Part duce of 'Frozen Effigy' and the last chapter.

If you're still reading this I thank you.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Avatar or it's characters.


Chapter 6

Frozen Effigy- Part 2: Einree

"She left! Lets go do stuff Sokka!"

"Well lucky she's halfway across town then" Sokka said to the excited Aang. "I'm kinda hungry. I didn't eat breakfast" Sokka told him, just wanting an excuse to go to some meat diner.

"What about Toph?" Aang said. "What about Toph? She wont tell, besides, she's out and about too" Sokka assured him.

"Okay" Aang agreed and they left the inn.


Toph was wandering around in a bad mood. She had met up with Katara a few times and talked with her.

'I'm just wasting everyone's time by coming back here' she thought degectedly.

'Aang needs this time to get ready to fight the firelord but instead he's laying in some inn room'.

Thoughts like this kept coming to her mind until she noticed she was hungry. Luckily there was a meat stand right down the street she was on. When she reached it a familiar presence creeped into her senses and her heart skipped a beat.

"Uh, one sausage thing on a stick please" said a familiar vioce.

"Faust?" Toph asked feeling the chill.

"Toph?" he asked, "Toph Be Fong? I've been looking for you" he said quietly, and with a little less emotion than she would have liked.

"You looking for me? I'VE been looking for YOU for two days! Do you know how hard that is for a blind person?" she joked.

He chuckled at this, which made Toph smile.

"Can I buy you lunch?" he asked her. "You could buy me a live weasel-mole and i'd eat it, i'm starving!" she replied.

"It's the least you could do for making me look for you for two whole days" she added with a sly smirk.

"Oh really? Fair enough I guess" Faust said, giving her arm a pat.

Toph shuddered at the touch, from the chill it left and something else... She had really missed him. It was strange for her.

"So wher did you go" She asked after he had ordered two 'sausage things on sticks'.

He was quiet for a few seconds and stared right into her cloudy unfocused eyes.

"I had things that I had to take care of" he almost whispered. She just shrugged, "I wont ask".

They walked back up the street eating their food in silence.

The streets were busy from the starting of the day with people doing all sorts of things. The sun was high in the sky.

They walked to a fountain in the middle of a square filled with benches. The whole square was empty.

"This is the place where we met before we would go do something isn't it?" Toph asked him, finishing her sausage.

"Yes" he replied, "want to sit?"

Toph sat down and felt Faust sit down next to her. She scooted a little closer to him like she always would before.

It was almost like a ritual of theirs.

"So why did you come back I thought you were traveling the world too?" she asked with her head facing down at the ground.

"I... don't really know, I just really enjoyed this place, I met you here after all" this made hercheeks flush a little so she turned away from him.

"I really missed you" she was growing more red, "you're really fun to hang out with an stuff" she mumbled.

"An stuff?" he questioned with a smile. "Oh shut up you know what I mean!" she wailed giving his arm a playful slap.

They both laughed and listened to the fountains spray behind their bench.

"So when can I meet your friends? I've heard so much about them, but have no faces to mach up the names" he asked.

"Well now you know how I feel!" she joked.

"The blind jokes never get old with you do they?" he mocked, making her go to sslap his arm again. "Shut u-" she exclaimed but stopped when he caught her arm and held it.

Toph could tell by the silence that he was holding her arm looking at her face.

She blushed furiously, 'w-what are you d-doing?" she stuttered.

"Toph... am I too cold to touch?" he asked in a melancholy tone. "No of course not!" she told him truthfully.

Sure he was cold to be around a little bit, but if you got close enough to or actually touched him, it was like touching a normal person.

Faust was just silent but kept ahold of her arm, Toph keeping ahold of her 'embarassing' blush.

Then her heart fluttered when she felt his upper body start to move forward slowly. She moved closer to his face even slower. 'Oh my god!' she was thinking.

But then her perfect moment was ruined.

Waking up and it all being a dream would have been better than what actually did.

"Faust! What are you doing? Do you know who that is?" Toph heard another familiar vioce shout.

