Disclaimer: I don't own the beautiful work of Stephenie Meyers or twilight series. I just put my self in there you can guess who I am. It's my first so tell me if I should continue.

Third person

Alice has seen a vision of Bella staring her own I Love Edward Cullen Fan Club. Think about how funny it will be, Alice starts to help.

First meeting of the ILECFC (I Love Edward Cullen Fan Club) Bella's pov

Wow, I never thought this many people loved Edward; I think I even see a couple of guys dressed as girls. They must not like me that much, since I am his Girlfriend I might as well start; this is going to be the best payback ever.

"Okay everyone this club is going be all about Edward, we are going to talk, write, dream, take pictures of Edward.", I said, "We might even get Edward to come in one day."

At that moment everybody screamed. I heard them saying "OMG, Edward coming here, omg, omg, OMG!"It was kind of funny watching them. It took a while but I final I got there attention.

"First we must name the vice president and secretary. So who shall it be. I know let's take a vote and you can't vote for yourself. Please sign your name on the sheet and then cast vote, we will meet again next week."

But what they really don't know is that I'm going to pick who will who. I think I know who it will be. I better go talk to Alice to see if I can do any thing better. Which more than likely I will. Edward, My Love, this is what you get for…

Ok so how did you like it if you want more I will try to write some more. I left you with a cliffy so please review. Just to let you know Bella's thoughts are underlined. Review now Please.