Disclaimer: I still don't own Harry Potter, but i heard that I am in for a lot of competition if i want it.

Sorry that i haven't updated lately, i just got a new laptop so i was getting that sorted out then my mums boyfriend took over the running and using of it so I've been waiting ever so patently(death glare on face, about to strangle whoever is in front of MY laptop) to use it. Any way on to the next chapter...

What My Mother Always Told Me

Chapter 3: An un-eventful train trip

As Draco sat staring at the letter in his hand he started to fell sick; no feeling sick was an understatement, he was sick. He was sick of how his life was turning out and sick of being some old bastards messenger boy, no slave was more like it. He had his own life to live and he was damned if he would live it anyway but his! Then he stopped and thought for a moment, if he did do this and failed then his mother and godfather would probably be killed along with himself and if he didn't do this they were going to be killed anyway.

While Draco sat deep in thought a tapping sound started from outside his compartment window. He looked up to find his mothers eagle owl trying desperately to keep up with his window, on the moving train. Draco quickly went to open the window to let her in when his fathers black eagle owl swooped in knocking the female to the side and out of sight into the unknown. Deciding to leave the window open, just in case she was alive, Draco went to the black owl and took the short letter from him.

Sitting down again he skimmed through it quickly not paying much attention to what it was saying then got up and left to find out how much longer it would be till they reached Hogwarts. On his way to the front of the train he went passed the Granger girl looking sad. He was wondering why when he saw Weasley with some slutty looking 5th year Ravenclaw girl two compartments up.

As he walked passed the compartment Weasley noticed him without his usual thick-headed bodyguards so he came out drawing his wand as he went. Seeing this Draco quickened his pace only to miss some hex or curse by mere inches as he walked by. Turning half way around Draco gave his best and very rare cute-boy smile before turning his back on Weasley and walking away with a wave of his hand, passed Granger and went into the front of the train.

He stayed there talking to the driver for about ten minutes before leaving with the information of when they would be arriving at Hogwarts(30 minutes give or take a few). As soon as he left he went in search of his narrow-minded peers. He located them a short time later and after a lot of moaning and pouting on Pansy's part was convinced to stay and listen to the endless chattering of how beautiful and talented Pansy was and how Granger looked like some crazed animal whenever she was going to answer a question in class. After about 20 minutes of agreeing in all the right places and being bored out of his brains Draco finally left to gather all of his things and change for Hogwarts.

As Draco was just about to finish packing, he decided to re-read the letter that his father had sent more carefully just in case when he had skimmed it earlier he missed something. After re-reading it only to find out that it did not contain any threats, swearing or menacing comments he sat thinking whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. He was startled when the loud speaker announced that they had arrived at Hogsmeade and to leave all of their belongings on the train. Getting up he grabbed his shoulder bag and raced to the first empty carriage so as to be alone. Closing the door it started its journey to the castle that would become his home for the next year.

Well just letting you know that this chapter and all the rest that will follow won't be planned so don't kill or plan to kill me because they aren't as good as my first. Also this is the first time that I am using my laptop to post a chapter of this fic...in other words I am very happy and have not screwed up the computer...yet. Lol
