A.N: I would like to take the time to state that this story, though based on canon from the stories of J.R.R. Tolkien, does stray loosely on some themes to allow artistic freedom. This includes Slash. It is rated M. If this is not to your liking, I respect your opinion, but advise that you do not read the series.

I own nothing, and am only grateful to have been inspired by the histories of Middle Earth, Valinor, and its peoples.

Without further ado, enjoy!


T.A. 235, Eryn Galen, Laer.

Taur Galen was unusually quiet. No birdsong could be heard for miles, even to the acute senses of Edhil ears. The small party passed as shadows through the trees; their very footfalls inaudible; their breathing hardly disturbing the air around them. Hoods enshrouding their faces in a mask of darkness; they slipped through the many trees imperceptibly.

They carried on thusly for what seemed hours, but in reality was only a matter of minutes. The sharp snapping sound of a twig could be heard to echo throughout the woods, and within seconds the party were at the ready for battle; arrows fitted to bows and swords at the ready.

At the signal their arrows flew; bows singing as one. All hit their marks; and, in synchrony developed over centuries of practice, the hunters descended to the floor below; swords drawn and knives glinting in the afternoon sun. The clash of metal broke the silence as the elves erupted into the fray of orcs below; the orc numbers already vastly lessened by the fire of arrows. But still the enemy outnumbered the elves, and the battle would be perilous.

And so it began. The Edhil warriors were by far the more skilled; their dangerously fragile and ethereal appearances belying and hiding their immense strength and agility. Ducking and weaving; thrusting and parrying; the fighting continued with neither side seeming to gain any advantage.

Within the chaos, two warriors fought side by side; back to back; neither one moving away from the other for more than a few moments at a time. Their hoods thrown back in the frantic battle; their dark hair tinged red with blood; their faces a mask of determination and pure disgust they were a beacon of hope in the otherwise desolate circumstances.

They moved with such harmonious ability that their technique could be compared to dancing; their movements at once sharp and dangerous, yet smooth and elegant. They cut through the orcs as if they were no more than children, and soon a litter of bodies lay around the pair.

Though however able they were to defend themselves; against such a huge enemy their hope seemed to dwindle and fade. Yet they fought on, even should death have been the end result the Edhil would have died honourably, died triumphant. And so the powered on; desperate thrusts and determined blocks they were a force to be reckoned with.

So it continued, with the number of elves growing slimmer with every passing moment. Defeat seemed imminent, yet still they battled on viciously: defying death itself. Just as the last rays of sun disappeared below the trees, seeming to take any hope the Edhil had with it, arrows pierced the air; each embedding in the neck of an unsuspecting orc. In the stunned stillness that followed the attackers leapt deftly down from their perches into the battle raging below.

A renewed hope coursed through the veins of all the Edhil, and with a last reserve of strength they had not realised they had the battle recommenced. Glints of golden hair from the Wood Elves now could be seen among the warriors; interspersing the darker locks. Both sun and moon fought continuously on; two separate kingdoms united against a common foe.

Eventually the orcs were all dispatched; their harsh, guttural cries dying in their throats to be forever silenced. The first born looked upon the scene with satisfaction mingled with regret. Adrenaline flowed through the veins of all survivors; and the injured were swiftly treated as best as was possible.

Solemnly, the bodies were separated. It was with heavy hearts that the elves were laid to rest in the shallow graves they had dug; and with disgust that the carcasses of their enemies were set aflame. Heads bowed in sorrow; the elves set up camp.

Initially the elves were divided: wood elves camped together and the elves from the hidden vale stayed in their own company. But these differences were set aside in light of the battle.

The elves looked on in ill-disguised intrigue as the leaders discussed the battle; and a temporary treaty. Though having little differences other than hair and eye colour; their differences could be found within. All Elves were slim built; with their fragile and delicate appearances belying the strength lying within their slight yet muscular frames. Their hair reflected the pale light of the moon overhead, giving a luminescent glow to the clearing. The Wood Elves of Greenwood and Noldor Elves of Rivendell had not encountered each other in several centuries, and their ill at ease with each other was apparent to the eyes of any creature.

"Amras. On behalf of my people, I extend my thanks towards you." Declared Glorfindel, clearly uneasy and overly formal with one whom he used to consider a friend.

