A/N Check out trailer at YouTube. The first chapter is shorter because it's just the intro, the chapters will get longer.

The doors to Seattle Grace slowly slide open as he took his first few steps into the building. He took his sunglasses off and looked around the building slightly bored with the way it looked, after you have lived and worked in L.A it was a little hard to get excited over an extremely white and plain looking hospital. A couple cute nurses walked by him and smiled shyly at him, he smirked back at them thinking to himself well I guess this place won't be so bad. He put his glasses back on and headed to the elevator in search of the resident locker room.

"Have you guys seen him yet?" Alex asked as he threw his coat into his cubby and grabbed his scrub top.

Izzie looked up from tying her shoe "Seen who?"

"You haven't heard about the new guy coming today?" Cristina said in disbelief as she waited for Meredith to get ready to go.

Izzie shook her head "No, no one told me about any new guy."

"I wonder what he's like." Meredith said as she clipped her name tag to her coat.

"I wonder what kind of surgeon he's like." Cristina said looking up at the ceiling.

"I wonder if his reputation is as bad as they say it is." Alex smirked as he pulled his shirt off and put his scrub top on.

Izzie's ears perked up at Alex's last comment "What reputation?"

"Well I guess this guy is quite the player he has been caught like six times in the on call room having sex, a different woman each time."

Cristina rolled her eyes "Great it's one of those guys."

"So why is he coming here?" Meredith asked leaning against the wall.

"Well after they caught him and a scrub nurse in the elevator going at it they finally had it and kicked him out." a voice from the doorway said. They all turned to look at the door to see who it was. Izzie stood up and took a step back toward Cristina and Meredith whose mouths were slightly open. Alex looked up and down at him and gave him a 'whatever' look.

He took his sunglasses off and extended a hand "Hi I'm George, George O'Malley." he smiled at them.