Disclaimer : I do not own Gundam Seed Destiny.
This is my first GSD's fic and it's yaoi!KiraxShinnxAthrun. I'm planning just to get it only with 2 chapters.
Anyway, please be kind to me and review after read, thanks!
This story had been edited by : Tsuki Fox
Irritated Yet Beloved
Food served on the table was getting cold, scarlet eyes narrowed dangerously directing their gaze to the door that hadn't been opened for almost 5 hours. He gripped onto his spoon and silently ate by himself. Alone. Then, the clock beeping, revealing the time was already 11 p.m.
"He isn't home…again." only his voice can be heard through the solemn dining room.
"…and he didn't inform me about it…Damnit!'
The raven-haired coordinator silently sat on the couch and changed the channel. He was bored. Then a robotic bird flew towards him and landed on his shoulder. The boy smiled when the bird started to nuzzle its face on the boy's right cheek.
"Birdee…"the bird started to make sound but the door was opened. Shinn turned his eyes over his shoulder to watch a brunette step inside their apartment, sighing tiredly. The robotic bird flew back to his owner and the brunette let out his usual smile.
"I'm home, Shinn…"Shinn looked away and 'hn'ed. Kira sighed.
"You weren't home last night."
"Shinn, I was busy…"Shinn stood up and threw the remote on the couch.
"Whatever, Yamato." When he was about to walk away, a tanned arm wrapped around his thin waist. The raven-haired boy hissed and tried to lose the grip but failed.
"Get off me!" startled by the boy's anger, Kira loosened the hug and his hurt expression could easily be seen. Shinn tried to ignore his boyfriend's hurt look and bit his lips.
"Kira! You're too busy with your work! You didn't answer my calls, you didn't reply my messages and now what?! You didn't come home! Whaddaya think I am?! I'm not a housewife or whatever you imagined! I'm your boyfriend! I can work too but what did you told me again!? You're too young for job, honey!" Shinn mimicked his boyfriend's act and continued with his angered 'speech'.
"I am not such a damn weak person and I am not a person who can bear my boyfriend doing all of work. Or perhaps he's actually out there with another person!!"After spitting out everything that he had hold, Shinn panted for air and tried to not looking at the brunette's face.
Kira was shocked after what he had heard, especially the last words from the younger boy's mouth. He blinked for a moment and stood still in his position, trying to search for the words to defend himself.
"Look who's speechless now…"Shinn quietly said but as the UC, Kira did hear those words. He silently grasped his hand, trying to not yell at the younger coordinator.
"Shinn…you suppose to understand me…"
"I'm TRYING, Kira…But everything seems to fight against you!" Kira let out a small whimper and closed his eyes.
"After the war, Kira…I lost my way and you were there to help me…but day by day, you're …CHANGING and drifting farther AWAY from me…You get it…? I'm so worry, Kira!" Shinn titled his head up and tears could be seen filling his eyes .A smile appeared softly across Kira's lips and the older coordinator step toward to the younger.
"And you've changed." the boy stepped back much to the UC's shock. Kira's amethyst eyes opened wide in shock when Shinn started to wipe his tears.
"This is not like Shinn…He thought about something…further…"the brunette's thought and shook his head. Warmth started to rise up to his cheeks and Shinn really hated his situation right now. It was embarrassing to be crying and blushing. What could be worse?
"Shinn, I-"
"Shut up! I don't need your pity! I don't need you to care about me! Just care about your stupid work and ignore me!" anger started to rise in his chest but the brunette still tried to calm himself down. Shinn tried not to sniff and quickly wiped away all the tears left in his eyes.
"Damnit, Kira! Why you acting like this?! You don't love me, do you!?"
Shinn froze. The anger inside the brunette's tone silenced him. The purple orbs staring dangerously towards the rubies and Kira angrily hit the nearest table with his feet.
"Why am I acting like this? Why am I working too much? It's for you! You can't just decide everything on what I'm going to do because you got no right to do it at all! And what now? You're asking me do I love you…? If you doubt about me loving you so just get out from my place!" silence filled the room after the brunette stopped yelling.
The wide ruby eyes stared at him, unbelievable. Kira…HIS Kira…just told him…to…
Kira was caught in his own words. He had just said something wrong…something that really really REALLY wrong and now, Shinn was facing him with tears dripping down on his blushing cheeks and he was…hurt. Noticing the situation, Kira quickly tried to stop the boy but Shinn had moved a step before him.
Shinn ran towards the door and quickly took out his jacket before he slammed the door shut loudly.
"Shinn! Wait!" Kira quickly ran after the boy and tried to reach him but the boy was too fast and Kira was tired. When Shinn finally disappeared from his view, Kira smacked himself on his head and groaned.
"What I've just done…Shinn…"
He had no other place to go. His family's home had been destroyed, he didn't work with ZAFT anymore and his boyfriend or maybe EX-boyfriend just shoved him out from their apartment. His legs moved shakily before finally stopping when he had reached the seashore.
He slowly sat down on the sand and pulled his knees to his chest. He couldn't do anything except crying. Shinn put his head down and crying silently. It really hurt to actually realize KIRA was the one who said that. He couldn't accept it if it was someone else but Kira! A gentle guy, protective, understanding and also the one who told him to go out from his life.
Shinn sniffed when he remembered the first time Kira met him after the war. Kira was so gentle and he even asked him if he was all right. Then, they started to meet each other and walk together at the beach near the Attha's Mansion.
And when Kira asked him if he wanted to be his lover, Shinn couldn't help but blush furiously and nod. It was the happiest day of his life. And Kira's too. But now…?
"Stupid Kira with his stupid work…"the young coordinator murmured and let his eyes narrow towards the sea. The sea…it's reminded him of Athrun. His first crush in the other word.
Shinn blushed and shook his head silently. Athrun was also a nice guy and he was Kira's best friend. He had really liked Athrun before he had met Kira and Athrun usually hung out with him after the war too. But now the jade-eyed coordinator was always busy as Cagalli or Orb Chairwoman's guard. He hadn't seen the guy in almost three months now.
"Uhh…that's not the point now…" he scolded himself mentally and cursed under his breath again.
Kira should understand that he always acted mad like that! He would calm down after yelling and screaming to Kira! He always did!
Shinn sighed and bowed down his head in regretful.
"Or maybe it was my own fault for being such a brat…" the boy sniffed again and pulled the coat tighter around his body. The air was so cold now that it was getting into winter season.
When Shinn heard footsteps behind him, he quickly pulled the collar up and hid under the coat's collar. He really wanted to be alone now but it's seemed God wasn't being too kind to him now…
Shinn startled when someone tapped on his right shoulder.
"Shinn! Finally I found you!"
Review please.