"Why so formal, mellon?" Amras replied, though the answer was obvious. When no reply greeted his inquiry, Amras felt his heart sink. It was true; there had been a rift between their peoples for many a century, but he had not expected it to extend to their long friendship.

Pushing down any lingering embarrassment he might have felt at so cold a greeting, Amras continued "We will always be of service to you. You may stay here as long as you wish, or if you would prefer accompany us to our home, as I asume you are short supplied having ventured this far from the Misty Mountains. The decision is yours." And with that Amras left, his back silhouetted in the pale moonlight. Yet another casualty of a war much varied from the violent battle they had just engaged in.

Glorfindel shook his head sadly. It was wrong of him to treat Amras so, but he could not so easily return the cordial sentiments of his former friend. His thoughts drifted not for the first time that day to a happier time; when the first born were not separated by doubt and mistrust; but where friendships could grow and encompass all in the comfort they offered. He was not alone in wish this feud over, but like so many others seemed powerless to end it.

The elves of Rivendell decided that it would be wisest to accompany the wood elves to their homes since supplies were running low. With this decided the elves recalled their steeds and mounted them bareback; with no need of any harness to control the free creatures, and embarked upon the journey to the isolated forrest kingdom.

Amras took up the front as leader of the wood elves, closely followed by Glorfindel. The ride back was uncomfortable and not just a little awkward for the two. Amras attempted a few stuttered sentences at increasing intervals; but cut off before finishing any sentences of making any distinct sense. With the two unwilling to converse freely, the feeling soon passed through the ranks and by sundown when they again made camp the entire party were silent.

Darkness soon fell upon the wood; chasing away the last beams of light. It was then, as they made camp that the Rivendell elves noticed the increased density of the overhead forrest. With no moonlight able to penetrate the dense trees, the elves slept on wearily through the night.

Dawn was hardly recognisable, and only the elves innate body clock awoke them. They rose slowly, obviously having suffered from disturbed and troubled sleep; the inease between the two realms seeping into their dreams and tainting them. Streams of sunlight filtered through the branches above, streaking the floor and allowing only minimal light to travel by.

Though not as refreshed as was their wont, they set out again none the less, unwilling to tarry in such suffocating conditions. This distressed the horses from the Hidden Vale, who were unaccustomed to such enclosure and unwilling to travel through the darkness. Only the soothing word of their riders convinced the horses to tread through it; and even then at a slow pace. They were, however, compelled to take many rests of longer duration than normal, ever mindful of the injured Elves and tired horses they did not wish to worsen their conditions by means of over exertion. Yet again the extremely long enduring elves carried on steadily until sunset, when the encroaching nightfall forced them one final time to take rest beneath the dense foliage.

"It is unfair that only your people take watch. Allow us to help you, in repayment for your services in battle." Glorfindel suggested to the woodland captain, having sought his company just moments earlier. Amras stood, shocked, routed to the spot. What could have been mistaken for fire flashed through his eyes, in what could only be described as the feeling of betrayal.

"You owe us nothing. We do not wish for your assistance simply to repay a debt you feel you have. The orcs are as much our enemy as they are yours, and as such you are under no obligations." He said as calmly as possible, though his voice held a faint and unusual tremor and his fists balled tightly at his sides. How foolish of him to have hoped that Glorfindel's offer of aid and companionship would be made not from a sense of duty, but as a friend. He was smote anew to have his hopes dashed a second time in as many days.

As Amras turned on his heel to leave, Glorfindel surprised the both of them by reaching out and holding him back. "I did not mean to cause offence. We merely wish to help in any way we can; after all you have given us so much." He pleaded; his pale blue eyes seeking out those of Amras.

"As you wish. It is a kind offer; and would be greatly appreciated." Amras replied icily, finally shrugging himself free of Glorfindel's hold with a decisive yet restrained movement.

And so it was. The Noldor and Wood Elves shared the watch between themselves evenly. It was in the mist of these watches that two pairs of eyes locked: stormy grey meeting with clear blue across the battle field.


Eryn Galen – Green wood

Edhil – Elves

Ithil – Moon

Anor – Sun

Mellon – friend