Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Or Hellsing. I also mean no disrespect to any of the Royals mentioned in this story. I don't own them.
A/N: Like I said in the disclaimer, I mean no disrespect towards any of the British royal family. Or any royal family really. Because they have lots of money, and soldiers willing to back them up. So really no disrespect meant. Most of the info about them is made up too. So no dragging me to court anyone!
If anyone thinks that someone is OOC, please remember that Harry has been with the gang for two years now. He's influenced them just as much as they have him.
Warnings: Short Chapters! All of them! No complaining or you won't get them for quite a while!
"I mean really, you are quite young to be a Knight, Sir Hadrian," the young man simpered while the vacuous girl on his arm tittered.
The three were standing fairly close together where the Prince had accosted Harry, not far from the dance floor, full of portly men and anorexic women. While the ball room was done in beautiful whites and golds, the lighting was obviously from the turn of the century, casting the elegant room in sickly yellow light.
Harry smiled tightly, no warmth reaching his eyes. "I suppose so Lord Henry. However your wife, Dame Claire was also quite young when she was Knighted," he said with a significant dismissive glance to the barely legal girl hanging on the man's arm as they talked.
The man stiffened. "I had forgotten how blunt you could be. Evidently a negative aspect of your upbringing."
"Perhaps," Harry agreed readily as he turned away, sipping on the flute of champagne he had grabbed by a passing server. "However, a true Prince wouldn't have lowered himself to comment upon it, no matter how far away from inheriting the throne he may be."
The man flushed in embarrassment.
Harry grimaced before excusing himself from a conversation with the obnoxious Duke of Gloucester(1) not even bothering to say farewell to the vapid girl accompanying him. The man would not take a hint it seemed and insisted on poking at him verbally every time they met. Such a pity he always came out worse. As he strode towards an unoccupied corner as inconspicuously as he could with all eyes upon him, he cursed his luck that he had felt compelled to accept the Queen's invitation to the ball.
He hated these functions. While that may sound immature, especially considering his young age, he had good reasons to avoid these gatherings. They reminded him too much of Voldemorts meetings with his Death Eaters during the war, when the Dark had felt their victory was assured. The women simpering prettily all the while plotting your downfall, while the men went about wheeling and dealing. All of them grasping for a better place in this twisted hierarchy, despite many of them already being titled nobles, or the richest of the rich. And above them all was the Queen. She was the Voldemort of this group of mundanes, making them all dance to her whims all the while allowing them to believe they were manipulating her.
It was disgusting.
"Not enjoying yourself Master?"
Harry groaned inwardly as he turned his head to see Alucard's own sticking out of the wall beside him, the vampire grinning manically. "Please tell me you're shielding yourself. It's bad enough I had to come," he said stoically hoping not to draw any attention to their corner. "I don't need the Queen on my case for allowing you such liberties."
That would, in fact, be the least of his worries if she found his servant here.
"Beth has slipped in her old age Kitten, despite having become beautiful," Alucard said flippantly as he totally ignored his first question, telling him with his silence how silly it was to have asked.
"Pretty is as pretty does," Harry murmured as he sipped his champagne as the two paused to watch the couples dance by, the men in exquisitely tailored tuxedos, and the ladies of class wearing beautiful gowns. It was quite easy to tell the high bred apart from the trollops that many of the Lords had opted to bring.
"Disgusting," Alucard sneered.
"Quite," Harry agreed.
"Has dear Beth been causing you problems tonight?"
"No more than usual. She's obviously plotting something though."
"She would be a fool to wage war with you directly."
"Would she? You forget my precarious position, Alucard."
"Just order her death and it shall be done."
He said it with such an obscene grin of imagined pleasure, that Harry assumed had his body been fully in the room he would have been hard enough to burst.
"Perhaps I should clear the way for young Bill to take the throne? Or Henry? It would be nice to have a fellow Harry in a seat of power don't you think? Hmm but such a rogue that one," he said as he licked his lips. "Both of them happen to be rather fond of you as well."
"Alucard," he said warningly as he struggled not to imagine how peaceful his life would be if the old bint died while trying not to laugh at the vampires thoughtful tone. "Control yourself. The walls have ears."
The vampire smirked. "Quite literally with myself around, don't you think Kitten?"
