Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters here that belong to Naruto that I put into this story except for my own OCs. Neither do I own any of the character in any of the crossovers I do. I'm just using them in this fanfiction and I have no money so don't bother suing me. You'll just lose money instead of gaining any. And remember to leave a review!


The Warrior That Return –

Cynthia Ashlot smiled as she looked out into the lecture hall as she had just finished her speech. She had made it her to mentor and support other female officers trying to establish a career in the male dominated military. Her speeches and seminars instructed women on how to maintain their independence and climb the promotion ladder in what was still a very male dominated military. Over time the number of female officers and enlisted personnel attending had climbed until she routinely packed halls, drawing women from all branches of the service from bases around the world. She gave a final wave as she left the hall, exiting through the backdoor of the room.

Outside she found herself standing in front of Colonel Mervin Morgan from her old base she was station at. She left the base after she found out about what happened to her friend Niamh Bradley during a field test. The brass were conducting an experiment which was meant to shield military equipment from the effects of solar flares with the use of electromagnetic shields. But something went wrong and her friend Niamh disappeared along with a truck that was being used to test one of the trackers.

"Morgan what do you want," Cynthia said.

"I'm here to talk," he answered.

"I thought I made it clear to you that I ended my business with you long ago," Cynthia said as it took her months to find out what had happen to her friend. "Besides I'm no longer under your command."

"It's about Niamh Bradley," Morgan said seeing that she was walking away.

"Niamh?" Cynthia said stopping and turning around.


In another world –

Jiraiya entered the apartment that had been once Naruto's, to be truthful this was his first time there. He first checked the bedroom for the person now living in the apartment. The bedroom was clean, saved for rumpled sheets, but was almost as bare as a bone. Above the bed hung a flag with the Konoha leaf symbol on it, and next to the bed there was a small, ratty side table that held an alarm clock that looked as if it had been put together from spare parts, which was the truth. His Leaf headband was lying on the table long been discarded by the on who placed it there four years ago, now covered by a fine coating of dust.

Next was the bathroom that was also clean, but it was clear that it was in desperate need of repair. The pipes were rusting, the tiling cracked, and the caulking crumbling. The small kitchen was even worse. The counters were clean, but cracked, misshapen, and off-level. The floor had tiles that had come apart from the others, causing dangerous sharp points. A single table stood in the room, chipped, stained, and with one leg broken.

The living room held only a strained mat and a crate, with an ancient black and white TV set. The TV had knobs missing and the only way to change the channel was to flip through the channels forwards as the back button was missing. The wallpaper was peeling, and the ceiling water-stained. The carpet looked as if someone had taken a knife to it, padding sticking out of the various openings in the material. Everything inside the apartment looks as someone had been trying to keep everything clean but couldn't maintain it.

Jiraiya quickly realized with horror that the reason why everything was in disrepair was because only Naruto had been living here and that he's been trying to keep everything clean ever since he was left here by himself. All of this time he's been living in this decaying apartment all by himself trying to live in it. Having to do all of the cleaning, repairing, and cooking by himself as a child who was barely six years old at the time. It was no wonder he acted like a child all of the time, before meeting Niamh because when he should have been acting like one he was trying to be an adult.

"So you finally came for a visit," the current person living in the apartment said stepping through the front door. "I know I should repair the apartment but then how could people even imagine what his life was like if I did so."

"Minato," Jiraiya said seeing what a sorry state his student had fallen in the past four years. His blonde hair was shaggy, haven't had a shave in weeks, his clothes were unwashed as he was. A strong smell was coming off of him as he hadn't had a bath in weeks, and his breath smelled of much drinking.

Minato walked over to wooden crate in front of the TV and set himself down. "So what do you want?"

"It's about Naruto," Jiraiya said. "This year the exams are going to take place here and it's been four years since he said he would return."

"He's coming back," Minato said laughing softly to himself. "Finally I'll get to die."

"What?" Jiraiya said.

"Why do you think I have been living in the same dump as he was forced to live in for these past four years," Minato said. "I wanted to see what it was like to be him of what kind of life I had given him when I thought that this village would honor my wishes for him. If I'm going to die it should be by his hands alone."

"That's the reason you been living here and given up being a ninja?" Jiraiya ask. The aftermath of the death of Niamh and Naruto and the others leaving the village had been chaotic. Many of the Leaf wanted Minato to return as the Hokage but he told them flatly that how could he expect to protect a village if they couldn't even follow his wish for his son to be seen as a hero. Sandaime had a break down during that time as the weight of guilt he held inside of him for so long finally gave way, as he was the one who held so many secrets from Naruto because he felt it wasn't the right time to tell him. Tsunade had to step in and become the fifth Hokage as Minato's mind couldn't be changed.

And that was just the start of things as the village started falling apart. With both Spring Country and Land of Vegetables putting trade bans on the village as well as sending missions to other villages, other countries followed suit as most of them had been there at the exams. Adding to this was that the Fire Lord had cut back in the budget of the village, many of the people living in the village had to be careful with their money and spending as very little were coming into the village in the last four years. Many of the missions they would have normally would have gotten were turned over to other villages, and trade with other villages had grounded to a crawl. With the thin budget everyone had to be careful in money matters, Tsunade had given up in gambling as well as punching people through walls or smashing things as the cost of fixing and replacing them were too high. The single life line that was keeping the village a float were Jiraiya's books that were still being widely sold.

"Also the reason why I haven't thought anyone who came up to me and ask to train under me," Minato said. "They only want to train under me to be able to fight Naruto when he comes back for the revenge he has earned."

"Yes I heard about that," Jiraiya said. Sasuke more then once had tried to get training under Minato, but was always turned down.

"It's all downhill from here now," Minato said. "But this village has earned what's coming."


Someplace Far from the Leaf –

A lone figure of a young man stood on top of a hill over looking a valley with a long road leading towards his goal. For the past four years he's been going from one place to the other never staying long. He had picked up many things along the way and was much different from what he was four years ago. But now with the exams coming up it was time for him to deal with his past once and for all. With the eyes given to him by his sister he could see the world in a way that others couldn't and he thanked her for that. (1)

"It's time for my revenge," the young man said as he hopped onto his one-wheeled bike given to him and drove down the road towards the village that turned him into what he is now.


Awhile back in a chat box while I was going over my mail someone who's name I can't remember gave me a link to a website of the anime videotype that would 'help' me with me writing lemon scenes. I had to reboot my computer and erase everything on it and now have to rewrite everything. So whoever gave me that link could give it to me again please in my email.

Author's Notes -

1 – The aura eyes thing will be like the Dragon Tear in Breath of Fire 2.

The Dragon's Tear is an object that you always have. Its center lights up whenever approached by a different essence. In Naruto's case the aura around people he sees. Its colors are the key to the other's real intentions. This is where you can find out exactly what each color means.

Black - That person's intentions are evil.

Dark Red - That person hates you with a passion.

Med. Red - That person hates you fiercely.

Red - That person hates you.

Red Orange - That person's feelings are mainly sided with hate.

Orange - That person is mostly angry.

Orange Yellow - That person is starting to warm up to you, but only a little.

Yellow - That persons feelings are a bit lighter.

Green Yellow - That person likes you and you can trust them.

Green - That person really likes you.

Deep Green - That person cares for you.

Blue Green - That person is a good friend.

Light Blue - That person enjoys your presence.

Deep Blue - They share a deep bond with you of love or friendship.

Flashing - Watch out. They like you THAT much.