.: C h a i n e d :.


[SasuNaru, KakaIru, NejiGaar, ItaKyuu, AU

Hinata, Naruto's deceased wife, left him with her son, Naruto decides to take in the boy and raise him, however, Sasuke does not see Naruto solely as a father.

Age (In no particular order)

Naruto: 24 / Kiba: 25

Hinata: 32 when she died / Shino: 26

Sasuke: 16 / Shikamaru: 26

Iruka: 28 / Neji: 17

Kakashi: 29 / Chouji: 25

Itachi: 22 / Gaara: 24

Kyuubi: 30/ Jiraya: 35

Tsunade: 34 / Orochimaru: 37

Sakura: 18 / Ino: 17

Sai: 17 / Kabuto: 18

C h a p t e r 01

"I dunno Iruka, lately Sasuke-kun actin funny, like he's hiding something from me. I mean he's never been all smiles and laughs with me too, but do you think its anything serious?" Naruto asked thoughtfully, taking a dainty bite out of his orange-covered chocolate torte and gazing at the vast sky. Mmmmhh, he just luuvvvved sweet things, and salty things too, like, ramen of course, what could possibly have a better mix taste of sweetness and saltiness than ramen?

He had dropped by Iruka's café to spend some free time (which he surprisingly seemed to have a lot of). His guardian's café wasn't really big but it was quaint and classy looking. There were metal chairs and three-legged tables outside, although there were no umbrellas hanging over the tables, there was not enough budget for that yet. Naruto was currently seating on one of the chairs, his duffel bag in the chair next to him. Iruka was standing in front him, sweeping away the leaves piling up around the café.

"Hmmm…. Nah, its probably teenage hormones and that kind of stuff. Lil Sasuke's a big boy now, he can take care of himself. Well, at least I hope so. He is definitely more mature and responsible than you were at his age. Just thinking about the trouble you caused at that time gives me a headache." Iruka said and stopped sweeping, rubbing his temples.

"Hahahahhaha, those were the good times. I didn't know driving you insane was so fun, I've got to do it more often. Take care of that poor head of yours Iruka, since its so small, it just might explode! Hahahhahaha! Wait, when your head's already so small, where's your brain then?" Naruto burst into another fit of laughter

"Why YOU!" Iruka grumbled angrily, lifting the broom in his hand to smack Naruto.

He looked at Naruto's laughing form and joined in instead.

"But, no seriously, I don't think it's anything big." Iruka tried again.

"Yeah… yeah, you're probably right. I worry too much, been livin with you for too long mother-hen." Naruto laughed again.

"Hahaha, very funny." Iruka crossed his arms, he wasn't smiling but his eyes were.

From within the café one of the workers called over to Iruka, "Boss! Looks like you're the one sleazing around doin nothin, not ME!"

Iruka continued to sweep and sighed, "Give me a break already." He was wearing, well, what you normally see waiters dressed in, with an apron like thing strapped along his waist, it had the words "Leaf Café" printed on it.

"Awww, is Ruka-hon sexually frustrated? Seriously Iruka, how long was it since you got laid?" Naruto asked devilishly, taking another bite of his torte and licked the fork sensually, eyeing him the whole time.

Having been with him for so long, Iruka knew better than to fall for that, he didn't even blush. "Naruto! Behave yourself!" Iruka said reproachfully, he hated it when Naruto was so, well, wild, ever since Hinata-chan passed away... Where was the innocent boy he single-handedly brought up? In the dumpster by now.

Naruto laughed, "Can't take a joke Iruka? Kiddin! Kiddin, I was just playing, you silly goose!" He finished his sweet snack, got up and grabbed his duffel bag from the chair.

"BLEHH! BIRD-BRAIN IRUKA IS BI!" Naruto screamed childishly and stuck out his tongue, before he waved goodbye, and, grinning like an imbecile made a run for it, an irritated Iruka was not safe to be near to, those employees of his will have a hectic day. Heeheeheehee…..

Everybody in the café and anywhere near it turned their focus from the fleeing blond to the steaming brunette.

"NA-RU-TO!!!!! I'M GONNA KILLLL YOU!" Iruka yelled after him, attempting to chase after him when one of his workers held him by the scruff of the neck, like one would do to a cat, and said calmy, "I'll be quite happy if you do but just incase you haven't noticed, everybody's staring, not at me, not the other employees, not at the now-gone Naruto, but at you, yes you boss."

That caught Iruka's attention and this time he did blush, thrusting the broom into the worker's hand he went back into the café. Peace returned. (apart from a few glances and sniggers at Iruka, who blushed slightly but resumed making coffee.)

Out of blue, the doorbell of the coffee bar tingled mesmerizingly, just like the silver-haired male that had just entered. Iruka's female employees and a few regular customers giggled in a corner and found an excuse to distance themselves from Iruka.

"Must they do that every time? I don't even know why though." Iruka mused before greeting Kakashi with a friendly "The usual?"

Giggling, Naruto continued running down the pavement. Ahhhhh, getting Iruka all fired up really is fun. He continued strolling, taking in the serene scenery of his surroundings, it was autumn now, the wind felt extra chilly and leaves were swirling aimlessly along the street.