Zuko had shown up and ruined her 'almost first kiss'.

She was pissed.

"Zuko! What are you talking about?" Faust asked, making Toph really confused. "You know him?" she asked.

"Somehow I do" Faust muttered sounding really confused.

"So, Einree has more effect on you than I thought If you don't remember me" Zuko said.

"What do you want with him?" Toph spit out at Zuko. "Nothing that concerns you right now filth!" he told her.

"Enough" Faust said, "what do you want?".

All of a sudden a good sized rock hit Zuko in the head, knocking him out.

Faust stared at Toph with a surprised look.

"I didn't do it!" she held up her hands.

"Got him! Toph are you okay?" Aang yelled, running towards them with Sokka.Faust's eyes grew wide at the sight of Aang.

"What are you doing out?" she asked him confused still. "See Sokka? I knew she was going to tell!" Aang said, standing next to Sokka by Toph and Faust.

"She's not going to tell are you Toph?" Sokka asked. "Who's your friend?" Aang asked but gasped in shock, realizing this was his almost killer.

"N-no you don't understand!" Faust backed up holding his hands out in innocence. Aang ignored him and shot him back into the fountain with an air blast.

Toph jumped in front of Aang and Sokka yelled in surprise. "Aang what the hell are you doing!" Toph screamed at him.

"That's the guy that tried to kill me!" Aang stood in his fighting stance with a mix of fear and anger on his face.

"No, that's Faust! He's my friend, like you said!" she kept screaming.

"No Toph," Faust said from the fountain getting up, "he's right. I did try to kill him, but it wasn't by choice" He was still standing in the fountain.

"What?" Toph asked not wanting to believe it.

"Oh no," Faust spat out, doubling over. "Aang what did you do to him?" Toph screamed scared.

Faust was now coughing out blood in large amounts.

"I don't know!" Aang said shocked.

Einree had sensed Faust's danger and phased from deep within the western air temple.

"Fuck" Faust said now on his knees at the edge of the fountain, blood was spilling out onto the pavement.

Toph ran over to him deathly afraid of the hacking and splattering noises.

'Is that blood?!'

"Stay away please! I don't want to kill you" Faust barked at her. She froze. 'Kill me?'

Sokka noticed a creature appear on the roof opposite the square from them.

'Huh?? Did that thing just appear?'

Suddenly all three were knocked down by a cold blast of air.

"Avatar, you must enjoy the thought of dying if you keep coming into my presence" Faust told him, now standing up.

'What?' Aang thought from down on the cement, 'he just said he didn't want to kill us!'.

Toph noticed the difference in Faust's voice, the exagerated emotionlesness.

"It's that thing!" Sokka pointed at the creature on the roof. "What thing?" Toph questioned looking around (a useless effort).

"That animal just appeared on the roof like a ghost and made Faust change!" Sokka told them.

"I won't kill you here though," Faust said to Aang, "I have something else in mind".

He phased behind Toph and grabbed her shoulder, cutting off her bending powers by using Einree's.

"What?!" Toph, Sokka and Aang said at the same time. "How did you-" Aang asked amazed.

"I'll be taking this Avatar Aang" Faust told him.

Before he phased, Toph could hear Sokka shout, "Kill the cat creature!"


So they were thinking they could kill Einree? Truth be told, Einree was at a weak point right now from cutting short her hibernation. It could be done.

I had taken the girl, Toph, to a remote part of the city. We landed in an alley, kind of a cliche place to kill someone...

"Faust why are you doing this?" she questioned me in a hurt voice.

"Maybe you should just forget things the 'other me' said" I told her.

She was confused.

"Well, your friend was right about one thing, when Einree arrived I did change" I explained. "But he was wrong about me changing to a different person in Einree's presence, I change from the LACK of her presence".

Toph came to the sad realization that this demon was posessing him. 'Is he going to kill me?'

I created my frost sword while Einree watched from on top of a box. I knew Toph could feel her.

"Ready?" I whispered.

