Itachi: Yo Natsuki?

Natsuki: Itachi Wat up?

Itachi: Yo laydown a beat for me gurl

Natsuki: Whateva you want Homie G!

Itachi: Yaw i don't think they be raedy dis

Natsuki: Well they better get ready cuz hea we come!!

Yo this is Itachi and this is my ryme
And I'd like to tell you about this time

I have a little brother, his name is Sasuke
No ever expected him to be gay

But one blonde boy made him fall in love
now they take anything from up above

And I watched my brother suffer
With the yeses and noes of today Society
Being affraid of a boy named Neji

But then he realized there was nothing to fear
And that Neji had a problem he could not bare

Who would've known
My bro only wanted to be excepted
But someone took his heart and kept it
Who would've known
He was just scared inside
Wanted to take his love and never hide
Who would've known
it took a small skrawny boy to help
to make my little brother, Sasuke, find himself
Who would've known
These two childhood friends would fall in love
come together and become one
I didn't know!

I guess i should leave you
With a preview
with the next story
By my gurl Nati

Sasuke starts working for Our Dad's Company
Will he tell Fugaku about his sexual preferency?
Naruto meets this new kid Sai
He tries to take him from my brother's side
And at the same time they struggle with Sex
Can you wait for the story Natsuki Lee comes out wit Next?

Word to your Mother!
Uchiha Out!

Natsuki:That's Tight

Itachi: Hellz to yeah gurl!

Natsuki: They ain't got nothing on us!!

Thank-you and i hope to see you all when i get the sequal up!!

Love Natsuki Lee