Naruto smiled, humming a random tune, the whole world looked orange, the whole world felt orange, Naruto loved orange. He dug his hands into the pockets of his green baggy pants and continued walking; he had on an orange-collared T-shirt with white strips around the chest area.

Not knowing what to do next with his free time, Naruto sat on a familiar bench to daydream, when there was nothing to do, he liked to just zone out and think about his life and stuff like that. Lately, life was treating him ok, sort of. He sighed and looked up at the branches of the tree filled barely with orange and red leaves before closing his eyes.

It had been here too where he and Hinata would spent the most time together, chatting or just laying side by side. He had unconsciously walked here, a place that held pleasant memories. Gosh, he missed her so much. It had been nearly five years since her death but he still couldn't get over the fact that he was married to her for less than 2 months.

He had met Hinata at his university; she was his literature teacher then, a widow with a son, that was all he knew at that point of time. After holding a few long, deep debates about various literature devices, they gradually got to know each other better.

Hinata was a petite woman, with long silky black hair and a shy disposition, she was Naruto's ideal image of womanly beauty, that was only based on looks alone. She was also very sweet and patient, able to put up with his nonsense without complaining at all.

After months of seeing each other, she invited him to her house when it was the first time he met Sasuke, the boy was only eleven then.

Hinata had given birth to him at the age of sixteen; she had made a grave mistake in trusting the wrong man. Her family disowned her and she had to make a living by herself. Another point which made Naruto like her even more- her strength.

Naruto was taken aback the first time his cerulean eyes met Sasuke's raven black ones. The high-school student was so stoic, he had the presence of an important adult, the kind a huge company needed in order to survive. He gave the air of a young master, to be respected and obeyed, mistakes were not tolerated. Apart from the looks, he and his mother were very different. If people stopped judging others only by their looks, they wouldn't have been able to tell that Sauke was Hinata's child, either that, or they're just plain stupid. At least that was what Naruto observed.

Sasuke had only two expressions available on his handsome face, boredom and annoyance, mostly it was boredom. He never laughed, which was what shocked Naruto the most, back in the days when he was the same age as Sasuke, he was laughing every single minute, well, pulling pranks every single second as well but that's another story.

Sasuke-kun was, however, the child of his current girlfriend, which, he Uzumaki Naruto must try his best to please. Naruto was, is, and will always be a person of righteousness, he knew better than to judge a person from only his looks.

The one floor apartment which Hinata owned was spick and span, just like Sasuke, nothing was out of place, it was like a remainder of a hospital, white and perfect. Naruto frowned slightly, if he wanted to marry Hinata, he had better learn to be clean, compared to this place his four-roomed flat looked like the winner of the world's dirtiest pigsty.

Now on Sasuke's side, Naruto was, in short, a person he wanted to be close yet far from. In the day, when he came over to help his mother with the chores, he was always so loud, talking every single second, never seemingly able to stop himself.

He could babble on and on about the most random things, like how he failed his driving test thirteen times and still didn't pass, to the time when he went on stage with only his boxers.

He was not used to the unbearable noise level emitting from the blond, his usually dark privacy would be intrigued by laughter, something he did not hear often. He was always smiling too, he would smile over every single little thing, exactly how strong were his jaw muscles? Sometimes when he, in turn, observed Naruto too closely, the blond would momentarily blind his senses.

Naruto still had to go home for the night though. And after Naruto came over for about a week or so, Sasuke began following him. He would follow him every night from then on and before long he found out a few things about Naruto or, technically speaking, his stepfather.

A few things consisted of where he lived, his family background, which university he went to, where was the university, where were the places he liked to hang out at, who were his close friends, how many were there, a mini bio-data of each one, the high school he previously went to, his job, his likes, his dislikes, his dreams, the girlfriends he had etc, etc, etc, the catalouge was longer than Santa's Christmas list.

Well, this was normal, which curious son would not want to know more about his new stepfather? This was most probably forgivable. Fine, it was no major problem, no one got hurt right? Sasuke merely followed him 24 hours straight (without anybody finding out), and snapped pictures of him whenever he felt like it.

As Sasuke got older however, the situation worsened.

At first, he stole little thing from Naruto's apartment. Ok, no big deal, a mechanical pencil, a cup, like I said, no big deal, Naruto was oblivious, its cool. However, as time passed, Sasuke got bolder. He began to nip his clothes, from his T-shirts and very soon his undergarments.

And at night, alone in his bed, he would cum from the scent of Naruto's clothes. He never ever left any traces, Naruto hardly knew someone had been in his apartment, but there were never ever any clues. No misplacement of any belongings. No money taken. Nothing.

He never even fully felt a thief enter his house until the next time he changed or desperately needed the object that was taken. He decided to let it be, none of his things were branded anyway. Someone else might need that shirt more than he did. (He never noticed any missing undergarments, let's just call it being blissfully blur.)