I was about to swing but her words stopped me,

"I love you!" she screamed out, and I let go of her arm for some reason.

She quickly stepped back and punched the air towards Einree.

Einree couldn't react fast enough and was impailed by three earth spikes.

"No!" I screamed, dropping my sword and grabbing my head. "Ahhhhhhhh-ugh!" I coughed out long streams of red.

Einree's body dispersed in shards with a hiss.

"Faust! Faust are you okay?!" Toph ran over to me.

Nothing was coherant anymore as my vision went white and blue, the earth spinning.

Was I dying?


Einree was dead.


Swimming. That's what I wanted to do. I was doing it. The element I was denied of all around me.

But... So soft on me.

Why? I couldn't swim! How was I swimming?

I woke up from my nightmare to the fuzzy image of a girl's face. Such a pretty face...

Toph's face, I realized.

"You're awake!" she yelled, her eyes pointed a little to my right.

I just stayed silent. I was covered in my own blood and I felt like a shell. It felt like the core of my brain and my left arm were missing.

That was the way to describe the feeling of the non-existance of Einree.

"We're in some rest house I found" she told me.

"What happened?" I groaned. "The thing that was posessing you, Einree, is dead. I killed it" she said.

I remember almost killing her...

She started talking about how she got me here, but I grabbed her hand. "huh" she grunted, raising her eyebrow.

I tugged her down to me, motioning I needed to tell her something discreetly and she lowered her head.

When she was close I grabbed her chin, she blushed, and I kissed her.

We stayed hat way until we had to breathe. She and I were breathing heavily and she was a bright red.

"Faust..." she muttered, "I thought you were... There was so much blood".

I sat up and pulled her to sit on the bed in my arms. "I was so scared I was going to hurt you" I whispered next to her ear.

She shivered a little and I kissed her neck.

Toph squirmed around and giggled. "Here?" she asked, "what if someone's watching?".

"I don't care" I told her making her giggle again. I loved the sound since she didn't do it much.

She turned and grabbed my face in her hands, "I want you to come with us" she told me.

I didn't know what to say.

She pulled me into a hug, "you don't have to answer now, I just wanted to ask before you disappeared again or something".

"Of course I'll go, I don't have anywhere else to go" I assured her.

She squeezed me harder. I pulled away and she pushed me back onto the bed. "You better not leave me again stupid!" she said with a smile.

"Never" I told her. She got on top of me and connected our lips again. We stayed like this while she tugged on my shirt.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Wouldn't be donig it if I wasn't" she responded with a smile, so I let her continue. Once she got my shirt off, she ran her sensative fingers over my skin. Bringing her body down, she kissed along my neck down to my chest.

I enjoyed her lip's touch until I was feeling tired of being on bottom, so I Flipped her over and straddled her, now in reverse positions. I copied her actions and removed her shirt, revealing her bound chest.

She arched up when I kissed her stomache below the bindings. "Uhh" she sighed loving the attention. I planned on giving alot to her body.

Rubbing up her right leg, I licked around her naval. She giggled when I lightly brushed up her thigh, this made me want more so I playfully nipped at her skin.

"Hey" she yelped, "you bit me!" I laughed along with her.

She reached up and tugged on my pants, "these next, I want to be able to feel more skin" so I gladly tore off my pants and dropped them off the bed.

Her hands instantly went to my hips and slowly went down my undergarments and to the inside of my thighs.

"Can I?" she asked shyly. I tapped her hand once and she pulled them down.

Reaching forward, she grabbed my erection tentativly and moved her hand around. I groaned in appreciation so she started to move faster.

Quickening the pace, now on one hand and her knees, she smiled at my groans.

I reached behind her and pulled on the knot that held her chest bindings, the bandage-like wrap falling away to the bed.

Being a younger girl, she didn't have big breasts, they were actually quite small, but I loved them. She backed up and blushed at my stare. She was so shy in bed, completely the opposite of her normally, I decided to take advantage of this and rub her left breast. She gave a cute squeak of surprise and moaned when I tugged gently.

