A tale of chance

It wasn't long ago that this, tale of chance happen. In fact it happened on the month of December. When the snow falls upon the land like a white blanket, hiding any hint of it ever being summer. On a night much like today our hero is up late yet again practicing like a manic to the rhythm of the song she know since she was four. The rhythmic song and teacher counting was what kept her in tune.

"One, two, three, bow, and hold!" ordered the teacher as the dancer held her ground, standing only on her toes. It was difficult to stay like that but if you trained all your life to dance this way it was not so much trouble. "Good job you two!" said the teacher excited as they went back to standing with both feet on the ground. "You may go now my little Nutcracker and princess." She cooed as they both grimaced.

"We're 18 teacher." The girl told her as she pushed back her pink hair from her jade eyes. Her body was lean and formed. She wore a simple white ballerina shoes with her workout clothing. She was a vision of a forgotten angel on the earth. Yet this angel was all but that. She was none other then Haruno Sakura star dancer of all Tokyo. Her partner was none other then the best artist or Tokyo's second best dancer, Sai. They were world known they are the best at what they did.

"Remember the performance is in two weeks. Keep this up and you two will be given the part that will be touring the US and Untied Kingdom!" the teacher yelled out with all the excitement in the world.

"We know." Sai said as he wiped the sweat off of his face.

"You've been telling us since October." She remained her.

"I know it's just so exiting!" she sighed as she went off to do her own things. Sakura watched and sighed.

"Sai, how's your art coming?" asked Sakura as she grabbed her things.

"It's getting there ugly." He sighed out.

"I told you not to call me that." She sighed out.

"It's was the only nickname I came up with. And I must say it suits you Ugly." He smiled at her. It was a fake smile but Sakura was so use to them it was nothing anymore. Now this is not the story about two people that knew each other for a life time. This tale is about two different people that never meet before the incident that altered their worlds. It was December 1st as the land seems to sing a soft melody as the snow dance all around city. The air was chilly and winds carried the smell of pine trees. Sakura walked down the streets with her partner Sai as they talked about his recent art show. The streets were filled to the brim with people as they moved along trying to get on with their marry way. They were coming to the intersection as they chatted like a married couple as the light turned and they started to walk down the cross walk.

"Hey! Stop, come back here!" came the screaming from the back ground as not many paid attention. Sai on the other hand had heard and turned around to find a Black haired male running his way. Sakura was clueless as to the male that was running their way until Sai grabbed the male and slammed him to the ground. Sakura looked suspired as she looked at Sai. A man with gray hair came running over as Sai was waiting for him. The guy under him seems to get pissed off that he was stopped as he somehow managed to get out of Sai's grip. Sai looked shocked as the guy twisted his arm before slamming him painful onto the ground. The sound of cracking bone was heard and Sakura took action. Punching the guy in the face he fell to the side touching his face as the guy with gray hair came over to them. "Sasuke-sama you shouldn't be running away like that." He lectured as he then saw what happen. "Well this could be a problem." The man sighed as he looked at Sai who was clutching his foot.

"You broke his foot you asshole!" yelled Sakura as she glared at the guy. His hair was in the way so you couldn't see his face clearly as he stood up.

"He shouldn't have gotten in my way." He hissed as Sai looked over to the guy.

"Sai, are you okay? Is your foot hurt?" asked Sakura as he looked over him.

"I think it may be broken miss." the man with the gray hair said.

"Broken?! At a time like this? Sai!" she complained as he gave her a sheepish smile.

"Sorry ugly." He told her

"Sasuke-sama your bother would like to know about this you know." Said the man

"Shut up Kakashi." The guy by the name of Sasuke hissed.

"You! Why did you have to break his foot! You stupid Idiot do you know what this means?!" asked Sakura as she got up and stated to yell at the guy. Sasuke turned around to look at her with a glare yet she didn't back down.

"I don't care, now beat it you ugly hag." He hissed as she seethed over with rage.