Sasuke lost his virginity at the age of thirteen; claiming, in his mind, that he needed some experience to pleasure his lover. No words were spoken with his sex partner, it was a one-sided sort of thing, not like he cared. The only thing he knew about her was her name, Sakura, another one of his fan girls, another one of his quick-fucks.

Sasuke, was, no doubt, a hefty piece of eye candy, a walking sex-god descended from the heavens. He had the same hair as his mother, silky and soft, but nothing like his mother's personality. Sure, the pair were both quiet,and seldom talked but for entirely different reasons. Hinata for embarrasment, Sasuke for indifference.

His father must have been a gorgeous hunk, for Sasuke had the body of a professional model. Long, slender legs, lean build and firm muscles, despite his kick-ass attitude, he was a popular student. Not to mention he excelled both academically and physically. He had many students who wanted to get fucked by him or fuck him even, hell, he even fucked some of the male teachers. .

He was careful too, in choosing his partners. He made sure that they were all influential people in the school, he usually fucked the same people and always made sure to use condoms, just incase he caught aids or got into any trouble. Whoever who wanted to get fucked by him had to have a few conditions.

One, to have a good family background. Two, to have a rich and significant family in society. Three, must have a clean bill of health. Four, must have at least some sexual attraction. However, he strictly prohibited getting fucked, although some had tried, and wished to the death god that they hadn't.

One spring day, somewhere in July, Naruto saw Sasuke walking home. Unfortunately, Ino, another one of his fangirls was leeched onto him at that time. Sasuke had stopped abruptly, Ino stopped chatting too. They both looked at Naruto.

Naruto had looked mildly surprised before saying what an adorable girlfriend Ino was and Sasuke should bring her home sometime. Ino blushed and swooned to the fact that Sasuke's step Dad actually acknowledged her as Sasuke-sama's girlfriend. Hah! Big forehead will be soooo jealous. Squeeeeeal!!

Naruto then said that he was in a rush, and left promptly, waving bye to the pair, smiling. Ino waving back enthusiastically. Sasuke had turned to her then, smiled and given her a kiss.

Yes, he Sasuke had given Ino-pig a kiss, Ino should consider herself lucky. She was the first that Sasuke had given such a kiss to.

The next day, on the news and the daily paper, a student in Sasuke's school was murderered, the police weren't unable to find any visible traces left whatsoever at the scene of the crime. They assumed that, the girl, Ino Yamanaka had decided to commit suicide as she could not handle the stress of being a teenager.

Sasuke looked extra happy that day, in the school hall, when everybody had their eyes closed, giving their condolences to the poor girl, he was smirking the entire time. He had read in a book that if you kiss a person unwillingly yet of on your accord, for various reasons, it would be known as the kiss of death and that person would writhe in the 18 levels of hell forever.

He didn't know if it was true or not but it was amusing to know just the same.

Hinata coughed and grasped her chest. Naruto soothed her back while Sasuke fed her her medicine. She swallowed the syrup before Naruto carried her to her room. As Naruto babbles about the most random things again, but this time, his voice had a raspy edge to it. Hinata looked fondly at Naruto, if only she was younger. If only she had met Naruto earlier.

The first time he had come to her, she had thought he was one of those boys who only wanted sex. Not that she was boasting or anything, she was and still is a very beautiful woman and very well-endowed to boot. She was also fairly rich, having saved all her money for Sasuke's future. Naruto had proved her very wrong.

Although Sasuke's birth was not welcomed with open arms, she, Hinata Hyuuga had never regretted having him as her son. Just like his biological father, Sasuke had both brains and brawns, perhaps even surpassing that of his father's. He was a superior being whom Hinata loved very much and she knew he would make her proud.

From young, Hinata had always been a weakling, a beauty too ofcourse, but a weakling nonetheless. She had severe attack of asthma when she was little and almost didn't survive. She had caused her family a great deal of money and trouble, in addition to her early pregnancy; she was kicked out without a second thought.

Her old illness from the past had come back to haunt her again it seems. The doctors were unable to find a solid cure and properly stop her health from deteriorating. Naruto was still smiling, was still smiling and telling her everything would be fine, that everything would be alright. Hinata would smile but offered no words of assurance.

Unbeknow to Naruto, she had already written her will. Quarter of her life-savings would go to Naruto, (which was already a big sum by itself) and the rest would be left for her son, Sasuke. After her death, Naruto Uzumaki would be Sasuke Uchiha's legitimate father and will be under his care. The apartment would also be left under Naruto's name until Sasuke was of age or 18 to be more exact.

Naruto laid her gently on the bed, she wanted to sit and Naruto propped her pillows and tenderly laid her back. "Don't go." She whispered hoarsely. Naruto laughed softly, "Where would I go? Where would I be but here? "

He laid his head on the bed and Hinata ran through a pale hand over his head.

She gazed out the windows absent-mindedly, resting her head on the ledge. Was it her or did the prescribed medicine make her condition worse every time?

Downstairs, Sasuke never felt as exhilarated as he did on the night when Ino was murdered. He poured his mother's real medicine down the sink and washed it away swiftly. No traces left behind.

C h a p t e r 01: C o m p l e t e