A crisp wind cut through the still night like a knife. The flowers bent precariously over their tedious stems teetered closer towards the ground, their petals almost touching the dew-sparkled ground. But as soon as the wind stopped, they slowly stood back up, like they had minds of their own. Minds that told them to stay away from the ground, for it meant death.
But one didn't ease itself up. It was the only one whose petals hadn't opened in the spring, for it was not ready to reveal to the world its secret. The secret within the tranquil blue petals was to be kept safe from human eyes.
It moved b y itself, though. It rose up ever so slightly, only to sink back down in a steady, endless rhythm. Its petals opened ever so slightly with every rise, only to close back up almost all the way with its fall. It seemed to pulsate with a little light all its own from within the tranquil lilac silk.
An almost inaudible little sigh from within. There was a little flutter of movement, so fast it's only a blur and so tiny it barely moved its flower protector. The pulsations around the flower grew a little bit stronger, so it looked like there was a firefly inside the bud of a flower in the night.
But fireflies don't sing.
And sing the little flower does, high and musical. It weaved around the other flowers, casting a magical little spell over them. They straightened up to listen, and sighed with pleasure of peace. The little voice wove around the meadow, soft as the breeze itself.
I believe in magic
I believe in a song
I believe in an eternity
Where we all get along…
I will wait forever
For this vision of peace
I wait forever
To be free…
It sang until the last of the stars in the sky began to fade and the sun pushed away the darkness. With another barely audible little sigh, the light faded down until it couldn't be noticed if you picked it. With another flutter of movement from within, the flower fell silent.
And waited.