"Why you…." She stated

BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPP! "Get out of the road!" came the yelling of the traffic they where stopping. Sakura showed the man the birdie as she went back to yelling at Sasuke.

"You will pay for this." She told him as she helped Sai up. Kakashi went over to help as they got Sai over to a bench.

"I'm truly sorry Miss about all this." He said as she glared at Sasuke who was standing a bit away.

"It's not your fault Kakashi-san it's your master's over there!" she yelled as Sasuke Hn and looked the other way.

"If you don't mind me asking why is, it so important to that your friend here has a broken foot?"

"We had a performance in two weeks and he is one of the lead roles."

"Performance?" he asked

"The Nutcracker an English play." She sighed out.

"Do you happen to be Sakura Haruno?" he asked as she nodded. "My, this is a problem." Kakashi said as he looked over to Sai's foot then over to Sasuke who was looking the other way. "You know Sasuke-sama your brother was looking forward to seeing that play he already bought the tickets." Said Kakashi as Sasuke cringed. "I don't think he will be happy if they told him they canceled it because his little brother broke the lead man's foot." Kakashi said with a smile. It seem as soon as he said that his cell phone rang as he picked it up. "Hello, Kakashi speaking." He said as Sasuke glared at the man. "Yes sir I've got him. Yet their might be a slight problem sir." He said a he looked over to Sakura.

"Well, you see your brother injured someone." You could hear a sigh on the other end of the phone and more talking. "Yes sir I will bring them over to you at once." He said as he shut the phone.

"It seems like Uchiha-sama would like to meet you two."

"Uchiha?" asked Sai as Sakura was trying to remember where she had heard that name before.

"Yes you've already meet Uchiha Sasuke. He is the youngest of the Uchiha clan." He pointed out as Sasuke looked the other way.

"Uchiha, Uchiha, where have I heard that name before?" Sakura asked herself as she tapped her finger on her chin trying to think where she had hared such a name.

"Hey ugly should we go with them?" asked Sai as Sakura looked over to him.

"I guess as long as the ass over there stays far away from us." She hissed as Sasuke ignored her comment and went off walking with his arms folded.

"Hurry up Kakashi." He hissed as he walked along to a black in color car.

"Here let me help you." Offered Kakashi as he helped Sai stand. Sakura went on his other side and carried him over to the car where Sasuke had disappeared to. Helping Sai sit inside the car Sakura entered it with an odd feeling running down her spine. She sat down as faraway from Sasuke as humanly possible as Sai was stuck in the middle. The whole ride was anything but comfortable. Sai was the one that felt in the worse position as he sat next to the guy that had broken his foot and an angry teammate. Kakashi was lucky that he got to drive in the front. After about five minutes of silence Sakura got fed up with it as she sighed and looked over to Sasuke who was looking out the window.

"Why were you running away?" she asked out of nowhere as Sasuke twitch slightly and ignored the question that was asked. A few moments passed and he wouldn't answer. Taking a deep breath Sakura tried to control her anger. "Well are you going to answer or are you going to be an ass and ignore me?" she hissed as Sai winced slightly. He knew that she was angry, hell even Kakashi knew that she was angry yet that didn't stop Sasuke from ignoring her. She balled her fist as she looked ready to hit him right in the face when Kakashi stopped the car out of nowhere making all three of them fly forward only to be pulled back roughly by the seatbelts.

"We're here!" said Kakashi happily as all three glared at him. Carefully getting Sai out of the car without Sasuke's help they went into the building. They stumbled a bit but some how got Sai to the lobby sofa.

"There!" said Kakashi as he smiled under his huge scarf that was wrapped around most his face. "I'll go get the medic and see what they can do about your foot." He said and before they had time to blink he was gone.

Standing in the lobby completely lost at what happen stood Sakura. She looked over to Sai who had his hand on his eyes as he looked to be in pain.

"You're an idiot you know." She muttered as she looked at him.

"Sorry for trying to do the right thing." He muttered in return.