"Alucard," Harry said, his voice full of amused exasperation. "Is there something you needed? Besides coming to antagonize me?"
"I simply thought to warn my Master that the Mundane Queen thinks to manipulate you in to marrying the youngest cousin of Lady Helen. I believe she said something about keeping you in line?"
Harry stiffened noticeably. "Which Lady Helen was she referring to?"
"Does it matter?"
"It would help. It can't be someone close in the line of succession, she wouldn't take that chance. However, I can't blame you for not knowing which one. The English are so common when it comes to naming their children. There must be more than thirty different Helen's here tonight."
Alucard simply smirked, much to his annoyance.
"Very well then. Alucard I do believe we are needed at Hellsing Manor."
Alucard smiled widely as he widened the black swirling portal and reached a hand through. "Yes, I do believe Walter mentioned something along those lines. Something about the Captain needing your opinion on some information that was passed along."
"I see," Harry said with a conspiring smile as he allowed Alucard to pull him into the abyss. "Let's not keep the good Captain waiting."
Much to the Queen's future ire the two disappeared quietly from the palace without notice.
"Oh thank God you're back Master!" Seras yelled as she ran towards the two after they had reappeared in Harry's study.
"Police girl?" Alucard asked with a raised eyebrow. "I've only been gone for a few minutes."
"Not you!" She snapped angrily before blushing brightly. "I'm sorry Master! I didn't mean to sound so harsh! It's just-"
"Calm down Seras," Harry soothed gently. "What's happened?"
Seras threw herself at him, sobbing in distress. "Oh the Captain said something to Walter and he didn't like it so now they're fighting in the main hall!" She wailed. "They've already broken your favourite vase and I tried to stop them but then the soldiers came along and started shooting at things once they saw Walter fighting the Captain! I would have done more but you made me promise not to kill or bodily harm any of them and Walter pulled on his gloves and started slicing things! They're putting bullet holes in the portraits that were recovered too!"
Harry stiffened at the first mention of fighting but stayed still as the young woman continued to cry in distress that she was not able to stop them. "Enough Seras. Stop crying now."
"M-master?" She sniffled.
"There was nothing you could do. As you said I made you promise not to permanently harm them and it would have been impossible for you to subdue all of the troops with no injuries occurring," he turned to face Alucard. "Would you mind?"
Alucard grinned before opening another portal, this time leading to the entryway. "Not at all."
"Come along Seras," Harry said as he guided her through the black hole. "Let's go put a stop to this."
Seras sniffed one final time, blood red tears still staining her face. "Yes master."
"What is going on-" Alucard pulled him back just as a bullet went through where his head had formerly been.
"Did they just shoot at me?" He asked once back in his study, his voice full of shocked disbelief.
"I believe they did."
"My own soldiers just shot at me?"
"Those bloody bastards!"
1. No offence meant to the real Duke. I just needed to borrow the title. Also none of the info on my fake obnoxious duke is related to the current holder of the title. The current duke of Gloucester is Prince Richard.
Review Replies:
lildevil425: Thank you! Yes the style for the first chapter was different, but since it was a journal I thought it fit better. Thanks for reviewing first!
Rei Tamashii: You'll have to duke it out with my boyfriend first. I don't think he'd approve. Thanks for reviewing though!
Sony Boy: Wow you ask so many good questions! So many that I can't answer yet either, but I suppose some were answered in this chapter. Unfortunately Sirius is dead, as stated in the prequel. The information about what he's learned and been doing since he left the Wizarding world will be shown through journal entries.
cake-freak: The new character isn't an OC. Just thought I'd state that for the record! I'm still going mainly from the anime. I haven't read all the manga yet(still have absolutely no time!) but I do know about the Walter situation and most of the other spoilers. Hints of Alucard/Harry. I may not decide to do romance, sorry. As for the rest you'll have to wait! Thanks for reviewing!
Zhuul: Grow up. Do you realize how immature you sound?
Also thanks to: ApocSM, SlytherinProngs, Firehedgehog, sunao, Deserter, Elia LeFae, Egyptian Neko Thief, Gomjibar22, QueensKin, Jax9, kiki, and Anonymous.
A/N2: Reviews would be nice.