Thank you for all your reviews, and sorry for the long wait! Here's the next chapter, and one of my favorites to write thus far!

Chapter Eighteen: Your Worst Ed-mare

Ed and Eddy turned down yet another dark corner, to see yet another dark hallway. They had been in the maze for twenty minutes, and had not seen a way out thus far. "Down the hallway we go!" Ed said happily as he marched down the hallway.

"I think this is the third time we've been down this hallway, Ed..." Eddy grumbled as he trudged along behind Ed. Suddenly Ed stopped when he heard a noise.

"Eddy, did you hear that strange, weird, unusual, scary, horrible, freaky..." Ed said before being interrupted by Eddy.

"Yeah, Ed, I heard it. It sounded like something sliding around. It came from up ahead..." Eddy said as he walked toward the noise. Ed quickly followed. Eddy and Ed gasped when they saw the walls of the maze shifting around randomly.

"THE MAZE IS ALIVE!" Ed screamed as he ran around in circles yelling.

"SHUT THE HECK UP ED!" Eddy yelled. Ed then stopped, and smiled.

"Volume at one percent!" Ed said.

"Whatever... anyways, I think this is why we can't get out of this stupid maze... it keeps on movin' around!", Eddy yelled in frustration.

"I remember that time Double-D built me a maze... it was easy!" Ed said as he remembered the maze Edd had built him right before they made Ed Co.

"Double-D built you a maze? I don't remember that... but you said it was easy?" Eddy asked.

"Easy as cherry pie!" Ed yelled happily.

"If Double-D's maze was so "easy" to you, then this one should be a piece of cake!" Eddy yelled.

"Roger that!" Ed cheered. He then thought about how he solved the maze. "Hmmm... Maybe if we do the tango a magical portal to Double-D will open..." Ed said.

"What! That's stupid, Ed!" Eddy yelled.

"Says you!" Ed said as he began to do the tango.

"You're an idiot, Ed..." Eddy said as he rolled his eyes. Suddenly a magic portal opened beside Ed. Eddy's jaw dropped as he stared at it.

"YAY! It worked!" Ed exclaimed.

"Wow...Well what are we waitin' for?! Let's go!" Eddy yelled as he and Ed ran into the portal. A bright light enveloped them, and the portal closed behind them.


Kevin and Nazz walked down a long, colorful hallway. The floor was a baby blue, the ceiling was yellow, and the walls were red. "This place gives me the creeps..." Kevin muttered to himself as he continued down the hallway.

"Me too, dude..." Nazz said, hearing Kevin. They almost reached the end, when suddenly the hallway snapped in half. "NOT COOL!" Nazz screamed as she and Kevin started sliding down the hallway. At the opening of it, they could see the ocean, where dozens of hungry sharks swam in a circle, waiting for them.

"AHHHHH!" they screamed as they fell out of the hallway, and went cascading into the ocean. Kevin squeezed his eyes shut as he and Nazz hit the water with a loud splash.

Jimmy and Sarah walked down a well lit hallway that seemed to stretch forever. Several doors lined the walls, but Jimmy and Sarah didn't know where to start. "Maybe I should try all the doors on the left side, while you take the right," Jimmy stated.

"Sounds good," Sarah said as she went to the first door on the right, and Jimmy went to the first door on the left. Jimmy opened his, and Sarah opened hers. Jimmy saw Sarah looking at him through the door, and Sarah saw Jimmy looking at her through the door. "What the..." Sarah said, bewildered. Suddenly Jimmy was pulled through the door by the Sarah he saw, and Sarah was pulled through by the Jimmy she saw. The doors slammed shut behind them.


Rolf walked down a creepy hallway, full of spider webs and bloody bones. Snakes, lizards, and roaches crawled and slithered their way across the floor. Rolf had his club drawn, ready to slay any attackers. Rolf shivered slightly as a breeze came from down the hallway. Rolf stopped as he heard the sound of a door shutting. Then there was silence. "Hello?" Rolf asked aloud. Suddenly a skeleton came towards him out of the darkness, moaning loudly and creepily. "IT IS A MEMBER OF THE UNDEAD!" Rolf yelled in fright. Rolf, regaining his composure, quickly swung his club at it, and its head went flying off. Rolf felt safe again, when suddenly he heard more moans. From behind him and in front of him, hordes of skeletons poured towards him.


