Irena is still mine. By the way, Poseidon is in this, Calypso is too, and they belong to Greek Myth. Pirates characters belong to Disney is sad
Chapter 7
The next day, Irena was on the deck of the Pearl ready to set sail. She had gone to sleep early in anticipation of the shove off, but Jack was still ashore. She wanted him to come back so they could go. She just didn't want to be in Port Royal any longer. Besides, it was soon that Jack would have to pay his dues and she knew her father would collect. It was only a matter of when, for she knew her father would keep his promise to her.
The breeze picked up as Gibbs came over to her. "Lady Irena, the Captain won't take to kindly if you catch a cold on my watch."
"I'll be fine. I'm immune to human disease, but not emotion." She smiled sadly and turned around. "You would do well to remember that, Mr. Gibbs. I like you, mate, but I'm not a doll to be cared for continually."
"What are you then?" Jack asked, coming up the ladder.
"Yours, Captain Sparrow." She blushed as he kissed her.
"Why do you blush? A captain can't embrace his lover?" He asked mockingly playful.
"No, it's just…" She stared off into the distance. "My father was at the party last night and I want to know what you said to him."
"He put the Commodore and the Governor in their place and disappeared. That was it. I said absolutely nothing." Jack gave a wide toothy grin. "Besides, you should not dwell on it as you can look to happier times to be had by us."
"Really? What makes you so sure you can stand up to my father, Jack?" She asked, a genuine look of concern on her face.
"Because I love you and I will do anything for you." He said with a twinkle in his eye.
"You know that the contract is up today, right?" She pointed out.
"And I am apparently on time, it seems." Poseidon said as he walked to her with his trident in hand. "Hello, Irena. You look more and more like your mother every day."
"Thank you, Father." She said. "I miss her dearly."
"As do I, my dear. But your uncle watches over her with your Aunt Persephone. She is in very good hands." He embraced her and turned to Jack. "Ah, my son-in-law."
"Hello, my lord." Jack gave a flourish of respect and Poseidon gave a hearty laugh, thoroughly amused.
"Well, Jack. I have had my friends of the sea watch you with my daughter for these many weeks and I have concluded that you are fit to take care of her. As such, I will grant you immortality. Come here to receive it." Poseidon looked at Jack and then at Irena. "I grant you, Jack Sparrow, the give of a life free from disease and old age." A soft yellow glow descended upon Jack Sparrow and in that moment, he felt warm. Then it was gone and it was replaced by a better sense of duty to his lover.
"Father, what of me?"
"What of you, my dear?"
"I wondered if we should marry?" She asked, hoping for consent.
"Pirates don't usually marry, child. You know that." Poseidon answered. "If your lover wishes to make an honest goddess out of you so be it." With that, he disappeared into the depths of the sea, adding, "Jack, you have the same ability as Irena, in that you will heal from anything as well."
"Well, I feel better about this, don't you?" Jack asked Gibbs.
"Captain, you know we will still die, right?" Gibbs said seriously. Jack nodded. "Good, as long as you know, Captain Sparrow. Where to now?"
"Actually, I think we should go somewhere away from everything. Maybe a grand adventure of sorts." Irena asked, her eyes twinkling.
"If it's what you want." Jack said, causally, though eager to try out his new power over his age and body.
Well, as the saying goes: Jack and Irena outlived all the crew and stayed on the earth through all time. Irena never saw her mother, much to her dismay. But Jack kept her occupied with children and grandchildren. They all grew old and died, as her father would not offer the same to his grandchildren. Every generation save Jack and Irena died and when it came time for the world to be shut out, Irena and Jack retired to a nice mountain cabin in the United States around 1879, where it is said that they live to this day.
Irena came through the door with bags in her hands. "Jack? Are you here, my lover?"
Jack was sitting on the couch with a paper in his hands. "So they released something called an iPod, whatever that is. Can the television repairman get here soon? I want to watch House tonight."
"He'll be here by 3 o'clock." Irena said arranging the food in the fridge. "I just hope he can fix the cable so we can go on the Internet."
Indeed, the repairman came and recognized them from their legend. He fixed the cable and stayed for tea.
"You guys are still alive?" The repairman asked, sipping his cup.
"Yes, and we would appreciate it if no one knew. I understand we usually leave a key for you when you need to repair something, but we wanted to stay here today. Don't tell anyone." Irena pleaded.
The man left and no one bothered them. Irena and Jack lived happily ever after, constantly busy with their children's children from way down the line.