I pinned her against the wall behind the bed and put my mouth to her breast, getting a louder moan out of her.

She pushed my head away and put her hand back where it was before.

She bent down and kissed my erection, which sent chills through me. Opening her mouth she took me in slowly then back out. The feeling of her wet and warm mouth around me made me grab into her hair and push forward with a loud moan.

The next time, she slid the whole thing in and sped up. "Yes" I muttered gripping her hair. After more of this I warned her that I was close to my limit. She took her mouth off and went back to stroking.

I grunted a few times and gripped the top of her head as she brought her light skinned chest forward. The sticky fluid spurted onto her breasts running down to her stomache.

She used her index finger to wipe some up and put it in her mouth.

"Salty" she said with a smile.

I wanted her so bad from her sitting on her legs with her finger in her mouth and my excretes on her chest. While she had been working, I had let her hair down and it was down her back.

She looked beautiful.

"You still have clothes on" I reminded her. "Oh I do? Well, You'll have to fix that to get what you want" she said seductivly.

I smiled and pinned her again to pull off her shorts. Just panties on under these. Blue ones, very nice.

I rubbed her groin and she bucked up with a whimper.

"Mmm, like that?" I teased her, pulling my hand away. "Yes, keep going dammit!" she bucked again with her eyes closed tight.

I pulled the panties down gently to reveal her fully naked body. I admired this for a moment then went back to massaging her core. The heat coming from her was amazing. So were the sounds she was making, I was hard again already.

I slid a finger in, which made her shake and moan louder. "Yes! deeper" she commanded.

"What?" I teased her again. "Oh for the love of!" she said frustrated.

I chuckled and continued.

I got another finger in and found that this was the most I could. The sticky wetness that covered my hand was flowing out constantly. Even more started gushing out when her insides pulled at my fingers and she started thrashing around yelling.

When she stopped moving and just layed there breathing hard, I removed my hand.

"I'm ready" she whispered.

I pulled her up and into position bent over in front of me, still breathing hard.

I'd have to say her best feature was her behind. I gave it a light slap to make her yelp again before positioning myself at her entrance. "Ready?" I asked her knowing this would hurt her a little.

"Yeah" she said gripping the sheets.

I slid in extremely slow, enjoying the feeling while she started to cringe. "Keep going" she muttered. God I didn''t want to hurt her, but I pushed forward.

After doing this a few more times, she began moaning instead of cringing. She brought back her hips to meet me as I picked up pace. "Oh, don't stop!" she moaned, as if I would...

The feeling of her tightness was so good and warm. I was slamming my hips into her making a loud noise. She kept screaming out "yes!" over and over which made me push harder than ever.

"Spank me!" she yelled out and I gladly obliged. A few times actually, getting a good gasp from her each time.

"Kugh!" I grunted, "I'm coming". She worked herself harder toward her climax.

"Shit!" she said squeezing me with her insides.

Her arms were shaking, so I held her up by her sides. "I am too!" she moaned.

I felt my release deep into her warm insides. She whimpered in her climax also.

After a few minutes, we both colapsed on the bed out of breath.

She reached over and kissed my cheek as I covered us up. "I love you" she told me.

"I love you too" I said.

We layed together like that until I fell asleep.


"wake up" called out a sweetly familiar voice, "come on frosty, wake up!" Toph called out.

"Frosty?" I asked opening my eyes. "Oh yeah, don't think you aren't getting out of a nickname" she told me. "Come on we need to go find Aang, Sokka and Katara now" she threw my pile of clothes on me.

She was already dressed.

"I suppose you can't teleport anymore can you?"

I shook my head and began to dress. "How long did I sleep?" I asked.

"About an hour" she told me and we left our room.

Upon paying the owner, we left out to the street.

So I was going to help the Avatar save the world...

Interesting how things turned out.

I hoped Zuko was okay.

Taking Toph's hand in my own, we walked together looking for Aang.


Story's over, aw man...

it was fun writting it though.

Faust goes on to assist Aang in the day of the eclipse.

goodbye, Thanks for reading!