately Morgan had been feeling strain on cases, maybe it was exhaustion, but that was understandable since him and the team had just closed another case right after they had closed two more cases before that. It seemed everyone was working overtime. He groaned again as he pulled his heavy body from the bed. In his boxers, he first headed to the kitchen and got the coffee going, he then walked into the bathroom and stripped and climbed into the shower. He woke up late so he knew he couldn't go for a run in the morning. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't been able to go for a run all week. He sighed; this whole work situation was killing him. He felt like he was letting himself go even though he was great physically condition. He quickly cleaned himself and got out of the shower. He walked to the mirror and wiped it with his hand and looked at his reflection. He could see the shadow of his returning beard but he could not feel the drive to shave it. He walked away from the bathroom and got dressed. Opting for the suit this time, he wore a cream shirt with a black jacket and pants, leaving the top two buttons of the shirt unbuttoned and the tie untied. He walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a to go cup. After pouring a substantial amount of coffee he grabbed his keys, wallet, badge, and gun and headed out. He charmingly said bye to the blushing elderly women he conversed with in the elevator before getting in his car and heading off.

He weaved through traffic easily as he headed to work. His thoughts drifted a bit as he thought about the team. Hotch, boy the man was tough, but a good leader and friend. Derek knew he could depend on Hotch if anything should happen. Then there was Gideon, the guy was there before all of them, and he was wise, caring, like a father figure. Him and Hotch were always together. Thick as thieves those two. There was Reid. The man was as smart as they come, not a real jock, but what he lacked in physical condition, he certainly made up in intelligence. He was the local genius. Good-looking too. Yes he was comfortable enough in his masculinity to admit that another man was attractive. Then there is Emily. She's like Reid's soul mate, intelligence wise. She was very smart, attractive too. Correction, she was very attractive and she was very smart. Now that he thought about it, she was very smart, her and Reid could have a very good relationship. Maybe he should mention it to him. His thoughts then swiveled to Garcia. The local hacker. There isn't a computer system she couldn't get into. She was truly amazing. Though her choice in men isn't all that good, well except for the new guy she's with, the hacker guy. Ryan Lynch, he was a good guy, good for Garcia. Finally there was JJ a.k.a. Jennifer Jereau. The media liaison. There was just something about her that made her different. He couldn't figure out what it was about her, but there was something different about her. She was extremely beautiful and smart. Funny too. She was like a sister to Garcia. They were really close friends from what he could tell, closer than him and Garcia. There is also an innocence about her, one that she tries to cover up; she is gentle. He shook his head lightly, if he wanted he could go on for hours about the things that made up JJ.

He grinned at himself as he pulled into his parking space outside the building. He grabbed his cup and sighed again as he climbed out the car. He cursed at himself when he realized that he forgot his umbrella and got soaked in the downpour just outside the building. He groaned as he walked in, pulling off his jacket. He was so caught up in the fact that he was soaked he missed the stares of most of the females and some of the men that he drew to his body. His shirt was sticking to his upper body like a second skin so they could see the define of his muscles. He groaned as he wanted to get to the locker room to change his clothes without seeing either Gideon or Hotch, but his luck wasn't so good as they both came around the corner at the same time. They stopped to stare at him before they shook their heads. They pointed behind and him and he turned around to groan again to see all the stare and looks he amassed as he walked down the hallway. He rolled his eyes and walked past Hotch and Gideon sulking the whole way to the lockers. As he walked in he sighed in relief that he made it there without any other interruptions except for the girls that asked if he needed help removing his clothes. Seriously, couldn't they find anything better to do? He walked to his locker and opened it with a sigh as he spotted and extra pair of clothes. He didn't want to have to run out for more clothes. He stripped off his shirt and threw it on the ground. He stuck his head into the locker to decide what he should pull out when he heard the locker room door open. Morgan pulled his head out and turned to the locker door to see JJ standing there with her mouth agape.

JJ had gotten in early that morning when she heard that there was a commotion outside. She saw Emily and Garcia talking animatedly about the spectacle that was happening in the building. She walked up to them when they stopped talking. She knew they were trying to hide what they were talking about but JJ gave them a questioning look and Garcia couldn't help herself. "Derek came into work soaked and I heard that he was attracting a lot of attention, not just female attention either." Garcia had a Cheshire grin on her face as the mental images of a soaked Derek Morgan flooded her mind. JJ smiled and blushed at the thought of Derek Morgan soaked. He was an attractive man; there was not doubt about it. There wasn't a woman here who hadn't talked about getting his attention. There were even some men that wouldn't mind the attention from the gorgeous dark-skinned man. He was caring, charming, gentle, strong, and sexy as hell. The man was the definition of perfection. JJ shook her head, flustered by her thoughts about her partner. She shook her head and walked away, missing the knowing looks that passed between her friends. She headed to the locker room to get her jacket for she was feeling a little chilly. When she opened the door her breath caught and her mouth went agape when Derek turned towards. She had to swallow quickly as her mouth involuntarily began to water at the sight of his chiseled body. 'God his body should be illegal. No one is supposed to be that sexy.' Her thoughts went rushing a hundred miles an hour, as she couldn't get a coherent sentence out.