"What is Anko going to say when she finds out about this?" She groans as she threw herself right next to him.

"Yell for an hour on how stupid I was that she'll kill me herself and the list goes on and on." Sai Sighed.

"Sai, where the hell am I going to find a partner to replace you? And not to mention that my career is on the line now!"

"My word I do say I hear the voice of an angel." Said a smooth voice as Sakura slapped her hand to her face. Now she remembered where she had heard the last name Uchiha.

"Why?! Out of all the things Why him?!" she yelled out to the ceiling as Sai just looked at her like she was insane.

"It seems like lady fate has brought you back into my arms my dear." Said the smooth voice as two arms embraced Sakura. You could see the angry vain popping on her face as her left eye twitched. Bring her fist to the side of her head she hit something solid and the arms left their place. "As feisty as ever I see." He sighed out. Sakura brought her hand to her face and tried to think of something that seemed to be forgotten.

"Why the hell did I ever Date you?" she muttered as she remembered who the Uchiha brothers were. Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. Itachi Uchiha the owner of his late father's company and Sakura's ex-boyfriend. Itachi rubbed his chin slightly and gave a pout.

"That wasn't nice Sakura-hime." He told her as she glared at him.

"I don't care." She told him as she stood up. "Let's go Sai!" she ordered.

"So this is the dancer bother so stupidly hurt." Said Itachi as he went over to where Sai was sitting. "What a shame. I was looking forward to watching my Hime dance for me again." He sighed as Sakura smacked him.

"I'm not your Hime!" she yelled at him with a beat red face.

"You know you still love me." He smirked.

"Get over yourself." She hissed

"Hello, Injured person still here." Sai muttered as they both looked over to him.

"Right, um Kakashi should be back with the medic. In the mean time I want to thank you for stopping my foolish little brother." He said with a smirked then it changed into a glare. "Yet, you touched my hime so I don't know if I should thank you or give you to the police for harassment." He hissed as he looked at Sai who only lifted an eyebrow. Sakura punched him again as he was sent flying to the ground.

"For the last time I'm not your Hime!" she yelled out to Itachi who looked at her with big puppy eyes. Sakura was giving off an aura not to mess with as Sai cowered in his seat and Itachi hide behind the sofa.

"Well this is a first." Kakashi said as he came back with the medic. Itachi recomposed himself almost instantly as he looked at Kakashi with a cold look and an emotionless face.

"Kakashi bring Sasuke here." He ordered it was like another person had taken over him. He looked scary to say in few words. His whole person seemed to warp in instant as he looked like he could give a damn of the world around. Sakura felt her heart give a jolt. So that's why she dated him, because he had 'that' side to him. The side that she liked a lot. Yet that side only came out when he was in public when he was alone with her the whole I can give less of damn act dropped and the I'm horny for my girlfriend in a stupid way would come on. She just couldn't take that side it was utterly annoying. Sakura was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't notice Kakashi leave and come back with the annoyed Sasuke. He had the same look his brother did. The same emotionless glare the same emotionless look in his eyes.

"What?" he hissed as he crossed his arms and looked angry to be bothered.

"Brother," said Itachi in his cold voice as Sakura felt a chill go down her spine. "You injured one of the most famous dancers in Tokyo." His voice was in a low whisper yet it could send horror down your spine.

"Your point?" he answered with the same dead voice that could re-kill the dead.

"You will take his place." Itachi ordered as everything seem to hit at once when both Sakura and Sasuke screamed.

"WHAT?!" An evil smirk appeared on Itachi's face as he looked at his brother.

"You heard me. And don't you dare try to disobey me again Sasuke for it will be your last chance to redeem yourself." He hissed as Sasuke Puffed up his chest as he clenched his teeth trying not to punch his brother there and then. "I hope this way My Hime you can put up your Show." Itachi said with that smirk on his face as Sakura glared at him. It was an excuse for him to be close to her again. Some guys just don't get the point.