Eddy's eyes snapped opened, and he looked around. "Hey, this place looks familiar..." Eddy said as he looked around. Ed stood beside him, picking his nose.

"Want some, Eddy?" Ed asked as he held a big, green booger in front of Eddy's face.

"Shut up, Ed, I'm trying to concentrate..." Eddy said.

"Did you hear that, Eddy?" Ed asked, hearing something in the distance.

"Wait a minute... it can't be..." Eddy said as he looked around at his almost too familiar surroundings. The ground was mostly dirt, with a few patches of grass, and there were tires and chicken bones randomly lying on the ground. There were trailers everywhere, and Ed and Eddy stood in front of a particular one... "The Kanker's trailer?" Eddy said, puzzled.

"KANKERS! WHERE?!" Ed yelled as he started to panic.

"No, Ed. Not the Kankers, the Kanker's trailer," Eddy said.

"This is just a drill!" Ed yelled, happy once again. Suddenly, Ed and Eddy heard a faint giggling. They immediately froze.

"Uh oh..." Eddy said, fear gripping him. The giggling grew into laughter, and the laughter was getting closer.

Ed and Eddy looked at each other, fear in their eyes, and yelled,"KANKERS!!"


Kevin and Nazz were swimming as fast as they could to escape the flesh-hungry sharks that were pursuing them. Kevin saw some land up ahead as he swam, and motioned to Nazz to follow him. They quickly swam towards it, and climbed out of the water just as the sharks were about to reach them. They sat there at the edge of the water, panting from the swimming they had to do. Nazz looked around, and started to freak. "Kevin, I don't think we're in the ocean anymore..." Nazz said.

"Of course not, we're on..." Kevin sat wide eyed as he saw his surroundings. They were on a large, wooden ship, and around them stood at least fifty pirates with their swords drawn, and pointing at them.

"Out of the pot and into the fire..." Nazz said as she scooted closer to Kevin, trying to calm herself.


Jimmy struggled against the fake Sarah that was attacking him. She was choking him, and he couldn't break free of her death grip. He punched her in the face, and she flew backwards. In the other room, Sarah reeled backwards after a blow to the face from the fake Jimmy. She then wiped the blood from her mouth and charged at him. She kneed him in the stomach, and the fake Jimmy kneeled in pain. She then leapt on top of him, and began beating him in the face. Jimmy, who was being beaten by the fake Sarah, quickly punched her in the stomach, causing her to fall backwards. He then leapt on top of her, and started choking her. As the fake Sarah struggled against him, he realized that he was no longer in the room, but that he was in the hallway. It suddenly hit him that he wasn't fighting a fake Sarah, and that Sarah wasn't fighting a fake Jimmy. They had been fighting each other the whole time. Jimmy quickly got off of her, and they stood, freaked out. "Let's not open anymore doors. Agreed?" Jimmy asked.

"Agreed," Sarah said as they walked down the hallway.


Rolf whacked skeleton after skeleton as they attempted to batter and beat him. He had just busted one's rib cage open, when they suddenly stopped coming. Rolf stood panting, exhausting from the fighting. Suddenly the hallway was filled with light, and Rolf looked up. At the end of the hallway was a double door that read "EXIT" above it. "A way out of this forsaken place?" Rolf said as he cautiously approached the door.


Eddy and Ed started to panic as they looked around for an escape. The laughter began to get louder and louder as the Kankers approached. "QUICK, ED, IN HERE!" Eddy said as he pushed Ed into the Kanker's trailer. He quickly locked the door behind them and sighed as he calmed down a bit. He turned to Ed. "Okay, Ed, that'll only hold them for a few minutes, so we have to find a way out quick!" Eddy said. Ed just stood there, however, pointing with a horrified look on his face. "What are you pointing-", Eddy turned to where Ed was pointing. There stood the Kankers grinning wickedly. Eddy spoke slowly and fearfully. "Oh, get it. You guys were inside the trailer laughing... not outside laughing..."

"Yep," Lee said simply as they pulled out their lipstick.

"AHHHHH!" Ed and Eddy screamed as they tore their way out the door. They ran screaming, but stopped when they hit something and fell backwards. "What the..." Eddy said as he looked up. He stared at the wall of the hallway they were in before they went in the portal.

"We escaped! Let's tango!" Ed cheered.

"No, Ed," Eddy said as he stopped him. "No more tango."

Hope you liked this chapter! Please review!