"So I heard you were stirring up the masses?" She tried to hide the tremble in her voice with a chuckle. She wasn't sure if he caught it. She mentally chided herself, she could go in front of a room of the most cutthroat people in the world (reporters) and not break a sweat, but 5 minutes in front of this man and she couldn't tell left from right. He had her frazzled and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. She nearly whimpered at the sight of his smirk slowly crossing his face. She couldn't figure out why all these feelings were being evoked in her? What power did he have over her that he could provoke such a reaction with just a smirk? Spencer was attractive but his smirk did not have the power to make her feel weak in the knees. This was ridiculous; the man is not that sexy! Correction the man is that sexy and more! She nearly groaned as she pushed her thoughts out of her mind to focus on Derek.

"Being the smart man that I am. I forgot my umbrella at my house and ended up getting soaked walking from the parking lot to the building. Apparently the ladies found it more entertaining to watch a soaking wet Derek Morgan than the paper work they had to do. The men, I'm not exactly sure what to say about them. This has been an eventful morning." He grinned charmingly before turning back to his locker and pulling out a wife-beater. He pulled it over his head, JJ's mouth watered as his muscles rippled when he pulled the tank on. He then pulled out a black button up shirt, putting it on; leaving the buttons open. When he was done he looked to see JJ standing in the same spot she was in before. "JJ are you alright?"

She shook her head and smiled in reply to his question. She then turned to her locker and rummaged through it looking for her jacket when she nearly smacked her head. She had left her jacket in the car. She decided to leave it there since she was feeling warm. She groaned. She was not in the mood to go out to the car to go get her jacket. Derek still waiting for her asked, "What's up JJ?" He waited patiently for an answer as she continued to rummage through her locker as if hoping whatever she was looking for would magically appear.

"I was looking for my jacket since it's a little chilly in the office but I left it in the car and I am in no mood to retrieve it." She pouted in dismay and Derek had to hold back his chuckles because if there was one thing that everyone knew about JJ, it was that she did not like to be mocked. He couldn't deny that she did look awfully cute with her lips in a pout. 'I wonder how her lips would feel against mine, my body…' He mentally kicked himself before his thoughts continued; he could not be thinking those things about his partner.

He walked back to his locker and opened it again to pull out his jacket. He held it out to JJ waiting for her to take it. "Here JJ, use my jacket, I'm pretty good for now and you look like you could use it." JJ was getting ready to protest when Derek walked behind her and slipped his jacket over her shoulders. It was amazing to be wearing his jacket. It was so warm and smelled like him. She liked this jacket situation a lot more now. She nodded her head and leaned into his touch in acceptance and gratitude for his jacket. Before they could pull out of the intimate embrace, Reid and Emily walked into the locker room to find JJ wrapped in Derek's arms. JJ and Morgan pulled apart as quickly as possible but Reid and Emily already saw and the damage was done.

"Darn, I guess I better tell the girls and some of the boys that you're off the market, Morgan. I never would have guessed you and JJ had a secret affair. But then again you two always had that kind of connection, just below the surface. The sexual tension between you two is amazing. I was surprised you two hadn't jumped each other sooner. Now that I know now that you tow have been having a secret affair, I know why. I can't wait to tell Garcia!" Emily smirked as she saw the ashen faces of her partners. She turned to Reid, who looked ready to get into one of his speeches; she however, grabbed his arm and pulled him out the locker so they could be alone.

Morgan and JJ turned to each other in shock at what just happened. They weren't sure how to react to what just happened, they just continued to stare at each other in shock. Morgan and JJ were shaken out of their reverie when Derek and JJ's beepers went off. JJ went to pull off Morgan's jacket but Derek placed his hands on her shoulders and shook his head, communicating that she was cold and what just happened shouldn't be a reason she took it off. She nodded her head in understanding, wondering when they had such a profound connection. She smiled at him and they walked out of the locker room together into the conference. JJ tried to ignore the looks she got from everyone as her and Derek entered the conference room; her wearing his jacket. She sat down and looked across the table into Derek's eyes, something flashing she couldn't process. The atmosphere seemed to change and she knew that something was changing between them.